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Originally posted by Bugs
Originally posted by lushmachine
Let's touch back to the subject: Anyone here seen Daniel play with Covenant before and willing to share how he impacted/changed the performace? Watching Clas on stage was extremely entertaining so I wonder what Daniel will do to get my attention! Eskil's great and all but I like having a choice of who to watch on stage. Keeps me from singing too much.![]()
I believe you'll be singing more![]()
Original von Marci
I may be an Eskil groupie, but I had no idea what he looked like until I saw him in concert in October. I love the music of Covenant, but I love the meaning to the lyics more than the music. I think that some people are being somewhat harsh.
Originally posted by kleineRatte
To me it doesn't matter if someone likes the melodies, bass lines, lyrics or the appearance of the lead singer or anything else best.
What really counts is that people love a band and enjoy their art.
Art is more than pure music.
Yes, Eskil has got a great voice and a beautiful face. Why should admiring his face be more superficial than admiring his voice? He has both by nature. If his singing is art, than why should his fashion style not be considered art too?
And even if it’s not – who cares?
(Besides I don’t think that hundreds of men and women would pay entrance to watch Eskil sitting on stage, doing nothing but looking good.Correct me if I’m wrong.)
Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 3 mal editiert, zuletzt von »ilex011« (20. März 2007, 00:50)
Originally posted by niki_6784Recently the Cruxshadows had a song (sophia) go to #1r on the Billboard Dance Charts (knocking off Beyonce, hehehe) and #7 on the Hot 100 chart. Covenant saw Ritual Noise go as high as #23 on the same chart. VNV Nation played a number of sold out shows in America 2 years ago and had 5 shows in California alone. At a recent special appearance in LA - tickets for VNV Nation sold out in less than 24 hours - the show was awesome too!!!
That's my two cents!!!
Original von ilex011I think merely that you see the package as a gestalt, and I see the sum of the parts.
Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von »kleineRatte« (20. März 2007, 08:49)
Originally posted by kleineRatte
Perhaps it was a little risqué to compare fashion with music directly. But by the way, I wouldn't adore Eskil as much as I do if he used to wear jogging pants.![]()
I forgot do say something about the Cruxshadows and their No. 1 hit.
Maybe it was an error? Something had been counted double?
Anyway it's nice that they reached it. Even with that song.
Originally posted by lushmachine
Originally posted by kleineRatte
Perhaps it was a little risqué to compare fashion with music directly. But by the way, I wouldn't adore Eskil as much as I do if he used to wear jogging pants.![]()
I forgot do say something about the Cruxshadows and their No. 1 hit.
Maybe it was an error? Something had been counted double?
Anyway it's nice that they reached it. Even with that song.
Oh my goodness, I would have loved to put some jogging pants on The Cruxshadows when they were in town recently. Putting aside the fact that I don't adore their music (it's okay, definitely a universe better than Beyonce) the girls were on stage in thongs and teeny mini shirts.![]()
Original von ilex011
Originally posted by lushmachine
Originally posted by kleineRatte
Perhaps it was a little risqué to compare fashion with music directly. But by the way, I wouldn't adore Eskil as much as I do if he used to wear jogging pants.![]()
I forgot do say something about the Cruxshadows and their No. 1 hit.
Maybe it was an error? Something had been counted double?
Anyway it's nice that they reached it. Even with that song.
Oh my goodness, I would have loved to put some jogging pants on The Cruxshadows when they were in town recently. Putting aside the fact that I don't adore their music (it's okay, definitely a universe better than Beyonce) the girls were on stage in thongs and teeny mini shirts.![]()
Jogging pants are comfy. Didn't see any at the Cruexshadows/Ego Likeness/Ayria show I went to last Saturday night though. Or overt Beyonce fans either.
Tangentially, this does remind me of something from a long time ago when a friend of mine was horrified to see Laibach at an afterparty, hanging out laughing and wearing normal clothes and Birkenstocks. I said "What, you expect them to be Laibach-y all the time?!?"![]()
Originally posted by ilex011
I'd really like to hear lush's and erichazann's pov on this...
Originally posted by ilex011
Aaand then there's NYC, where Albion was apparently closed *again!* But being it's NYC there's always stuff to do.
Originally posted by erichazann
Originally posted by ilex011
Aaand then there's NYC, where Albion was apparently closed *again!* But being it's NYC there's always stuff to do.
Heh. I didn't even know that. But I rarely go out anymore ;\
But I guess it's very cut-throat here. Club/venue owners will go with the nights that make them the most money, end of story.
I was reading on another board about people now going to LI and Jersey. HA. I.WILL.NEVER. Although, the Abstration night that the dude from Case of Gretta Conners runs looks cool, it's just a transportation nightmare and who wants to make it home from there at 4am. I can barely be arsed to take the subway home like I was when I was youngin'.. it's all about taxis now.
There really isn't a suitable place for live music now either. I heard that Cruxshadows played at the Pyramid club.. the place is teenie! Not what you would expect from someone with a #1 song!![]()
Original von Black_Cat
could you all please stay on topic?![]()
Originally posted by ilex011
*No place for live music? Why, it's NYC for goodness' sake! Surely there must be some venue available for when Covenant next tours with Daniel Myer!
I think VNV/And One are playing there at Irving Plaza in April. Came very close to going but can't get the time off.![]()
Originally posted by Niggels
Original von Black_Cat
could you all please stay on topic?![]()
Someone with moderator's rights here should have the pragmatism to split the thread.![]()
Original von erichazann
Maybe it's because most of the mods are German and you like it orderly? And most of the offenders are American and we love freedom? :tongue:
*Bush Impersonation* Why do you hate freedom?
Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von »kleineRatte« (22. März 2007, 12:45)