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Freitag, 20. September 2024, 02:43 UTC+2

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  • »Niggels« ist der Autor dieses Themas

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Mittwoch, 15. Dezember 2004, 17:41

Complete list of gigs?


Is there somewhere out in the big world of the internet a complete list of Covenant gigs so far?

Well, that would be quite interesting! Especially obscure, very early gigs. And personnally I could finally evalue how many times I´ve seen them live. :lol: ;) I really can´t remember.... :rolleyes:



Mittwoch, 15. Dezember 2004, 18:58

RE: Complete list of gigs?

I can´t remember either.... but with a list I probably could remember *g*



Beiträge: 176

Beruf: it-system-kaufmann

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Samstag, 18. Dezember 2004, 23:32

as complete as possible so far:
thomas / |pf|
die deutsche covenant-fanpage
[ deutsch / english ]


Sonntag, 19. Dezember 2004, 10:55

great!!! thank you, thomas!!! :)


Sonntag, 19. Dezember 2004, 17:47


Original von plastiq_flowers
as complete as possible so far:

thanks a lot :)


Sonntag, 19. Dezember 2004, 17:50

and some remarks:

2000 11.3. Herford Kick is right
2000 25.03. Nürnberg Com is the right venue ;)


Mittwoch, 24. August 2005, 16:51

Just noticed this thread. The Liveography at our website is the most complete one that I know of. ;)


Donnerstag, 9. März 2006, 14:01

there seems to be one belgian gig missing (in both lists)

saturday 3 august 2002: Eurorock indoor festival at 'De Souverein', Lommel

(btw: the video for 'call the ships to port' was filmed there that night)
i'm just an advertisement for a version of myself

Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 2 mal editiert, zuletzt von »Hilarius« (9. März 2006, 14:08)


Donnerstag, 9. März 2006, 17:27

True... I was there :)



Beiträge: 176

Beruf: it-system-kaufmann

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Donnerstag, 9. März 2006, 22:32

alright, thanks for that!

i fixed it. :)
thomas / |pf|
die deutsche covenant-fanpage
[ deutsch / english ]


Freitag, 10. März 2006, 10:44

I'm afraid, there's still a gig missing...

Nov, 13th - Vooruit - Gent / Belgium


Freitag, 10. März 2006, 11:35

and i see there's still one belgian question-mark left for 1997:

but on 30/05/97 they seem to have played at Arnhem in our neighbourcountry Holland, togehter with vnv nation (according to the covenant-website)
i'm just an advertisement for a version of myself


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  • »Niggels« ist der Autor dieses Themas

Beiträge: 1 121

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Freitag, 10. März 2006, 15:23

So, let`s see how often I saw the boys live on stage! :D

<ostentatious mode on>

2 0 0 6
19.02. hamburg D markthalle "skyshaper" tour
07.02. dortmund D soundgarden "skyshaper" tour
05.02. köln D live music hall "skyshaper" tour
03.02. hannover D capitol "skyshaper" tour

2 0 0 5
13.11. gent B vooruit

2 0 0 4
08.08. hildesheim D flugplatz m´era luna festival
06.03. gent B kuipke sportpaleis invitation festival

2 0 0 3
25.12. berlin D columbiahalle dark storm festival
28.11. duisburg D soundgarden sonic seducer birthquake III festival
21.02. barcelona ESP sala bikini

2 0 0 2
19.11. hamburg D markthalle "northern light"
15.11. glauchau D alte spinnerei "northern light" tour
10.11. köln D live music hall "northern light"
08.11. bochum D matrix "northern light" tour
07.11. bielefeld D pc 69 "northern light" tour
03.08. lommel B de souverein eurorock indoor festival

2 0 0 1
17.06. losheim D ??? zillo festival

2 0 0 0
20.08. dresden D ostragehege doomsday festival
09.06. leipzig D 9. wave gotik treffen
31.03. bremen D tivoli "united states of mind" tour
30.03. bochum D zeche "united states of mind" tour
14.03. köln D stollwerk "united states of mind" tour
11.03. herford D kick "united states of mind" tour

1 9 9 9
21.11. herford D kick
15.08. hildesheim D flughafen drispenstedt zillo festival
07.08. neerpelt B eurorock festival
21.05. leipzig D 8. wave gotik treffen
17.01. düsseldorf D Tor 3 project pitchfork support

1 9 9 8
24.04. hengelo NL metrolpol "europa" tour, mit vnv nation
14.04. herford D kick "europa" tour, mit vnv nation

1 9 9 7
30.08. hildesheim D flugplatz drispenstedt zillo festival

1 9 9 6
04.12. herford D kick cyber vision night mit steril & haujobb

1 9 9 5
07.10. krefeld D Kulturfabrik festival

</ostentatious mode off>

But methinks that this list is still not complete! ?(
@plastiq-flowers: Die kursiv gedruckten fehlen in Deiner Liveografie!


Freitag, 10. März 2006, 15:52


Original von Niggels
So, let`s see how often I saw the boys live on stage! :D

33 times - just as often as i've seen a certain other band ;)
...::: ABSOULUT Gina :::...


Freitag, 10. März 2006, 16:35


Originally posted by Niggels
So, let`s see how often I saw the boys live on stage! :D

for my (much more modest) part:

07.08.99 eurorock festival neerpelt (B)
03.08.02 eurorock indoor festival lommel (B)
09.11.02 hof ter lo antwerpen (B) [another belgian date that's seems to be missing in both livography's]
06.03.04 invitation festival gent (B)
13.11.05 vooruit gent (B)
04.02.06 p60 amstelveen (NL)

funny detail: covenants first belgian show (on 06.12.96, in sint-niklaas) was literal around the corner for me but i didn't even know the band back then... such a shame
i'm just an advertisement for a version of myself

Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von »Hilarius« (10. März 2006, 16:52)


Freitag, 10. März 2006, 17:23

I guess, I won't tell you how often I have seen them.
That would turn out to be embarrassing for me. :sch:
It's a shame. But now I'll do what I (financially) can to see more shows!


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  • »Niggels« ist der Autor dieses Themas

Beiträge: 1 121

Beruf: Veranstaltungskaufmann

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Samstag, 11. März 2006, 03:41

It seems that the liveographies both at plastiq-flowers and the official site are not complete. So we should start a little project to make them complete! :)

So, if you know a date which is still missing or you can complete the facts of a date where still are some question marks, then just post it here!



Beiträge: 176

Beruf: it-system-kaufmann

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Samstag, 11. März 2006, 08:49

right now, let's go.

start bashing me with gigs... :D
thomas / |pf|
die deutsche covenant-fanpage
[ deutsch / english ]


Super Moderator

  • »Niggels« ist der Autor dieses Themas

Beiträge: 1 121

Beruf: Veranstaltungskaufmann

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Samstag, 11. März 2006, 11:12

That was by the way not meant as an offense, mate. ;) Guess there are less then a dozen gigs missing. So let's see how many missing gigs we can compile.

So folks, if you knwo a missing gig because you still have the ticket, you found a date on google or elswhere, or simply because you remember from the top of your head - post it here! :)


Samstag, 11. März 2006, 11:38

Okay, the gig in belgium last year is still missing at plastiq-flowers, but it is written at the official site.

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