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Montag, 21. Juli 2008, 11:07

Covenant Merchandise


hier ist Eure Chance Eure Covenant-Merchandise Wünsche los zu werden.

Auf Eskils Wunsch sammeln wir hier Eure Vorschläge. Vielleicht wird ja das ein oder andere umgesetzt. ;)

Also Bitte postet hier Eure Vorschläge und wenn Ihr habt auch eine Skizze davon.





this is your chance to dispose your Covenant-Mercandise wishes.

At the request of Eskil we will collect all your suggestions. Maybe your suggestion will be realised. ;)

So please post your suggestions and if you have also a drawing of it.


Nichts ist wahr! Alles ist erlaubt !





Beiträge: 71

Beruf: servant of a servant of a servant of god

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Samstag, 26. Juli 2008, 21:39

Ok, da hier noch keiner geantwortet hat, will ich mal den Anfang machen...

Allerdings weiß ich jetzt nicht, was es alles schon gibt... egal.
Ich fände Caps (schwarz) entweder mit dem typischen Schriftzug oder den 3 Pixelmännchen bestickt schön. Girlie-T-Shirts oder sleeveless Tops mit Pixelmännchen sind auch gut (bedruckt). Du selbst hast ja bereits so ein tolles besticktes Hemd, das kommt bestimmt bei den Männern gut an, bestimmt wie auch bestickte Jacken.

Weiterhin würde ich mich über Poster der Bandmitglieder freuen; soweit ich weiß, gibt es glaube ich bisher nur Album-Poster (?)

Dann fällt mir grad noch was lustiges ein, und zwar habe ich eine "selbstgemachte" Covenant-Lampe :cool: - die Lampe selbst beleuchtet von hinten ein Bild (DIN A4), das man austauschen und zwischen 2 Plastikteile schieben kann :perfekt:
Sobald ich wieder zuhause bin, werde ich mal ein Bild von selbiger an dieser Stelle posten.
god is the highest savorer, the possessor of everything and the best friend of everyone.


Samstag, 26. Juli 2008, 23:01

Merchandise gibts von Covenant eigentlich schon fast alles, aber mein Wunsch ist, auch wenn es hier nicht so das Thema ist, das es das neue Album auch wieder auf Vinyl gibt.


Sonntag, 27. Juli 2008, 15:15

I do not speak German, but I think someone above mentioned the "pixel men" illustrations for a shirt design? I rather like this idea. Girlie/fitted sizes, too, please :)

And stickers are always great!


Sonntag, 27. Juli 2008, 15:49

I've always thought that a spinning key chain with a logo in it would be cool. Maybe with the Figurehead logo, or the BNW bird, if you're still using those. Or the Pixelmen, if you can fit them on it. :)

And I second the stickers! Can't go wrong with them.


Sonntag, 27. Juli 2008, 22:39

- Grey ties, each for men and women, with a black pixelman. Or pixelmen. On nice, silky material. Grey on black, black on grey, whatever. Or the BNW bird, red on black. Nothing else, nothing that screams "Covenant". Subtle and classy.

- Girlie, fitted, spaghetti-strap tops with pixelmen, the BNW bird in red on black, or the Skyshaper hands holding the word "Covenant". Nothing on the back. I don't wear band shirts except around the house but I might venture out in spaghetti strap tops if the design was classy and subtle. I'm seeing this being made from decent, thicker, stretchier material than usual tshirt material, and a little longer, so being fitted it would go nice and sleekly past the waistline with pants or skirts.

-Sheet music. No, I'm not kidding. For those of us who are too lazy to figure it out on our own. Just basic orchestral stuff.

-Keychain of the Figurehead logo and/or BNW bird are good ideas too, I think.

Jackets, caps, shirts, stickers, etc, I think are pretty much played out. Everyone does that, it's the stuff you see at all merch booths. Not that they are bad ideas, only that they are staples at merch booths.

Anyway, those are my ideas.

Pardon me if I seem a little cranky- I just woke up. X(

Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 5 mal editiert, zuletzt von »ilex011« (27. Juli 2008, 23:01)


Montag, 28. Juli 2008, 15:06

I don't like that much wearing bands t-shirts. Only if I like the design and the band both a lot.
I love most of the Covenant designs - they are very graphical and minimalistic. What I don't like is that the clothes are all black. I think a white t-shirt with Skyshaper design would be great for example (as the cover of the album itself).
Grey and dark blue are colors I think would match Covenant aestetics very well too.

I personally have a grey Covenant pixel men t-shirt from ebay. It's not official Covenant merch but yt's exacly what I wanted and I love it.


Montag, 28. Juli 2008, 15:53

Spaghetti Strapped Tops would be great and also Girlie Hoodies in S!!!


Montag, 28. Juli 2008, 16:57


Originally posted by Black_Cat
Spaghetti Strapped Tops would be great and also Girlie Hoodies in S!!!

God, yes. Size S, please!! Or at least M. Too many L and XL!!!


Dienstag, 29. Juli 2008, 00:28

Book bags, bandanas, chokers with pendants, belt buckles, and rings, to name a few. And maybe some movie size posters.

And charms to add to bracelets. Maybe the rest of the bands in the dark scene can come out with their own, and everyone can pick out whatever bands the like and wear them around their wrist.


Dienstag, 29. Juli 2008, 01:51


Originally posted by michelem31
Book bags, bandanas, chokers with pendants, belt buckles, and rings, to name a few. And maybe some movie size posters.

Thank you for reminding me how I've yet to get a wall-size poster of The Man Machine... X(


But M, this suggestion reminds me, and thus reveals my utter, shameless geekiness, of those big Space Invader vinyl sticker thingies you can put on your wall. You've seen those, right? Those vinyl decals? A huge, red BNW bird (I mean BIG), Figurehead logo, the jets, or even the Pixelmen in that vein would be cool.

I'm seeing a loft-style apartment, you know, with the exposed wires and stuff in the ceiling that's hip right now in design, all in grey, with grey concrete floors and walls and red minimalist (Ikea- HA!) furniture; but with a huge red BNW bird on the wall right of center near-ish to the top...

which looks nothing like my own apartment of course.

I think I'll be playing some Sims 2 tonight. ;)

But huge vinyl wall decals like the Space Invaders ones are cheap to make and I don't think I've seen a band do that before. Turns the sticker idea up to 11... :cool: :D


Dienstag, 29. Juli 2008, 10:04

An other hooded jacket, please. For some reason i didn't like the BNW-Jacket enough too buy. I am looking for something more neutral. I love my "three battered colums"-shirt. It refers on a song, too, but not in a apparent way.


Dienstag, 29. Juli 2008, 15:56


Originally posted by ilex011
But M, this suggestion reminds me, and thus reveals my utter, shameless geekiness, of those big Space Invader vinyl sticker thingies you can put on your wall. You've seen those, right? Those vinyl decals? A huge, red BNW bird (I mean BIG), Figurehead logo, the jets, or even the Pixelmen in that vein would be cool.


Oh my F, that would be awesome! Now, if only I had room on my wall to put them (shelves full of action figures and having one wall completely covered in a roll on mural of Saturn doesn't help things.)

And *random ideas I got when I woke up half an hour ago: designer cologne! Or maybe equipment and instructions on how to get that perfect Eskil haircut! Or a Joakim goatee! Or Daniels tattoos!

*staying awake most of the night because of extremely violent thunderstorms does not make the brain think properly.**

** Leave it to me to turn a serious thread into a damn circus sideshow. I think I'll go to work now. :P


Mittwoch, 30. Juli 2008, 03:57

space invader decals? ya mean the bliks?

I think it would be great to have pixelman decals!


Mittwoch, 30. Juli 2008, 04:05


Originally posted by design_femme
space invader decals? ya mean the bliks?

I think it would be great to have pixelman decals!

~yes~, the bliks, exactly! thanks for linking that, btw- I've been meaning to find the link a while now but got lazy. :rolleyes:


Mittwoch, 30. Juli 2008, 05:43

Jetpacks. Laser arm cannons, with the Figurehead logo as the sight.

how did I not think of this before?!??? ?( 8) :D

Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von »ilex011« (30. Juli 2008, 05:43)


Mittwoch, 30. Juli 2008, 09:27

Also ich hab da auch noch 2 Ideen, weiß net ob es die schon gibt bzw wie weit die ganzen Sachen überhaupt realisierbar sind.

zum ersten nen schönen Rollkragenpulli ( Schriftzug Covenant in nem schönen dunklen rot oder Standart weiß)

und nen weißes Hemd mit dem Schriftzug auf oder über der Tasche


Originally posted by Manuel (EiD)
An other hooded jacket, please. For some reason i didn't like the BNW-Jacket enough too buy. I am looking for something more neutral. I love my "three battered colums"-shirt. It refers on a song, too, but not in a apparent way.

Jepp eine andere Jacke bzw ein anderes Motiv wäre nicht schlecht. Mir gefällt das BNW Motiv nämlich auch nicht. :(

storm @ myspace

"bin dann mal weg..Glückliche Paare im Park vergiften! "


Mittwoch, 30. Juli 2008, 22:13

Vielleicht auch noch ne schöne Mütze, ähnlich dieser und natürlich viel besser gemacht..

Das kleine soll die Formel aus der "United States of Mind" sein, schlecht zu erkennen und auch nur dilletantisch nachgeahmt.. *lol*

Kommt ja nun auch bald der Winter, und ich bräuchte noch ne schöne Mütze..

oha, beinahe vergessen..Ich weiß leider net mehr wer oder warum ich danach gefragt wurde, aber irgendjemand wollte wissen was eigentlich die Formel bedeutet bzw das Ergebnis ist..
Leider war ich da etwas sprachlos..Insiderwissen?

storm @ myspace

"bin dann mal weg..Glückliche Paare im Park vergiften! "

Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von »storm« (30. Juli 2008, 22:20)



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Mittwoch, 30. Juli 2008, 22:46

LePand here, reporting from Praha 8)

yes! giant pixelmen for my new appartment! yes! yes!

I could also say that for girls, pixelmen underwear, and for men, I dont know the word and this fuc***g keyboard is driving me insane... how you call this?

With little planes, pixelmen, whatever :D

Maybe this also would be cool:

But not like this one, I just couldnt find a picture to explain. Those metal things that soldiers have around their neck with you know, name blood type, etc.

Argh! Hope I could explain myself properly. Blame the weird keyboard.

Edits: keep blaming the keyboard
2010: The Year We Make Contact

Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 3 mal editiert, zuletzt von »LePand« (30. Juli 2008, 22:48)


Donnerstag, 31. Juli 2008, 01:19


Original von LePand
yes! giant pixelmen for my new appartment! yes! yes!

How about a limited edition of the next album containing an assortment of black and silver square foiled cards so that you can layout your own pixel graphics on your wall?


I could also say that for girls, pixelmen underwear, and for men, I dont know the word and this fuc***g keyboard is driving me insane... how you call this?

my translator says: cuff links
But that would be nothing for me. Though I would also direct attention to classy accessories.

I would prefer a clip for the tie (useful for both men and women ;) )
with the jets or pixelmen design


Those metal things that soldiers have around their neck with you know, name blood type, etc.

dog tag? Nooo... that's something I would associate with Funker Vogt or Suicide Commando, but not with Covenant.
As said before I would prefer some distinguished accessories. Sorry I don't endorse smoking, so I won't propose a nice cigarette case.
But what about a nice metal bookmark with "Covenant" on it or/and in Pixelman shape?

or a good, well designed metal penball/biro? everyone has so many crappy plastic free giveaway pens. I would like to buy a pen with style.

Social Bookmarks