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Mittwoch, 2. Oktober 2024, 03:31 UTC+2

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  • »LePand« ist der Autor dieses Themas

Beiträge: 643

Wohnort: República Separatista de Haedo Roberto Ruiz 1706 Buenos Aires Argentina

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Montag, 7. September 2009, 19:18

Depeche Mode - 17.10.09 @ Club Ciudad de Buenos Aires

I´m absolutely happy and full of anger.

Depeche Mode is playing in Buenos Aires next month, this was announced a couple of months ago.

That is why I´m so happy! I´ve never seen them, I´ve been waiting like all my life to see them.

Then they announced they are playing in a festival. Personal Fest. Crap. Thing about festivals here is that they don´t care which bands they put together, they might put a reggae and a doom metal band with Depeche. Then you have to cope with a lot of people that can ruin your show. Like last Kraftwerk show with people booing, or New Order´s show, that people couldn´t understand the guys are old, and not they cute guys from the video "crystal"... Not mentioning only a few of us could sing "love will tear us apart"...

But ok, They are comming, so I´ll still see them! :)

Then I go to the website and I see the field is divided. If you want to be in the front, you have to buy insanely expensive VIP tickets. OH! Sold out. That sucks, every time they divide the field, you can´t see shit. And it´s going to be damn crowded, the place is too small for depeche.

But ok, I can still hear them, right? :)

So the only choice is to buy a regular field ticket which is also damn expensive, but it´s Depeche Mode, so I will make a huge effort because I have to see them, after all the waiting!
But I have money only for basic survival until I get paid, so I will have to wait a week. That is was I said to myself last week of august.

I checked the site today to see where can I buy the tickets, and I see tickets are even MORE expensive!

350 Argentinean pesos + service charge!!!

WTF people????

Now I´m mad.

And YES, I will buy a ticket, but this is fucking insane, average salary is 1500 pesos, this is too much.

You don´t mess with a Depeche Mode show. You don´t. Die Ticketmaster, Die.

Sorry, I had to let it out.

Oh, BTW, pet shop boys is playing the day before. 150 pesos.
2010: The Year We Make Contact


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Beiträge: 1 121

Beruf: Veranstaltungskaufmann

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Mittwoch, 9. September 2009, 11:20

My advice:

"Breaking the law! Breaking the law!" :D

Pretend to be a VIP, climb over fences, fool the security, pretend to be in the support act, start a band and be the support act! :cool:

I'm sure a girl with so much creativity will have an idea how to make the best out of it! :-]



  • »LePand« ist der Autor dieses Themas

Beiträge: 643

Wohnort: República Separatista de Haedo Roberto Ruiz 1706 Buenos Aires Argentina

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Mittwoch, 9. September 2009, 16:22

Hahaha, you are damn right, I´ve been trying to do it in a not-so-illegal way, by trying to sell java applications, promo mobile content, and rent bluetooth antennas to the company that organizes the event. We´ve been negotiating for a week, so cross your fingers.

If they don´t give me tickets, I hope I can at least get some some money from them 8)

You know it´s not so easy to climb fences here, as security guys are very used to people trying to sneak in, and if they caught you, they might kick your ass badly. But! I´m a lady, and experience showed security guys usually trust ladies.

I will be there, no matter what!

PS: "start a band and be the support act" is my favorite, I need to do something useful with my punk rocker soul
2010: The Year We Make Contact


Mittwoch, 9. September 2009, 17:58

Another(almost serious) solution for Le pand problem!!!

I think we members of the forum which knows her should start a collection to fulfil one of Le pand biggest dream.

So I would opening the collection with 20 or 30 Euro, how much are 350 pesos in Euro?

Le pand let us know your bank account and we will transferring the money to you.

Sorrry for my bad english ?(


Freitag, 11. September 2009, 02:48


Originally posted by phoenix70
Another(almost serious) solution for Le pand problem!!!

I think we members of the forum which knows her should start a collection to fulfil one of Le pand biggest dream.

So I would opening the collection with 20 or 30 Euro, how much are 350 pesos in Euro?

Le pand let us know your bank account and we will transferring the money to you.

Sorrry for my bad english ?(

Yeah! The Panda Mobility Fund! :lol:

(your english is much, much better than my german)

Panda, please please be the support act...

Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 2 mal editiert, zuletzt von »ilex011« (11. September 2009, 02:50)



  • »LePand« ist der Autor dieses Themas

Beiträge: 643

Wohnort: República Separatista de Haedo Roberto Ruiz 1706 Buenos Aires Argentina

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Freitag, 11. September 2009, 17:50

I have my tickets.

450 Argentinean pesos.

2010: The Year We Make Contact

Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von »LePand« (23. September 2009, 19:40)



  • »LePand« ist der Autor dieses Themas

Beiträge: 643

Wohnort: República Separatista de Haedo Roberto Ruiz 1706 Buenos Aires Argentina

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Dienstag, 6. Oktober 2009, 16:05

In a very unhappy political strategy, the National Government decided, after running out of money to keep stealing and just to mess with the opponent mass, to close all the main venues just less than 2 weeks before the festivals season begins.

They closed the Club Ciudad de Buenos Aires, where the Personal Fest was going to be (next week, Depeche Mode - Pet Shop Boys and more) and where the Pepsi Music festival is supposed to be (Faith no More - Prodigy and more). They also closed the River Plate Stadium, where AC/DC confirmed 3 gigs, the first one was sold out within a couple of hours (70.000 people).

With so much money in this issue, promotors took this matter to the justice, and City Government (strongest opponent party), gave promotors permission to make the shows against National Government´s will.

As long as we know, we still have the show. Keep your fingers crossed.
2010: The Year We Make Contact


Super Moderator

Beiträge: 1 121

Beruf: Veranstaltungskaufmann

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Samstag, 10. Oktober 2009, 17:37

I read on a DM forum that the show will be still on, so I keep my fingers crossed for you!

Do you have a good ticket, or is it far away from the stage?



  • »LePand« ist der Autor dieses Themas

Beiträge: 643

Wohnort: República Separatista de Haedo Roberto Ruiz 1706 Buenos Aires Argentina

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Sonntag, 18. Oktober 2009, 17:56


Originally posted by Niggels
I read on a DM forum that the show will be still on, so I keep my fingers crossed for you!

Do you have a good ticket, or is it far away from the stage?

I think we were all scared until the last minute, we just didn't believe it until we saw them on stage.
I was faaaaaaaaaaaaar away, VIP tickets were sold out within a couple of hours and I couldn't get one, then there was a general ticket and it was super crowded even hours before the show. There where people at the doors of the venue waiting to get in since 6 am. And things were just too rough in the first half of the stadium. There where lots of injured people, that is what my sister told me. She was in the front row and she fainted after a couple of songs, she saw the show from the red cross tent, so she knows.
Show was sold out like a month ago and lots of people from all latin america came just to see them.

So this is my review:

After what I experienced last night, I can die happy.

Thank you, Depeche Mode.
2010: The Year We Make Contact



  • »LePand« ist der Autor dieses Themas

Beiträge: 643

Wohnort: República Separatista de Haedo Roberto Ruiz 1706 Buenos Aires Argentina

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Montag, 19. Oktober 2009, 16:56

I think my 2 favorite moments in the show:

1- try to avoid the crazy annoying lady screaming and listen to the crowd and that lovely chorus:

2- Oh my... This still gives me chicken skin... watch both!

3- That last minute was amazing...

And this videos are not enough to describe it...

BTW, 35.000 people there that night.
2010: The Year We Make Contact

Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 2 mal editiert, zuletzt von »LePand« (19. Oktober 2009, 17:29)

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