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Sonntag, 6. Oktober 2024, 20:53 UTC+2

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Freitag, 17. Februar 2006, 04:18

i would like to know what influenced you and brought you guys together, and what brought your eventual success.

Also studio footage of you guys making songs would be awesome.

Any past tour footage and commentry on that maybe?


Freitag, 17. Februar 2006, 11:17

DVD Questions

- What Do You think about music business? What experiences did You make?

- What is/was Your aim by creating Covenant?

- Is there any "happy music" at the Scandinavian continent?

- Is there a song at Your portofolio You like best?

- What Do You think about groups who change from electronic music into guitar music/rock like apoptygma berzerk? Would it be an alternative for You? Would You see it as a possibility to spread Your range?

thx for answering

I just heard Your new cd . it´s more than great!!!



Beiträge: 17

Wohnort: BeXScity

Beruf: Master Of Education

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Freitag, 17. Februar 2006, 11:23

DVD Question

what you think about Club DJ's (Indietronics & Indierock) and on the otherside House, Electro and DarKwave DJ's.

whats your favourite artists in the last five years ?

Do you like ipods or you prefer another producer of mp3 harddisk-player like creatice, cowon or so on? or you hate it ?

would you make an tour with such an killerline up:

Apoptygma Berzerk, Covenant and VNV-Nation?

cheers from Beckstown



Freitag, 17. Februar 2006, 12:18


Originally posted by Figurehead

Use 2 interviewers (Stella?/Niggels?) so the questions have more aspects.

If you plan to use interviewers, these two people are peeeeeeerfect!!!

If it's not possible to have interviewers, since it's a last minute call, why don't you play this role and ask questions to one another? It seems interesting from a directing/cinematographic point of view...

Another idea is to place the questions as subtitles. Not boring ones though... I'm sure your graphic designer's crew will have really good ideas on this! :-]

And here are some questions:

* If you wanted to describe your music/art to someone who has a hearing impairment, what would you do?

*a.If you were asked to do a musical composition for the cartoon series (or film) you most enjoy, which one would it be?

*b.If you were asked to "lend" your voice to your preferred cartoon character, which character would that be? :P

thanx for letting us all participate in this. It's an honour!

Good luck!!!

Do you recall? Do you dream?



  • »Eskil« ist der Autor dieses Themas

Beiträge: 32

Wohnort: Helsingborg Sweden

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Freitag, 17. Februar 2006, 15:35

Covenant DVD

Dear all!

Thank you so much for the response so far. Please continue add ideas and questions.




Freitag, 17. Februar 2006, 16:39

RE: Covenant DVD - questions!

First Hi! to everybody, I'm new here.

Heres a few somehow complicated questions for the DVD, but hopefully there is someone else out there who likes complicated questions... :sch:

How much does the contemporary word history (like 9/11, war on Iraq etc.) influence you as artists? Do you feel changes in your basic musical mood when the world changes?

Do you really feel there is a need for revolution? And if so, which kind of revolution should that be?

Would you define yourselves as searchers for ultimate truths?

Do you regard your somehow melancholic (or lets say thoughtful) texts and your positive, extrovert aura on stage as a contradiction?

PS: Thank you for your great smiles at last week's Munich concert anyway... (smileback)



Freitag, 17. Februar 2006, 16:47

Covenant DVD questions

I read in an interview that your band used to be called Replicant and songs were sung in Swedish. What kind of music was played? Was it EBM or another style? Any chance of these tracks ever being released?
Four out of five Swedes agree: Covenant for your listening pleasure.


Freitag, 17. Februar 2006, 16:49


Originally posted by Figurehead

I think you schould include a background story of EVERY track that will be released on this DVD. Beside the tracklisting of the DVD you could at a extra item beside every track, to select the appropriate background story.

I second this idea. I think the interview segments should focus more on the other questions, but I want to know this background information also and this is a great way to present it.

And since Wind of the North probably wont be on the DVD, I'd like to know the story behind this one song that Clas has written and why he doesn't write more.


Freitag, 17. Februar 2006, 19:03

OK, I do agree with Figurheads suggestion! :D :-]


Freitag, 17. Februar 2006, 19:58

RE: Covenant DVD - questions!

Is it true that, years ago, your love for Kraftwerk motivated you steal a sign off of the autobahn?


Freitag, 17. Februar 2006, 20:47

perhaps a silly question: how many ties and suits do you guys have? and how much of them do you bring on tour?

and more serious: 'the world is growing loud' was at first about 'the death of covenant': what would your life be without covenant? did you think about that a lot during the past difficult years?

maybe the dvd should contain a short piece with joakim (or all the gents) demonstrating us something, just like the perfect bloody mary on the synergy-video...
i'm just an advertisement for a version of myself

Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von »Hilarius« (17. Februar 2006, 20:48)


Freitag, 17. Februar 2006, 21:49

RE: Covenant DVD - questions!


Originally posted by Wildflower
First Hi! to everybody, I'm new here.
Heres a few somehow complicated questions for the DVD, but hopefully there is someone else out there who likes complicated questions... :sch:

I like your questions! I had a serious question but it wasn't coming out right, but I will try again:

If making music is your form of emotional release, is it enough? Or do you still sometimes feel "cursed" by your feelings, deep thoughtfulness and awareness of yourselves? Does it become difficult to confront those feelings again as you perform certain songs? Does bringing all of your "dark water" to the surface (in making the music) get it all out of your system, or is it just the first step to healing, with your performances then being sort of therapy sessons? </ Dr Phil>

So a long those lines... do you ever think that (self) ignorance is bliss? That those who happily march through thier lives w/o the same introspective you have are the lucky ones? Or do you feel sorry for them?

And, along those lines... what issue do you feel most people are too unaware of? As you watch the world go by, if there was some frame that you could pause it on, and make everyone take notice.. what would that be?

Also. I thought this might be too personal, but:
What is the most important thing you learned from your parents or family growing up?

And. Do you want to accomplish anything else in your lives besides Covenant?

Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von »erichazann« (17. Februar 2006, 21:53)


Samstag, 18. Februar 2006, 05:45

1) How did your family react to your decisions to pursue music as a career, especially after attending university?

2) Do you keep journals, sketch books, mini recorders, etc. with you at all times, just in case you feel inspired?

3) What is the greatest compliment you have ever received regarding your music?


Samstag, 18. Februar 2006, 12:03

It's usually fun to watch the "making off"... And since, you all seem to have a great sense of humour, yes, it would be really enjoyable to add this extra part on your dvd! :D

Do you recall? Do you dream?


Samstag, 18. Februar 2006, 19:58

Drugs and Eskil?

Simple Question:

There are rumours in the scene, that say Eskil would be on drugs...

What's the statement of the band to this theme?
Believe is never easy!


Sonntag, 19. Februar 2006, 10:06

well, that's from me too:

1.) how do you think what all of you will do in 20 years?
2.) what are the first memories you remember so far from your childhood?

And at the end of dvd would be nice to look how Clas “explodes” with chemicals the studio where the questions were answered, really funny way to write ‘the end” of the answering questions, hehe

Also it would be really great if there the “retrospective” section will be at the dvd with songs of “replicant” and that o-o-o-ld videoclip (Figurehead?) that was the first one. I think many fans would agree with me and with this wish:)


Sonntag, 19. Februar 2006, 11:34

How do you make a song (write, produce, make music...) ?
in which order ?
who makes what ?

What technic do you use ? (synthies, keyboards, macintosh, software) ?

do you buy music online (iTunes etc.) or buy CDs / Vinyls ?

where are you're prefered places to be on holidays ?

do you have contact to other bands over years (apop, vnv, ...) ?


Sonntag, 19. Februar 2006, 15:23


Original von Flop
Also it would be really great if there the “retrospective” section will be at the dvd with songs of “replicant” and that o-o-o-ld videoclip (Figurehead?) that was the first one. I think many fans would agree with me and with this wish:)

Oh yessss. :-]
Videoclips would be very cool!!!
I'd love to see the one to 'Stalker'! :D
(which is a song with a really deep meaning to me :rolleyes: )


Sonntag, 19. Februar 2006, 16:20

RE: Covenant DVD - questions!

DVD? Great! Questions? Better late than never:

The Live version ot "The Men" is near perfection. I don't want this song to end at all :-] So my queston is: Why is the original version on Skyshaper only about 3 minutes short?

My wife has been a big big Depeche Mode fan for many years, and her "second best" band is Covenant. I also like DM a lot, but I think, Covenant are so much better. That's why my next question has to be:
Is it true that you were asked to tour with DM? If yes, did you accept? If you didn't accept, why?

Greetings to the Three Wise Men :D, The Scientists of Electronic Music :perfekt:


Sonntag, 19. Februar 2006, 19:24


Original von Marishka


Original von Flop
Also it would be really great if there the “retrospective” section will be at the dvd with songs of “replicant” and that o-o-o-ld videoclip (Figurehead?) that was the first one. I think many fans would agree with me and with this wish:)

Oh yessss. :-]
Videoclips would be very cool!!!
I'd love to see the one to 'Stalker'! :D
(which is a song with a really deep meaning to me :rolleyes: )

hehe ye let's ask them all together! clips! clips! clips! :)

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