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Freitag, 18. Oktober 2024, 14:25 UTC+2

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  • »Eskil« ist der Autor dieses Themas

Beiträge: 32

Wohnort: Helsingborg Sweden

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Donnerstag, 6. Juli 2006, 17:21


Dear Friends,

we are thinking of present ourselves at ''. At the moment there are 5 unofficial myspace accounts that already do that. I think it is great if people bring new friends to our music but find it troublesome if fans think that we run these sites when we do not.

Covenant are yet not on myspace and are not involved in any of these sites.

The sites are:

We have tried to contact them without answer. Maybe if anyone of you knows any of these guys you could ask them to state that their myspace account is un-official and not run by the band before we have to consider other actions. We really appreciate they being part of our community.

What do you folks in the forum think we should do? Maybe it is not a problem but a common thing and people visiting these accounts understand it is just a fan-thing?

Yours truly,



Donnerstag, 6. Juli 2006, 17:52

Well, I bet they are aware it's just a fan thing... I've seen lots of fake myspace accounts... I guess God it there too. I wouldn't care much.

Btw... Hallo Eskil :)

(If you start the official one, I'm sure it will be announced here so we will all know it's the real Covenant.)

- my simple mind
See the World in My Eyes:

Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von »Atma« (6. Juli 2006, 18:01)



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Donnerstag, 6. Juli 2006, 19:36

I'd say it's not a big problem, most people probably know or at least suspect it's not the official page. But if it was me I'd have them deleted unless they clearly state it's an unofficial page.


Donnerstag, 6. Juli 2006, 20:02


Originally posted by Bugs
I'd say it's not a big problem, most people probably know or at least suspect it's not the official page. But if it was me I'd have them deleted unless they clearly state it's an unofficial page.

yes, that's exactly my view too!


Donnerstag, 6. Juli 2006, 20:06


Originally posted by Bugs
I'd say it's not a big problem, most people probably know or at least suspect it's not the official page. But if it was me I'd have them deleted unless they clearly state it's an unofficial page.

Good idea indeed.
See the World in My Eyes:


Donnerstag, 6. Juli 2006, 20:15


Original von Bugs
I'd say it's not a big problem, most people probably know or at least suspect it's not the official page. But if it was me I'd have them deleted unless they clearly state it's an unofficial page.

I mean however also!

storm @ myspace

"bin dann mal weg..Glückliche Paare im Park vergiften! "


Donnerstag, 6. Juli 2006, 20:23

when I entered myspace I needed a bit longer to realize, that a lot of band accounts are "fake".
I think a big part of the myspace success story is, that it enables a direct communication between fans and artists. If there are many fake accounts, people get mislead, maybe false information gets spread and it waters down the effect.
Concerning the above mentioned pages, they should at least pay that much respect to the band, to make a clear statement.
But some of them haven't been maintained for months and look as if someone just wanted his favourite track as background music up there. I would let these get cancelled, if they don't respond.

At least the high numbers of views and friends show how much your official page is missed ;)


Freitag, 7. Juli 2006, 09:42


Original von Bugs
I'd say it's not a big problem, most people probably know or at least suspect it's not the official page. But if it was me I'd have them deleted unless they clearly state it's an unofficial page.

I agree to that. At the beginning I thought myself that one of them was official... until I saw several wrong things like the old website. I tried to contact them to change that, bit got no answer.

Anyway I think myspace is a very good thing and I would appreciate if you´d built up your own official thing. Our help is for sure ;)



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Dienstag, 11. Juli 2006, 17:18

RE: myspace


It would be good if you could start up an official MySpace account but I wouldn't look too harshly on the people running some of the existing ones. They probably just wanted to start up a page about you in the absence of anything official.

However I do agree that they should state clearly that it's a fansite. Not just because of legal or representational issues but simply because us poor souls who applied to be added MONTHS ago without any response ( :rolleyes: ) would be aware of what were were applying to in advance.

Hugs and flowers

Falling out of cars and playing in traffic.


Freitag, 25. August 2006, 15:18

I also think, that all the existing myspace sites should state clearly and in an immediately noticable way, that they are not the official ones.


Freitag, 25. August 2006, 17:20

just was spamming one of the most visited.... so many people there write comments directly to the band... not realising that it´s not the official band site. Even mentioning wrong weblinks and stuff.

Covenant really should offer a covenantofficial myspace site. ;)


Freitag, 25. August 2006, 22:30

Perhaps it's in the works?? I'm sure Covenant would not be satisfied with putting up a stopgap page that did not reflect the true awesomeness that is Covenant.

I just spent like.. I dunno, 20 hrs drawing and creating graphics and tweeking CSS to make mymyspace look all swank. It is a bit of work... once you have a design set, which is like a whole other project. (oh, and I'm already tired of my page!)

Anyway. I wanted to create some Covenant layouts or contact boxes (& header boxes) for fans to use on their pages.. is there anyway to get the official font?

I was also hoping to create some layouts promoing the upcoming tour and possibly a group to discuss roadtrips/rideshares/cheap hotels to far away gigs.

The tour is very short and leaves out a huge chuck of the US... I expect a lot of people will be travelling if they *really* want to see Covenant.. (not just to double or trip dip like some shameless fangirls :sch: ) and they might not know they are even touring if they don't hear about it locally... which they might not unless they live in a venue city.

Also, what do you mean.. "just was spamming"? I thought that a myspace group would be a good idea cuz then you could reach (spam?) people by adding them as friends.

Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 3 mal editiert, zuletzt von »erichazann« (25. August 2006, 22:36)


Samstag, 26. August 2006, 08:52

"spamming" was maybe a oversized word.... just wrote several comments on those myspace pages linking to this forum too.

and according the font... I guess best thing would be to write to the tour promoter or record label because they should have something like that for their own promotion...


Freitag, 8. September 2006, 16:01


Covenant really should offer a covenantofficial myspace site

which, from now on, is a fact:

about time! because almost every week there were new unofficial covenant-myspaces... not to mention the kiddy-christian rockbands that use the name
i'm just an advertisement for a version of myself


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Freitag, 8. September 2006, 18:22

Is it really the official one?


Freitag, 8. September 2006, 18:57


Originally posted by Niggels
Is it really the official one?

I'm afraid it's not the official one... yet.
See the World in My Eyes:


Samstag, 9. September 2006, 12:00


Original von Atma


Originally posted by Niggels
Is it really the official one?

I'm afraid it's not the official one... yet.

I have the same opinion.
This is no MySpace-Music site


Samstag, 9. September 2006, 22:57


Originally posted by Marishka


Original von Atma


Originally posted by Niggels
Is it really the official one?

I'm afraid it's not the official one... yet.

I have the same opinion.
This is no MySpace-Music site

Yet. It's just waiting for conversion right?


Sonntag, 10. September 2006, 15:41

"an official" but not" the official"

Sorry, I had to pick up some information first, now I think I can throw a little light on it:

Yes, its an official site (which focuses on the tour) but not THE official site. And AFAIK its the only "aktive" official site at the moment.

And yes, the site is to be converted into a band profile - someday... I can do nothing other than a weekly mail to myspace "support" :mauer:

btw, your comments on layout and content are very welcome


Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 2 mal editiert, zuletzt von »Claudia« (10. September 2006, 17:05)


Montag, 11. September 2006, 09:52

in case it's not the official covenant-myspace, my apologies for jumping the gun... it was communicated by the offfical seabound-myspace, so i figured that this was finally the one

to make things even more complicated... the official myspace of metropolis records links to, a very basic covenant-profile that could be the foundation of the official covenant-space later... but that's just me guessing

i hope the band has not to wait much longer to start an offical myspace. regarding the many and growing tribute - or illegal - covenant-myspaces, which attract a lot of visitors, there's definitly a need for covenant on myspace...

but i guess it ain't just that easy...
i'm just an advertisement for a version of myself

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