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Mittwoch, 3. Juli 2024, 03:55 UTC+2

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Donnerstag, 24. August 2006, 23:03


Original von Evolutz
Je höher der Zaun, desto besser der Nachbar.

*lol* wechlach :lol:

storm @ myspace

"bin dann mal weg..Glückliche Paare im Park vergiften! "


Donnerstag, 31. August 2006, 10:34

"Homo sum, humani nihil a me alienum puto."

- Publius Terentius Afer (in "Heauton Timorumenos")
See the World in My Eyes:


Mittwoch, 6. September 2006, 11:01

A man's delight in looking forward to and hoping for some particular satisfaction is a part of the pleasure flowing out of it, enjoyed in advance. But this is afterward deducted, for the more we look forward to anything the less we enjoy it when it comes.

- Arthur Schopenhauer
See the World in My Eyes:


Sonntag, 4. März 2007, 13:29

“We are each of us angels with only one wing, and we can only fly by embracing one another.”

- Lucretius

See the World in My Eyes:



Beiträge: 514

Wohnort: Hamburg

Beruf: stud.iur.

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Sonntag, 4. März 2007, 21:02

Musik bringt die Seele zum Schwingen.

Music lets the soul go bouncing. (?)
"I myself am pursueing the same instinctive course as the veriest human animal you can think of - I am however young, starring at particles of light in the midst of great darkness." (John Keats)


Montag, 5. März 2007, 14:22

"The true triumph of reason is that it enables us to get along with those who do not possess it."

- Voltaire

See the World in My Eyes:

Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von »Atma« (5. März 2007, 14:22)



Beiträge: 514

Wohnort: Hamburg

Beruf: stud.iur.

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Montag, 5. März 2007, 16:09

@Atma: Is this thought of Voltaire a citation of "candide"?
"I myself am pursueing the same instinctive course as the veriest human animal you can think of - I am however young, starring at particles of light in the midst of great darkness." (John Keats)


Montag, 5. März 2007, 21:30

I don't think so. I've read Candide lately and I don't remember such thought.
See the World in My Eyes:


Sonntag, 11. März 2007, 03:15

Anything is a good thing until it is a bad thing.


Sonntag, 11. März 2007, 15:08

"The greatest wealth is to live content with little, for there is never want where the mind is satisfied."

- Lucretius
See the World in My Eyes:



Beiträge: 514

Wohnort: Hamburg

Beruf: stud.iur.

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Sonntag, 11. März 2007, 18:54

unfortunately I am not a buddhist monk...I guess consuming is my religion ;)
"I myself am pursueing the same instinctive course as the veriest human animal you can think of - I am however young, starring at particles of light in the midst of great darkness." (John Keats)

Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von »Evolutz« (11. März 2007, 18:55)


Sonntag, 11. März 2007, 20:23

"If we go back to the beginning we shall find that ignorance and fear created the gods; that fancy, enthusiasm, or deceit adorned or disfigured them; that weakness worships them; that credulity preserves them, and that custom, respect and tyranny support them in order to make the blindness of men serve its own interests."

- Holbach
See the World in My Eyes:


Sonntag, 11. März 2007, 23:50

Knowledge is Power

Power Corrupts

Study Hard

Be Evil

- from the t-shirts at the Ego Likeness concert.... :D
"Together we are what we can't be alone" - Dropkick Murphy's, a punk bank from Boston, Massachusetts, USA
"What doesn't kill us only makes us stronger" - Resilience, a hardcore punk band from Santa Rosa, California, USA
"As our ashes turn to dust, we shine like stars" - Gee, I wonder who said this


Mittwoch, 21. März 2007, 01:32

"Is it harder to answer or easier to try
To make all the questions ask themselves why?"


Freitag, 20. April 2007, 09:54

"The generations of living things pass in a short time, and like runners hand on the torch of life."

- Lucretius
See the World in My Eyes:



Beiträge: 514

Wohnort: Hamburg

Beruf: stud.iur.

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Freitag, 20. April 2007, 12:34

@Atma: very nice citation! (call the ships to port)
"I myself am pursueing the same instinctive course as the veriest human animal you can think of - I am however young, starring at particles of light in the midst of great darkness." (John Keats)


Dienstag, 24. April 2007, 01:36

Do not become a mere recorder of facts, but instead try to penetrate the mystery of their origin.

- Ivan Petrovich Pavlov


Donnerstag, 24. Mai 2007, 03:07

"Somewhere, something incredible is waiting to be known." - Carl Sagan



Freitag, 14. September 2007, 23:34

I think of Mika today... Don't know why, but she in my mind today

You are not forgotten, dear Mika


An die Moderatoren: Ihr könnt den Beitrag gerne in den Thread für Mika verschieben, ich habe erst geschrieben, dann gedacht

Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 2 mal editiert, zuletzt von »Claudia« (14. September 2007, 23:35)


Freitag, 14. September 2007, 23:42

The one who walks in light will forever be blind.
"I will protect you from your visions, to save you from illusions. I will protect you from ideals to save you from defeats."
- Joakim Montelius

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