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Mittwoch, 2. Oktober 2024, 21:16 UTC+2

Lieber Besucher, herzlich willkommen bei: official Covenant Forum. Falls dies Ihr erster Besuch auf dieser Seite ist, lesen Sie sich bitte die Hilfe durch. Dort wird Ihnen die Bedienung dieser Seite näher erläutert. Darüber hinaus sollten Sie sich registrieren, um alle Funktionen dieser Seite nutzen zu können. Benutzen Sie das Registrierungsformular, um sich zu registrieren oder informieren Sie sich ausführlich über den Registrierungsvorgang. Falls Sie sich bereits zu einem früheren Zeitpunkt registriert haben, können Sie sich hier anmelden.


Sonntag, 19. Juli 2009, 02:50

LiveJournal today asked "What modern invention do you think the world would be better off without?" and I answered "Twilight novels"; then amended it to:

"And Twitter. The whole online social thing is sorta freaking me out lately and I'm not sure why, being I'm down with The Future. I just am not convinced The Future is truly here yet- we just think it is. Like we think we're building with Legos when we're really building with Duplo Blox."

As long as we keep building, I guess. Sometimes it seems we've become so entrenched in the materials that we've lost sight of the building.

(don't mind me- I'm cranky 'cos I'm not at Amphi and Waregem this year, and Texas summer heat does funny things to the brain... :rolleyes: )


Montag, 27. Juli 2009, 09:11


"The first civilization started in Mesopotamia around 5000 BCE (more or less), which is 7,000 years ago.

If you live until age 80, that's more than 1% of the history of civilization.

Just throwing it out there for anyone else who'd never thought about it before. Certainly changed my perspective a bit."


Dienstag, 4. August 2009, 09:29

Yeah, and in the whole timeline of the existence of the universe, humanity is about 2 seconds long. Something reassuring and liberating about that. Maybe the weight of the world isn't entirely on our personal shoulders after all. Find joy.


Montag, 21. September 2009, 21:20

"The highest definition of the medium corresponds to the lowest definition of the message - the highest definition of the news item corresponds to the lowest definition of the event, the highest definition of sex (porn) corresponds to the lowest definition of desire, the highest definition of language corresponds to the lowest definition of meaning, the highest definition of other in immediate interaction corresponds to the lowest definition of otherness in exchange, etc."



Beiträge: 643

Wohnort: República Separatista de Haedo Roberto Ruiz 1706 Buenos Aires Argentina

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Donnerstag, 24. September 2009, 21:01

I have to go back to Europe before I loose an organ.
2010: The Year We Make Contact



Beiträge: 643

Wohnort: República Separatista de Haedo Roberto Ruiz 1706 Buenos Aires Argentina

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Donnerstag, 22. Oktober 2009, 16:08

Qué será, será... What ever will be, will be...
2010: The Year We Make Contact



Beiträge: 71

Beruf: servant of a servant of a servant of god

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Freitag, 23. Oktober 2009, 15:15

what you are attached to ist what you take shelter of during death.
god is the highest savorer, the possessor of everything and the best friend of everyone.



Beiträge: 71

Beruf: servant of a servant of a servant of god

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Samstag, 24. Oktober 2009, 18:53

material pleasures are like mirage in desert.
god is the highest savorer, the possessor of everything and the best friend of everyone.


Montag, 5. April 2010, 17:09

"Content without context is noise."



Beiträge: 35

Wohnort: Illinois 60056 mt. prospect

Beruf: looking for one

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Mittwoch, 2. Juni 2010, 16:54

What has happened to all of the people that were on the forum? Some were pretentious, witty, and cynical. Nonetheless, the posts were usually entertaining. Where have you gone?
Burn the sky....Bring the Light



Beiträge: 643

Wohnort: República Separatista de Haedo Roberto Ruiz 1706 Buenos Aires Argentina

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Dienstag, 15. Juni 2010, 22:17

I´m having an evil hacker spirit living at home, I´m technically not able to enter the forum when I´m there. Therefore I can only get in from work. Therefore I´m not around much...
What has happened to all of the people that were on the forum? Some were pretentious, witty, and cynical. Nonetheless, the posts were usually entertaining. Where have you gone?
2010: The Year We Make Contact



Beiträge: 12

Wohnort: Saxony

Beruf: Ghost Train Decoration / Food Slave for my Cat

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Freitag, 9. Dezember 2011, 21:11

Why did I register at a nearly inactive board? Maybe time will tell...
"Cats have it all - admiration, an endless sleep,
and company only when they want it."

(Rod McKuen)


Samstag, 10. Dezember 2011, 12:12


I agree. There is not much going on in this Forum. But tonight we will celebrate!!!!! Two choices: watch Covenant in Hamburg or Rammstein in Stuttgart. I will celebrate with Rammstein. It will be hot! Party on! Feuer frei!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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