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  • »Eskil« ist der Autor dieses Themas

Beiträge: 32

Wohnort: Helsingborg Sweden

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Donnerstag, 16. Februar 2006, 17:16

Covenant DVD - questions!

Dear friends!

We are making a DVD now on this tour and we would like to ask you if you have any questions you would like to ask us in Covenant. Unfortunately we don't have much time left on this tour so if you could post your questions as soon as possible but before our Hamburg show it would be great. We will pick questions and answer them ourselves in front of the camera or something. If you have any other ideas or suggestions for our DVD please share them and tell us! I think it could be interesting and fun!

Post your questions and ideas below in this thread!


Eskil (covenant)


Donnerstag, 16. Februar 2006, 17:21

crazy antics

After hearing about you climbing out of a moving car... I think it would be interesting to hear stories about the craziest things and stunts each member has done on tour.

(more to come)

-What song always gets you on to the dancefloor?
-Are you big fashionistas off stage as well? What are your fave labels/lines/designers?
-What are your favorite places to vacation/travel/chill etc?
-Are you hooked on any TV shows?
-Do you play Dance Dance Revolution? What Covenant song(s) would you want to contribute to a DDR game?
-What is the most difficult aspect about being in Covenant?
-If you were a Japanese cartoon, what would you look like?

just kidding on the last one :), but along those lines:
-Do you waste a lot of time on the 'net... if so what are your favorite sites/blogs/cartoons/features. etc.

After hearing Clas is a real Tina Nordstrom, how about a on-the-road cooking lesson with Clas? Part II to Joakim's cocktail recipe... man can't live on Bloody Marys alone! (athough, i'm sure some have tried) I've seen Andreas Viestad make a meal in the wilderness with that little blowtorch cross-country skiers use, so this should be do-able on the road. ;)

I'm obsessed with understanding the way things work, so I really second the ideas showing how it all comes together technically, both on tour and in the studio. I also liked on the VNV DVD they took some time out to introduce the crew and had them say a little bit about what they do.

Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 2 mal editiert, zuletzt von »erichazann« (17. Februar 2006, 16:39)


Donnerstag, 16. Februar 2006, 17:26

I´d really like to hear that full story behind "pulse" too ;)

Would be also nice to tell us about life on tour, how is it in the tourbus, how did you get along with the other bands, what did you do all the day etc ;)

Some suggestions in the live thread were to add a photo gallery to the DVD.


Super Moderator

Beiträge: 1 121

Beruf: Veranstaltungskaufmann

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Donnerstag, 16. Februar 2006, 17:56

And I would love a photo gallery with Black_Cat's pictures on the DVD! :D


Donnerstag, 16. Februar 2006, 18:04

A Covenant-DVD? Great!!! :perfekt:

Which questions do I have about Covenant? Ok, let´s see: Tell us about things you do in your normal life. Which music do you perfer (exept Electronic Music, of course)? Which books do you read? Are you playing video games?

And: Which ist your favourite Covenant-Song?

I wish you all the best for the remaining tour and keep on playing such good music!



Donnerstag, 16. Februar 2006, 18:35

I'd love to know more about the story behind "Pulse" too!

And maybe why you decided to study again?! Was that just for fun or should we worry about more?

A few "behind the scene" short-takes would be great!
What means "living with Covenant on Tour" or something like that. :tongue:

*can't wait until the DVD will be released!* :perfekt:

Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von »Marishka« (16. Februar 2006, 21:25)


Super Moderator

Beiträge: 1 121

Beruf: Veranstaltungskaufmann

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Donnerstag, 16. Februar 2006, 18:46

I think it would be great to learn more about the technical side of putting up a Covenant show. For example, tell us something about the synths you use, how you use them, how you prepare the backup of the songs for the show, what light effects are used for your show etc. Especially something about this certain "wall of light" - for lack of a better word ;) - would be cool!


Donnerstag, 16. Februar 2006, 18:49

I'd love to learn about the concept of the light show - what about including an interview or the like with Stephan Aue?


to add a photo gallery to the DVD.

I second that! ;)
(and I could contribute some pics, too :D )


edit: oops, overlap, Niggels ;-)

Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von »Claudia« (16. Februar 2006, 18:50)


Donnerstag, 16. Februar 2006, 18:52

Studio! Studio! Studio!
I'd like to know how you guys work in the studio? (together)...
Who does what or most of?...
What types of things do just have to do to each track?
or what peice of gear gets used in almost if not all tracks?(Synths,effects, etc.)...
How much time do you spend in the studio, i.e. how long does it take you to do one or two songs?
I am also curious of your religious or philisophical beliefs. With a name such as Covenant and songs like "laviathan" it sparks my curiosity.

Can't wait to see you guys again :-]
Life is the great indulgence, death the great


Donnerstag, 16. Februar 2006, 18:54

RE: Covenant DVD - questions!

I would like to know, what you are thinking a few minutes before you go on stage?
What do you think about the Crowd that looks at you, does it make anyone of you nervous?
How do you feel while you´re performing and the Sound is gettin´real bad?
Like in Dortmund; Eskil forgot´s a few lyrics :D, are you angry about yourself? :mauer:
It was real charming that he said SORRY and i think that it was not my last Covenant-Concert :cool:
All the best wishes


Donnerstag, 16. Februar 2006, 18:56


This is a great idea!

Of cource, the dvd should show corenant playing and singing and sometimes the audience as a whole (no close-ups of faces of the audience, please). As you can see in my nick, i am very fond of light shows and find it great to see the stage as a hole, fron time to time... And the lightshow at most significant moments!
You could also play with unusual camera positions, for example from behind the stage, or, if that is possible, right above the stage with the camera looking on the heads of covenant (this also provides an interesting view on the light show).
The song list on the DVD should be numbered and contain the length of the songs.
If there are breaks or times when the singer says or announces something, cut it out or set the skipping- mark for the beginning of a new song at the start of the song and NOT at the start of the talking before that song.
An interview with the band about the meanings of possible interpretations of the song would be great, as well. If that's not too hard to arrange.

Please don't cut out single songs or parts of songs. The DVD should contain as many songs of the tour as possible :)

Well, these sare my suggestions :)

so far, Lightman


Donnerstag, 16. Februar 2006, 18:59

RE: Covenant DVD - questions!


Original von Spellbound
I would like to know, what you are thinking a few minutes before you go on stage?
What do you think about the Crowd that looks at you, does it make anyone of you nervous?

Good! I forgot that!


Original von Spellbound
How do you feel while you´re performing and the Sound is gettin´real bad?
Like in Dortmund; Eskil forgot´s a few lyrics :D, are you angry about yourself? :mauer:
It was real charming that he said SORRY ...

Yes. ;)

Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von »Marishka« (16. Februar 2006, 21:25)


Donnerstag, 16. Februar 2006, 19:00

RE: Covenant DVD - questions!

what is the best and worst thing you ever ate while on tour? -or- best and worst countries for dining on tour...


Donnerstag, 16. Februar 2006, 19:06

Could you please sing a song with Client? That would be lovely.
look reality in the face and lick it


Donnerstag, 16. Februar 2006, 19:07


Original von Elektrohase
Could you please sing a song with Client? That would be lovely.

*shakes head very fast* :rolleyes:



Beiträge: 444

Beruf: Beamtin im Ex Sozialamt

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Donnerstag, 16. Februar 2006, 19:26


Original von Elektrohase
Could you please sing a song with Client? That would be lovely.

you don't want that seriously , do you?!?!?!

do you have plans of mixing any tracky by other artists in the future? if yes, which artists?
don't keep on leaving your dreams behind



Donnerstag, 16. Februar 2006, 19:34

Here are mine:

What's the story behind Happy Man's simplicity of composition?
How often does Eskil shave his face?
Why won't you make songs in Swedish? Alva Myrdal doesn't count ;]


Donnerstag, 16. Februar 2006, 20:20

:D :perfekt:

Well, maybe I'm repeting, but I would like to know specially the stories behind the songs ( lile tears in rain for example) ,
Is there any song that after releasing it you thought wasn't good enough?
Do you do something special just a minute before going on stage? ( drink bloody Mary :P, hug you, think about something...)



Beiträge: 515

Beruf: Web-Developer/IT-Systemadmin

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Freitag, 17. Februar 2006, 01:59


Original von madinita
:D :perfekt:

Well, maybe I'm repeting, but I would like to know specially the stories behind the songs ( lile tears in rain for example) ,

I think you schould include a background story of EVERY track that will be released on this DVD. Beside the tracklisting of the DVD you could at a extra item beside every track, to select the appropriate background story. If you select such a story the screenbackground change the wallpaper to a picture of a live performance of that corresponding song. The backgroundstory schould be written translated in the selected language on the screen. As a addition on this site you have a button 'Hear Eskils/Clas/Joakims orginal story' story. If you select this button you hear the short background story spoken by the appropriate band member.

A filmed story (2-4 Minutes) about your Studio in Helsingborg would be nice. You could tell how you work or how you create a song. Every bandmember could introduce his favourite Synth or sequenzer. You could put a unrealeased track or remix (20hz! ,20hz!,20hz!, 20hz! Please :D) on the dvd an film how you record this song in your studio and use that shot as a simple video.

If you include a interview on the dvd, this should be placed in your studio in helsingborg, this location is more personal as a ugly backstage room somewhere in europe!!!. Use 2 interviewers (Stella?/Niggels?) so the questions have more aspects.

At the end of the dvd write in big letters 'JOIN COVENANT-FORUM.DE' :rolleyes: :D 8)

Greets Dietmar
i want to close the doors
behind my bleeding back
and dance amonge the shadows
for future glory's lost


Freitag, 17. Februar 2006, 03:55

ok here we go :D
-when you`re in a club, which song has to be played that you enter the dancefloor?

-what do you hate about touring?

-would you perform @ top of the pops?

-it`s conspicious, that the music of more and more bands turn to "mainstream" as they`re getting older.
is it something like a last chance to reach the breakthrough(example apoptygma berzerk)?
it`s self-evident that music develops. but your songs are also losing a bit energy since "northern lights".
[also slower/calmer songs are seleceted for the live shows ...are you getting old?or are just tired to perform the faster old stuff?] ;)

-do you still have "usual" jobs besides the music? (which ones?)

-which covenant song do you regret?

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