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Beiträge: 643

Wohnort: República Separatista de Haedo Roberto Ruiz 1706 Buenos Aires Argentina

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Montag, 30. Juni 2008, 04:28

RE: LOST (tv show, with ALL Season Spoilers... Spoilers Ahoy! Advisory: We Curse Like Sailors!

Seriously. Something needs to be done about that whiny-ass ho. Have I mentioned before how it annoys me that she has a sum total of 3 facial expressions? *scrolls up*
Oh yes, I see I have. Never mind.

1) Determined Kate ("I'M GOING WITH YOU!")

2) Worried Kate ("Jack! I'M GOING WITH YOU!)

3) Pseudo-sympathetic Kate ("Jack..." or, scene-dependently, "Sawyer...")

** me:
Don´t forget that face... Oh you already mentioned that face...

Shall we make a Dr. House thread also? :D
Have you seen all the episodes though? Wouldn't want to accidentally ruin it with spoilers.

I saw season 1 complete, then it was hard for me to find some episodes and matching subtitles. And as they are too technical for me when they talk (I have a respectable english level, but not much medical vocabulary!), I need subtitles to watch it. So I skipped to season 4. I saw season final episode (bus accident and stuff, are you in the same season?).
I doubt I have enough material to start a House thread, but I love it!

Or we can make a thread just for random talking about series. There we can even post polls, instead of "who would win a battle: superman or predator?"

Good idea! Though I have a feeling it will be just you and me, ha ha!


** me:
hehehe forum has 768 members and we are the only ones here, can´t belive it!
Alien or Predator? (this question always ends with someone being punched in the face)

Never seen a single episode of Family Guy. Saw bits of a couple, didn't like it. So my vote would naturally go to Dr. House. ;)

** me:
I hated Family Guy first times I saw it. Then I insisted and now I LOVE it. They even win against Simpsons.

I admit it Texas! girl talking about lost and people who deserve a cruel death truns me on! :tongue: :cool:

Ilex: Argentina, I'll be sure to go on and on and ON in detail about the various sadistic tortures I can come up with for Kate. It'll pass the time while we're on the train. :D

** me:
I will travel dressed in leather then 8)

It's the island- anything can happen! Wouldn't it have been nice if Kate had gotten run over by the VW minibus that Hurley got running? Completely out of the blue, no explanation?

yyyyeeeeahhhh... I like that..... And what about the VW minibus falling from the sky over Jacks head and Kate saying "Jack! I´m being smashed with you!"

Ilex: (about Locke)
*And* he admits when he's wrong. Everyone else tries to cover their mistakes.

Real life Tex...
BTW, don´t I sound like Sawyer calling you Tex? haha

Speaking of the integrity of the characters, I really wish we'd see more of Rose. I like her a lot. She's no bullshit but compassionate and kind at the same time.

Thumbs up. I like her too.

Ilex: (about Claire)
She turned *neurotic* after having Aaron- and I mean after she was kidnapped and all that noise.

Maybe post-partum depression :)

lepand: (about burning alive script writers if final season sucks)
So I count you in :P

Definitely. I'll be there with the first torch. Fire baaaaaaad....

** me:
Nothing to add about this, just wanted to put it again to emphasize hehe
2010: The Year We Make Contact

Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von »LePand« (30. Juni 2008, 04:30)


Montag, 30. Juni 2008, 22:39

RE: LOST (tv show, with ALL Season Spoilers... Spoilers Ahoy! Advisory: We Curse Like Sailors!


Don´t forget that face... Oh you already mentioned that face...


lepand, my bracket nightmare:
I saw season 1 complete, then it was hard for me to find some episodes and matching subtitles. And as they are too technical for me when they talk (I have a respectable english level, but not much medical vocabulary!), I need subtitles to watch it. So I skipped to season 4. I saw season final episode (bus accident and stuff, are you in the same season?).

Yeah, I've seen them all. You don't need much medical terminology- doctors don't really talk like that of course. Like on ER, they would never say "We need to check white blood cell count- run a CBC!" They'd know why the fuck they're running a CBC. So you don't need medical terminology- other than "IT'S NOT LUPUS!" ;)

(btw, something that bugs the holy hell out of me on ER is that they don't wear caps and masks and sometimes even gloves in trauma!! I loved when Nip/Tuck addressed how unreal ER was... of course it was a show with a different name but it was clear what they were talking about... the irony of course is how over the top Nip/Tuck itself is...

But yeah, love me some House.

I don't have this attraction to him like a lot of people seem to. I mean, Hugh Laurie has always been easy on the (my) eyes, but House is soooooo dysfunctional and fucked up. Cameron is an idiot. And god, what a character change for Cameron, between the 1st and 4th season! I like Chase though, even though he's kind of pathetic.
And I H A T E D Amber.


hehehe forum has 768 members and we are the only ones here, can´t belive it!

You know, I've wondered about that. I know that many are inactive, but quite a few others lurk. Which is of course ok. But come out come out wherever you are! ;)


lepand, heart of my heart:



lepand: Alien or Predator?

Ooooooh don't make me choose between my two true loves! The movie was an abject disappointment. I have Alien toys all over my house! I can go on and on about trivia about Alien... really, don't get me started...

But, when it comes down to who would win, sorry Alien:

With the infra-red vision and far-reaching laser cannons, he'd spot an Alien a mile away. His only weakness would be how ~sneaky~ and quiet Aliens are. And if they came on him in a hoard. But one on one? Predator, definitely.

I should carry a picture of him in my wallet.

Now, on to the next round:

Predator vs Terminator 2?


(this question always ends with someone being punched in the face)

Usually a space marine. :tongue:


lepand, in a rare moment of blasphemy:
I hated Family Guy first times I saw it. Then I insisted and now I LOVE it. They even win against Simpsons.



I admit it Texas! girl talking about lost and people who deserve a cruel death truns me on! :tongue: :cool:


Ilex: Argentina, I'll be sure to go on and on and ON in detail about the various sadistic tortures I can come up with for Kate. It'll pass the time while we're on the train. :D


I will travel dressed in leather then 8)

You will be very hot traveling in leather... ;)


lepand: And what about the VW minibus falling from the sky over Jacks head and Kate saying "Jack! I´m being smashed with you!"

"Sawyer! I'm leaping to my (almost) death into the ocean from this helicopter with you!"

"Charlie! I'm drowning with you!"

"Desmond! I'm going to go drown with Charlie in the future!"

Best yet: "Alex! I'm being shot in the head with yo--arghghihgnsnnngrooooaaaaannn..."


Ilex: (about Locke)
*And* he admits when he's wrong. Everyone else tries to cover their mistakes.


Real life Tex...
BTW, don´t I sound like Sawyer calling you Tex? haha

Yes, actually you do, sweet cheeks. :D

(I can't come up with a suitable nickname for Argentina and I doubt Sawyer could either!)


lepand, about Claire:
Maybe post-partum depression :)

Dunno... does PPD make people neurotic? She sure didn't seem all that depressed, just neurotic. I don't know how Charlie put up with her for so long.. oh wait, yes I do... I think he was wanting the same action Sayid got with for you, Charlie!

But, despite my love for the show, I have some gripes:

1) Ben MOVING the island with a frozen donkey wheel? WTF??

2) Moving the island at all? Whaaaat? It better be some kind of invisibility thing like the cloaks that are currently being worked on in Japan. But even then, they just bend light, they don't actually render someone (or thing) totally invisible.

3) Um, hello- giant 4 toed statue?

4) The Black Rock? Writers, remember that?

5) And while we're at it, writers, remember Adam and Eve skeletons?

6) Time travel or light bending. Make up your minds. Please to be having light bending.

7) Who the hell is the last Cylon? Oh wait, wrong show...

8 ) Too many minor characters that have loose ends that need to be tied up: Richard, Libby, Walt, etc.

9) That goddamn smoke monster. What is it?

Ahhhh that's enough for now... :cool: :D

Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 2 mal editiert, zuletzt von »ilex011« (30. Juni 2008, 22:41)


Freitag, 11. Juli 2008, 21:18

I totally forgot to answer my own poll:

Predator vs Terminator 2:

Though it pains me deeply to say...

Terminator 2. He's made of liquid metal. Heh. Sorry, Predator. I don't love you any less, be assured...

Though god do I love Terminators as well. Disappointed in the Sarah Connor Chronicles though. And the third one sucked too, come to think of it. Though the guy who played John Connor in that one also played the lead in Carnivale, which is a fantastic HBO series if you haven't seen it yet.

Looking forward to Christian Bale in T4. We shall see!

But I digress (as usual). The poll...

...your vote, Panda?

Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von »ilex011« (11. Juli 2008, 21:21)



Beiträge: 643

Wohnort: República Separatista de Haedo Roberto Ruiz 1706 Buenos Aires Argentina

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Samstag, 12. Juli 2008, 01:17

Oh dear, IOU so many answers on this thread :mauer:

But believe me I will, I just have so many things to get ready for the trip! I have to work tomorrow and monday, and I live on tuesday morning... and I don´t have my backpack yet, so imagine...

Wait for me Tex, I´ll be back 8)
And unless we have a new forum member called freckles, I don´t thing that we´ll have company here hehe :D

And yes, liquid metal rocks!

Didn´t see the chronicles, because I was dissapointed before watching them. Same thing about Get Smart (the movie).

I don´t have HBO, but Andrea bought Carnivale on DVD and promised to lend it to me :D

Gah! I will try to start preparing luggage to see if I need to buy something tomorrow before going to work, But I will try to reply the other 2 posts later, this fucking thread makes me fucking happy!
Hell yeah!
2010: The Year We Make Contact


Samstag, 12. Juli 2008, 12:59

Soon, in person! :cool: :P :tongue: :D



Beiträge: 643

Wohnort: República Separatista de Haedo Roberto Ruiz 1706 Buenos Aires Argentina

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Samstag, 12. Juli 2008, 23:58

RE: LOST (tv show, with ALL Season Spoilers... Spoilers Ahoy! Advisory: We Curse Like Sailors!

And bracket queen is back...!


Yeah, I've seen them all. You don't need much medical terminology- doctors don't really talk like that of course. Like on ER, they would never say "We need to check white blood cell count- run a CBC!" They'd know why the fuck they're running a CBC. So you don't need medical terminology- other than "IT'S NOT LUPUS!" ;)

(btw, something that bugs the holy hell out of me on ER is that they don't wear caps and masks and sometimes even gloves in trauma!! I loved when Nip/Tuck addressed how unreal ER was... of course it was a show with a different name but it was clear what they were talking about... the irony of course is how over the top Nip/Tuck itself is...

hahaha :tongue:
Anyway, I´ve found not-that-easy to follow certain parts of dialogs. I still watch it and miss very little, but I prefer to have subtitles :)
Depending on where I´m living, I have internet connection or cable, so downloading is sometimes complicated, and following episodes in order is also an issue, but I´m seeing episodes kind of random.
Still, I was kind of watching Dexter and Big Bang Theory also.


But yeah, love me some House.

I don't have this attraction to him like a lot of people seem to. I mean, Hugh Laurie has always been easy on the (my) eyes, but House is soooooo dysfunctional and fucked up. Cameron is an idiot. And god, what a character change for Cameron, between the 1st and 4th season! I like Chase though, even though he's kind of pathetic.
And I H A T E D Amber.

I have a thing for fucked up guys hehe, so...
Totally agree with the other characters.


lepand: Alien or Predator?


Ilex: Ooooooh don't make me choose between my two true loves! The movie was an abject disappointment. I have Alien toys all over my house! I can go on and on about trivia about Alien... really, don't get me started...

But, when it comes down to who would win, sorry Alien:

I choose Alien, but only because I love Alien and I don´t want to admit the truth.


lepand, in a rare moment of blasphemy:
I hated Family Guy first times I saw it. Then I insisted and now I LOVE it. They even win against Simpsons.

hahaha, and for the record, I love Simpsons. But Family Guy is A LOT more acid. Just like me, but I try to behave here :D


Ilex, about panda dressed in leather for train travel:
You will be very hot traveling in leather... ;)

I´m a 24hr hottie 8)


Ilex, about Kate:

"Sawyer! I'm leaping to my (almost) death into the ocean from this helicopter with you!"

"Charlie! I'm drowning with you!"

"Desmond! I'm going to go drown with Charlie in the future!"

Best yet: "Alex! I'm being shot in the head with yo--arghghihgnsnnngrooooaaaaannn..."

hahaha I love the one of Desmond


Ilex: (about Locke)
*And* he admits when he's wrong. Everyone else tries to cover their mistakes.


BTW, don´t I sound like Sawyer calling you Tex? haha


Yes, actually you do, sweet cheeks. :D

(I can't come up with a suitable nickname for Argentina and I doubt Sawyer could either!)

And I do have a lot of nicknames!


But, despite my love for the show, I have some gripes:

1) Ben MOVING the island with a frozen donkey wheel? WTF??

2) Moving the island at all? Whaaaat? It better be some kind of invisibility thing like the cloaks that are currently being worked on in Japan. But even then, they just bend light, they don't actually render someone (or thing) totally invisible.

3) Um, hello- giant 4 toed statue?

4) The Black Rock? Writers, remember that?

5) And while we're at it, writers, remember Adam and Eve skeletons?

6) Time travel or light bending. Make up your minds. Please to be having light bending.

7) Who the hell is the last Cylon? Oh wait, wrong show...

8 ) Too many minor characters that have loose ends that need to be tied up: Richard, Libby, Walt, etc.

9) That goddamn smoke monster. What is it?

Ahhhh that's enough for now... :cool: :D

And what is between Mr. Widmore and Sun´s father?
2010: The Year We Make Contact

Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 3 mal editiert, zuletzt von »LePand« (13. Juli 2008, 00:06)


Sonntag, 13. Juli 2008, 01:01

RE: LOST (tv show, with ALL Season Spoilers... Spoilers Ahoy! Advisory: We Curse Like Sailors!

And bracket queen is back...!

*...and Bracket Queen is thwarted! :D

*...says the Grand Mistress of the High Ordo Templis of Superfluous Punctuation...
nah, we'll just make you pink this time. 8)

Anyway, I´ve found not-that-easy to follow certain parts of dialogs. I still watch it and miss very little, but I prefer to have subtitles :)

*Do you get a lot of stuff dubbed there on tv or mainly with subs? I know Germany *dubs a lot of US shows. Me, I prefer subs every time. (subTITLES, heh!)
*Heh heh. This thread is turning more and more into a plethora of inappropriate *entendres every time we reply...

lepand, sporting a lovely coral hue:
Depending on where I´m living, I have internet connection or cable, so downloading is sometimes complicated, and following episodes in order is also an issue, but I´m seeing episodes kind of random.



*I find if I end up d/l-ing a show, often it will be subbed in French or Italian. Spanish *once in a while. Saw Chinese a couple of times as well. Makes things interesting.

lepand, sassy in coral:
Still, I was kind of watching Dexter and Big Bang Theory also.

*I have heard such good things about Dexter! I watched the pilot- but it was *overdubbed in French. I understand enough French to get the plot and what was *happening, but I really like the actor (Six Feet Under was *great*) so I want to hear *him* and not some overdubbing!

*I've also heard The Simpsons overdubbed in French and it is totally not the same.

God, screw this asterisk thing. Brackets were totally easier and now I'm too lazy to go back and change this mess of a post. Oh well!!!

me, previously, and having way too much fun with color:
But yeah, love me some House.
I don't have this attraction to him like a lot of people seem to. I mean, Hugh Laurie has always been easy on the (my) eyes, but House is soooooo dysfunctional and fucked up. Cameron is an idiot. And god, what a character change for Cameron, between the 1st and 4th season! I like Chase though, even though he's kind of pathetic.
And I H A T E D Amber.

lepand: (tomato??)
I have a thing for fucked up guys hehe, so...

Oh god not me. I like the whole artistic genius intellectual schtick- to a point. If there's real problems there, I run like it's the plague... so, Hugh Laurie is nice to look at, but House as a character to me is repulsive!

And Cameron at first was all like, "Oh, I know there's a hurt little boy inside him and he just needs some looooooove, 'cos he's been huuuuurt so I'll fix him! I can do it!" - I swear, I wanted to kick her in the kneecaps. Even House called her on that crap.

lepand, on AvP:
I choose Alien, but only because I love Alien and I don´t want to admit the truth.

*nods solemnly with understanding*

hahaha, and for the record, I love Simpsons. But Family Guy is A LOT more acid. Just like me, but I try to behave here :D

Ahhh, I like acidic humor a lot!

lepand, back to LOST:
And what is between Mr. Widmore and Sun´s father?

Sister, Sun is going to kick some major ass and take names later, I have a feeling.

Oh, and I was wrong- season 5 begins in fall, season 6, the last season, is next year. So they still have time to prevent it from becoming the last 2 seasons of X-Files...


Donnerstag, 21. August 2008, 04:55

Oh- Panda- I just thought of something-

remember when Claire told Kate not to take Aaron back to the island? This is because, I think, she knows Aaron is not to be raised by "An Other", not "another"!

The Other in this case would have to be Locke, as he is now the leader of them and has always had an interest in Aaron since season one, when he was all nice and spooky and paternal... remember he made a cradle for Aaron and how Charlie got irritated about that? And remember how Locke showed Walt the two black and white chips during the Backgammon game, signifying good and evil, putting them up to his eyes?

I think Locke's gone bad (noooooo!), he's now An Other, and Claire knows she needs to help Kate keep Aaron away from him because, as the psychic said, Aaron is a special kid (like Walt is). And the writers have already said that the name "Aaron" was chosen (heh) on purpose.

Anyway, those are my thoughts.



Beiträge: 643

Wohnort: República Separatista de Haedo Roberto Ruiz 1706 Buenos Aires Argentina

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Donnerstag, 21. August 2008, 14:31



Originally posted by ilex011
Oh- Panda- I just thought of something-

remember when Claire told Kate not to take Aaron back to the island? This is because, I think, she knows Aaron is not to be raised by "An Other", not "another"!

The Other in this case would have to be Locke, as he is now the leader of them and has always had an interest in Aaron since season one, when he was all nice and spooky and paternal... remember he made a cradle for Aaron and how Charlie got irritated about that? And remember how Locke showed Walt the two black and white chips during the Backgammon game, signifying good and evil, putting them up to his eyes?

I think Locke's gone bad (noooooo!), he's now An Other, and Claire knows she needs to help Kate keep Aaron away from him because, as the psychic said, Aaron is a special kid (like Walt is). And the writers have already said that the name "Aaron" was chosen (heh) on purpose.

Anyway, those are my thoughts.
*end bracket* :D

I told you a few times already, you are the smart one and I´m the happy one :lol:
That´s a really good theory!

Have you seen the video of the new season that is around the net?

What I meant before, I´m not sure if I made my point, was: when Sun goes to talk to Mr. Widmore, she first said "I´m Mr Kwon´s daughter" and Mr Widmore said "Oh! how´s your father? blah blah, the golf match blah blah".
That means they know each other and they have stuff going on together. And we know what kind of man is Mr. Kwon... So what does Mr. Kwon have to do about all this mess?
2010: The Year We Make Contact


Sonntag, 24. August 2008, 07:47

So you're the one that gleefully swims around and I am the one who is silently ruminating in the corner? :D

No, I haven't seen the video. For once, I don't want to be spoiled!!

For once.

Feel free to, ah, read as deep into that as you like... in which case, the inverse is true... :D

Widmore was clearly intimidated by Sun and Mr. Kwon. That means that he either has something serious to lose, or that Kwon funded the faked airplane crash and Widmore is his puppet. Remember in some recent dialogue it was mentioned how impossible it would be for Widmore to pull that off alone... and what does Kwon have has his bargaining chip? Penny, who is Widmore's daughter. Remember Widmore was visibly disturbed when Ben visited him and made mention about Penny, about how the daughters were supposed to be off-limits. Obviously they aren't any longer.

So of course Sun is going to be pissed- look what happened to Jin (though I have a sneaking suspicion we'll see him again- Hurley talks to the dead, remember?) And Hurley was the only one who showed up with Sun at Jin's grave...

Sun's fed up with her own father (we saw that), fed up with Widmore (we saw that too), trusts Hurley (we saw that as well), which would indicate she might be getting advice from Jin via Hurley. She's pissed about the whole damn thing, about how her life began with Jin back in Korea after he got involved with Kwon, she's pissed about Jin's death, and she's pissed at those she perceives as causing all of this.

Watch out- Sun is pissed off.


Originally posted by LePand


Originally posted by ilex011
Oh- Panda- I just thought of something-

remember when Claire told Kate not to take Aaron back to the island? This is because, I think, she knows Aaron is not to be raised by "An Other", not "another"!

The Other in this case would have to be Locke, as he is now the leader of them and has always had an interest in Aaron since season one, when he was all nice and spooky and paternal... remember he made a cradle for Aaron and how Charlie got irritated about that? And remember how Locke showed Walt the two black and white chips during the Backgammon game, signifying good and evil, putting them up to his eyes?

I think Locke's gone bad (noooooo!), he's now An Other, and Claire knows she needs to help Kate keep Aaron away from him because, as the psychic said, Aaron is a special kid (like Walt is). And the writers have already said that the name "Aaron" was chosen (heh) on purpose.

Anyway, those are my thoughts.
*end bracket* :D

I told you a few times already, you are the smart one and I´m the happy one :lol:
That´s a really good theory!

Have you seen the video of the new season that is around the net?

What I meant before, I´m not sure if I made my point, was: when Sun goes to talk to Mr. Widmore, she first said "I´m Mr Kwon´s daughter" and Mr Widmore said "Oh! how´s your father? blah blah, the golf match blah blah".
That means they know each other and they have stuff going on together. And we know what kind of man is Mr. Kwon... So what does Mr. Kwon have to do about all this mess?



Beiträge: 643

Wohnort: República Separatista de Haedo Roberto Ruiz 1706 Buenos Aires Argentina

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Mittwoch, 27. August 2008, 18:30


Originally posted by ilex011
So you're the one that gleefully swims around and I am the one who is silently ruminating in the corner? :D

I´m not SO happy. Remember I can´t swim and wear glasses and work with computers and cellphones? Still I´m not as smart as you. Shaking my ass while saying that.


No, I haven't seen the video. For once, I don't want to be spoiled!!

For once.

Feel free to, ah, read as deep into that as you like... in which case, the inverse is true... :D

Well, don´t. And I shouldn´t have, but guess who sent me the link? :mauer:


Widmore was clearly intimidated by Sun and Mr. Kwon. That means that he either has something serious to lose, or that Kwon funded the faked airplane crash and Widmore is his puppet. Remember in some recent dialogue it was mentioned how impossible it would be for Widmore to pull that off alone... and what does Kwon have has his bargaining chip? Penny, who is Widmore's daughter. Remember Widmore was visibly disturbed when Ben visited him and made mention about Penny, about how the daughters were supposed to be off-limits. Obviously they aren't any longer.

So of course Sun is going to be pissed- look what happened to Jin (though I have a sneaking suspicion we'll see him again- Hurley talks to the dead, remember?) And Hurley was the only one who showed up with Sun at Jin's grave...

Sun's fed up with her own father (we saw that), fed up with Widmore (we saw that too), trusts Hurley (we saw that as well), which would indicate she might be getting advice from Jin via Hurley. She's pissed about the whole damn thing, about how her life began with Jin back in Korea after he got involved with Kwon, she's pissed about Jin's death, and she's pissed at those she perceives as causing all of this.

Yeah Ok, I´m the happy one.

Lovya tex :D


Watch out- Sun is pissed off.

We should move to Berlín and open a t-shirt shop :cool:

Edit: instead of t-shirt, I wrote "t-shit", that would also work as we would be selling crappy t-shirts, but I changed it for marketing reasons.
2010: The Year We Make Contact

Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von »LePand« (27. August 2008, 18:32)


Donnerstag, 28. August 2008, 14:22


Originally posted by LePand


Originally posted by ilex011
So you're the one that gleefully swims around and I am the one who is silently ruminating in the corner? :D

I´m not SO happy. Remember I can´t swim and wear glasses and work with computers and cellphones? Still I´m not as smart as you. Shaking my ass while saying that.

Oh, that is SUCH crap! Seriously! I can't do half or even a third of the tech stuff you do!! I still need you to come show me how to build my computer... but yeah I remember you can't swim. However, I ~love~ to swim, so if you ever fall into water I shall leap in and rescue you, no worries.

(I'm also shaking my ass as I say that. I bet we look odd... ;) )


Widmore was clearly intimidated by Sun and Mr. Kwon. That means that he either has something serious to lose, or that Kwon funded the faked airplane crash and Widmore is his puppet. Remember in some recent dialogue it was mentioned how impossible it would be for Widmore to pull that off alone... and what does Kwon have has his bargaining chip? Penny, who is Widmore's daughter. Remember Widmore was visibly disturbed when Ben visited him and made mention about Penny, about how the daughters were supposed to be off-limits. Obviously they aren't any longer.

So of course Sun is going to be pissed- look what happened to Jin (though I have a sneaking suspicion we'll see him again- Hurley talks to the dead, remember?) And Hurley was the only one who showed up with Sun at Jin's grave...

Sun's fed up with her own father (we saw that), fed up with Widmore (we saw that too), trusts Hurley (we saw that as well), which would indicate she might be getting advice from Jin via Hurley. She's pissed about the whole damn thing, about how her life began with Jin back in Korea after he got involved with Kwon, she's pissed about Jin's death, and she's pissed at those she perceives as causing all of this.


Yeah Ok, I´m the happy one.

No, we're just happy in different ways. :D


Lovya tex :D

Back at you, Arrrrrgentina! :D


Watch out- Sun is pissed off.


We should move to Berlín and open a t-shirt shop :cool:

We should just MOVE. X(


lepand: Edit: instead of t-shirt, I wrote "t-shit", that would also work as we would be selling crappy t-shirts, but I changed it for marketing reasons.

See, now you are the smart one and I am the happy one!

It's just like smart/happy ping-pong!



Beiträge: 643

Wohnort: República Separatista de Haedo Roberto Ruiz 1706 Buenos Aires Argentina

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Sonntag, 31. August 2008, 04:40


Originally posted by ilex011

Oh, that is SUCH crap! Seriously! I can't do half or even a third of the tech stuff you do!! I still need you to come show me how to build my computer... but yeah I remember you can't swim. However, I ~love~ to swim, so if you ever fall into water I shall leap in and rescue you, no worries.

(I'm also shaking my ass as I say that. I bet we look odd... ;) )

Ok, as I like you, I have to be honest. I don´t know that much, I just pretend I know and try to look like a wise girl while talking a lot of crap. That´s the secret :lol:
Still I will gladly make of your computer a big pile of garbage and show you how to put everything back together in a guy´s way, that is without reading a manual. And you will be able to shout "it´s alive!" with a creepy evil voice.

And I will be shaking my ass standing on the table with a glass of gin tonic in my hand.


Yeah Ok, I´m the happy one.


No, we're just happy in different ways. :D

We are the ones, the happy ones...


We should move to Berlín and open a t-shirt shop :cool:


We should just MOVE. X(

Ok, step by step, I follow you Tex. You say when, I go buy more mustaches.


lepand: Edit: instead of t-shirt, I wrote "t-shit", that would also work as we would be selling crappy t-shirts, but I changed it for marketing reasons.



See, now you are the smart one and I am the happy one!

It's just like smart/happy ping-pong!

Oh, no it´s just me playing the wise girl game again.

Maybe "Crappy t-shirt shop" is a good name for a crappy t-shirt shop. People would say "oh! it´s so trendy!"

We are endless fun here dear reader, we will entertain you till next Lost season begins. Stay tuned.

Shall we name this thread "H&W Late Night Show: in the countdown for the penultimate Lost season" or something? :D
2010: The Year We Make Contact

Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von »LePand« (31. August 2008, 04:44)


Sonntag, 31. August 2008, 07:12

"H&W Late Night Show: in the countdown for the penultimate Lost season" or something!


Originally posted by LePand
Ok, as I like you, I have to be honest.

Aaaahh, see, I would want to know what you'd tell me if you *didn't* like me! ;)


I don´t know that much, I just pretend I know and try to look like a wise girl while talking a lot of crap. That´s the secret :lol:

I just smile and nod a lot, personally. And be really friendly and apologetic when needing to actually *ask* something. Together we got pretty far between the rabbit hole in Frankfurt and Koeln! ;)

I somberly and sincerely say that you are my favorite Travel Buddy. And I don't say that lightly- I prefer to travel alone most of the time. You lead me to inflatable trampolines and opera houses, I lead you to zoos and currywurst. We sit in shared rapt silence as we pass along the Rhine and dream and dream. It's really a great combination.


Still I will gladly make of your computer a big pile of garbage and show you how to put everything back together in a guy´s way, that is without reading a manual.

Nooooo! I need to RTFM!!


And you will be able to shout "it´s alive!" with a creepy evil voice.

Oh hell I find reasons to shriek that on a regular basis anyway...


And I will be shaking my ass standing on the table with a glass of gin tonic in my hand.

With moustaches for sideburns. And with me kissing your cheek.


Yeah Ok, I´m the happy one.


No, we're just happy in different ways. :D


We are the ones, the happy ones...

We are the penultimate happy men!

(three references, one adjective- go me! :D )


We should move to Berlín and open a t-shirt shop :cool:


We should just MOVE. X(


Ok, step by step, I follow you Tex. You say when, I go buy more mustaches.

Can you find some with better glue this time?

(If anyone else but us reads this thread they will be weirdly confused... but the photos must be dually approved of by both of us!)


lepand: Edit: instead of t-shirt, I wrote "t-shit", that would also work as we would be selling crappy t-shirts, but I changed it for marketing reasons.



See, now you are the smart one and I am the happy one!

It's just like smart/happy ping-pong!


Oh, no it´s just me playing the wise girl game again.

Why, you play it so intrinsically well I'd think you were wise for real, wise girl! ;)


We are endless fun here dear reader,

You hear that, forum? ENDLESS. And most importantly, ENDLESS FUN.


we will entertain you till next Lost season begins. Stay tuned.

we'll be doing *something* to them 'til the next LOST season... basically, I think this is the part of the forum where you and I are free to be goofy... we don't get many hits of views on this thread, ha ha ha! No, we're entertaining *ourselves* until the next season!


Shall we name this thread "H&W Late Night Show: in the countdown for the penultimate Lost season" or something? :D

So say we all!

(oh wait, wrong show...)

And it IS the penultimate LOST season! Next spring will be the last...

Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von »ilex011« (31. August 2008, 07:14)


Sonntag, 31. August 2008, 07:17

RE: "H&W Late Night Show: in the countdown for the penultimate Lost season" or something!

You know, if we flip you upside down we get H&M... and you know how we both feel about *that*... god I'd kill for an H&M in Dallas, grrrrr!

And in Neumarkt? All over the goddamn place. Hell just the ~fashion~ is reason alone to move to Europa... X(

...just sayin'....

you still have your Hello Kitty umbrella-ella-ella-ella-ay-ay-ay-ay....?

Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von »ilex011« (31. August 2008, 07:19)



Beiträge: 643

Wohnort: República Separatista de Haedo Roberto Ruiz 1706 Buenos Aires Argentina

  • Nachricht senden


Sonntag, 31. August 2008, 21:30

RE: "H&W Late Night Show: in the countdown for the penultimate Lost season" or something!


Originally posted by ilex011
Aaaahh, see, I would want to know what you'd tell me if you *didn't* like me! ;)

Well yes, I´m glad you noticed my superiority. Mom and therapist always said to me I´m the most intelligent girl in my class. All my spelling mistakes are because my brain goes TOO fast for regular keyboards. I like to have normal people like you around to remind myself how huge my brain is. And so on :D


I just smile and nod a lot, personally. And be really friendly and apologetic when needing to actually *ask* something. Together we got pretty far between the rabbit hole in Frankfurt and Koeln! ;)

Yeahp I do that too. A Lot!


I somberly and sincerely say that you are my favorite Travel Buddy. And I don't say that lightly- I prefer to travel alone most of the time. You lead me to inflatable trampolines and opera houses, I lead you to zoos and currywurst. We sit in shared rapt silence as we pass along the Rhine and dream and dream. It's really a great combination.

Indeed, we are a great duet. You gave me time to stop and take pictures, add that to the list. We even kind of walk at same speed and stop at the same cute black shirts. It was a long trip and you were my best company of all. With the rest of the people in other cities who came with me for sight seeing and stuff, I just wanted them to disappear.
Now you should try living with me :D
Is more or less the same, only thing is that I MUST take complete control of the kitchen and I cook for you every day.


Still I will gladly make of your computer a big pile of garbage and show you how to put everything back together in a guy´s way, that is without reading a manual.


Nooooo! I need to RTFM!!

I never ever read a manual. Lola is like a guy.
Believe me, you don´t need a manual, you´ll see.


And I will be shaking my ass standing on the table with a glass of gin tonic in my hand.


With moustaches for sideburns. And with me kissing your cheek.

Of course dear ;)


Yeah Ok, I´m the happy one.


No, we're just happy in different ways. :D


me: We are the ones, the happy ones...


We are the penultimate happy men!

(three references, one adjective- go me! :D )

I cannot beat you, you are good!


Ilex, about mustaches and moving to Berlin:

Can you find some with better glue this time?

(If anyone else but us reads this thread they will be weirdly confused... but the photos must be dually approved of by both of us!)

Yeahp, but they are more than twice expensive. I will buy a lot more instead, alright?
About pics, I totally trust your criteria more than mine, I actually don´t even mind if the naked ones in zoophilic situation are online :P


Oh, no it´s just me playing the wise girl game again.


Why, you play it so intrinsically well I'd think you were wise for real, wise girl! ;)

I have self esteem issues you see, I can´t control myself


We are endless fun here dear reader,


You hear that, forum? ENDLESS. And most importantly, ENDLESS FUN.

And if we move to Berlin, it would be like EUROPE ENDLESS FUN!
Hehe, sorry I already said I can´t control it :D


we'll be doing *something* to them 'til the next LOST season... basically, I think this is the part of the forum where you and I are free to be goofy... we don't get many hits of views on this thread, ha ha ha! No, we're entertaining *ourselves* until the next season!

I wonder who else read this. We are the ones? the only ones? (I can´t sotp it ! I can´t stop it! GGGAAAaaaAAAGGHHHH!)
Do mods hate us because they have tons to read? Do they laugh? Do they read us? We love whoever is moderating this anyway because they let us be free :D


And it IS the penultimate LOST season! Next spring will be the last...

YES. 8)
2010: The Year We Make Contact



Beiträge: 643

Wohnort: República Separatista de Haedo Roberto Ruiz 1706 Buenos Aires Argentina

  • Nachricht senden


Sonntag, 31. August 2008, 21:37

RE: "H&W Late Night Show: in the countdown for the penultimate Lost season" or something!


Originally posted by ilex011
You know, if we flip you upside down we get H&M... and you know how we both feel about *that*... god I'd kill for an H&M in Dallas, grrrrr!

And in Neumarkt? All over the goddamn place. Hell just the ~fashion~ is reason alone to move to Europa... X(

...just sayin'....

you still have your Hello Kitty umbrella-ella-ella-ella-ay-ay-ay-ay....?

I noticed that before posting actually ;)
I also need an H&M! I need to buy some business panda clothes next week, Wanna go shopping with me?
You already convinced me of moving....
I not only have the umbrella, I used it here all last rainy week. I´m SO cool!

Only to say something about Lost, I saw The Return of the Jedi like 4 times this week (I have some issues, yes, we´ll discuss it later). I was working and listening to the dialogs and I noticed some Sawyer behavior in Han Solo, putting nicknames and so on. Then Leia said "Wait Han, I´m coming with you!" and of course, I started laughing.
2010: The Year We Make Contact

Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von »LePand« (31. August 2008, 21:38)


Montag, 1. September 2008, 04:07

RE: "H&W Late Night Show: in the countdown for the penultimate Lost season" or something!


Originally posted by LePand


Originally posted by ilex011
Aaaahh, see, I would want to know what you'd tell me if you *didn't* like me! ;)

Well yes, I´m glad you noticed my superiority. Mom and therapist always said to me I´m the most intelligent girl in my class. All my spelling mistakes are because my brain goes TOO fast for regular keyboards. I like to have normal people like you around to remind myself how huge my brain is. And so on :D

This is, of course, what you'd say to someone who *isn't* me... as I'm always happy to remind you that you have a gigantic brain. OMG with the supercollider-powered interactive fMRI collective neural net I'm creating in the basement and your "marketing skills" (which is of course a front for you know what, which is ok to say here because nobody but us is reading this, heh), our plans are right on track!

Now we need to come up with a secret handshake. Screw the Illuminati. They've got competition, I tell you!


me, getting sappy and sentimental:
I somberly and sincerely say that you are my favorite Travel Buddy. And I don't say that lightly- I prefer to travel alone most of the time. You lead me to inflatable trampolines and opera houses, I lead you to zoos and currywurst. We sit in shared rapt silence as we pass along the Rhine and dream and dream. It's really a great combination.


panda: Indeed, we are a great duet. You gave me time to stop and take pictures, add that to the list.

Of course!! Would anyone *not* let someone take photos? Baffling.


panda: We even kind of walk at same speed and stop at the same cute black shirts. It was a long trip and you were my best company of all.

:) :P :P :P :cool: :D


panda again, feeling the love: With the rest of the people in other cities who came with me for sight seeing and stuff, I just wanted them to disappear.
Now you should try living with me :D

Beware of what you wish for, my friend...


Is more or less the same, only thing is that I MUST take complete control of the kitchen and I cook for you every day.

GOD feel free- I H A T E to cook.


Yeah Ok, I´m the happy one.


No, we're just happy in different ways. :D


panda: We are the ones, the happy ones...


me: We are the penultimate happy men!

(three references, one adjective- go me! :D )


panda: I cannot beat you, you are good!

:cool: :D :tongue:


Ilex, about mustaches and moving to Berlin:

Can you find some with better glue this time?

(If anyone else but us reads this thread they will be weirdly confused... but the photos must be dually approved of by both of us!)


panda: Yeahp, but they are more than twice expensive. I will buy a lot more instead, alright?



panda: About pics, I totally trust your criteria more than mine, I actually don´t even mind if the naked ones in zoophilic situation are online :P

YOU WERE NOT SUPPOSED TO MENTION THOSE- THEY ARE AN *ENDANGERED SPECIES*! We could be JAILED! Though I have to give you credit- you're a better contortionist than I...


We are endless fun here dear reader,


You hear that, forum? ENDLESS. And most importantly, ENDLESS FUN.


panda: And if we move to Berlin, it would be like EUROPE ENDLESS FUN!
Hehe, sorry I already said I can´t control it :D

Grrrreat, now I'll have to go listen to the song to get it out of my head... which is better than today at the hospital, we had a patient named "Mandy"... so that GODDAMN Barry Manilow song kept playing in my head (earworm from hell), and a co-worker started ~singing~ it... :mauer:


we'll be doing *something* to them 'til the next LOST season... basically, I think this is the part of the forum where you and I are free to be goofy... we don't get many hits of views on this thread, ha ha ha! No, we're entertaining *ourselves* until the next season!


panda: I wonder who else read this.

*crickets chirp, tumbleweeds roll by...*


We are the ones? the only ones? (I can´t sotp it ! I can´t stop it! GGGAAAaaaAAAGGHHHH!)

We are the only ones right now that are reaaaaaad-innnnnng....


panda: Do mods hate us because they have tons to read? Do they laugh? Do they read us? We love whoever is moderating this anyway because they let us be free :D

Yes, thank you mods. We do love you because you let us be free here in our tiny corner of the forum.

OH and to keep it on topic...


me: And it IS the penultimate LOST season! Next spring will be the last...


panda: YES. 8)

Locke WILL be vindicated! Kate will die!


*grumble, grumble...*

I want Walt to come back and save everyone's sorry ass. I wonder what he would think of Locke's decisions lately.... and I wonder what words of advice he'd have for Aaron... hmm...


Montag, 1. September 2008, 04:21

RE: "H&W Late Night Show: in the countdown for the penultimate Lost season" or something!

Of course I wanna go shopping with you!! I convinced you of moving, but the convincing started when you convinced me to go this time... you have a way about you that is very adept at convincing me!

Yeah, we had ONE rainy day here in freaking 37C weather here. Yeah, that humidity felt grrrrrreat I can tell you. But I didn't get a chance to use my umbrella ella ella ella ay ay ay because in weird Texas weather way, the storm was gone and the sun was shining by the time I got to work. Like Amphi weather- I was not pleased with Amphi weather! All the back and forth, rocking to and fro from rain to sun, etc... throws off my equilibrium. I'm so sensitive to climate... *dabs eye daintily*

Return of the Jedi 4x? Oh that's ok. Once I watched Harold and Maude 4 times. In a row. Literally. So hey, whatever moves you, you know...

Yeah, Sawyer's nicknames were kinda based off of Han Solo's. Which is funny, because remember he calls Michael "Han" and Jin "Chewie" being nobody but Michael could ever figure out what the fuck Jin was saying (until later of course)...

"Sawyer! I'm coming with you! Into the Sarlacc pit!"

(I roll +2 for geek street cred for actually knowing how "Sarlacc" is spelled... ;) )


Originally posted by LePand


Originally posted by ilex011
You know, if we flip you upside down we get H&M... and you know how we both feel about *that*... god I'd kill for an H&M in Dallas, grrrrr!

And in Neumarkt? All over the goddamn place. Hell just the ~fashion~ is reason alone to move to Europa... X(

...just sayin'....

you still have your Hello Kitty umbrella-ella-ella-ella-ay-ay-ay-ay....?

I noticed that before posting actually ;)
I also need an H&M! I need to buy some business panda clothes next week, Wanna go shopping with me?
You already convinced me of moving....
I not only have the umbrella, I used it here all last rainy week. I´m SO cool!

Only to say something about Lost, I saw The Return of the Jedi like 4 times this week (I have some issues, yes, we´ll discuss it later). I was working and listening to the dialogs and I noticed some Sawyer behavior in Han Solo, putting nicknames and so on. Then Leia said "Wait Han, I´m coming with you!" and of course, I started laughing.

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