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Beiträge: 643

Wohnort: República Separatista de Haedo Roberto Ruiz 1706 Buenos Aires Argentina

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Freitag, 6. März 2009, 16:39

So hey, not much going on around here lately.
I skipped work today, I´m kind of sick (autumn allergies and asthma are back in town) and I don´t want to see anyone, so I´m having a nice hot tea in a cafe, by the window, watching people passing bye in Haedo train station.
It´s sunny and warm, but not too much. and I don´t know why I´m talking about this, but we can talk about anything here, right?

Have you seen it this week?
God I LOVE the VW Kombi. I will have one some day. :lol:

Wasn´t it great when Jack found Kate laying there on the rocks like she was dead?

My brain needs oil Dorothy... it´s all rusty... Let´s go to visit the great wizard of Oz to see if the can give me a real brain... (I know, tin man needed a heart, maybe I can ask for a heart too, I heard they have a 2x1 promo)
2010: The Year We Make Contact


Samstag, 14. März 2009, 15:56


Originally posted by LePand

Wasn´t it great when Jack found Kate laying there on the rocks like she was dead?


I had my hopes. But then they were dashed upon the rocks like Kate should have been.

Do you think Benry offed Penny?

And I'm getting who was/is a Hostile and who was/is an Other confused. Lostpedia helped a little. But I thought Alpert and Widmore were Hostiles, while Horace and Dharma etc were Others???


Dienstag, 17. März 2009, 17:27


Originally posted by LePand

"Desmond Hume"!

You are mysterious and a secret romantic. No one has any idea what you're doing most of the time, and you like it that way. You may be crazy, or just drunk, but more than likely, you know what's going on more than most of the people around you. If you don't already have an accent, you probably secretly want one."



Beiträge: 643

Wohnort: República Separatista de Haedo Roberto Ruiz 1706 Buenos Aires Argentina

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Donnerstag, 9. April 2009, 04:46

You are friend of the police.

(Just to keep both our spirits alive around here. Sorry Mods.)

2010: The Year We Make Contact


Dienstag, 21. April 2009, 19:14


Originally posted by LePand
You are friend of the police.

(Just to keep both our spirits alive around here. Sorry Mods.)

Yeah well you kick like a girl! ;)



Beiträge: 643

Wohnort: República Separatista de Haedo Roberto Ruiz 1706 Buenos Aires Argentina

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Mittwoch, 22. April 2009, 20:03

It´s alive! It´s alive!


Thank god, I was needing this...

Kate is a bitch.

John is alive.

Hurley sees dead people. You mean like in coffins? No, walking around like normal people.

Jack is "pecho frío". HE kicks like a girl.

And you, you still are a friend of the police.


73 & DX.
2010: The Year We Make Contact


Mittwoch, 29. April 2009, 23:35

It's sorta alive... kind of flopping its limbs heavily here and there...

Jack totally kicks like a girl.

Kate is still a bitch.

Sawyer turned into a wimp.

Hurley sees dead people, and still rocks.

Miles feels dead people, and is sorta annoying.

We hope Faraday never comes back.



Samstag, 6. Juni 2009, 08:48

Faraday is not coming back, woohoo!

ZombieLocke for the- waiiiiiit...



Beiträge: 643

Wohnort: República Separatista de Haedo Roberto Ruiz 1706 Buenos Aires Argentina

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Dienstag, 16. Juni 2009, 22:24

Have you seen House season finale??

What happened to your ankle?

I had eye surgery. I´m Ray-Ban powered in front of my Mac.

I can´t take my glasses off or I can hurt people, like cyclops you know.

I´ll travel 45 days on my own and half blind, don´t be a bitch, buy a plane ticket.
2010: The Year We Make Contact


Donnerstag, 18. Juni 2009, 05:25


Originally posted by LePand
Have you seen House season finale??

What happened to your ankle?

I had eye surgery. I´m Ray-Ban powered in front of my Mac.

I can´t take my glasses off or I can hurt people, like cyclops you know.

I´ll travel 45 days on my own and half blind, don´t be a bitch, buy a plane ticket.

1) YES!!! Next season should be interesting. Though I thought for sure it'd be Taub who would off himself. I like Taub though, and I like Thirteen. Still can't stand Cameron. Cuddy needs to wear more clothing.

2) I'd like to say I hurt it skydiving again or climbing Mt Everest, but I was taking a break from writing a section on my paper to play WoW, and my leg fell asleep. When I stood up all my weight fell on that foot and it bent at a weird angle and I heard a SNAP and felt white white pain. Not broken, just torn ligaments. Because I'm so small-boned, no braces fit me so I have to suck it up and try not to put weight on it and keep taking anti inflammatories/pain killers. Sucks, because I'm back in lab and I walk a lot.

3) You didn't tell me you were having eye surgery!

4) If you can do Cyclops, are you sure YOU aren't powering your Mac?

5) I'm doing extremely well in this last class, I have to finish it. :( I'm a bitch? You're a friend of the police! I will take a raincheck because the yearly Ilex EuroJaunt WILL resume, with Panda, at a later date, yes it will!!!!

(and when we're there I can check out grad schools with an even better CV and you can live with me and cook for me because the stipends for United Statsians *rock* over there for some reason) ;)



Beiträge: 643

Wohnort: República Separatista de Haedo Roberto Ruiz 1706 Buenos Aires Argentina

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Donnerstag, 18. Juni 2009, 16:42


Originally posted by ilex011

1) YES!!! Next season should be interesting. Though I thought for sure it'd be Taub who would off himself. I like Taub though, and I like Thirteen. Still can't stand Cameron. Cuddy needs to wear more clothing.

And braket queen is back. thank god, I needed this.
Cameron sucks. And Cuddy is frigid.


2) I'd like to say I hurt it skydiving again or climbing Mt Everest, but I was taking a break from writing a section on my paper to play WoW, and my leg fell asleep. When I stood up all my weight fell on that foot and it bent at a weird angle and I heard a SNAP and felt white white pain. Not broken, just torn ligaments. Because I'm so small-boned, no braces fit me so I have to suck it up and try not to put weight on it and keep taking anti inflammatories/pain killers. Sucks, because I'm back in lab and I walk a lot.

What does "back in the lab" mean? Working?
WoW, war injury, cool!
Come to Argentina, we are more like you (I mean, I´m normal, but I´m the chubby girl here!)


3) You didn't tell me you were having eye surgery!

I texted you, but I guess you didn´t got the sms :)
I said something like "I didn´t remember how blue and shiny sky was"
I´ve been wearing glasses since I was 10 years old, and was half blind all my life, this changes everything. It´s hard though to get rid of my "girl with glasses" image, but I´m trying to replace it with "the girl with ray-bans", hehe...
I´m still on recovery, and I would like to talk a lot more about it.


4) If you can do Cyclops, are you sure YOU aren't powering your Mac?

Mac is powering me. I have a beating apple in my chest.


5) I'm doing extremely well in this last class, I have to finish it. :( I'm a bitch? You're a friend of the police! I will take a raincheck because the yearly Ilex EuroJaunt WILL resume, with Panda, at a later date, yes it will!!!!

(and when we're there I can check out grad schools with an even better CV and you can live with me and cook for me because the stipends for United Statsians *rock* over there for some reason) ;)

I know you do, but WHEN does it finish???
You kick like a girl...
I come back to BA on august 15th.
I doubt that I can go next year, I have the money this year because I didn´t move yet, but I should start looking for a place to live some day!
Truth is I don´t know what should I do. And I would talk a lot more about this too.
So many thing happened lately. But forum feels so small for this conversation!
2010: The Year We Make Contact



Beiträge: 643

Wohnort: República Separatista de Haedo Roberto Ruiz 1706 Buenos Aires Argentina

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Donnerstag, 18. Juni 2009, 21:49

**LePand´s t-shirts factory**

We should make a tank top that says "Spoiler Alert" in the chest.
2010: The Year We Make Contact


Donnerstag, 18. Juni 2009, 22:36

ilex is back???


nice to meet u babe!!

storm @ myspace

"bin dann mal weg..Glückliche Paare im Park vergiften! "


Freitag, 19. Juni 2009, 00:21


Originally posted by LePand
And braket queen is back. thank god, I needed this.
Cameron sucks. And Cuddy is frigid.

She's totally frigid. Cameron is just a schizophrenic bitch. Why does what's-his-Australian-face put up with her crap? I would have kicked her to the curb ages ago.


What does "back in the lab" mean? Working?
WoW, war injury, cool!
Come to Argentina, we are more like you (I mean, I´m normal, but I´m the chubby girl here!)

Well, it's certainly work! Lots and lots of work. I took a sabbatical since last September to address some personal issues (ahem). The economy is so poor here that science funding is way down. But yes, we all are certainly working.

WoW war injury is just pathetic. :(

I've been getting a bit bored with WoW lately to tell the truth. I've been reading a lot more. I mean, I always read but instead of WoW I want to read. WoW gets old.

I WANT to come to Argentina!!


I texted you, but I guess you didn´t got the sms :)
I said something like "I didn´t remember how blue and shiny sky was"
I´ve been wearing glasses since I was 10 years old, and was half blind all my life, this changes everything. It´s hard though to get rid of my "girl with glasses" image, but I´m trying to replace it with "the girl with ray-bans", hehe...
I´m still on recovery, and I would like to talk a lot more about it.

No, I didn't get your SMS about that, but it's probably my phone- it's been acting funny for a while now- dropping calls a lot more, not giving me my voicemails until days later, not getting SMS at all...


Mac is powering me. I have a beating apple in my chest.

You sexy cyborg, you.


I know you do, but WHEN does it finish???

August. :(


Truth is I don´t know what should I do. And I would talk a lot more about this too.
So many thing happened lately. But forum feels so small for this conversation!

I think I have a pretty good idea... but of course we should talk more about it.

@storm: yes, somewhat. nice to be back. :D



Beiträge: 643

Wohnort: República Separatista de Haedo Roberto Ruiz 1706 Buenos Aires Argentina

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Freitag, 19. Juni 2009, 18:15


Originally posted by ilex011
Well, it's certainly work! Lots and lots of work. I took a sabbatical since last September to address some personal issues (ahem). The economy is so poor here that science funding is way down. But yes, we all are certainly working.

That is GREAT!!! I´m so happy that you are playing with brains again and you get paid! :D


WoW war injury is just pathetic. :(

No it´s not. It´s geeky.


I've been getting a bit bored with WoW lately to tell the truth. I've been reading a lot more. I mean, I always read but instead of WoW I want to read. WoW gets old.

I´m reading too. And I don´t usually read. At all.


I WANT to come to Argentina!!

You are friend of the police.


No, I didn't get your SMS about that, but it's probably my phone- it's been acting funny for a while now- dropping calls a lot more, not giving me my voicemails until days later, not getting SMS at all...

See, if you where here, I could solve it today.


You sexy cyborg, you.

Indeed 8)


August. :(

But August when?? C´mon, I asked 3 times already, be precise girl! ;)


@storm: yes, somewhat. nice to be back. :D

OMG! I was in my pajamas, scratching my butt and he was watching all along!!! 8o
2010: The Year We Make Contact


Freitag, 19. Juni 2009, 19:57


Originally posted by LePand


Originally posted by ilex011


I WANT to come to Argentina!!

You are friend of the police.

Ich bin der Polizei.



Freitag, 26. Juni 2009, 01:44


Originally posted by Vorbedacht


Originally posted by LePand


Originally posted by ilex011


I WANT to come to Argentina!!

You are friend of the police.

Ich bin der Polizei.


HA, yeah, wear sunglasses all you want, Mr. Broadsword; you ain't no Emperor yet!



Freitag, 26. Juni 2009, 01:45


Originally posted by ilex011


Originally posted by Vorbedacht


Originally posted by LePand
You are friend of the police.

Ich bin der Polizei.


HA, yeah, wear sunglasses all you want, Mr. Broadsword; you ain't no Emperor yet!


And it should be Empress, dammit.

:cool: :cool: :cool:


Freitag, 26. Juni 2009, 01:51


Originally posted by LePand
That is GREAT!!! I´m so happy that you are playing with brains again and you get paid! :D

I get paid?!? That's the plan... :(



WoW war injury is just pathetic. :(



No it´s not. It´s geeky.

I think it's pathetically geeky. It's *still* healing too. Taking its sweet time...



You are friend of the police.

You need to teach me more amusing insults because we've been volleying this and retorting "You kick like a girl!" for almost a year now! :tongue:



No, I didn't get your SMS about that, but it's probably my phone- it's been acting funny for a while now- dropping calls a lot more, not giving me my voicemails until days later, not getting SMS at all...



See, if you where here, I could solve it today.




August. :(



But August when?? C´mon, I asked 3 times already, be precise girl! ;)

I'm honestly not sure! And the exact days are subject to change, depending on the speed of the class as a whole. I've had professors lop off two weeks of the last part of the class, and others who make you take the final exam the *exact* day of last class. :(


Freitag, 26. Juni 2009, 03:34

Instead of another vacation, I am tempted to set up a GCA "Bring Panda to Dallas for a few days fund".

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