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Mittwoch, 2. Oktober 2024, 14:12 UTC+2

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Montag, 18. September 2006, 17:25

Thanks for your post Prussia. I have been in contact with the promoter and he gave me the lowdown on the liquor license, etc. So no more worries from me.

I would love to be able to stay until 8am.. but I'm not sure, since I am still trying to make it to montreal the next day.. and the train leaves around 7am.. unless I fly.

I'm also not so sure about 12 hrs on my feet. Being a short (ish) girl (5'7"), I need to wear huge ass shoes to even be able to see.. (not heels, but big ass flat plats). I might have to cart around a pair of flats in my purse for dancing after the show.

Like most NYers, I usually got out very late.. around 12 ish or later and stay until closing/4am.. the thought of 8pm to 8am is kinda boggling!


Dienstag, 19. September 2006, 01:42

Obviously, we don't expect anyone to last the entire 12 hours (except the staff and promoters), but the idea is to show up at any time without any restrictions on curfews and what not. The bands will be going on @ 9pm and ending around 1/2am. I am also a late partier, so it's good to know that if I get there @ midnight, catch Covenant, I can still enjoy myself until I get tired.

In any event, hope to see you down there. Ya, I'm bringing 2 pairs of shoes, a towel, and a change of clothes... just in case!

- Prussia.


Samstag, 23. September 2006, 11:48

One more date:

Oct 18 Tempe, AZ The Sets (Covenant & Imperative Reaction only)

(metropolis' website says after LA, no Rotersand)

All the buy ticket links are on Covenant's myspace page, and I've sent the last 3 to Claudia for her to add.

Toronto, ON CA

Racine, WI

Tempe, AZ


Samstag, 23. September 2006, 18:54

Thanks for the links! I'll add them asap

yep, Rotersand will leave the tour after the LA gig. Instead of them the following bands will be playing:

Oct 17 Dismantled
Oct 18 System Syn
Oct 20 System Syn


Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 2 mal editiert, zuletzt von »Claudia« (23. September 2006, 18:57)


Mittwoch, 27. September 2006, 18:59

System Syn is awesome... and Clint is so cute!! :rolleyes:
"Together we are what we can't be alone" - Dropkick Murphy's, a punk bank from Boston, Massachusetts, USA
"What doesn't kill us only makes us stronger" - Resilience, a hardcore punk band from Santa Rosa, California, USA
"As our ashes turn to dust, we shine like stars" - Gee, I wonder who said this


Mittwoch, 27. September 2006, 22:45


System Syn is awesome...

Haven 't seen them live before so I am really looking forward to catching these guys too.

I have heard they are truly awesome live!!!


Donnerstag, 28. September 2006, 09:01


Original von cyberdreamsgirl


System Syn is awesome...

Haven 't seen them live before so I am really looking forward to catching these guys too.

I have heard they are truly awesome live!!!

It will be good. Have seen them 2 years ago and they were great!


Freitag, 29. September 2006, 01:09


It will be good. Have seen them 2 years ago and they were great!

Cool. :cool:

I am really looking forward to catching these guys - and it seems with good reason!!! :)


Freitag, 29. September 2006, 18:52

RE: New York Show info

Prussia- I'm getting there early, but some friends of mine would like to know about what time Covenant goes on. Anyone know? are they going on about 12?


Montag, 2. Oktober 2006, 11:29

So i'm off to Toronto in a few hours. I did some of the video-ing last night in NY, but I'm afraid it wasnt so good.,. as it was dark and I ran out of tape, and there was no chance of getting back to get another tape, and back to the front of the stage. :\ I'll try to make up for it. I did get a couple of decent shots w/ my camera. There were other people videoing also tho. im pretty sure.

Joakim seemed dissapointed with the sound at the "venue". I didn't notice, but I'm not so much of an audiophile. And I was up close.. and just having a good time. My friends who were back further were a little scared at the _floor shaking_. And the venue's outdoor, unlighted, shaky, cast iron staircase with open slatted stairs was a little scary.. a little less when you had some booze in you tho.

Don't remember the setlist.. but it was mostly new stuff. Only one encore. The stage was about 1-2 feet high tho.. so it was very nice, up close.

Yes, it would appear there are hands going into Joakim's pants. ;) larger versions here

ps. No Niggles, they didn't bring the whole LED thingie light show. What they do have is some smaller octagonal ish LED looking thingies (clusters of smaller lights).. what you see behind Eskil's shoulder.

Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 2 mal editiert, zuletzt von »erichazann« (2. Oktober 2006, 11:35)


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Montag, 2. Oktober 2006, 11:50

Cool! Thanks for the quick review, Erichazann. If you meet the boys again give them a big big hug from me! :D Can't wait to see them again.

And have fun in Toronto! Rock da bloody city! :D


Montag, 2. Oktober 2006, 12:17

I'm out the door in a few min. I'm just trying to get maximum charge on my ipod. I've got my sitting-for-12-hours clothes on and a few books, and my camera manuals to read... and some Ambien, of course, to knock me out if I can't take it anymore.

I only got to talk to Joakim last night, but I will definitely pass along a hug if I see them again!


Montag, 2. Oktober 2006, 13:19

thanks a lot for the report. :)


Montag, 2. Oktober 2006, 16:58

The New York show was.. insane. Both in a good way and in a bad way. The line was down the block, and this was a big block, I've never seen anything like this. Every goth, rivethead, etc was at this thing from the tri-state area and beyond. I spoke to some people who flew in from L.A. for this event. They wanted to experience a 'brooklyn' warehouse party... and boy did they ever. Everyone was there. Every promoter from the NYC & NJ area was there. Everybody I've ever seen or met at all the NY/NJ/CT/PA parties were there (Vesago, Byte, Albion, Sundown, Pyramid, Contempt, Flux, etc) - I mean everyone. I've never seen so many people in one place.

There were 2 stairs, 1 was the fire escape, which everyone seemed to be using, but there was also another set of indoor stairs, that no one knew about it, but were available, towards the side of the venue. The space was beautiful, and raw, and dark, yet that floor shaking kept you on edge all night. But once you started to get some drinks in you, it didn't matter if you died, because you knew you were already in some sort of heavenly hell. I think it cleared out about 7am, but people were still coming in @ 5am

In any event, here are some pictures of the event, not much Covenant, but there are some good crowd shots.…57594307335242/

- Prussia

Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von »prussia« (2. Oktober 2006, 17:01)


Dienstag, 3. Oktober 2006, 16:03

Hmm.. That's odd. My friend asked and was told that the fire escape was POSITIVELY the only way up.

Where is cyberdreamsgirl ? I looked for you in Trono and NYC, but didnt see you.

I'm pretty sure the setlist in Trono was the same as NY.. but 2 encores here.
First: Tears in Rain/Der L.
Brave New World
.. damn. I can't remember. will think about it, when I'm not paying by the min to be online. :)


Dienstag, 3. Oktober 2006, 17:29

Hi there,
just a short report of the Montreal show on Sunday the 1st. The show was just awesome, just like it was about two years ago when they last came to Montreal!!
Clas seemed to have some sound problems in the middle of the show, but it was ok after that...
The audience was on fire and we had the chance to hear three encores.
The setlist was :
- 20 Hz
- Sweet & Salty
- Bullet
- Pulse
- Figurehead
- Invisible and Silent
- The Men
- We Stand Alone
- Ritual Noise
- Stalker
- Happy Man
- Dead Stars
- Call the Ships to Port
Brave New World
Like Tears in Rain
One World, One Sky

Really a great great show! Thanks again guys!

Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 2 mal editiert, zuletzt von »KillerRabbit« (3. Oktober 2006, 17:30)


Dienstag, 3. Oktober 2006, 22:55

Ok. Im pretty sure that was the same setlist in NYC and Toronto.. except I think the encores were:

Like Tears in Rain/Der L.
Brave New World
Happy Man
Dead Stars
Call the Ships to Port

at least, it was those songs.. not sure about the order.

Encore in NYC was Call the Ships to Port, Brave New World & Dead Stars (I think)

Damn. I'm useless.

Oh, and Niggles, I was wrong about the lights. I guess those lights were just part of the NYC setup.. cuz they didnt have them in Toronto.

Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von »erichazann« (3. Oktober 2006, 22:59)


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Mittwoch, 4. Oktober 2006, 12:53

Oh, they played Invisble & Silent?

Not sure if they played it before in 2006.


Mittwoch, 4. Oktober 2006, 22:36

From Chicago

Hey there!

So, today is the day. They will be playing here in Chicago. I am meeting with my friends for the concert. it is scheduled at 9 at the metro... I will let you know the setlist!


Donnerstag, 5. Oktober 2006, 00:38

Prussia! I love your pics!!!! After the show, I regretted not taking more crowd photos. I'm glad someone captured the night so well :)

My husband and I traveled 4 1/2 hours from Boston… worth every aching hour on the Greyhound bus. We enjoyed the whole night, despite the hitches (like being stuck in line outside and missing Rotersand!)

Cov were great. Not that it wasn't expected ;)

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