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Dienstag, 3. Juni 2008, 06:20

LOST (tv show, with Season 4 Spoilers... Spoilers Ahoy! Beware! Here Thar be Spoilers!)

Anyone else caught up on LOST besides lepand and I? Anyone?

1) Ben is the MAN. He's my second favorite. I was fully expecting Widmore to be in the coffin. But then, I reasoned, why would Jack show up?

2) Poor, poor Sun. God, that was wrenching.
I admit I was in the minority in that I liked Michael too, even if most of his dialogue overall did consist of 'WAAAAAAAHAHAHAHALLLT!" and "They took my boy!" So it was nice to see him with more words to say. For a little while at least.

3) I can't freaking *stand* that flaky ho. She never says anything of importance. It's always "JACK!" or "I'm coming with you!" I mean, if you're going to have a tag line (I"m looking at you too, Michael) at least have it be something cool like "I *always* have a plan" or "DON'T TELL ME WHAT I CAN'T DO!!!"

4) Let the numbers run out! I need a change of pace... (geddit? Pace? ummm... yeah. You aaalllll everybody!)

5) Pen and Des hooking up and crying as they kissed- yeah, I turned into a sappy, weepy chick-flick watching girly girl over that one too.

6) After Hurley addressed Mr. Eko, I was really hoping that he too was somehow alive as I loved his character as well. But then I just like the actor. He was a scary motherf*cker on Oz...



Beiträge: 643

Wohnort: República Separatista de Haedo Roberto Ruiz 1706 Buenos Aires Argentina

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Dienstag, 3. Juni 2008, 17:30

RE: LOST (tv show, with Season 4 Spoilers... Spoilers Ahoy! Beware! Here Thar be Spoilers!)

1) Ben, if I where a villain, I would be Ben. Absolutely.

haha! :tongue:
Widmore also was my first thought but discarded quick, as everyone was so upset about this misterious guy. I thought of Ben, as everyone hates him so much, but I also sense they kind of like him somehow... Then I thought "ok, maybe it´s just me who thinks this guy rocks". And Lock appeared in my head and I said "no! no! can´t be!".
And of course, it was.

2) and of course again, revenge is comming :cool:
Don´t like michael but don´t know why. He did some remarkable things, so I respect him.

3) So fu***ng hysterical girl, God! Sawyer deserves better you skinny b*tch! :-]
Hurley´s gf died already, Jin, Lock, come on! someone kill her!
Sorry for that, she gives me the nerves :D
Totally agree on the tag lines thing.

4) I will, 033:06 and counting...
Did I tell you you can write messages and it replies? hehehe
Geeky toy.
You put hello and it says "who is this?" or "are you having trouble in the station?" and so on.

5) I cryied like a baby in The constant episode. And of course when they finally meet.
Yeahp, I´m a girl too, no use trying to fight hormones :D

6) Yes, I want him back.
But listen you scripts writers: I thought I got rid of Charly, so think twice and bring the good ones, ok?

7) when does next season start?
2010: The Year We Make Contact



Beiträge: 643

Wohnort: República Separatista de Haedo Roberto Ruiz 1706 Buenos Aires Argentina

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Dienstag, 3. Juni 2008, 17:31

Oh! and thank you honey, I needed this thread :tongue:
2010: The Year We Make Contact



Beiträge: 643

Wohnort: República Separatista de Haedo Roberto Ruiz 1706 Buenos Aires Argentina

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Dienstag, 3. Juni 2008, 20:26


so first it was:

And then all screen was all black and it appeared:

But I went for lunch and I forgot to enter the code so it happened twice...

+ x + = - ?
- x - = + ?

Did I fuck up all our destinies for a not-very-yummy-old sandwich?
And what the heck does "buy plunk" mean??

:tongue: :tongue:
2010: The Year We Make Contact

Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von »LePand« (3. Juni 2008, 20:30)


Dienstag, 3. Juni 2008, 22:26

RE: LOST (tv show, with Season 4 Spoilers... Spoilers Ahoy! Beware! Here Thar be Spoilers!)


Originally posted by LePand
1) Ben, if I where a villain, I would be Ben. Absolutely.

I am totally hot for Ben. It's so, so wrong... :D


Widmore also was my first thought but discarded quick, as everyone was so upset about this misterious guy. I thought of Ben, as everyone hates him so much, but I also sense they kind of like him somehow... Then I thought "ok, maybe it´s just me who thinks this guy rocks". And Lock appeared in my head and I said "no! no! can´t be!".
And of course, it was.

Yeah, Widmore was dismissed soon as Ben confronted him and said "You and I both know I can't kill you". My *first* thought when they *first* showed the coffin was Michael- nobody liked him at that point.

But Locke? Noooooooooooo! I still think that Locke still believes that the island is somehow "mystical" and is going to be the leader of the Others under that auspice. Boy is he in for a surprise. Poor Locke.


2) and of course again, revenge is comming :cool:

It's so sad though, that Sun had to go through *so* much to finally be able to stand up for herself. Especially when at the end, her and Jin's relationship was salveagable after all. I wonder why only Hurley came with her to visit Jin's grave?


Don´t like michael but don´t know why. He did some remarkable things, so I respect him.

He tried, he really did. He was just in over his head from the very start with WAAAAAAHAHAHAHAAALT.

And speaking of- holy fuck- Walt visiting Hurley?!?


3) So fu***ng hysterical girl, God! Sawyer deserves better you skinny b*tch! :-]
Hurley´s gf died already, Jin, Lock, come on! someone kill her!
Sorry for that, she gives me the nerves :D
Totally agree on the tag lines thing.

I hated Sawyer at first too, but then now I love him. Not to mention he's REALLLLLY easy on the eyes. Yum.

And Kate is so... tacky. Just one big, nervewracking, sleazy ball of tackiness. Sawyer or Jack, Kate- CHOOSE for Christ's sake!!

Can't decide about Juliet. Don't really like her either.


4) I will, 033:06 and counting...
Did I tell you you can write messages and it replies? hehehe
Geeky toy.
You put hello and it says "who is this?" or "are you having trouble in the station?" and so on.

I want one!!


5) I cryied like a baby in The constant episode. And of course when they finally meet.
Yeahp, I´m a girl too, no use trying to fight hormones :D

Roller coaster, that one. Sun loses Jin, Pen meets up with Des... good god...


6) Yes, I want him back.
But listen you scripts writers: I thought I got rid of Charly, so think twice and bring the good ones, ok?

Looks like Claire's a goner too.

7) when does next season start?[/quote]

Rumor has it that it's *January?!??* But I don't think that can be right. Probably Fall, I'm guessing.

Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von »ilex011« (6. Juni 2008, 07:24)



Beiträge: 643

Wohnort: República Separatista de Haedo Roberto Ruiz 1706 Buenos Aires Argentina

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Donnerstag, 5. Juni 2008, 23:37

RE: LOST (tv show, with Season 4 Spoilers... Spoilers Ahoy! Beware! Here Thar be Spoilers!)


Originally posted by ilex011
I am totally hot for Ben. It's so, so wrong... :D

Hahaha, Imagine going out with such a... guy...
"what should we have for dinner darling?"
"I ALWAYS have a plan sweetheart"
"I think I can imagine..."
"If you are thinking of time traveling bunnies with mashed potatoes, you are right" *while putting forks inside the macrowave*


But Locke? Noooooooooooo! I still think that Locke still believes that the island is somehow "mystical" and is going to be the leader of the Others under that auspice. Boy is he in for a surprise. Poor Locke.

He´ll be back, I´m sure.


It's so sad though, that Sun had to go through *so* much to finally be able to stand up for herself. Especially when at the end, her and Jin's relationship was salveagable after all. I wonder why only Hurley came with her to visit Jin's grave?

The ones who came back are not only pretending in front of everyone, they seem also kind of denying things I guess. And that´s driving them insane... Hurley admits facts.


He tried, he really did. He was just in over his head from the very start with WAAAAAAHAHAHAHAAALT.

And speaking of- holy fuck- Walt visiting Hurley?!?

Something else we should make a t-shirt.


I hated Sawyer at first too, but then now I love him. Not to mention he's REALLLLLY easy on the eyes. Yum.

And Kate is so... tacky. Just one big, nervewracking, sleazy ball of tackiness. Sawyer or Jack, Kate- CHOOSE for Christ's sake!!

Can't decide about Juliet. Don't really like her either.

Oh yes yes, those eyes freckles!
But you know, same happens in real life, they always pick the skinny psycho hysterical bitch 8)


I want one!!

Don´t know if it is the same, but


Looks like Claire's a goner too.

Don´t like her. Maybe because she has Jack´s genes. But doesn´t bother me that much.


Rumor has it that it's *January?!??* But I don't think that can be right. Probably Fall, I'm guessing.

That´s cruel. January is cruel!
2010: The Year We Make Contact


Freitag, 6. Juni 2008, 08:04

Michael-y Goodness. Or Badness. I Guess It Depends.


Turn up your speakers. I'm listening to it on a loop. It's kind of mesmerizing, really.


Freitag, 6. Juni 2008, 08:46

RE: LOST (tv show, with ALL Season Spoilers... Spoilers Ahoy! Beware! Here Thar be Spoilers!)



Originally posted by ilex011
I am totally hot for Ben. It's so, so wrong... :D


Hahaha, Imagine going out with such a... guy...
"what should we have for dinner darling?"
"I ALWAYS have a plan sweetheart"
"I think I can imagine..."
"If you are thinking of time traveling bunnies with mashed potatoes, you are right" *while putting forks inside the macrowave*

See, I'm a sucker for the evil geniuses...

...I was made that way, can't help it! :D

I read somewhere that he was supposed to be a one-off character, but audience response was so overwhelmingly positive that they wrote him into the script as a major character. Good writers. But I do have a bone or five to pick with them over who've they've bumped off over the years.

Boone: Annoying. Happy he bought the farm.
Shannon: See above.
Ana-Lucia: I liked her, actually. I'm in the minority.
Libby: Was irritated when they killed her. Poor Hurley! I don't necessarily think she was a good guy though- remember that she was in the mental hospital w/ Hurley before the crash? Maybe she's a Widmore employee.
Charlie: Eh, didn't really care. He got on my nerves.
Eko: I was SO MAD when they killed him! And how lame is that- being tossed around by the smoke monster? WTF?
Danielle: REALLY pissed off they killed her. I loved Danielle, even if she was a little loco...
Jin: REALLY REALLY pissed they bumped off Jin.
Alex: She annoyed me too, but her boyfriend annoyed me more. Still I didn't want her to die though.
Claire: Eh, didn't really care.
Nadiyeh- Killing her off right after she finally meets back up with Sayid and marries him was just totally cruel, I think.

Not to mention Sayid is easy on the eyes too.

Anyone I'm missing?

OH- Nikki and Paolo. I loved that the writers immediately realized their mistake and had them buried alive, with Sawyer saying "Who the hell are Nikki and Paolo?" Hee.


But Locke? Noooooooooooo! I still think that Locke still believes that the island is somehow "mystical" and is going to be the leader of the Others under that auspice. Boy is he in for a surprise. Poor Locke.


lepand: He´ll be back, I´m sure.

He better be. I'm waiting for some Locke Vindication, though I don't think that's gonna happen. He has been through *so* much... with his crappy father, the Walkabout (my favorite episode, btw- what's yours?)...


The ones who came back are not only pretending in front of everyone, they seem also kind of denying things I guess. And that´s driving them insane... Hurley admits facts.

Yeah, hence the ironic juxtaposition of Hurley being the sanest one of them all, yet locked (well he was anyway) in a mental ward. He's always been the "anchor" of the survivors, I think. I love Hurley.


Something else we should make a t-shirt.

I am geeky enough to wear a Dharma Initiative tshirt... maybe...around the house... I don't really wear tshirts out of the house unless they are of one color...


But you know, same happens in real life, they always pick the skinny psycho hysterical bitch 8)

Which is really fucking annoying. I don't care about the weight be it greater or smaller, but I could SERIOUSLY do without the psycho hysteria. "JACK! I'm coming with you!"

And she has only, like, maybe three facial expressions. Well, two, if you count "bewilderment" and "confusion" as the same thing... :D


Looks like Claire's a goner too.

Don´t like her. Maybe because she has Jack´s genes. But doesn´t bother me that much.[/quote]

She's a remarkably pretty girl. She was really pretty when she was gothified (zombiefied) in that one early ep. And she's a sweet girl, just.... boring.


Rumor has it that it's *January?!??* But I don't think that can be right. Probably Fall, I'm guessing.

That´s cruel. January is cruel![/quote]

The website says "Returning next season!" Assholes! You know, there are two alternate endings posted on that website, of who was in the coffin in case spoiler leaked... good cover, I think. I never ever suspected Locke. I thought Michael.

You know, I think I've cursed more in this post and in this thread than I have in the entire almost two years (has it been two years?) I've been on this board. Does that make me pedestrian? :D

Great. Now I want to go listen to that song by Fad Gadget but I don't have it anymore! Damn prior roommates who stole my Razormaid! *tangent*

*fret, fret*


Freitag, 6. Juni 2008, 09:05

I just downloaded it and it's on my desktop. Time limits make me a nervous wreck! I wonder if those symbols actually mean anything or if they are just stylized heiroglyphs...

at 09500 now... should I let it go? Hee.


Originally posted by LePand

so first it was:

And then all screen was all black and it appeared:

But I went for lunch and I forgot to enter the code so it happened twice...

+ x + = - ?
- x - = + ?

Did I fuck up all our destinies for a not-very-yummy-old sandwich?
And what the heck does "buy plunk" mean??

:tongue: :tongue:

Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 2 mal editiert, zuletzt von »ilex011« (6. Juni 2008, 09:07)



Beiträge: 643

Wohnort: República Separatista de Haedo Roberto Ruiz 1706 Buenos Aires Argentina

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Samstag, 7. Juni 2008, 17:58


Originally posted by ilex011
I just downloaded it and it's on my desktop. Time limits make me a nervous wreck! I wonder if those symbols actually mean anything or if they are just stylized heiroglyphs...

at 09500 now... should I let it go? Hee.

I already fucked up twice, so let it go! :lol:
2010: The Year We Make Contact



Beiträge: 643

Wohnort: República Separatista de Haedo Roberto Ruiz 1706 Buenos Aires Argentina

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Samstag, 7. Juni 2008, 18:01

RE: Michael-y Goodness. Or Badness. I Guess It Depends.


Originally posted by ilex011

Turn up your speakers. I'm listening to it on a loop. It's kind of mesmerizing, really.

:tongue: :tongue: :tongue: I almost wet my pants laughing hahaha!
2010: The Year We Make Contact



Beiträge: 643

Wohnort: República Separatista de Haedo Roberto Ruiz 1706 Buenos Aires Argentina

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Samstag, 7. Juni 2008, 18:42

RE: LOST (tv show, with ALL Season Spoilers... Spoilers Ahoy! Beware! Here Thar be Spoilers!)


See, I'm a sucker for the evil geniuses...

...I was made that way, can't help it! :D

Yeahp, me too...

Boone: agree
Shannon: agree
Ana-Lucia: I didn´t like her at first. I was starting to like her and she died...
Libby: I remember she was at the mental hospital Widmore´s employee? hmmm never thought about it... but you can see most of the characters accidentally crossing each other in the flashbacks. Was so sad when she died, poor Hugo...
Charlie: glad he died.He was annoying, not as much as Shannon and Boone, but he was in that way.
Eko: TOTALLY agree
Danielle: agree
Jin: Yeahp, and those screams... I have this picture of Michael saying "WWWWWAAAAHHHHLLLT!!! WAAAAAAAHAHAHAHALT!" and Jin saying "Hello Michael" (more like "helo Maicol") hehehe
Alex: She and her bf deserve to die. Ben didn´t deserve it.
Claire: she was more annoying when she had Charlie around.
Nadiyeh- Killing her off right after she finally meets back up with Sayid and marries him was just totally cruel, I think. YES

Not to mention Sayid is easy on the eyes too. --- He is, but still prefer the bad guy type (yes, of course I´m talking about Sawyer 8))


Anyone I'm missing?

OH- Nikki and Paolo. I loved that the writers immediately realized their mistake and had them buried alive, with Sawyer saying "Who the hell are Nikki and Paolo?" Hee.

:tongue: :tongue: :lol:


He better be. I'm waiting for some Locke Vindication, though I don't think that's gonna happen. He has been through *so* much... with his crappy father, the Walkabout (my favorite episode, btw- what's yours?)...

Ohhh don´t now if I´m able to choose one. So I went to lospedia website and started reading all episodes names and think about each. Most of them re good or have something remarkable. So I think I´ll stick to the one that I have been talking about lately, that I can see it still moves me.
I choose The Constant.


Yeah, hence the ironic juxtaposition of Hurley being the sanest one of them all, yet locked (well he was anyway) in a mental ward. He's always been the "anchor" of the survivors, I think. I love Hurley.

Lovable character since the beginning.


Which is really fucking annoying. I don't care about the weight be it greater or smaller, but I could SERIOUSLY do without the psycho hysteria. "JACK! I'm coming with you!"

And she has only, like, maybe three facial expressions. Well, two, if you count "bewilderment" and "confusion" as the same thing... :D

Hahaha... Waiting for the day jack dies and she says "JACK! I'm coming with you!"


She's a remarkably pretty girl. She was really pretty when she was gothified (zombiefied) in that one early ep. And she's a sweet girl, just.... boring.

And I insist, she was very annoying when charlie was around.


You know, I think I've cursed more in this post and in this thread than I have in the entire almost two years (has it been two years?) I've been on this board. Does that make me pedestrian? :D

Haha, maybe you should change the subject of the thread and put an ADVISORY sign :D
2010: The Year We Make Contact


Sonntag, 8. Juni 2008, 01:24

RE: LOST (tv show, with ALL Season Spoilers... Spoilers Ahoy! Advisory: Ilex Curses Like a Sailor!


lepand, in response to my body count assessment:
Boone: agree
Shannon: agree
Ana-Lucia: I didn´t like her at first. I was starting to like her and she died...
Libby: I remember she was at the mental hospital Widmore´s employee? hmmm never thought about it... but you can see most of the characters accidentally crossing each other in the flashbacks. Was so sad when she died, poor Hugo...
Charlie: glad he died.He was annoying, not as much as Shannon and Boone, but he was in that way.
Eko: TOTALLY agree
Danielle: agree
Jin: Yeahp, and those screams... I have this picture of Michael saying "WWWWWAAAAHHHHLLLT!!! WAAAAAAAHAHAHAHALT!" and Jin saying "Hello Michael" (more like "helo Maicol") hehehe

hahahhaaaa- I have this mental image of Jin saying "Udders! Udders! instead of "Others"- when he ran over the sand to tell Sawyer and Hugo about the impending arrival... and later Sawyer nicknamed Michael "Han" and Jin "Chewie"- hahahah!


lepand:Alex: She and her bf deserve to die. Ben didn´t deserve it.

No, I agree- Ben didn't deserve Alex to die, let alone to watch it happen. But it was a-mazing to see what an amazing actor Michael Emerson is- a whole range of emotions subtly flickered across his face in seconds after Alex was killed. That was brutal.


lepand : Claire: she was more annoying when she had Charlie around.

Well, she was at least interesting when she was kidnapped and used as bait by Ethan Rom (anagram for "Other Man")... then CHARLIE had to go fuck it all up by shooting Ethan- not that I think in retrospect Ethan would have given up any info about the Others, but Charlie was still a dumbass for doing it. And then he just became a whiny, bitter, burnout, whiny little bitch. Charlie, that is. Claire was just boring and indecisive. In S5 they *better* have ramifications for Aaron being raised by another, like the psychic said... or perhaps he meant An Other? Will Juliet or Ben get their hands on Aaron? Hmmm...

And you know, I'm not into Locke because I necessarily share his points of view. I don't think the island is mystical. Creepy and an aberration of science as we currently know it, yes. But mystical, no. But Locke is so *eager*, and he's had such terrible things happen to him... remember when he was at the window of the hatch on his knees, crying and yelling "What do you WANT of me?" after Boone died? He was feeling like an insufficient failure yet again... and then the hatch light came on, we yelled HOLY SHIT WHAT THE FUCK OMG, and the ep ended... excellent scriptwriting!


Ohhh don´t now if I´m able to choose one. So I went to lospedia website and started reading all episodes names and think about each. Most of them re good or have something remarkable. So I think I´ll stick to the one that I have been talking about lately, that I can see it still moves me.
I choose The Constant.

I'm in the minority in that I didn't really like that one. It was too... hm, don't know how to explain it. I like the more tension-filled, sci-fi stuff on the show, not the romance. Except between Jin/Sun, ie, because it's a relevant part of their character studies. And so is Pen and Des, yeah, but that ep was too much for me.

See, I'm jaded because of Kate's flooziness and indecision. I mean come ON Sawyer- there are many attractive survivors- leave Kate and Jack to their dysfunctional loop of melodramatic patheticness and go find another chick to hook up with!


Yeah, hence the ironic juxtaposition of Hurley being the sanest one of them all, yet locked (well he was anyway) in a mental ward. He's always been the "anchor" of the survivors, I think. I love Hurley.


Lovable character since the beginning.

Especially with the golf course. :)


Hahaha... Waiting for the day jack dies and she says "JACK! I'm coming with you!"

And there was much rejoicing!

On the lost_tv LiveJournal community there was a drinking game, you know, drink every time Hurley says "Dude" or Sawyer calls someone a nickname or Locke refers to the island as "mystical" or Danielle says something crazy like "They Whisper"...

If what you say ever happens, I will drink the whole damn bottle in one sitting to celebrate. We can do it over IM, to share the love... :tongue: :D


You know, I think I've cursed more in this post and in this thread than I have in the entire almost two years (has it been two years?) I've been on this board. Does that make me pedestrian? :D


lepand: Haha, maybe you should change the subject of the thread and put an ADVISORY sign :D



Beiträge: 643

Wohnort: República Separatista de Haedo Roberto Ruiz 1706 Buenos Aires Argentina

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Montag, 9. Juni 2008, 23:50

RE: LOST (tv show, with ALL Season Spoilers... Spoilers Ahoy! Advisory: Ilex Curses Like a Sailor!


Originally posted by ilex011
hahahhaaaa- I have this mental image of Jin saying "Udders! Udders! instead of "Others"- when he ran over the sand to tell Sawyer and Hugo about the impending arrival... and later Sawyer nicknamed Michael "Han" and Jin "Chewie"- hahahah!



No, I agree- Ben didn't deserve Alex to die, let alone to watch it happen. But it was a-mazing to see what an amazing actor Michael Emerson is- a whole range of emotions subtly flickered across his face in seconds after Alex was killed. That was brutal.

Ben is an endless topic, the character is just perfect, best villain ever. Yo can have him chained to a chair, bleeding, half dead, and he can still make you wet your pants just saying "hello john..." with that look on his eyes and that voice tone. But he also provokes big respect among everyone. It´s preety hard for me to explain, and my english level doesn´t help much. You can hate him, fear him and still, he is the f**king best.


Well, she was at least interesting when she was kidnapped and used as bait by Ethan Rom (anagram for "Other Man")... then CHARLIE had to go fuck it all up by shooting Ethan- not that I think in retrospect Ethan would have given up any info about the Others, but Charlie was still a dumbass for doing it. And then he just became a whiny, bitter, burnout, whiny little bitch. Charlie, that is. Claire was just boring and indecisive. In S5 they *better* have ramifications for Aaron being raised by another, like the psychic said... or perhaps he meant An Other? Will Juliet or Ben get their hands on Aaron? Hmmm...

I was more referring to the fact that she was a little kate and was being histerical with charlie and their relationship. I guess at that point I wanted them to both die hehe..
Well, now Aaron is being raised by Kate, but we already talked about how Kate deserves to be run over by a schoolbus, so we hope they are talking about something else. And what about Claire telling Kate not to bring him back??


And you know, I'm not into Locke because I necessarily share his points of view. I don't think the island is mystical. Creepy and an aberration of science as we currently know it, yes. But mystical, no. But Locke is so *eager*, and he's had such terrible things happen to him... remember when he was at the window of the hatch on his knees, crying and yelling "What do you WANT of me?" after Boone died? He was feeling like an insufficient failure yet again... and then the hatch light came on, we yelled HOLY SHIT WHAT THE FUCK OMG, and the ep ended... excellent scriptwriting!

Spanish lesson num 1:
What to say every time a Lost episode ends like that:
(this words are only meant to be educational and doesn´t mean to offend anyone. And we already say in the subject that girls here curse like sailors hehe)


I'm in the minority in that I didn't really like that one. It was too... hm, don't know how to explain it. I like the more tension-filled, sci-fi stuff on the show, not the romance. Except between Jin/Sun, ie, because it's a relevant part of their character studies. And so is Pen and Des, yeah, but that ep was too much for me.

Oh, on one hand was very... emotional, yeahp, but I think that the theory about time/space traveling and the constant concept itself made it a good ep.
I don´t measure it with the quantity of tears I expelled, I´m a crybaby always, I can cry to death watching Rambo hehehe :tongue:


See, I'm jaded because of Kate's flooziness and indecision. I mean come ON Sawyer- there are many attractive survivors- leave Kate and Jack to their dysfunctional loop of melodramatic patheticness and go find another chick to hook up with!



Especially with the golf course. :)

Ohhh I loved the Volskwagen Kombi too.


And there was much rejoicing!

On the lost_tv LiveJournal community there was a drinking game, you know, drink every time Hurley says "Dude" or Sawyer calls someone a nickname or Locke refers to the island as "mystical" or Danielle says something crazy like "They Whisper"...

If what you say ever happens, I will drink the whole damn bottle in one sitting to celebrate. We can do it over IM, to share the love... :tongue: :D

You can always count me in if there is alcohol. And of course, if Kate is dead, drinks are on me. 8)


You know, I think I've cursed more in this post and in this thread than I have in the entire almost two years (has it been two years?) I've been on this board. Does that make me pedestrian? :D


lepand: Haha, maybe you should change the subject of the thread and put an ADVISORY sign :D

Hahaha, good one Texas! :tongue:
2010: The Year We Make Contact

Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von »LePand« (9. Juni 2008, 23:54)


Dienstag, 10. Juni 2008, 14:39

RE: LOST (tv show, with ALL Season Spoilers... Spoilers Ahoy! Advisory: We Curse Like Sailors!


Originally posted by LePand
Ben is an endless topic, the character is just perfect, best villain ever. Yo can have him chained to a chair, bleeding, half dead, and he can still make you wet your pants just saying "hello john..." with that look on his eyes and that voice tone. But he also provokes big respect among everyone. It´s preety hard for me to explain, and my english level doesn´t help much. You can hate him, fear him and still, he is the f**king best.

No, no, you are making perfect sense and I agree. His control and tone of voice just hits me to the core. (not that I have a thing for sociopaths, mind you, heh!) But damn, the guy is.... yeah. Before we figured out Ben was Ben and was giving the name Henry Gale... I thought... wait... that's from the Wizard of Oz...and he supposedly came in a balloon?!?

Ok, we've got Hume (Desmond), Rousseau, Locke, Bakunin... but Henry Gale? I really didn't think at that time that he was the *leader* of the Others. And I guess he wasn't lying when he said he wasn't- that would be Jacob, we later find out. But I thought he was just a creepy weirdo like Ethan Rom.

But yeah, Ben really is a perfect character. Perfect acting on the part of Emerson too- I can't think of anyone who would have nailed it better with the emotive nuances and body language.

When I'm watching actors, I always look into their eyes at some points during the tv show or movie. The eyes reveal everything- a lot more than we think they do. Which is why I think Brad Pitt is such a terrible actor, despite his accolades. His eyes are always the same no matter what part he plays, which tells me he hasn't internalized the role to any real depth. Of course they're just actors playing a role, but I'm a strong believer in Method Acting... Emerson does that, and so does Terry O'Quinn. Evangeline Lily does not, but she's pretty green as far as acting goes. This is her first gig, aside from a tv commercial advertising phone party lines! "Call me!"

..."Because I'm coming with you! So get used to my one-dimensional personality NOW!"

God, the image of the character of Kate doing party line chat adverts. That's something that could turn freaky right there...

...speaking of which... wasn't it heartbreaking when we found out that Locke's girlfriend Helen left him, and so he resorted to calling phone sex girls, calling them by Helen's name, just to talk? God, I wanted to reach through my TV screen and give him a big hug and say "I'll go on your walkabout with you John, I believe you can do it!"

Poor Locke.

-Works a crappy desk job as an accountant manager at a box company that Hurley owns

-Has no friends

-Is abused by his boss who is like, 25 years his junior. (but then so am I, heh heh :D )

-His "dad" ends up to be a con artist who...

-...steals Locke's kidney aaaaand...

-....pushes him out a window....

-... refusing afterwards to see him...

-...and relegating Locke to a wheelchair. What a crappy life. And I thought *I* had parental issues!

-Loses his girlfriend, resorting to pathetic phone sex just for conversation

-Gets pwned by the Walkabout Tourism people

-Plane crashes

-Goes nutty with Island Mysticism

-Is sorta responsible for Boone's death

-Gets shot by Henry

-Becomes rather angry and bitter and nothing like the gentle, paternal, spooky-advice-giving Locke of SE1 and 2

-And is now the dubious leader of The Others.


LePand: I was more referring to the fact that she was a little kate and was being histerical with charlie and their relationship. I guess at that point I wanted them to both die hehe..

Oh, I see. Yes, I can agree with that. Though would you want an unreliable junkie around your kid? But she was so indecisive. Like Kate, make a decision, Claire!! Not that it matters now...

...come to think of it, I kinda miss Shannon and Boone. At least they were interesting, if not completely odious characters. Boone had that hangdog martyr complex,and Shannon was just a bitch. But they were interesting.

The hallucination sequence where Dead Bloody Boone says "Teresa fell down the stairs/Teresa fell up the stairs scared me so badly I had to turn the lights on in the middle of it!! 8o
I'm really susceptible to bizarre imagery. Twin Peaks and The Shining scare the holy hell out of me too. But I'm impressed and enjoy that they do!


lePand: Well, now Aaron is being raised by Kate, but we already talked about how Kate deserves to be run over by a schoolbus,

You've been watching Mean Girls, haven't you... heh...


lepand: so we hope they are talking about something else. And what about Claire telling Kate not to bring him back??

No idea. But she seemed really determined about that. Thing is, Locke is going to think that the Island requires them all to go back- including Aaron. Ben is thinking of a way to get Locke back to the island. So I don't know. It's a big mess I hope they address in the 5th (and final) season.

OH speaking of which- HELLO writers... what about these puzzles left to be solved?!?

-The Black Rock. Ok, we know others were there looooong before the Dharma Initiative or The Others. Are The Others the descendents of the Black Rock's crew? I don't think so.

-The Sickness Danielle kept babbling about. Is it the time travel thing?


-I'd still like to know what the Smoke Monster is made of. The writers have denied nanotechnology but it makes the most sense.

-Who were the Adam and Eve skeletons in the cave?


lepand; Spanish lesson num 1:
What to say every time a Lost episode ends like that:

Yeah, I yelled something very similar in English about mothers, but it was more general... ;) :tongue:


You know, I think I've cursed more in this post and in this thread than I have in the entire almost two years (has it been two years?) I've been on this board. Does that make me pedestrian? :D


lepand: Haha, maybe you should change the subject of the thread and put an ADVISORY sign :D...

Hahaha, good one Texas! :tongue:

I included YOU too, Argentina!! :P :D

Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von »ilex011« (10. Juni 2008, 14:41)


Dienstag, 10. Juni 2008, 14:43

RE: LOST (tv show, with ALL Season Spoilers... Spoilers Ahoy! Advisory: We Curse Like Sailors!


Originally posted by LePand
Ben is an endless topic, the character is just perfect, best villain ever. Yo can have him chained to a chair, bleeding, half dead, and he can still make you wet your pants just saying "hello john..." with that look on his eyes and that voice tone. But he also provokes big respect among everyone. It´s preety hard for me to explain, and my english level doesn´t help much. You can hate him, fear him and still, he is the f**king best.

No, no, you are making perfect sense and I agree. His control and tone of voice just hits me to the core. (not that I have a thing for sociopaths, mind you, heh!) But damn, the guy is.... yeah. Before we figured out Ben was Ben and was giving the name Henry Gale... I thought... wait... that's from the Wizard of Oz...and he supposedly came in a balloon?!?

Ok, we've got Hume (Desmond), Rousseau, Locke, Bakunin... but Henry Gale? I really didn't think at that time that he was the *leader* of the Others. And I guess he wasn't lying when he said he wasn't- that would be Jacob, we later find out. But I thought he was just a creepy weirdo like Ethan Rom.

But yeah, Ben really is a perfect character. Perfect acting on the part of Emerson too- I can't think of anyone who would have nailed it better with the emotive nuances and body language.

When I'm watching actors, I always look into their eyes at some points during the tv show or movie. The eyes reveal everything- a lot more than we think they do. Which is why I think Brad Pitt is such a terrible actor, despite his accolades. His eyes are always the same no matter what part he plays, which tells me he hasn't internalized the role to any real depth. Of course they're just actors playing a role, but I'm a strong believer in Method Acting... Emerson does that, and so does Terry O'Quinn. Evangeline Lily does not, but she's pretty green as far as acting goes. This is her first gig, aside from a tv commercial advertising phone party lines! "Call me!"

..."Because I'm coming with you! So get used to my one-dimensional personality NOW!"

God, the image of the character of Kate doing party line chat adverts. That's something that could turn freaky right there... and not in a cool, Rick James kind of way...

...speaking of which... wasn't it heartbreaking when we found out that Locke's girlfriend Helen left him, and so he resorted to calling phone sex girls, calling them by Helen's name, just to talk? God, I wanted to reach through my TV screen and give him a big hug and say "I'll go on your walkabout with you John, I believe you can do it!"

Poor Locke.

-Works a crappy desk job as an accountant manager at a box company that Hurley owns

-Has no friends except for the one whom he plays military games with, thusly living vicariously through his role as "General" in the game

-Is abused by his boss who is like, 25 years his junior

-His "dad" ends up to be a con artist who...

-...steals Locke's kidney aaaaand...

-....pushes him out a window....

-... refusing afterwards to see him...

-...and relegating Locke to a wheelchair. What a crappy life. And I thought *I* had parental issues!

-Loses his girlfriend, resorting to pathetic phone sex just for conversation

-Gets pwned by the Walkabout Tourism people

-Plane crashes

-Goes nutty with Island Mysticism

-Is sorta responsible for Boone's death

-Gets shot by Henry

-Becomes rather angry and bitter and nothing like the gentle, paternal, spooky-advice-giving Locke of SE1 and 2

-And is now the dubious leader of The Others.


LePand: I was more referring to the fact that she was a little kate and was being histerical with charlie and their relationship. I guess at that point I wanted them to both die hehe..

Oh, I see. Yes, I can agree with that. Though would you want an unreliable junkie around your kid? But she was so indecisive. Like Kate, make a decision, Claire!! Not that it matters now...

...come to think of it, I kinda miss Shannon and Boone. At least they were interesting, if not completely odious characters. Boone had that hangdog martyr complex,and Shannon was just a bitch. But they were interesting.

The hallucination sequence where Dead Bloody Boone says "Teresa fell down the stairs/Teresa fell up the stairs scared me so badly I had to turn the lights on in the middle of it!! 8o
I'm really susceptible to bizarre imagery. Twin Peaks and The Shining scare the holy hell out of me too. But I'm impressed and enjoy that they do!


lePand: Well, now Aaron is being raised by Kate, but we already talked about how Kate deserves to be run over by a schoolbus,

You've been watching Mean Girls, haven't you... heh...


lepand: so we hope they are talking about something else. And what about Claire telling Kate not to bring him back??

No idea. But she seemed really determined about that. Thing is, Locke is going to think that the Island requires them all to go back- including Aaron. Ben is thinking of a way to get Locke back to the island. So I don't know. It's a big mess I hope they address in the 5th (and final) season.

OH speaking of which- HELLO writers... what about these puzzles left to be solved?!?

-The Black Rock. Ok, we know others were there looooong before the Dharma Initiative or The Others. Are The Others the descendents of the Black Rock's crew? I don't think so.

-The Sickness Danielle kept babbling about. Is it the time travel thing?


-I'd still like to know what the Smoke Monster is made of. The writers have denied nanotechnology but it makes the most sense.

-Who were the Adam and Eve skeletons in the cave?


lepand; Spanish lesson num 1:
What to say every time a Lost episode ends like that:

Yeah, I yelled something very similar in English about mothers, but it was more general... ;) :tongue:


You know, I think I've cursed more in this post and in this thread than I have in the entire almost two years (has it been two years?) I've been on this board. Does that make me pedestrian? :D


lepand: Haha, maybe you should change the subject of the thread and put an ADVISORY sign :D...

Hahaha, good one Texas! :tongue:

I included YOU too, Argentina!! :P :D

Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 3 mal editiert, zuletzt von »ilex011« (10. Juni 2008, 14:48)



Beiträge: 643

Wohnort: República Separatista de Haedo Roberto Ruiz 1706 Buenos Aires Argentina

  • Nachricht senden


Donnerstag, 12. Juni 2008, 02:11

RE: LOST (tv show, with ALL Season Spoilers... Spoilers Ahoy! Advisory: We Curse Like Sailors!


Originally posted by ilex011
Evangeline Lily does not, but she's pretty green as far as acting goes. This is her first gig, aside from a tv commercial advertising phone party lines! "Call me!"

..."Because I'm coming with you! So get used to my one-dimensional personality NOW!"

God, the image of the character of Kate doing party line chat adverts. That's something that could turn freaky right there... and not in a cool, Rick James kind of way...

Didn´tk know about her past.. thank god here in the third world we cannot see that!
Do you think in a few years she will internalize better? hmmmmm :td:
I was thinking, I would enjoy seing kate visiting Dr. House. Just a few minutes talk. That would show her!


...speaking of which... wasn't it heartbreaking when we found out that Locke's girlfriend Helen left him, and so he resorted to calling phone sex girls, calling them by Helen's name, just to talk? God, I wanted to reach through my TV screen and give him a big hug and say "I'll go on your walkabout with you John, I believe you can do it!"

Poor Locke.

-Works a crappy desk job as an accountant manager at a box company that Hurley owns

-Has no friends except for the one whom he plays military games with, thusly living vicariously through his role as "General" in the game

-Is abused by his boss who is like, 25 years his junior

-His "dad" ends up to be a con artist who...

-...steals Locke's kidney aaaaand...

-....pushes him out a window....

-... refusing afterwards to see him...

-...and relegating Locke to a wheelchair. What a crappy life. And I thought *I* had parental issues!

-Loses his girlfriend, resorting to pathetic phone sex just for conversation

-Gets pwned by the Walkabout Tourism people

-Plane crashes

-Goes nutty with Island Mysticism

-Is sorta responsible for Boone's death

-Gets shot by Henry

-Becomes rather angry and bitter and nothing like the gentle, paternal, spooky-advice-giving Locke of SE1 and 2

-And is now the dubious leader of The Others.

I was thinking about you yesterday night. I finally convinced my concubine to see lost and when I got home she was up to seing the Walkabout so I joined her. Every day I like-support-care about-etc Locke more and more.


Oh, I see. Yes, I can agree with that. Though would you want an unreliable junkie around your kid? But she was so indecisive. Like Kate, make a decision, Claire!! Not that it matters now...

Hm, I think she was a bitch before knowing Charlie was a junkie. But as I am going to join my concubine seing all seasons, I´ll chek it :D
Oh, and that Charlie guy was annoying in Lord of the rings also :D


...come to think of it, I kinda miss Shannon and Boone. At least they were interesting, if not completely odious characters. Boone had that hangdog martyr complex,and Shannon was just a bitch. But they were interesting.

Shannon was a bitch, but in the way a bitch should be, she was a good bitch. Kate and Claire are something else :cool:


The hallucination sequence where Dead Bloody Boone says "Teresa fell down the stairs/Teresa fell up the stairs scared me so badly I had to turn the lights on in the middle of it!! 8o

Yes! I do remeber that, but can´t remember what was that referring about. Again, I´ll check it.


lePand: Well, now Aaron is being raised by Kate, but we already talked about how Kate deserves to be run over by a schoolbus,


You've been watching Mean Girls, haven't you... heh...

hahaha noup... It´s just the way I am! :sch:


No idea. But she seemed really determined about that. Thing is, Locke is going to think that the Island requires them all to go back- including Aaron. Ben is thinking of a way to get Locke back to the island. So I don't know. It's a big mess I hope they address in the 5th (and final) season.

One season is too short to solve everything. We are gathering people to burn the writers alive if they give us the wrong solution/end. :D

-The Black Rock. Ok, we know others were there looooong before the Dharma Initiative or The Others. Are The Others the descendents of the Black Rock's crew? I don't think so. ------ And Mr. Widmore buying the old book in the auction...

-The Sickness Danielle kept babbling about. Is it the time travel thing?------ good point... didn´t thougt about it

-I'd still like to know what the Smoke Monster is made of. The writers have denied nanotechnology but it makes the most sense. ------ THAT needs a right explanation, make it bad and a writer dies.

There are too many... are they suposed to explain everything? good question... ?(


Yeah, I yelled something very similar in English about mothers, but it was more general... ;) :tongue:
Ohhhh I love bad words. Kids don´t do this at home!


I included YOU too, Argentina!! :P :D
Now we are covered then, Let´s talk dirty Texas! yihaaaaa!
2010: The Year We Make Contact

Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von »LePand« (12. Juni 2008, 02:13)


Mittwoch, 18. Juni 2008, 02:05

RE: LOST (tv show, with ALL Season Spoilers... Spoilers Ahoy! Advisory: We Curse Like Sailors!


Originally posted by ilex011
God, the image of the character of Kate doing party line chat adverts. That's something that could turn freaky right there... and not in a cool, Rick James kind of way...


Didn´tk know about her past.. thank god here in the third world we cannot see that!

It was a Canadian shot commercial! (points and giggles at Michele... :P)


Do you think in a few years she will internalize better? hmmmmm :td:

I frankly don't give a rat's ass. I just want her to die. Preferably Death by Polar Bear.
GOD that would be so satisfying.

And because you and I love creating random and obscure clubs, we now have the We Hate Kate club. Of two. You and me, baby! You and me! And just like the GCA, everyone's a president!


I was thinking, I would enjoy seing kate visiting Dr. House. Just a few minutes talk. That would show her!

I would give my left kidney to see Kate in a room for 5 minutes with House... god, that would be so beautiful... *dabs eye*...


I was thinking about you yesterday night.

Oooh baby baby! Should we take this to the PM chat? :D 8) :tongue:


lepand, ignoring my puerile jests:
I finally convinced my concubine to see lost and when I got home she was up to seing the Walkabout so I joined her. Every day I like-support-care about-etc Locke more and more.

I feel I have contributed something positive to the world then. Go with my blessings, Grasshopper.

I don't even share Locke's views about the island being mystic. My RL friends are surprised I don't side with Jack, being he's a Man of Science. But I cannot STAND Jack's martyr complex. Oh god. I wish Jack would get the crap kicked out of him by the smoke monster like a dog swinging a floppy toy in its mouth, with Kate getting chowed down on by a polar bear at the same time. EPIC episode I tell you. Maybe in an easter egg reel on the DVD... a girl can dream... can't stand how Jack is so self-pitying. GTF over it, you wimpy loser! Grow a spine for god's sake!

See, that's what I like about Locke. Despite all his trials and tribulations, he still plows on. One foot in front of the other. He knows he might be wrong but he gives it a go anyway. He doesn't let his fear paralyze him. Jack does. And when Jack doesn't, it usually is because he's trying to prove something (to his father)- like getting up after the surgery. :rolleyes:


Hm, I think she was a bitch before knowing Charlie was a junkie. But as I am going to join my concubine seing all seasons, I´ll chek it :D
Oh, and that Charlie guy was annoying in Lord of the rings also :D

I liked Claire, actually. She was boring, but she was neutral positive on my scale. Charlie was annoying. His redeeming factor though was NOT PENNY'S BOAT. And showing up to chat with Hurley.

Speaking of, damn I miss Mr. Eko. Talk about getting flung around like a rag doll.

Isn't it interesting that the actors who have been arrested for drunk driving while filming ended up getting their characters killed off? Charlie, Boone, Shannon, and Claire are the exceptions. But

-Ana Lucia
-Mr Eko

Ok, so half of them got killed off which doesn't prove anything. Never mind. :/


Shannon was a bitch, but in the way a bitch should be, she was a good bitch.

She had the charisma and attitude to pull it off. Total diva.


me: The hallucination sequence where Dead Bloody Boone says "Teresa fell down the stairs/Teresa fell up the stairs scared me so badly I had to turn the lights on in the middle of it!! 8o


lepand: Yes! I do remeber that, but can´t remember what was that referring about. Again, I´ll check it.

It was one of Locke's hallucinations. A plane flew overhead while he was on the beach, he turned around and there was bloody Boone. Teresa was he and Shannon's family maid. But it didn't go into it more than that. I think it was done just for the creepy effect. It worked!


One season is too short to solve everything. We are gathering people to burn the writers alive if they give us the wrong solution/end. :D

I know! I hope the last season doesn't turn crappy like Twin Peaks and X Files. Both of those started out great but the endings were crap. For different reasons, but anyway. I think the risk with LOST is that they might try to tie up too much in too short of time.


me: -The Sickness Danielle kept babbling about. Is it the time travel thing?


lepand: ------ good point... didn´t thougt about it

I really think that's what it is. And Danielle didn't succumb to it because she had a constant- which couldn't be Alex because Alex wasn't born yet. So what the hell would be her constant?


me: I'd still like to know what the Smoke Monster is made of. The writers have denied nanotechnology but it makes the most sense.


lepand: ------ THAT needs a right explanation, make it bad and a writer dies.

I know, I know! There cannot be any better explanation than nanotech. It HAS to be nanotech. It's like looking at grass and saying "Oh, that's not a plant." It's freaking nanotech!


lepand: Ohhhh I love bad words. Kids don´t do this at home!

Oh fuck that. Kids, say lots of bad words at home! Screw the man! Develop a salty tongue whose very words could chip paint off walls... :D


I included YOU too, Argentina!! :P :D


lepand: Now we are covered then, Let´s talk dirty Texas! yihaaaaa!

Fuck yeah, Argentina!



Beiträge: 643

Wohnort: República Separatista de Haedo Roberto Ruiz 1706 Buenos Aires Argentina

  • Nachricht senden


Mittwoch, 25. Juni 2008, 04:00

RE: LOST (tv show, with ALL Season Spoilers... Spoilers Ahoy! Advisory: We Curse Like Sailors!


Originally posted by ilex011
I frankly don't give a rat's ass. I just want her to die. Preferably Death by Polar Bear.
GOD that would be so satisfying.

And because you and I love creating random and obscure clubs, we now have the We Hate Kate club. Of two. You and me, baby! You and me! And just like the GCA, everyone's a president!

Hahahaha! love it! And I love making t-shirts also, so let´s make one of those too :tongue: :tongue:


I would give my left kidney to see Kate in a room for 5 minutes with House... god, that would be so beautiful... *dabs eye*...

Shall we make a Dr. House thread also? :D
Or we can make a thread just for random talking about series. There we can even post polls, instead of "who would win a battle: superman or predator?" would be like "who would win: Dr. House or Stewie Griffin?"


I was thinking about you yesterday night.


Oooh baby baby! Should we take this to the PM chat? :D 8) :tongue:

I admit it Texas! girl talking about lost and people who deserve a cruel death truns me on! :tongue: :cool:


I feel I have contributed something positive to the world then. Go with my blessings, Grasshopper.

I saw again the walkabout last week. My mom now joined the lost crew. Saw 10 episodes in 2 days. She is in the good path.


I don't even share Locke's views about the island being mystic. My RL friends are surprised I don't side with Jack, being he's a Man of Science. But I cannot STAND Jack's martyr complex. Oh god. I wish Jack would get the crap kicked out of him by the smoke monster like a dog swinging a floppy toy in its mouth, with Kate getting chowed down on by a polar bear at the same time. EPIC episode I tell you. Maybe in an easter egg reel on the DVD... a girl can dream... can't stand how Jack is so self-pitying. GTF over it, you wimpy loser! Grow a spine for god's sake!

I don´t share that view either. I started writing things about Locke but I glanced at what you wrote after and I was writing the same thing hahah!
For me it would be so great if all these deserve-to-die characters had a ridiculous death. Kate runned over by a bus that appears out of the blue. Jack recieves a magic anvil falling from the sky... and so on...


See, that's what I like about Locke. Despite all his trials and tribulations, he still plows on. One foot in front of the other. He knows he might be wrong but he gives it a go anyway. He doesn't let his fear paralyze him. Jack does. And when Jack doesn't, it usually is because he's trying to prove something (to his father)- like getting up after the surgery. :rolleyes:



I liked Claire, actually. She was boring, but she was neutral positive on my scale. Charlie was annoying. His redeeming factor though was NOT PENNY'S BOAT. And showing up to chat with Hurley.

Now that I have been seeing again many episodes, she was nice and cute before having Aaron. I didn´t know Charlie and Kate are a couple in real life, but they fit.


Speaking of, damn I miss Mr. Eko. Talk about getting flung around like a rag doll.

Isn't it interesting that the actors who have been arrested for drunk driving while filming ended up getting their characters killed off? Charlie, Boone, Shannon, and Claire are the exceptions. But

-Ana Lucia
-Mr Eko

Ok, so half of them got killed off which doesn't prove anything. Never mind. :/

Damn I had such a sublime answer for that when I read your post the other day, now I don´t remember... :mauer:


One season is too short to solve everything. We are gathering people to burn the writers alive if they give us the wrong solution/end. :D


I know! I hope the last season doesn't turn crappy like Twin Peaks and X Files. Both of those started out great but the endings were crap. For different reasons, but anyway. I think the risk with LOST is that they might try to tie up too much in too short of time.

So I count you in :P


I really think that's what it is. And Danielle didn't succumb to it because she had a constant- which couldn't be Alex because Alex wasn't born yet. So what the hell would be her constant?

8o don´t know!


Oh fuck that. Kids, say lots of bad words at home! Screw the man! Develop a salty tongue whose very words could chip paint off walls... :D

I was the one who taught my little niece how to burp hehe
I also taught her nice things like the lyrics of Monochrome :D


I included YOU too, Argentina!! :P :D


lepand: Now we are covered then, Let´s talk dirty Texas! yihaaaaa!


Fuck yeah, Argentina!
:tongue: :tongue: :tongue:
You have to teach me more bad words in english :D
2010: The Year We Make Contact


Donnerstag, 26. Juni 2008, 04:29

RE: LOST (tv show, with ALL Season Spoilers... Spoilers Ahoy! Advisory: We Curse Like Sailors!

I just can't be bothered with brackets any longer.

And because you and I love creating random and obscure clubs, we now have the We Hate Kate club. Of two. You and me, baby! You and me! And just like the GCA, everyone's a president!

Hahahaha! love it! And I love making t-shirts also, so let´s make one of those too :tongue: :tongue:

Seriously. Something needs to be done about that whiny-ass ho. Have I mentioned before how it annoys me that she has a sum total of 3 facial expressions? *scrolls up*
Oh yes, I see I have. Never mind.

1) Determined Kate ("I'M GOING WITH YOU!")

2) Worried Kate ("Jack! I'M GOING WITH YOU!)

3) Pseudo-sympathetic Kate ("Jack..." or, scene-dependently, "Sawyer...")

Shall we make a Dr. House thread also? :D

Have you seen all the episodes though? Wouldn't want to accidentally ruin it with spoilers.

Or we can make a thread just for random talking about series. There we can even post polls, instead of "who would win a battle: superman or predator?"

Good idea! Though I have a feeling it will be just you and me, ha ha!


would be like "who would win: Dr. House or Stewie Griffin?"

Never seen a single episode of Family Guy. Saw bits of a couple, didn't like it. So my vote would naturally go to Dr. House. ;)


I was thinking about you yesterday night.


Oooh baby baby! Should we take this to the PM chat? :D 8) :tongue:

I admit it Texas! girl talking about lost and people who deserve a cruel death truns me on! :tongue: :cool:

Argentina, I'll be sure to go on and on and ON in detail about the various sadistic tortures I can come up with for Kate. It'll pass the time while we're on the train. :D

I saw again the walkabout last week. My mom now joined the lost crew. Saw 10 episodes in 2 days. She is in the good path.

Yes, yes! More Locke converts! Yesssssss....


I don't even share Locke's views about the island being mystic. My RL friends are surprised I don't side with Jack, being he's a Man of Science. But I cannot STAND Jack's martyr complex. Oh god. I wish Jack would get the crap kicked out of him by the smoke monster like a dog swinging a floppy toy in its mouth, with Kate getting chowed down on by a polar bear at the same time. EPIC episode I tell you. Maybe in an easter egg reel on the DVD... a girl can dream... can't stand how Jack is so self-pitying. GTF over it, you wimpy loser! Grow a spine for god's sake!

I don´t share that view either. I started writing things about Locke but I glanced at what you wrote after and I was writing the same thing hahah!
For me it would be so great if all these deserve-to-die characters had a ridiculous death. Kate runned over by a bus that appears out of the blue. Jack recieves a magic anvil falling from the sky... and so on...

It's the island- anything can happen! Wouldn't it have been nice if Kate had gotten run over by the VW minibus that Hurley got running? Completely out of the blue, no explanation? I'd love it if they were completely nonchalant about it, like they were when Dr. Artz got blown up. Which kinda sucked- I liked Artz.


See, that's what I like about Locke. Despite all his trials and tribulations, he still plows on. One foot in front of the other. He knows he might be wrong but he gives it a go anyway. He doesn't let his fear paralyze him. Jack does. And when Jack doesn't, it usually is because he's trying to prove something (to his father)- like getting up after the surgery. :rolleyes:


*And* he admits when he's wrong. Everyone else tries to cover their mistakes.

Speaking of the integrity of the characters, I really wish we'd see more of Rose. I like her a lot. She's no bullshit but compassionate and kind at the same time.


I liked Claire, actually. She was boring, but she was neutral positive on my scale. Charlie was annoying. His redeeming factor though was NOT PENNY'S BOAT. And showing up to chat with Hurley.

Now that I have been seeing again many episodes, she was nice and cute before having Aaron.

She turned *neurotic* after having Aaron- and I mean after she was kidnapped and all that noise.


One season is too short to solve everything. We are gathering people to burn the writers alive if they give us the wrong solution/end. :D


I know! I hope the last season doesn't turn crappy like Twin Peaks and X Files. Both of those started out great but the endings were crap. For different reasons, but anyway. I think the risk with LOST is that they might try to tie up too much in too short of time.

So I count you in :P

Definitely. I'll be there with the first torch. Fire baaaaaaad....


I really think that's what it is. And Danielle didn't succumb to it because she had a constant- which couldn't be Alex because Alex wasn't born yet. So what the hell would be her constant?

8o don´t know!

Me neither. And I'm pissed she got killed. I liked her too, even if she was a little nuts.

You have to teach me more bad words in english :D

Well, I sense more time-passing conversation topics in my future... I can also say some positively horrible things in Hebrew/Arabic too, for the novelty... :cool: :tongue: :D

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