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  • »LePand« ist der Autor dieses Themas

Beiträge: 643

Wohnort: República Separatista de Haedo Roberto Ruiz 1706 Buenos Aires Argentina

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Montag, 22. Dezember 2008, 21:02

KRAFTWERK Live in Argentina

Last week every newspaper, magazine, radio station and so on, confirmed that Radiohead was coming to town for the first time. I said to myself "well, yeah... maybe it would be nice to see them, how much is the ticket? 300 pesos!! (100 USD) no freaking way!!!".

Then there was a rumor about Sigur Rós being the opening band, so I said "well, maybe... let´s check if we can catch a special discount or something..."

Then today an MSN window opened saying "hm, maybe we should go see Radiohead after all..."

That Rolling Stone article says that KRAFTWERK will be the opening show for Radiohead! Say what?? Wait, wait a minute, who is the f**king d*ck head that thinks that Kraftwerk has the second place here???? Are they serious? Kraftwerk CAN´T be an opening act people! they already opened our tiny minds to show us, the regular mortals, what life is about! (that includes radiohead guys)

See, Radiohead guys, I think you are a good band and I respect you, this is how it had to be:

Some promotor: Hey Radiohead guy 1, probably the singer!
Radiohead guy 1: Hey some promotor, wassup?
SP: Well, we sold Latin America, Argentina, Chile, and all those 3rd world countries, they seem to know you.
RG1: Good! It´s been a long time since I had a good steak. They say Rio de Janeiro is amazing, with Tango and stuff you know..
SP: I think Rio de Janeiro is in Brazil... Anyway, we couldn´t get you Sigur Rós... But we got you some other band, I think that you did a tribute to a song of them, that can be catchy
RG1: Crap... Did you get Britney?
SP: We have Kraftwerk as opening act, is it ok or we should look for Britney?
RG: OMG! Can´t be! Can´t be! Daddy can´t be our opening show! There is no way! Can we be THEIR opening show?? We don´t deserve it! Daddy is too big for us!

But I guess it wasn´t like that, right?

Yeah I´m pissed off, but hey! I´ll see them again! I admit that Kraftwerk made me cry the first and only time I saw them.

Yes, I will buy my ticket today. Yes, I would spend all my savings if necessary. Yes, I´M SO SO SO HAPPY! OMG! Do I need to say how freaking happy I am???? GGGgggAAAAAaAaaAAAHHHHhHHHHHHHHhhhhGGGgggggg!!!!!!!!!! :D:D:D:D:D:D:D

Oh, and Radiohead will play later, for those who want to come back to earth after the show.

March 24th, 2009
@ Club Ciudad de Buenos Aires - Quilmes Rock Festival
Tickets on sale already, who cares how much! let´s go!

2010: The Year We Make Contact



  • »LePand« ist der Autor dieses Themas

Beiträge: 643

Wohnort: República Separatista de Haedo Roberto Ruiz 1706 Buenos Aires Argentina

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Montag, 22. Dezember 2008, 21:04

Oh, I´m so sorry, I posted this on the German section, I just realized.
2010: The Year We Make Contact


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Dienstag, 23. Dezember 2008, 18:29


Original von LePand
Oh, I´m so sorry, I posted this on the German section, I just realized.

Well, nor problem, I moved it. 8)

And yes, this service is free! ;)



  • »LePand« ist der Autor dieses Themas

Beiträge: 643

Wohnort: República Separatista de Haedo Roberto Ruiz 1706 Buenos Aires Argentina

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Donnerstag, 1. Januar 2009, 15:41

Thank you, you are a sweetheart!

2010: The Year We Make Contact


Freitag, 2. Januar 2009, 04:07

Am. So. Jealous. Right. Now.

(about Kraftwerk, I mean, not about Niggels moving your thread, heh! ;) )

Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von »ilex011« (2. Januar 2009, 04:07)


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Freitag, 2. Januar 2009, 17:25

Oh, I can move your threads too if you want me to! ;)

And the package is really interesting - although I made bad experiences with Radiohead fans when I saw Underworld performing before Radiohead. I was up for a dance fest but absolutely dead people waiting for Radiohead ruined the experience. Believe it or not but there many Radiohead fans sitting on picnic blankets five meters from the stage and whining if you accidentally stepped on their nice blanket!! So Underworld performed their finest dance tunes and ole Niggels wasn't allowed to dance - could step on something by chance, or - god beware - even touch somebody! :!: :nein:

But perhaps Kraftwerk fans would ask if they can sit down on the picnic blanket too. ;)


Samstag, 3. Januar 2009, 18:46


Originally posted by Niggels
Oh, I can move your threads too if you want me to! ;)

You've done it before, why break tradition? :tongue: ;)


And the package is really interesting - although I made bad experiences with Radiohead fans when I saw Underworld performing before Radiohead. I was up for a dance fest but absolutely dead people waiting for Radiohead ruined the experience. Believe it or not but there many Radiohead fans sitting on picnic blankets five meters from the stage and whining if you accidentally stepped on their nice blanket!! So Underworld performed their finest dance tunes and ole Niggels wasn't allowed to dance - could step on something by chance, or - god beware - even touch somebody! :!: :nein:

But perhaps Kraftwerk fans would ask if they can sit down on the picnic blanket too. ;)

Ooooo, I despise it when people don't MOVE during the music!! That, my friend, is why you are an excellent Concert Buddy! :D


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Sonntag, 4. Januar 2009, 20:13

Most of the time I try not to move - but I stumble, stagger, totter, waver, reel, sway and lose control. :rolleyes:

Some people might think I'd dance! :P :rolleyes:



  • »LePand« ist der Autor dieses Themas

Beiträge: 643

Wohnort: República Separatista de Haedo Roberto Ruiz 1706 Buenos Aires Argentina

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Montag, 5. Januar 2009, 14:28


Originally posted by NiggelsBut perhaps Kraftwerk fans would ask if they can sit down on the picnic blanket too. ;)

Haha! :tongue:

Have you seen any Argentinean Kraftwerk fan? Well actually you have, heya! :D

Yeahp, we are Kraftwerk fans, but we are still Argentineans, we jump, sing, shout and kick asses during the show, as if we were in a football match, you would love it :perfekt:

Tex, you are invited, always!

We need the hugging emoticon...
2010: The Year We Make Contact



  • »LePand« ist der Autor dieses Themas

Beiträge: 643

Wohnort: República Separatista de Haedo Roberto Ruiz 1706 Buenos Aires Argentina

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Mittwoch, 25. März 2009, 19:56

A subjective review of Kraftwerk show.

And the other 2 bands.

La Portuaria:
At 18.15 as scheduled, the band was on stage, but no one told the sound guy he had to stop the music in the stadium and mics were off, so they got out of the stage and re-appeared like 10 minutes later.
La Portuaria is a band I truly like, I have like 5 not-original cd´s (since I had my "divorce" I only have a few original cd´s, so record labels, sue my ex), and they played a lot of song of the new cd. New songs are boring and dumb therefore I assume new cd sucks pretty much. They played like 40 minutes and I sang every song but the new ones. The rest of the public sang none. Sound was great.
The show word: boring

Stadium was full, 35.000 people and they had to move the stage a little bit to the back. They played for more than 2 hours and it was a beautiful show. They played every hit they have, but the highlight for me was the light show and stuff. They had 5 huge led screens and at least 6 cameras to show what was going on on the stage. Screen was irregularly divided to show the camera images, which where from unusual angles and with unusual framing. Each song had a color and all this was so photographic it was a pleasure to watch. They dedicated a song to the 30.000 victims of our military government and the lights guy used the screens in the sides and the lights on the stage to form and argentinean flag but seems that no one noticed. I saw all the show sitting on the floor, in the very back of the stadium. Sound was perfect.
Radiohead word: Photographic

So yeah, of the 35.000 people in the stadium, 99% only wanted to see Radiohead and had NO IDEA who these Kraftwerk guys where. I can say I saw Kraftwerk in the worst place possible. I was like 10 mts. away form the stage, on the left. But everyone was so concerned about getting the best place ever for Radiohead that they squeezed you so much that was hard breathing. Also I had some very rude people around who didn´t know the band (Almost no one did) and kept saying rude things about them. Still I was close enough to see. Seeing Kraftwerk on stage is like seeing the first electronic music cell ever and see the mitosis right there, see them creating everything we know today. These guys on stage are an avalanche of wisdom punching you in the face, they are the synthesis of everything ever created. Show was amazing. 60 minutes of chicken skin. I danced, I sang, I shouted, I jumped. And I saw like 4 other guys doing the same. They made short versions of most of their songs, too bad. And there were songs they didn´t play of course, like Pocket Calculator, that is a classic they usually play here because people just get wild when "by pressing down a special key it plays a little melody". They playlist, in no particular order: Autobahn, Man Machine, Radioactivity, The Model, Music Non Stop, Tour de France, Computer World, The Robots, Trans Europe Express, Numbers, Show Room Dummies, Boing Boom Tschak, Expo 2000 and maybe I forget one of two songs. And when the show ends, you are speechless.
Two words: Wisdom and Sublime

General aspects of the Quilmes Rock festival:
Food and beverage were too expensive, security was fine, public transport sucked, after 2 hours and a half of waiting for different buses, I had to jump into a taxi with a bunch of strangers to return home at 3 am (show ended at midnight). In the same block of Mc Donald´s, 4 blocks away from the stadium, there where a few guys selling amazing Kraftwerk t-shirts. That was the only place where you could get kraftwerk (non offcial) t-shirts as everyone only sold radiohead ones
2010: The Year We Make Contact

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