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Samstag, 21. September 2024, 15:56 UTC+2

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Freitag, 3. März 2006, 22:00

Skyshaper - what has IT done to you?

Hey Covenant boys and gals!!! Where are you all gone? Are you listening to IT, or did IT make you all disappear? Today is - THE HOLLY 3RD OF MARCH - this is the launch of SKYSHAPER - there is no one on the forum, so it seems to me all Covenant folks got sucked up by some sort of dark supernatural force... Last messages I read here were about opening an absolutely black box. Then a WOW. And then SILENCE... 8o

For the sake of this universe, those who were chosen to get IT - what do you damn think of IT? :)


Freitag, 3. März 2006, 22:41

RE: Skyshaper - what has IT done to you?


Original von Rationalmind
Hey Covenant boys and gals!!! Where are you all gone? Are you listening to IT, or did IT make you all disappear? Today is - THE HOLLY 3RD OF MARCH - this is the launch of SKYSHAPER - there is no one on the forum, so it seems to me all Covenant folks got sucked up by some sort of dark supernatural force... Last messages I read here were about opening an absolutely black box. Then a WOW. And then SILENCE... 8o

For the sake of this universe, those who were chosen to get IT - what do you damn think of IT? :)

1st: what do you think what we all are doing. ;)
I'm not listening, I'm going out to a club. :P

And 2nd: Skyshaper is the first CD of Covenant where I love ALL songs! From the beginning to the end it's the greatest CD I ever heard!
Let's see if it'll ever get out of my winamp playlist. ;)


Samstag, 4. März 2006, 09:28


Original von Rationalmind
For the sake of this universe, those who were chosen to get IT - what do you damn think of IT? :)

it's FANTASTIC!!! great songs, beautiful artwork and design... I LOVE IT!!! :)


Samstag, 4. März 2006, 11:25

The limited Edition looks simply great! Very nice artwork :)


Samstag, 4. März 2006, 11:46

I hope I will get my copy soon!


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Samstag, 4. März 2006, 12:51

RE: Skyshaper - what has IT done to you?

Skyshaper has done many things to me since I got the promo in early January. :rolleyes:

First it left me cold, then I loathed it, now I love it. :lol: Strange!


Original von MarishkaSkyshaper is the first CD of Covenant where I love ALL songs! From the beginning to the end it's the greatest CD I ever heard!

The best CD you ever heard?? Wow. You should go and buy all the other Covenant albums then! :P

Just joking! I'm happy that there are people who fall in love with this album immediately!

For me Skyshaper is the first good Covenant album since Dreams Of A Cryotank - all the others have been brilliant! ;)

I really love Greater Than The Sun, The World Is Growing Loud, and Spindrift. Pulse, Brave New World, The Men and Sweet & Salty are very good. The album version of Ritual Noise is not on par with the versions on the EP, 20Hz is okay-ish and I'm not too fond of Happy Man.

My short review. ;)

By the way, the only Covenant album where I love all songs is Europa! Strangely it's not my favourite album! I think Northern Light is my absolute fave...




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Samstag, 4. März 2006, 13:07

I'd say it's good, nothing fantastic, but good. I really like some songs like Pulse and 20Hz but I think xrds from the ritual noise single is better than many of the other tracks.
It's nowhere near Sequencer though ;)

My first stop to see them on tour now seems to be 1st of april in sthlm. I'm really looking forward to hearing the new tracks live now that I've been listening to them alot.
As the moment elapsed, we walked in slowmotion.


Samstag, 4. März 2006, 16:10

RE: Skyshaper - what has IT done to you?


Original von Niggels
The best CD you ever heard?? Wow. You should go and buy all the other Covenant albums then! :P

Just joking! I'm happy that there are people who fall in love with this album immediately!

What do you think what's been rotating in my CD-charger (before it broke-down :rolleyes: ) for such a long time?
Certainly I do have ALL the other CDs. Also the US-Releases and Bonus-CDs. ;)
The only ones I don't exhibit are the Bullet-DVD and the vinyl-releases.


Samstag, 4. März 2006, 19:45

Veni, Vidi, Skyshaper!

I finally got to hear that gem, a couple of times today and well, I do adore it. At the same time, I sort of understand why some people find it hard to digest. To me, as a whole, this album sounds as a raw diamond under the sun. There are facetes to be found here which are cut deep and with incredible, irreversible determination, such as Ritual Noise, Happy Man, Greater Than The Sun (Tiamat anyone?). These are shining white, monochrome and with a narrow, painfully precise spectrum. There are facettes that are reflecting with millions of colours and are striking my mind with an atomic potential and genuinity, such as 20 Hz, Spindrift - > it is amazing to experience the rave of energy these tunes carry within and the fountain of creativity and inspiration that are running through my mind and body, while I am listening to them -> electronically magnificent = Covenant -> as always. :) Somewhere on the bottom of the diamond, hidden away from any direct touch of light there is another kind of facet to be discovered here, that glares dark and clear, The World Is Growing Loud, this one spreads a heavy black and grey reflections that can not be overseen by anyone, but may take decades for some to compehend their message. In fact, this piece of art is so powerful, that if you love the artist (as I do) this is where the voodoo of this album reaches its climax. End.


Samstag, 4. März 2006, 19:58

RE: Veni, Vidi, Skyshaper!

What a wonderful comparison. Diamond and Covenant. I like that!

And I tend to share your opionen in the most examples!


Original von Rationalmind
Greater Than The Sun (Tiamat anyone?).

Tiamats song is called 'Brighter Than The Sun' ;)


Samstag, 4. März 2006, 20:05

RE: Veni, Vidi, Skyshaper!

Thank you Marishka! :) Yeah, Brighter Then The Sun indeed..., how did I happen to mix both, nevermind... I seems be looking a little too hard for hidden messages, conspiracies and stuff :D I am totally skyshaped.


Samstag, 4. März 2006, 20:12

RE: Veni, Vidi, Skyshaper!


Original von Rationalmind
Thank you Marishka! :) Yeah, Brighter Then The Sun indeed..., how did I happen to mix both, nevermind... I seems be looking a little too hard for hidden messages, conspiracies and stuff :D I am totally skyshaped.

OK, Brighter Than The Sun and Greater Than The Sun are quiet related names. ;)

Same with: Brave New World (Iron Maiden anyone?)
I know, I know. A totally different genre. But the song title is and stays the same. ;)


Sonntag, 5. März 2006, 00:22


Originally posted by Black_Cat
The limited Edition looks simply great! Very nice artwork :)

Argh@ The release date here for the limited edition has been changed to March 14. *shakes fists* I can't wait. Hopefully, they will have it in before then tho.


Sonntag, 5. März 2006, 01:48

RE: Veni, Vidi, Skyshaper!


Originally posted by Rationalmind
I finally got to hear that gem, a couple of times today and well, I do adore it. At the same time, I sort of understand why some people find it hard to digest. To me, as a whole, this album sounds as a raw diamond under the sun. There are facetes to be found here which are cut deep and with incredible, irreversible determination,

Sorry to be the party pooper, but I feel the need to point out, raw diamonds look like ordinary rocks. They are not brilliant gems until they are cut. They also, do not conduct electricity.

This is a very powerful metaphor tho. Diamonds have the highest symmetry -isometric- so they have the most complicated internal structure. No diamond is perfect (except one lab created), but a cutter will make them appear perfect by eliminating the imperfections. And I would say that the World is Growing Loud is this diamond's imperfection... not because it's inheirently bad, but because it represents the end of something we know to be good. It could be a color imperfection -- a dark spot, reflecting the diamonds true Carbon nature, that a cutter would have cut away, but that Covenant (the cutters of this stone) have included.. perhaps to show us a diamond isn't forever. (It's not the stable form of carbon.. graphite is. All diamonds that aren't buried deep in the Earth, are *very* slowly transforming into graphite! Very. Slowly.)

What you say about facets and light is true tho.. (well true as any metaphor can be). Diamonds have both brilliance and fire, and they are different characteristics. Brilliance is the reflection of white light, while fire is the dispersion of the light into colored beams. The facets bounce the light back to us.

I don't mean to discredit your experience... I'm just being the scientist -- the geologist, I was trained to be... :)


Sonntag, 5. März 2006, 11:19

RE: Veni, Vidi, Skyshaper!


Originally posted by erichazannSorry to be the party pooper, but I feel the need to point out, raw diamonds look like ordinary rocks. They are not brilliant gems until they are cut. They also, do not conduct electricity.

This is a very powerful metaphor tho. Diamonds have the highest symmetry -isometric- so they have the most complicated internal structure. No diamond is perfect (except one lab created), but a cutter will make them appear perfect by eliminating the imperfections. And I would say that the World is Growing Loud is this diamond's imperfection... not because it's inheirently bad, but because it represents the end of something we know to be good. It could be a color imperfection -- a dark spot, reflecting the diamonds true Carbon nature, that a cutter would have cut away, but that Covenant (the cutters of this stone) have included.. perhaps to show us a diamond isn't forever. (It's not the stable form of carbon.. graphite is. All diamonds that aren't buried deep in the Earth, are *very* slowly transforming into graphite! Very. Slowly.)

What you say about facets and light is true tho.. (well true as any metaphor can be). Diamonds have both brilliance and fire, and they are different characteristics. Brilliance is the reflection of white light, while fire is the dispersion of the light into colored beams. The facets bounce the light back to us.

I don't mean to discredit your experience... I'm just being the scientist -- the geologist, I was trained to be... :)

Hey erichazann, thank you for your reply :) I happen to be a chemical engineer myself, with some 16 years of working experience (Dow Chemical - heard of it?), so you are very welcome, let`s have a rational discussion on the Diamond - Skyshaper matter that I brought here and am ready to defend. What I meant with the whole allegory is rather difficult to put it in writing here (I mean, I am too lazy to do it :P) is that - Skyshaper - to me, is just as what a raw diamond will be to a precious stone expert, I look at it under my magnifying glass and see facetes that are not quite there yet, but in my expert mind I see (hear) them clearly - shining, reflecting, striking my human senses with incredible multivalent power and unspoken natural beauty. I see (hear) them hitting my eyes (ears) with millions of reflections and my imagination grows and evolves around what I am holding under my magnifying glass and the absolute beauty that blasts waves of adrenaline in my mind. There is much, much more behind the glare, it just invites you to open your senses and to comprehend it. I think, I will put an end here ;) I only hope you enjoy this album as much as I do... :)


Montag, 6. März 2006, 16:05

got the album, it's playing right now

it sounds so much better than those lousy mp3's from the net! amazing how eskils voice sounds, it's like he's whispering those comforting words right into your ear... and songs that didn't really convince me before ('brave new world', 'sweet & salty',...) now simply sweep me away...

can't wait to check out the bonus tracks

i'm just an advertisement for a version of myself


Montag, 6. März 2006, 17:18

Great, just great! Got to love that album, it is shaping up even better with the time. BTW, the bonus tracks are quite challenging IMHO, esp. Subterfuge For 3 Absynths... Let us know what do you think, once you hear that. Rewinding does not count! :D


Montag, 6. März 2006, 17:21


Subterfuge For 3 Absynths... Let us know what do you think, once you hear that. Rewinding does not count! :D

first impression: 'welcome to doctor joakim's echochamber of madness' :tongue:

it's a challenging track indeed, i think i need a little more time ;)

about 'relief': fascinating... it offers an interesting look of how covenant try all kind of ideas before completing a track...
i'm just an advertisement for a version of myself

Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 2 mal editiert, zuletzt von »Hilarius« (6. März 2006, 17:29)


Montag, 6. März 2006, 17:36


Originally posted by Hilarius about 'relief': fascinating... it offers an interesting look of how covenant try all kind of ideas before completing a track...

This is precisely what I am wondering about too. Imagine, those three creative minds shaping up a track. Must be an incrdible process of creation. Do they ever compromise?


Montag, 6. März 2006, 18:34

I hope my order is going to come tomorrow!
I have to hear that bonus CD!!!

Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von »Marishka« (6. März 2006, 18:34)

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