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Dienstag, 21. Februar 2006, 19:26


Some time ago there was a snippet on the official HP of covenant, so called "Traktor"...why is that track not on the new album...was it just a sound snippet, which is the basement of another track???
Believe is never easy!


Dienstag, 21. Februar 2006, 19:48

That is a really good question. I liked that snipped a lot....


Dienstag, 21. Februar 2006, 22:08

I wanted to know the same thing. I was grooving to that at work a lot.



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Dienstag, 21. Februar 2006, 22:28

I liked this snippet to, there are maybe a lot of cool songs/ideas who a lost in joakims or eskils archives. Luminal on the European Sequenzer Album was one if the tracks that nearly get's lost in this archive.

Poeple who doesn't own or know thist bonus Track on the European Sequenzer Version, get it somewhere in the Internet, LUMINAL is a Covenant must have!
i want to close the doors
behind my bleeding back
and dance amonge the shadows
for future glory's lost


Mittwoch, 22. Februar 2006, 01:31


Original von Figurehead
... LUMINAL is a Covenant must have!

And so I do. :D

But I agree with you! Luminal is one of my ~ thousand favorites of Covenant. :-]


Dienstag, 28. Februar 2006, 11:44

F*** nobody knows what had happened to that great snippet :(

perhaps it will be on a single?

hope :!:
Believe is never easy!


Dienstag, 28. Februar 2006, 12:04


Original von Das Engelchen
F*** nobody knows what had happened to that great snippet :(

perhaps it will be on a single?

hope :!:

Maybe a b-site of a single?
Or a further track on an EP?


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Dienstag, 28. Februar 2006, 14:00

Well, I would love to re-listen to all those snippets but they are not available anymore in any form, right? :rolleyes:


Sonntag, 5. März 2006, 18:31

that's unfortunately right...

by the way, I met Eskil yesterday and he told me, that that track will be (maybe) on the next album...then with vocals...

nevertheless I think, that these are good news, because we can looking forward to a new covenant album post skyshaper :perfekt:
Believe is never easy!

Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von »Das Engelchen« (5. März 2006, 18:32)


Sonntag, 5. März 2006, 19:11


Original von Das Engelchen
nevertheless I think, that these are good news, because we can looking forward to a new covenant album post skyshaper :perfekt:

I never doubt about that. ;)


Sonntag, 5. März 2006, 23:54


Original von Marishka


Original von Das Engelchen
nevertheless I think, that these are good news, because we can looking forward to a new covenant album post skyshaper :perfekt:

I never doubt about that. ;)

It's all relativ...if you read the interview in the new orkus you can read between the lines, that the work for the album skyshapers caused a certain tension between the band members...but I also hope, that the three guys going on...their music is right at the moment the best electro money can buy... :perfekt:
Believe is never easy!



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Montag, 6. März 2006, 02:50

the best elcectro-music one can buy : I totally agree.

In a way I´ve got the impression that the great pictures of northern landscapes which are used on "northern light" or on the HP (even in the latest "Orcus"-article) may stand for the quality and deepness of the Covenant-sound.

Makes me think about John Keats´words on how a landscape influences the minds of its inhabitants:

"Der geistige Landhausbesitzer weiß um die terra semi-incognita
des Überwirklichen. Seine Sehnsucht nach einer tieferen Sinngebung der Existenz ist daher unabweisbar."

that means: The covenant-sound probably wouldn´t develop in a rain forest.
If you´ve ever been to Scandinavia you might get an idea of the" character" of this part of the world.

land forms men - men form music - land forms music
"I myself am pursueing the same instinctive course as the veriest human animal you can think of - I am however young, starring at particles of light in the midst of great darkness." (John Keats)

Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von »Evolutz« (6. März 2006, 03:00)


Montag, 6. März 2006, 03:03


Original von Das Engelchen
It's all relativ...if you read the interview in the new orkus you can read between the lines, that the work for the album skyshapers caused a certain tension between the band members...but I also hope, that the three guys going on...their music is right at the moment the best electro money can buy... :perfekt:

I've read this interview.
But I'm very sure that this won't be Covenants last act. ;)


Montag, 6. März 2006, 06:14


Originally posted by MarishkaI've read this interview.
But I'm very sure that this won't be Covenants last act. ;)

There are indications which make me think that during the making of Skyshaper there have been many creative directions and ideas, that, I am sure have been tracked down and preserved for further development and eventually publishing. I would say, as long as the band remains rather idependent from any large, commercial and restrictive labels, such as Sony for instance :nein:, I am convinced that there will still be a few pleasant surprises for us to come. Some nice, dark, simple things done on a very high end equipment and with lots of heart and extreme love to the detail.


Montag, 6. März 2006, 09:06


Originally posted by Das Engelchen


Original von Marishka


Original von Das Engelchen
nevertheless I think, that these are good news, because we can looking forward to a new covenant album post skyshaper :perfekt:

I never doubt about that. ;)

It's all relativ...if you read the interview in the new orkus you can read between the lines, that the work for the album skyshapers caused a certain tension between the band members...but I also hope, that the three guys going on...their music is right at the moment the best electro money can buy... :perfekt:

and when you read the interview on you can read for real that there were doubts if Covenant would keep existing in future...


Montag, 6. März 2006, 10:22


Original von Rationalmind
I am convinced that there will still be a few pleasant surprises for us to come. Some nice, dark, simple things done on a very high end equipment and with lots of heart and extreme love to the detail.

I hope so! :D


Original von Black_Cat
and when you read the interview on you can read for real that there were doubts if Covenant would keep existing in future...

Didn't Joakim say something like "You'll never know what comes?"
He's right, but still I'm hoping that this won't be 'the end'!
I just can't chum up with the thought that this will be Covenants last album and tour
and so I'm keeping my fingers crossed for all of us and also for the band, that they will
stuck together for a few more couple of years!



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Montag, 6. März 2006, 10:34


Original von Black_Cat
and when you read the interview on you can read for real that there were doubts if Covenant would keep existing in future...

Is there something that I have misunderstood ?

I understood that there were doubts in the past, but I did not read that there are still doubts if Covenant would keep existing in the future......

Nichts ist wahr! Alles ist erlaubt !




Montag, 6. März 2006, 10:38

What is the future anyway?? And who knows if I will still exist im the next moment???


Montag, 6. März 2006, 10:52


Original von ShadowByte


Original von Black_Cat
and when you read the interview on you can read for real that there were doubts if Covenant would keep existing in future...

Is there something that I have misunderstood ?

I understood that there were doubts in the past, but I did not read that there are still doubts if Covenant would keep existing in the future......


I also thought that Joakim was talking about the time around the recording of 'Northern Light' and all the things that happened in this time (label etc).
But anyway he's right when he says that you'll never know what comes.

And I hope there will be many many Covenant releases in the future. You just mentioned the possibility of a new album including “Beat the Noise”. On the other hand, a minute before you seemed to be not so sure if there will be another Covenant album after “Skyshaper”!? Why that???
Montelius: “Because you never know! We weren’t sure after Northern Light! At one point I was sure that there won’t be another album after Northern Light – that was when I wrote “The World Is Growing Loud”, as I told you before. I’m sure you are aware of the problems the music biz has to deal wit regarding illegal downloads and decreasing record sales. And that’s just one among many reasons. But I don’t want to sound too negative. The future seems to be quite bright for Covenant at the moment. Did you know that this year we will celebrate 20 years of Covenant on April the 14th? Back then I would never have imagined being in Covenant 20 years later!”

That sounds quiet positive to me...


Montag, 6. März 2006, 11:03

Folks, do enjoy the moment now and as it is. The future will be anyway and if you plan it too much, it is almost sure, you will be dissapointed. I mean, turn your face to the sun and be grateful it is there! :)

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