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Dienstag, 10. April 2007, 10:19

Pixelmen Jacket...

:/ Okay, so I got a pixelmen jacket when I saw Covenant here last october, and I really wish I could find them elsewhere for a friend of mine, as a gift.
I've tried looking online but the sites I went to ended up not working... (or it was sold out)

Is it at all possible to get this anywhere? ?(


Dienstag, 10. April 2007, 11:01

RE: Pixelmen Jacket...


Originally posted by taqholic
:/ Okay, so I got a pixelmen jacket when I saw Covenant here last october, and I really wish I could find them elsewhere for a friend of mine, as a gift.
I've tried looking online but the sites I went to ended up not working... (or it was sold out)

Is it at all possible to get this anywhere? ?(…sort=20a&page=5

Could be wrong but they didn't appear to be sold out. :)


Dienstag, 10. April 2007, 22:16

RE: Pixelmen Jacket...


Originally posted by ilex011


Originally posted by taqholic
:/ Okay, so I got a pixelmen jacket when I saw Covenant here last october, and I really wish I could find them elsewhere for a friend of mine, as a gift.
I've tried looking online but the sites I went to ended up not working... (or it was sold out)

Is it at all possible to get this anywhere? ?(…sort=20a&page=5

Could be wrong but they didn't appear to be sold out. :)

Yeah that's the page I was having problems with. My browser has a whole lot of security filtering and I got so far as paypal but on the last step it said something like "cannot display page"
I'll try that again from another computer, though.

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