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Mittwoch, 2. Oktober 2024, 23:10 UTC+2

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Montag, 11. September 2006, 11:01


Original von Hilarius
it was communicated by the offfical seabound-myspace, so i figured that this was finally the one

Seabound sent the bulletin to let you know that there's an official Covenant site online.


Original von Hilarius
i hope the band has not to wait much longer to start an offical myspace.(...) there's definitly a need for covenant on myspace...

I'm curious - could you explain what's the difference (for you) between "an official site" and "the official site"? Maybe there something I can do to improve the site. (But maybe is it just the point that a band member has to cklick the "approve"-button instead of a webmaster?)



Montag, 11. September 2006, 16:18


Original von Claudia
I'm curious - could you explain what's the difference (for you) between "an official site" and "the official site"? Maybe there something I can do to improve the site. (But maybe is it just the point that a band member has to cklick the "approve"-button instead of a webmaster?)

Well, i think yes! that is the difference. myspace should be about contact between people and contact between artists, too. If the Website is not managed by one of the band members, it's really not 100% the same... ;)


Montag, 11. September 2006, 21:05


Originally posted by Manuel (EiD)


Original von Claudia
I'm curious - could you explain what's the difference (for you) between "an official site" and "the official site"? Maybe there something I can do to improve the site. (But maybe is it just the point that a band member has to cklick the "approve"-button instead of a webmaster?)

Well, i think yes! that is the difference. myspace should be about contact between people and contact between artists, too. If the Website is not managed by one of the band members, it's really not 100% the same... ;)

To a certain extent, I agree. But, it's insane to think that one of the band members could sit around and manage the friend adding business. It's better to have someone who does it for them. (and Claudia is very quick). That way, everyone gets added in a timely manner, and no one has to have hurt feelings wondering why they haven't been added yet.

However, I do think there should be some updates/posts from the band... that is what would make it different than all the imposter sites.

As for the layout, I like it Claudia. I like the pink/red :) I just think the lines/horizontal rule thingie inside the graphics looks a little weird. I think once you can get rid of the extra stuff and get it into a band layout, it will look better. You can actually go completely wild and change everything up. I posted in the other myspace thread (in gossip) some links.


Donnerstag, 14. September 2006, 12:49

to avoid mistakes: i didn't mean to point out a difference between 'the' or 'an' official space... i just used 'the' in one sentence, and 'an' in the other, meaning the same thing :)

i don't mind that someone, appointed by the artist(s), is taking care of the myspace instead... though it's more correct and nicer to point this out on the webpage

on the other hand it's fun to see an artist really making it 'his' space: writing his or her own blog, responding messages him- or herself, posting links and stuff he or she thinks are interesting... BUT you have to like doing these things offcourse, and have the time to do it...

by which i'm stating the obvious again :lol:
i'm just an advertisement for a version of myself

Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von »Hilarius« (14. September 2006, 19:06)


Samstag, 23. September 2006, 17:08


Original von Manuel (EiD)
myspace should be about contact between people and contact between artists, too. If the Website is not managed by one of the band members, it's really not 100% the same... ;)

got it ;) Thanks, Manuel


Original von erichazann
As for the layout, I like it Claudia. I like the pink/red :) I just think the lines/horizontal rule thingie inside the graphics looks a little weird.

Thanks for your feedback! :)
Today I sent the fourth please-convert-to-band-profile-mail to myspace support. All I got after 3 or 4 weeks was a link and instruction how to *sign up* as an artist.... :mauer:


Original von Hilarius
to avoid mistakes: i didn't mean to point out a difference between 'the' or 'an' official space... i just used 'the' in one sentence, and 'an' in the other, meaning the same thing

oops, sorry. I have to read more carefully :)



Sonntag, 24. September 2006, 01:49


Originally posted by Claudia

Thanks for your feedback! :)
Today I sent the fourth please-convert-to-band-profile-mail to myspace support. All I got after 3 or 4 weeks was a link and instruction how to *sign up* as an artist.... :mauer:


Hm... why didn't you do the "artist sign up" in a first place?
See the World in My Eyes:


Sonntag, 24. September 2006, 03:56


Original von Atma
Hm... why didn't you do the "artist sign up" in a first place?

The profile with the nice ../covenant-URL already existed. I just created the layout.



Sonntag, 24. September 2006, 06:00


Originally posted by Claudia


Original von Atma
Hm... why didn't you do the "artist sign up" in a first place?

The profile with the nice ../covenant-URL already existed. I just created the layout.

Ah. That makes sense.. since you can never get them to change the display name (url) .


Sonntag, 24. September 2006, 12:16

cant't you delete the profile and create it again as an artist profile? of course you will loose the existing friend list...


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Sonntag, 24. September 2006, 16:27

I´m still not too familiar with Myspace but would it be possible in this case that we all invite our friends to the event of the relaunch of the official Covenant Myspace site?

If we join forces and spread the news of the relaunch (also via bulletins and whatever) we may create quite a buzz for the Covenant Myspace site.

Just an idea.

Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von »Niggels« (24. September 2006, 16:28)


Montag, 25. September 2006, 03:02


Originally posted by Manuel (EiD)
cant't you delete the profile and create it again as an artist profile? of course you will loose the existing friend list...

I don't think so. Myspace never allows you to change the url/display name... and I don't think they recycle them either. Killing off the current one, would lose the /covenant url -- I think that is important to keep.

Theoretically, of course, it's possible to change, it's probably just a huge hassle and they won't do it.


Dienstag, 26. September 2006, 19:50

i just created a private user account and cancelled ist again. it takes up to 48 hours before canecellation takes effect. then i will try to create a artist account with the same name/URL and tell you if it works! :-]


Mittwoch, 27. September 2006, 18:55

the whole URL thing is a giant pain in my ass - I take care of the friend adds on "the" official myspace page for Colony 5 and there was already a Colony 5 URL so we went with, that was a shameless plug :D) it is a lyric from their first song...

as for the "an" and "the" debate. In order to be called official the band must have something to do with it... if they have something to do with more than one page "an official" would be appropriate... if this is the only page they are associated with "the official" is the way to go. The page I help out with is "the official" Colony 5 site. I do the friend adds, update the calendar, transfer the latest news from the website to myspace and the band does the mail, etc.

that's my 2 cents... on to other topics!!!
"Together we are what we can't be alone" - Dropkick Murphy's, a punk bank from Boston, Massachusetts, USA
"What doesn't kill us only makes us stronger" - Resilience, a hardcore punk band from Santa Rosa, California, USA
"As our ashes turn to dust, we shine like stars" - Gee, I wonder who said this


Mittwoch, 27. September 2006, 20:08


Original von Manuel (EiD)
i just created a private user account and cancelled ist again. it takes up to 48 hours before canecellation takes effect. then i will try to create a artist account with the same name/URL and tell you if it works! :-]

It works. :) I deleted, created, deleted and created again the First as a private person, than as an artist and as an artsist again. Once the profile is deleted, the URL is *free* again. (Empty your cache, to prevent "Invalid ID" Massages.)

Note: Please try it with a dummy profile first just to make sure nothing can go wrong. I cannot guarantee it works, i can only say, that my try was a success!

You should send a message to all friends (before deteting the profile), and send them requests again.

We all can send messages to our friends to spread the URL of "the" new official site. Maybe one of the band could write a few sentenses, that we just spread around, wherever we surf and post, just as niggles suggested.


Mittwoch, 27. September 2006, 20:42


thanks for your help and support! :)

I thought about that too, IMHO its a bit risky to cancel and re-sign up at the moment though. But, in case Myspace wont answer my requests at all... :rolleyes:

Actually, I'm not the one to decide that... I will discuss the situation after the tour is done...


Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von »Claudia« (27. September 2006, 20:44)


Dienstag, 7. November 2006, 21:17

Finally, is a music profile!


PS: Here's to a friend :)


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Mittwoch, 8. November 2006, 13:08

Claudia, when I click on Add To Friends I get the following message in a pop-up:

"I am sorry but you are unable to communicate with that person at this time.

This user has chosen not to accept instant messages.

Is the button perhaps wrongly linked, that is with the instant message function insteat of the Add Ro Friends one?


Mittwoch, 8. November 2006, 13:36

WTF??! 8o

thanks Niggels!!

it seems that they've changed the contact-boxes and the hot spots. At least all band profils should be concerned - I just checked the Seabound profile too. :mauer:

I've reset it back to default and fix the problem later...

Niggels, should we move these postings to another section?


edit: ALL profiles (with a custom contact box) are concerned, you'd better check yours... :rolleyes:

Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 4 mal editiert, zuletzt von »Claudia« (8. November 2006, 14:19)


Mittwoch, 8. November 2006, 16:20

argh.. yes, true... with my profile I have the problem with the instant massaging button :mauer:


Mittwoch, 8. November 2006, 20:46

My custom contact box still works... VNV's still works too, subspace too.. Did they fix it? or is this an IE only thing? (But I would think Niggels was using Firefox!)

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