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  • »Bugs« ist der Autor dieses Themas

Beiträge: 225

Beruf: Freelance photographer/web developer

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Montag, 6. März 2006, 23:47

Radio interview

I almost forgot to post about this... the Swedish radioshow "Musikjournalen" made an interview last Friday. It's now available online at their site, and will be there until their show next Monday is put online.

It's in Swedish though, so I'm not sure how many of you can enjoy it properly ;)
But if you do, drag the slider in your RealPlayer past the terrible reggae (Governor Andy) to 41:53, where it starts.

Direct link to the sound file.


Dienstag, 7. März 2006, 00:15

Thank you Bugs! Did not get much of it but at least sounded sweet to me :)


Dienstag, 7. März 2006, 09:18

RE: Radio interview

Any chance of someone posting a transcript? (in English) :) Pretty please.



  • »Bugs« ist der Autor dieses Themas

Beiträge: 225

Beruf: Freelance photographer/web developer

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Dienstag, 7. März 2006, 09:39

RE: Radio interview


Originally posted by erichazann
Any chance of someone posting a transcript? (in English) :) Pretty please.

Well... maybe a slim chance at least. I have too much to do right now, but maybe later in the week.


Dienstag, 7. März 2006, 09:44

RE: Radio interview

I just would like to join here and to say Thank You Bugs for your contribution :)



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Dienstag, 7. März 2006, 10:19

I'm beginning to doubt my computer skills now..
Even though I'm swedish I can't find the interview, it's only about DM and The Knife?
As the moment elapsed, we walked in slowmotion.


Dienstag, 7. März 2006, 10:32

It is near end of the record, scroll and search a little. If you are swedish, you`ll make it ;)



Beiträge: 277

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Dienstag, 7. März 2006, 10:44

Strange, the link you posted only took me to previous week's show.
But when I changed the date in the file it worked..
As the moment elapsed, we walked in slowmotion.



  • »Bugs« ist der Autor dieses Themas

Beiträge: 225

Beruf: Freelance photographer/web developer

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Dienstag, 7. März 2006, 11:28


Originally posted by gayk
Strange, the link you posted only took me to previous week's show.
But when I changed the date in the file it worked..

Ok, sounds like you had some kind of cache problem then.

For all others - use the direct link, and the interview starts at 41:53. The Covenant presentation is gone from the website since they only show info about the current evening.


Dienstag, 7. März 2006, 19:35

Doesn't work for me too though I tried to use the direct link...



  • »Bugs« ist der Autor dieses Themas

Beiträge: 225

Beruf: Freelance photographer/web developer

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Dienstag, 7. März 2006, 20:17


Originally posted by Marishka
Doesn't work for me too though I tried to use the direct link...

Hmm... not sure what's going wrong for you. The link works for me.

Do you have RealPlayer installed? If not, you can download it [URL=,,]here[/URL].


Dienstag, 7. März 2006, 20:21


Original von Bugs


Originally posted by Marishka
Doesn't work for me too though I tried to use the direct link...

Hmm... not sure what's going wrong for you. The link works for me.

Do you have RealPlayer installed? If not, you can download it [URL=,,]here[/URL].

Actually I do... Maybe my version is to old.
I'll check for updates and try again. Thanks.


Dienstag, 7. März 2006, 20:22

Ladies and Gentlemen

It does work :)

However, in order to play a *.ram file you will need to have one of the following two:

1) Appropriate Player, e.g.:

- Real Media Player (, or, much better:
- jetAudio Player (

2) Appropriate Codec (

With that one installed you will be able to play *.ram files within your standard Windows Media Player.

Hope that helps :)


Dienstag, 7. März 2006, 20:59

It works!! *jumps up and down*
Thank you all!!! :-]


Dienstag, 7. März 2006, 21:00




  • »Bugs« ist der Autor dieses Themas

Beiträge: 225

Beruf: Freelance photographer/web developer

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Samstag, 11. März 2006, 18:56

RE: Radio interview


Originally posted by erichazann
Any chance of someone posting a transcript? (in English) :) Pretty please.

I am just too nice (nice big karma bonus ;)). Here is the transcript! I skipped the very end where Josefina briefly interviews two girls in the queue outside the venue.

Swedish radio interview by Josefina Jansson, SR P3.

[Ritual noise clip]

Josefina: You've just released a new album now, named "Skyshaper" and it was released on Wednesday, March 1st. When I met you about two years ago I asked about this album, and at that time you said you were going to make the ultimate EBM album - did that happen?

Joakim: No, absolutely not. Well, I've been forced to eat those words pretty extensively *short laugh*. The reason to why I said that was that I to some extent thought "Northern light" was a bit lame. Not lame really... but a bit too tame. I sort of felt it was time to go back to a more raw sound, and I guess there are some traces of that on "Skyshaper" too. But after all, we are making pop music - we like melodies and we enjoy creating moods and such. So to make really hard EBM on a whole album actually felt damned boring after a while. Eskil and I had quite a bit of quarrels over this in the beginning, but eventually I gave in and I'm totally sure it was a good decision.

[Spindrift clip]

Josefina: "Sweet and salty" is one of the tracks on the album, and in my mind maybe the most industrial song. It differs a bit from the other, how come you thought of making it to that extent experimental?

Joakim: It was actually an experiment *short laugh* in itself from the beginning.

Claes: Exactly. In some ways I've been the one that has been most opposed to making the ultimate EBM album. But I liked this song because I found it hard and consequent in a more modern way. It didn't sound like some old Nitzer Ebb thing from -94, it rather has some kind of special groove. It was many in our so called "production ring", managers etc, that thought we shouldn't release it. But I know at least I was a very strong advocate and if I hadn't been pushing so hard I really doubt you two [Mattias note: Claes obviously speaking to Joakim and Eskil] wouldn't give in to all the pressure from outside. I really thought it fit the overall sound and that it adds a harder facet too. Since we now have been walking around saying we were going make the utimate EBM album, we damned better put something hard on the album.

Joakim: *laughing* if nothing else it's the worlds greatest bass drum, easily the worlds greatest bass drum. I want a Nobel prize for it!

[Sweet and salty clip]

Josefina: Are you proud of the album, is this the best Covenant album so far?

Claes: I don't think so. But I believe Eskil and Jocke, who have been working the most with the music, feel a bit more like that. And I guess that's what happens when you work very tightly with it, you always feel you do your best. I personally believe that if you look at it in retrospect, in a few years, I don't think we will announce this to be our best album. I think this album has too much of a tendency to approach average. I don't feel there are any extremely strong songs, although not any extremely weak either. In my view it becomes a bit grey, I absolutely don't think it's bad in any way though - that's not what I'm saying. It's just that I don't believe in ten years from now this will be the album that I think is the best we've ever done.

Joakim: Each album is made at the peak of our abilities, as good as we can - we always do our best, that is really important to us. But now we've worked with this album for more than a year and of course other things happen in our heads meanwhile. We are sort of already working on our next album. But I'm satisfied, I think we've made a decent album. It didn't turn out at all like I thought it would. Then it never does... *background laughter* no, I think it's a silly good album really. I think so and I can't really see how it could have turned out differently either. But it was a horrible struggle to do it, really, we had so much differences, long discussions and sour faces. So, from that point of view it is the most emotional album we've done. Which I think is cool. There even was a time when we thought of not releasing an album at all and rather just skip the project. But after a while it does boil up within you and you feel the need to get stuff out of your head, and for us the best way of doing that is to make music.

[Ritual noise clip]

Josefina: Which singles will you be releasing now then, apart from "Ritual noise"?

Claes: It's going to be "Brave new world". It will be recorded with an external producer next week, and the external producers... now I've forgotten his name... what was it - Roland?

Joakim: Roland Stenberger.

Claes: That's right. He's been working with A-ha. on an album they released about three years ago. We met him in Germany just before we went home. He seems to be a really nice guy and I'm sure it will turn our well. But it's going to be more towards the radio audience.

Josefina: Speaking of tours, you do have a release party tonight in Helsingborg, and then you'll do a couple of gigs in Sweden and then more in Europe.

Claes: We always tour Europe and USA, usually USA is about half a year later. I guess we could have done like so many other bands, and do it all in one sequence, but we are after all getting older and think it's hard being on the road for two months straight. So this time we've even divided Europe in two runs, we've done central Europe. And then we're going to do France, Spain, England and maybe some country in eastern Europe; in a later turn around Easter or in the beginning of May. And then it's time for USA, probably in September.

[Brave new worl clip]


Samstag, 11. März 2006, 19:07

Thanks for that translation!
Now I know, that I didn't get everything right. :P ;)


Samstag, 11. März 2006, 19:10

great! thank you, mattias! :)


Samstag, 11. März 2006, 19:31

Very nice read indeed. Thank you for your great effort to translate that for us Bugs!

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