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Mittwoch, 29. März 2006, 21:12

4 would have been the number! So my choice were 3 + The world is growing loud! For me it was a competition between Ritual Noise and TWIGL. I'm still thinking about it... Can I vote twice?


Mittwoch, 29. März 2006, 21:21


Originally posted by Popstitude... Can I vote twice?

No :P


Mittwoch, 29. März 2006, 21:28



Mittwoch, 29. März 2006, 22:14

being too hasty i only used one vote, for 'greater than the sun'

but you can add another vote for 'pulse' and 'spindrift'

and yes it hurt not being to able to vote for 'the men' and '20hz'
i'm just an advertisement for a version of myself

Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von »Hilarius« (29. März 2006, 22:14)


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Donnerstag, 30. März 2006, 19:30

I think it's amazing that Greater Than The Sun seems to be the favourite of so many fans. I love it too, it's actually my favourite as well, but I didn't expect it at the peak position of this poll! :perfekt:

Maybe a hint that the band should better include it in their live sets? ;)


Donnerstag, 30. März 2006, 19:34


Original von Niggels
Maybe a hint that the band should better include it in their live sets? ;)

oh yes, that would be great! :)


Donnerstag, 30. März 2006, 19:35


Original von Niggels
I think it's amazing that Greater Than The Sun seems to be the favourite of so many fans. I love it too, it's actually my favourite as well, but I didn't expect it at the peak position of this poll! :perfekt:

Maybe a hint that the band should better include it in their live sets? ;)

Maybe they will, on the next part of their tour... I hope so!
And I'll let you now, if they did that song in London or not. ;)


Donnerstag, 30. März 2006, 20:30


Originally posted by Niggels
I think it's amazing that Greater Than The Sun seems to be the favourite of so many fans. I love it too, it's actually my favourite as well, but I didn't expect it at the peak position of this poll! :perfekt:

Maybe a hint that the band should better include it in their live sets? ;)

pleeeeaaaaseeee! It was my top song too


Donnerstag, 30. März 2006, 21:48


Originally posted by covenant_girl


Original von Niggels
Maybe a hint that the band should better include it in their live sets? ;)

oh yes, that would be great! :)

hear hear!
i'm just an advertisement for a version of myself


Dienstag, 4. April 2006, 17:29

Oh my God was that tough - only three choices!! - so difficult - but finally done!!!
and yes it would be wonderful to hear Greater Than The Sun live - I hope they play it during at least one of the British dates - I will let you know!!



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Dienstag, 4. April 2006, 18:20

done :)

20 hz, brave new world and spindrift

kind of easy choice for me
don't keep on leaving your dreams behind



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Mittwoch, 5. April 2006, 16:17

People,you may still vot in case you haven't yet! :)

I'm a little surprised that Sweet & Salty didn't get a single vote! 8o


Mittwoch, 5. April 2006, 17:20

well, I like S&S, but it´s behind my three faves...



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Mittwoch, 5. April 2006, 20:01

Sweet & Salty might be my least favorite track on the album. It's not that I hate it, but it just doesn't do anything for me. However, I think that it ends with a bang. I really like the ending of that song. The lyrics are cool ("Counting every second / We refuse to go / Counting every second / We will never die"), and the end music isn't as hectic and busy as the first 3/4 of the song. It's just a totally different song at the end.

As for my faves, they're Happy Man (great Moog), The Men, and The World Is Growing Loud. Eskil's voice is so pretty in Happy Man. I wish that he sang like that more often just like how he sings in Prometheus. It's beautiful. I just don't really care for his vocal stylings in songs like Spindrift where he's just talking in a monotone voice. That's my problem with Europa. It's like he's singing/talking the same in almost every song on that album. To me, his voice is just better when it has more reflection in it like in Bullet where he holds or sings notes longer (We riiiiiiiiise and fall).


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Mittwoch, 5. April 2006, 20:08

Interesting. Actually it's (mainly) because of the vocals why I don't enjoy Happy Man that much. Eskil sings it in a rather high note, and I'm not to keen on it. Same with the chorus of Prometheus, where he sings in a similar fashion. I prefer the live version of Prometheus as I think the vocals in the chorus work much much better then.

And I indeed prefer his voice in songs like Spindrift. It's like a dark narration, I just love it, and I think Eskil's vocals (or 'talking') add a special quality to it. And I do love Europa and the vocals on it! :)

But I do not have a problem with Eskil singing in higher notes in general, I just think that it sometimes doesn't work. Bullet is an example where it works! :)



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Mittwoch, 5. April 2006, 20:24


It's funny how we have different tastes of the same band. That's what great about Covenant is that they offer different things for different people. One thing that really attracts me to Eskil's voice is how deep it is. I love deep voices. That's why I like the voices of Steve Naghavi of And One, Rouven Walterowicz of Endanger, Volker Lutz of Evil's Toy/T.O.Y., etc. because they have very deep voices. That's a very good description of Eskil narrating Spindrift. That's pretty much how Go Film is. I just have a difficult time singing along when he narrates.

Eskil does sing Happy Man in a higher note, but the way he sings it is so pretty. In a way, he almost sings it kind of sad like which I think is cool because the sad voice is opposite of the positive lyrics. I haven't heard Prometheus live, but I do love that chorus in Prometheus (As the briiiiidges burn, we leave our homes in flames). I also love that one line in the song, "With my tongue, I touch your mind." I last saw Covenant back in 2002 at Synthpop Goes the World in Toronto. I'd love to see them live again. My first time to see Covenant was in Atlanta with And One back in April of 2001. I've missed their last show in my home state of Texas when they played in San Antonio.

Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von »MozDM« (5. April 2006, 20:33)


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Mittwoch, 5. April 2006, 21:48


Original von MozDMIn a way, he almost sings it kind of sad like which I think is cool because the sad voice is opposite of the positive lyrics.

Yeah, that's the point I like about the vocals and lyrics!

On the other hand, if Eskil did sing it in a very very happy style the song would be quite dull. ;) The lyrics have a very ironic - or sracastic? - twist which I like. It's just fair that the way it's sung resembles this ambiguity.

But still I don't think that this vocal style suits Eskil's voice too much. But it's great that Eskil likes to experiment with his skills. Instead of doing more vocals like Happy Man he should head to yet other horizons. :)

And I hope you will get to see Covenant live in your area very soon! :)

Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von »Niggels« (5. April 2006, 21:49)



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Mittwoch, 5. April 2006, 22:48

I totally agree that the lyrics are ironic or saracastic in Happy Man. To me, Joakim is saying that he's happy, but deep down, he's not happy maybe because he doesn't have anyone to love. So, I agree that Eskil's voice works perfectly against those lyrics. I am glad that Eskil does experiment with his voice in different songs.

Thanks for the wishes. I hope that Rotersand opens up for Covenant for their North American tour. I like Rotersand.


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Mittwoch, 5. April 2006, 23:38

I woudnl't put my bet on Rotersand opening for Covenant in the US but you never know!

I just listened to Fuzzy Logic, and this is a quite unique vocal performance by Eskil, too. There are also some parts in which he sings in a rather high tone but here I like the way he does it a lot more than in Happy Man.

Anyway, I'm not trying to say that the singing in Happy Man sucks. ;) Just not my cup of tea, that's all.

And it is indeed great that a band can be loved by so many different people for so many different reasons! :D



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Donnerstag, 6. April 2006, 08:58


Originally posted by Niggels
But still I don't think that this vocal style suits Eskil's voice too much. But it's great that Eskil likes to experiment with his skills. Instead of doing more vocals like Happy Man he should head to yet other horizons. :)

I say both! :perfekt:

Happy Man is sooo good! *jumps up and down*

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