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Samstag, 19. Oktober 2024, 03:01 UTC+2

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Sonntag, 28. Oktober 2007, 15:56

Now why the heck would I bump an old thread like this?

Well, first thing, I don't want to create a whole new thread when there's already one made for this topic. Second: I was searching for some good EBM related sites and I found an interview Joakim did for Radio Eskilstuna during Arvika 2006. (It's second to the bottom of the list of links; it opens up an embedded video that uses Windows Media Player to play). And of course, being in Sweden, it's all in Swedish. My Swedish is severely lacking, so I was wondering if any of you wonderful people could do a translation for us non-fluent types? Or, if this has already been done, could you point us to it? :)

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