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Sonntag, 22. September 2024, 06:28 UTC+2

  • Eskil


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Über mich

  • I never knew the old Vienna before the war, with its Strauss music, its
    glamour and easy charm. Constantinople suited me better. I really got to know it in the classic
    period of the black market. We'd run anything it people wanted it enough, and had the money to
    pay. Of course a situation like that does tempt amateurs. You know they, can't stay the course
    like a professional. Now the city is divided into four zones, you know, each occupied by a
    power: American, British, Russian and the French. But the center of the city, that's international,
    policed by an international patrol, one member of each of the four powers. Wonderful! What a
    hope they had. All strangers to the place and none of them could speak the same language,
    except of course a smattering of German. Good fellows on the whole. Did their best, you know.
    Vienna doesn't really look any worse than a lot of other European cities.

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