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Samstag, 21. September 2024, 15:59 UTC+2

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Freitag, 7. April 2006, 05:43

Whoever votes for Dead Stars is on my list... and it's not a good list!!! I liked it the first 25-100 times but then.... :nein:
"Together we are what we can't be alone" - Dropkick Murphy's, a punk bank from Boston, Massachusetts, USA
"What doesn't kill us only makes us stronger" - Resilience, a hardcore punk band from Santa Rosa, California, USA
"As our ashes turn to dust, we shine like stars" - Gee, I wonder who said this


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Freitag, 7. April 2006, 12:18

I loved Dead Stars for the first 100 times, despised it for the next 100 times, and now I'm in the happy situation to like it again. ;)

By the way, I remember only one or two shows where Covenant did *not* perform it. One of those musts to please the casual fan, I guess. ;)


Freitag, 7. April 2006, 19:32

I guess there is a need to play one or two tracks that everyone will know and will get into!!
Though how anyone could not get into the entire gig when the guys play live would be hard to understand - such is the energy, power and seductiveness of the music live!!!


Freitag, 7. April 2006, 20:46


Originally posted by erichazann

Edited to add: I had to email the label liaison at Metropolis for another reason. (thank you theoryzero!) so I asked about this CD. Their response was:

"We've never heard of a Covenant CD called "Warped." Its probably a bootleg. If there is no mention of it on the official Covenant site, its not a real release. "

Bootleg or not, it sounds like an amazing collection of stuffs tho! I'd buy it.

Thanks for the info.
Seems I am the very proud owner of a bootleg I didn't know I had!!! Just goes to show that you can't believe everything you read - I assumed that as it said it was a Metropolis Records cd that it was indeed a genuine release - How gullible am I!!!!!!!!!!

Ah well, at least I can take comfort in the fact that - though it maybe a bootleg - it is one very cool bootleg!!!! :lol:

The only thing that I could find about where I got this from was the 'confirmation of order' email that I received before it was shipped. So all I know is that I ordered it from 'CD Baby' in Portland Oregon [].
It was early last year, and was the result of a general web search for Covenant stuff. I didn't download the catelogue, as they didn't really have anything else I was interested in while I was browsing their site - though they do stock some good stuff.
Usually I rely on Music Non Stop for the new releases, but the older and rarer stuff takes a little more tracking down, and finding the 'Covenant - Warped' I just put down to a lucky find!!! Or maybe not!!!


Freitag, 7. April 2006, 21:06

Thanks cyberdreamsgirl for the site. It doesn't look like they still stock it tho :(

I think it would be pretty easy to scan any of those inserted flyers/cards that come inside Metropolis CDs and use that scanned logo small enough to have it be decent print quality on a CD sleeve. I'm a designer, and it's it's pretty easy to counterfeit stuffs like that. (Not that I do!)

What I meant by the catalog # was the official Metropolis catalog number, it would have been MET XXX or something, where XXX is a number.

Just out of curiosity, what do the CDs look like? are they printed on top?


Freitag, 7. April 2006, 22:30

@ erichazann

Yes the cds are printed. If they hadn't been then I would have suspected it was a bootleg right from the off.
But they are printed with a distorted version of the Covenant Emblem that appeared on the original Theremin ep - it's the one that 'gayk' had done as a tattoo if you can look up his thumbnail in the members section.

The cd has the following catalog no: MET167

I agree that it really isn't difficult to use the Metropolis logo to make something look like a genuine release - I do alot of graphic design work too, and I know just how easy that would be to achieve.

The CD cover is the same design as the print on the cd. Which kind of added to my belief that this was a genuine Metropolis release. I just thought that maybe it was something that was only released for the American market, which is why I hadn't seen it in Europe before.

Anyway, I am not complaining, it is still a cool compilation, and it only cost me $20 to import, so I am very happy!!!! :D


Samstag, 8. April 2006, 00:52

hey. i wouldn't be complaining either ;)

btw, that catalog # is a Kevorkian Death Cycle Relax single.. MET 166 is the Dead Stars single, so obviously the person who made this just incremented the catalog id by 1.

metropolis catalog

This is a damn great listing of Covenant releases and remixes!! Although, in the remixes (by Covenant) section, it is missing a lot. Here.

Too bad I didnt find that before, I guess we could have confirmed it was a boot w/o the official word from Metropolis.

BTW. I tricked out my ipod with that "logo".
»erichazann« hat folgendes Bild angehängt:
  • ipod2.jpg


Samstag, 8. April 2006, 01:17

@ erichazann

[smile] Your iPod looks really cool - I like that very much.

Well, the Kevorkian Death Cycle single would be appreciated too - but I think I prefer the Covenant Compilation!!

Yes I know that it most certainly is missing alot of mixes - but I guess its only possible to fit so many tracks onto a cd!!! But whoever put this together choose some pretty good stuff anyway - [not necessarily the ones that I would have chosen if I were putting together an ultimate compilation - but I guess it is always a personal and subjective thing!]

I am curious to know now where it came from and who is responsible for it!! I guess I just will never be able to find that out!! Ooooh I am intrigued now!!

It does nothing for my obsessive nature!!! It is going to bug me now!!! :rolleyes:

Thanks for all the info, and the help in attributing a little history and progeny to this cd - I really appreciate it. :D

Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von »cyberdreamsgirl« (8. April 2006, 01:17)


Samstag, 8. April 2006, 02:51


Originally posted by cyberdreamsgirl

Yes I know that it most certainly is missing alot of mixes - but I guess its only possible to fit so many tracks onto a cd!!!

Oh I meant, on the page I linked. There are several "by Covenant" remixes missing in that section.

I think you have pretty much a difinitive collection of non-Album tracks!


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Samstag, 8. April 2006, 06:36

This (very nice) discussion proves one thing - there's a certain demand for a Best Of/Greates Hits/Singles Collection compilation. Some fans would finally be able to buy some tracks from singles which are hard to get. And it would give certain songs a lot more exposure and public attention as they have now. I think Covenant would benefit a lot from such a release.

It's a shame anyway that fantastic songs like Control or Atom Heart rot on some hard-to-get singles. I really would love a double-CD with one disc full of the club edits or radio edits of the respective singles plus some non-album tracks, plus another disc with remixes. :)


Samstag, 8. April 2006, 11:00

I totall agree Niggels. A Best-of compilation with a second CD with B-sides, rare stuff, remixes etc would be very cool.... and definitely worth a buy!


Samstag, 8. April 2006, 12:24

I do also agree with Niggels!! :perfekt:
So let's keep our fingers crossed that Covenant will release such a great CD soon! (maybe next year?) :-]


Samstag, 8. April 2006, 14:20

@ Niggles

I couldn't agree more.

I am fortunate enough to have most of the official releases but even so, to have some of the mixes and edits, and particularly the singles tracks, on one comprehensive compilation would be fantastic.

We can but hope :D


Samstag, 8. April 2006, 19:08

This is very interesting. I can confirm that it's most definitely an illegal release and probably extremely rare since we've never heard of it before.

We actually do have plans to make a complilation album pretty much similar to this one some time in the future. We (like most of you, it seems) think it's a shame that so many great songs are hidden away as b-sides on hard-to-get singles. We just haven't decided on the exact form and content and we don't want it to conflict with regular releases. But the existance of this bootleg thing is certainly a motivating factor.


Samstag, 8. April 2006, 19:14


Original von Joakim
We actually do have plans to make a complilation album pretty much similar to this one some time in the future. We (like most of you, it seems) think it's a shame that so many great songs are hidden away as b-sides on hard-to-get singles.

You're right. There are also a lot people (beyond the forum) that I know, which will appreciate such a compilation album! :-]


Samstag, 8. April 2006, 19:53


Originally posted by Joakim
We actually do have plans to make a complilation album pretty much similar to this one some time in the future. We (like most of you, it seems) think it's a shame that so many great songs are hidden away as b-sides on hard-to-get singles. .

This would definitely be very popular - and would be a wonderful way to bring little known tracks to a wider audience - and that is always a good thing!!!

I look forward to it's [eventual] release with anticipation!!!

Guess I can remove my question from the 'Questions of the Week' now.[smile]


Sonntag, 9. April 2006, 10:26


Originally posted by Joakim
This is very interesting. I can confirm that it's most definitely an illegal release and probably extremely rare since we've never heard of it before.

We actually do have plans to make a complilation album pretty much similar to this one some time in the future. We (like most of you, it seems) think it's a shame that so many great songs are hidden away as b-sides on hard-to-get singles. We just haven't decided on the exact form and content and we don't want it to conflict with regular releases. But the existance of this bootleg thing is certainly a motivating factor.

Yeah! That´s a very promising answer Joakim. Looking very much forward the things you might come up with! :)


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Sonntag, 9. April 2006, 17:57


Original von cyberdreamsgirlThis would definitely be very popular - and would be a wonderful way to bring little known tracks to a wider audience - and that is always a good thing!!!

Yeah, such a compilation would be quite popular. I think Covenant really really would benefit from such a release in many ways, especially when you try to look at it from a "business side".

A compilation which features "greatest hits" as well as rare and unreleased material would attract old and new fans. There are people who may know just a few Covenant songs but don't want to buy the proper albums but would love to have a compilation to have all the hits and/or to get a nice overview what Covenant has done so far. They may check out the rest of the releases if they like what they hear on such a compilation. Old fans, even if they have all of the releases, would love to buy such a compilation because of rare and unreleased tracks.

Plus, such a release would cause some more media attention for the band. Not a bad thing. ;) I think a compilation would make it easier for the band to reach out for new audiences as well. And last but not least, it would generate some income for the band members. :D We all know that in these days it's hard to make a living out of music because of all the downloading, internet piracy etc.

A compilation could be a collector's item as well as a nice tool to call the attention of a broader public to Covenant.

And after six albums it would be appropriate to release a Best Of. :)

The bottom line: There are no cons! :) Go, boys, go! :D


Sonntag, 9. April 2006, 18:06


Original von Niggels
Old fans, even if they have all of the releases, would love to buy such a compilation because of rare and unreleased tracks.

...or just for having a complete collection in the CD-rack :-]


Original von Niggels
We all know that in these days it's hard to make a living out of music because of all the downloading, internet piracy etc.

Who is doing that?

Jokes aside:
I agree to what you said. Especially to the "business view" thing.
It would be very great if Covenant will reach new audiences!
So let's hope the best and look forward to the compilation!



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Sonntag, 9. April 2006, 20:54


:perfekt: what a nice idea - I want such a compilation to come , I can hardly wait!
"I myself am pursueing the same instinctive course as the veriest human animal you can think of - I am however young, starring at particles of light in the midst of great darkness." (John Keats)

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