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Dienstag, 14. März 2006, 08:42


Originally posted by Bugs


Originally posted by Marishka


Original von Niggels
iiiii tried but didnt wokr *hic*


:tongue: :tongue: :tongue: :tongue:
Let's see if that works for me.
*get some absinth, some sugar and a bit water*

I'll try...
Hope to see you again later. ;)

Skål för det!
Und ab dafür...

I haven't even taken my own advice and tried it yet - but I have an unopened bottle of Absinth... maybe one of these days ;)

let´s try it together at the weekend :tongue: :tongue:

and I guess a surplus of the Absinth would be that it´s killing the virus inside my throat too :tongue:



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Dienstag, 14. März 2006, 12:50


Originally posted by Black_Cat


Originally posted by Bugs


Originally posted by Marishka


Original von Niggels
iiiii tried but didnt wokr *hic*


:tongue: :tongue: :tongue: :tongue:
Let's see if that works for me.
*get some absinth, some sugar and a bit water*

I'll try...
Hope to see you again later. ;)

Skål för det!
Und ab dafür...

I haven't even taken my own advice and tried it yet - but I have an unopened bottle of Absinth... maybe one of these days ;)

let´s try it together at the weekend :tongue: :tongue:

and I guess a surplus of the Absinth would be that it´s killing the virus inside my throat too :tongue:

:tongue: :tongue:
Perhaps we can cure both our throats ;)


Dienstag, 14. März 2006, 17:01


Originally posted by Black_Cat

and I guess a surplus of the Absinth would be that it´s killing the virus inside my throat too :tongue:

While it kills off a big chunk of brain cells too. ;p

ps. I use an Echinacea and Tea Tree Oil throat spray (herbal health food store remedy) and it works wonders. Tastes like sht, but works wonders.


Dienstag, 14. März 2006, 19:11


Original von Black_Cat
let´s try it together at the weekend :tongue: :tongue:

and I guess a surplus of the Absinth would be that it´s killing the virus inside my throat too :tongue:

Good idea. What can be better to kill viruses??? ;) :P


Freitag, 17. März 2006, 12:28

i tried to follow the discussion in german at skyshaper vs northern light but since i'm not good at all in german, i'd like to answer here in english, or do an attempt at least

I think that 'skyshaper' is the right record at the right time... The very divers and intens album gives you a feeling of confusion, and that's how i (and probably a lot of other people including covenant) feel nowadays... Off course this isn't done on purpose by the band, they just manage the capture the feeling of the moment. And perhaps this is all too far fetched but for my 'subterfugue for 3 absynths' symbolises this for me: i'ts a synthesizerfrequency gone mad and an ordeal to listen to, but that's confusion for you...

The right record on the right moment once again, come to think of it: 'Europa' was for me about excitement for something to happen: Longing for the smell of burning kerosene* . 'USOM' was the year 2000: total euphoria but also nagging doubt (like tears in the rain, still life) And after 9/11 there was 'northern light'. Off course this wasn't an album about the attacks but it christalized the feelings of angst and sadness at the time, and it gave you consolation...

So skyshaper is a moving and confusing record: right here, right now when it's needed. If it's covenants best album, its worst or something in between... only time will tell...

i hope this doesn't sound all too pretentious, or obvious. but these are the thoughts and feelings covenants music evoke for me

* I noticed that some people wonder why covenant doesn't play 'riot' live anymore... By chance i talked with joakim about this songs when we were talking about living in disturbing times... I said it seems logical they don't play 'riot' anymore: At the time it was right, people were craving for something to happen... But the last years we got more than we bargained for, so we could do without a riot...

Joakim replied that this was true to some extend, but he also added that they just don't play that song anymore, without further explanation... (i hope this was intersting for the 'roit'-loving people out here)
i'm just an advertisement for a version of myself

Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von »Hilarius« (17. März 2006, 12:32)


Freitag, 17. März 2006, 14:23


Originally posted by Hilarius
I think that 'skyshaper' is the right record at the right time...

Just the way I feel about it too. To me, this is precisely what makes Covenant an exceptional band. Since the very beginning and with every new release, they have kept on raising the bar higher then what time and audience was expecting from them to deliver. This is what makes them uneasy to digest today, but a stayer for years ahead. Same happen with Northern Lights. Same was the path of Kraftwerk. This is the way pioneers are making their way in general.


Freitag, 17. März 2006, 16:28

@ Hilarius and Rationalmind

That is just the word that always recurs to me whenever I think of Covenant. They are truly musical pioneers – they always seem to push the boundaries of contemporary sounds, and create new pinnacles of excellence. They weave very complex and intricate patterns, while seeming to create such simplicity. Yet always it is imbibed with the essence of the societal feelings at the time.
They write and speak the emotions, and the notions that we all labour under, and in ways that we may never have found on our own, or through anyone else. This is what makes them so special to me.
I totally agree that it is this unique ability – this almost visionary quality - that will enable them to endure, to achieve true longevity (while ever they wish too, of course), and their music to remain as ever timeless, and enduring.

Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von »cyberdreamsgirl« (17. März 2006, 17:57)



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Freitag, 17. März 2006, 16:30


The longer I listen to this album the more I´ve got the impression to really understand it...and yeah : it seems to have been released at the rigth time.

@Rationalmind: can you really compare them to "Kraftwerk" ?
in a way it´s like comparing a child to its parents...
ok, you can compare them...
But unlike Kraftwerk, Covenant aren´t the creaters of something
fully new, but they suceed in carrying on this developement.
"I myself am pursueing the same instinctive course as the veriest human animal you can think of - I am however young, starring at particles of light in the midst of great darkness." (John Keats)


Freitag, 17. März 2006, 17:33


Originally posted by cyberdreamsgirl
@ Hilarius and Rationalmind

That is just the word always recurs to me of whenever I think of Covenant. They are truly musical pioneers – they always seem to push the boundaries of contemporary sounds, and create new pinnacles of excellence. They weave very complex and intricate patterns, while seeming to create such simplicity. Yet always it is imbibed with the essence of the societal feelings at the time.
They write and speak the emotions, and the notions that we all labour under, and in ways that we may never have found on our own, or through anyone else. This is what makes them so special to me.
I totally agree that it is this unique ability – this almost visionary quality - that will enable them to endure, to achieve true longevity (while ever they wish too, of course), and their music to remain as ever timeless, and enduring.

Cyberdreamsgirl, I concur, in full. Could never put my wording to get this expressed so well. Thank you! :perfekt:


Freitag, 17. März 2006, 17:44

RE: Skyshaper


Originally posted by Evolutz can you really compare them to "Kraftwerk" ?
in a way it´s like comparing a child to its parents...
ok, you can compare them...
But unlike Kraftwerk, Covenant aren´t the creaters of something
fully new, but they suceed in carrying on this developement.

Hi Evoluz, it is not my intention to compare them to anyone actually ;) I was just trying to compare past with present and future, but not the subject for that matter. I only recall that when I first heard The Robots, Model and Neon Lights playing, I fell in love with that band right away, whereas most people around me were playing Funky Town & Double Dutch Bus by saying -> that will be gone within a year from now... I knew at this moment that these guys were wrong, I knew that this is the future. And it is :)


Freitag, 17. März 2006, 18:01

@ evolutz

I don't think you should compare them to anyone particularly - but I do see what Rationalmind was saying - but I also don't think that you can say that they do not create anything fully new. Just because theirs is a developmental progression of something that was initiated by Kraftwerk doesn't mean that what they are producing isn't new - surely the ideas, the sounds, the experimental improvisations that they have devised over the years cannot be so lightly dismissed in this way!!!



Beiträge: 514

Wohnort: Hamburg

Beruf: stud.iur.

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Samstag, 18. März 2006, 22:29

okokok! Covenant might be a novum - as I don´t know that much about the
history of EBM, I´ll go after it... ups: - time is runnig out - next time more.
"I myself am pursueing the same instinctive course as the veriest human animal you can think of - I am however young, starring at particles of light in the midst of great darkness." (John Keats)


Mittwoch, 22. März 2006, 08:06

On Monday my LE Skyshaper finally arrived from Metropolis! I was inthe middle of an art project I had to get done for school, but I stopped my work and took a few minutes to look it over. It's beautiful! I haven't listened to the bonus CD yet tho.

The only thing is, even tho my copy was perfectly shrinkwrapped, the booklet was damaged inside :( The corner was creased. I guess from being inserted into the slot. I'm still debating buying another copy because i have OCD that BAD, as I doubt I could prove to metropolis that it was damaged on opening it.

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