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Original von Bugs
I hope the German football team aren't that sure, then they may be in for a surprise...
Hochmut kommt vor dem Fall
Original von timo_bile
Original von Bugs
I hope the German football team aren't that sure, then they may be in for a surprise...
Hochmut kommt vor dem Fall
There is no "Hochmut" in Germany, it´s only a thing called "Euphorie" (engl.: euphoria) and of course "Teamgeist" (the name of the ball).
It will not be an easy match, Sweden played very well against England. But there is no team in the round of sixteen who can be beaten easily. Even England haven´t won their match against Ecuador, yet!
Originally posted by Black_Cat
Original von timo_bile
Original von Bugs
I hope the German football team aren't that sure, then they may be in for a surprise...
Hochmut kommt vor dem Fall
There is no "Hochmut" in Germany, it´s only a thing called "Euphorie" (engl.: euphoria) and of course "Teamgeist" (the name of the ball).
It will not be an easy match, Sweden played very well against England. But there is no team in the round of sixteen who can be beaten easily. Even England haven´t won their match against Ecuador, yet!
totally agreed!