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Sonntag, 13. Oktober 2024, 20:27 UTC+2

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14 301

Sonntag, 12. Oktober 2008, 19:30

Portishead - Machine Gun (live @ a Berlin factory)

so breathtakingly beautiful :)

re. my avatar: you're close... it's a multiple use labour element
I loved to play M.U.L.E. on C=64 with my friends back in the days and I'm currently checking out remakes to play it over the internet

14 302

Donnerstag, 16. Oktober 2008, 01:19

Doctor Steel- Build the Robots

14 303

Donnerstag, 16. Oktober 2008, 05:34


Where sissies like Kraftwerk made anthropomorphic projections of a computer's life onto recorded material, Tri Repetae actually sounds as if the computer itself came to life and gave us a true representation of its inner self. And that's quintessential Autechre for you here.

Autechre - Tri Repetae / Quaristice!

14 304

Samstag, 18. Oktober 2008, 06:34


Originally posted by Vorbedacht


Where sissies like Kraftwerk made anthropomorphic projections of a computer's life onto recorded material, Tri Repetae actually sounds as if the computer itself came to life and gave us a true representation of its inner self. And that's quintessential Autechre for you here.

Autechre - Tri Repetae / Quaristice!

You included that just to bait me, didn't you. I know you did. And yet, I take bait every single goddamn time.

Who is this idiot that thinks that he can get bad-ass music review street cred by calling Kraftwerk sissies? I wonder how Autechre feel about that. Gee, that's really thinking outside the box, chump. If it weren't for Kraftwerk's approach, it's doubtful that a lot of music would have taken the direction that it did. Not that one approach even need compete with another approach to begin with.



/taking bait

<going to bed now!>

Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von »ilex011« (18. Oktober 2008, 06:35)

14 305

Samstag, 18. Oktober 2008, 14:16

I was amused by the comment because it was written by someone who HATES Autechre's entire discography, yet reviews all of their albums regardless. Confusing.

Covenant - Sweet & Salty

14 306

Mittwoch, 22. Oktober 2008, 09:41

I just hate it when music reviewers (I hesitate to call these certain types "journalists") have Something To Prove. Grr.

Headphone Science- Can We Play in the Bedroom?

14 308

Freitag, 24. Oktober 2008, 04:42

Mariee Sioux- Wizard Flurry Home

14 309

Samstag, 25. Oktober 2008, 11:27

Klangstabil - Bitplanes Out Of Phase

Gameboys equipped with 8-bit noise sequencers will fly out from the East and destroy Paris in one night!

14 310

Samstag, 25. Oktober 2008, 11:58

Beborn Beborn-Tybalt.....gibt es die eigentlich noch?

14 311

Sonntag, 26. Oktober 2008, 20:02

Lustmord - Rising, Metavoid, Stalker, Other, The Place Where The Black Stars Hang

Can't sleep.

14 312

Mittwoch, 5. November 2008, 17:52


Original von phoenix70
Beborn Beborn-Tybalt.....gibt es die eigentlich noch?

ja, die arbeiten an neuem Album und haben einen Track zum Making-Of-Video eines Parfum-Werbespots produziert:

NP: Advanced Art

14 313

Mittwoch, 5. November 2008, 22:14

@subetha: every time I see your avatar I want to reach out and pet its little head because it's so cuuuute! ;) it really is. and it sounds like fun.

the game sounds fun, I mean.

er, I suppose petting its head could be fun too, but I originally meant that the game... ahhhh ohhh never mind. :rolleyes:

(random songs from the donnie darko soundtrack in my head due to other thread conversation...)

Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von »ilex011« (5. November 2008, 22:15)

14 314

Donnerstag, 6. November 2008, 23:21

Richie Hawtin - (D)ecaying Beauty




Beiträge: 71

Beruf: servant of a servant of a servant of god

  • Nachricht senden

14 315

Freitag, 7. November 2008, 10:12

i'm in love with figurehead (plain) and speed (clubversion) from the theremin ep i got new...
god is the highest savorer, the possessor of everything and the best friend of everyone.

14 316

Sonntag, 9. November 2008, 21:58


Original von ilex011
@subetha: every time I see your avatar I want to reach out and pet its little head because it's so cuuuute! ;) it really is. and it sounds like fun.

I'm feeling sorry for my M.U.L.E., it runs and runs and doesn't move on

NP: Absolute Body Control - Never Seen (The Horrorist Remix)

14 317

Montag, 10. November 2008, 17:47


Originally posted by subetha


Original von ilex011
@subetha: every time I see your avatar I want to reach out and pet its little head because it's so cuuuute! ;) it really is. and it sounds like fun.

I'm feeling sorry for my M.U.L.E., it runs and runs and doesn't move on

NP: Absolute Body Control - Never Seen (The Horrorist Remix)

ABC + The Horrorist! I keep hearing those two names mentioned! Albeit, separately.

Hecq - S**k / Coldfire (playing these two as LOUD as possible)
In Strict Confidence - No Love Will Heal (Drumgrim II by Hecq)

Draining poisons

14 318

Freitag, 14. November 2008, 16:52


Original von Vorbedacht
ABC + The Horrorist! I keep hearing those two names mentioned! Albeit, separately.

I don't know the original ABC stuff (tape only releases), but I love the rerecordings and the new tracks they released this year. It's more accessible for me than the Klinik :)

NP: Orphx

14 319

Dienstag, 18. November 2008, 17:22

Purple Fog Side

sounds great :)
I love it, how the web enables me to explore music I would otherwise never had access to

14 320

Freitag, 21. November 2008, 03:29

Klangstabil - Love Has Too Much Audience

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