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Dienstag, 14. März 2006, 21:20

That is what the booklet says:



Beiträge: 514

Wohnort: Hamburg

Beruf: stud.iur.

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Dienstag, 14. März 2006, 21:34


Of course you´re right - I only tried to express, that Joakim is quite a funny guy to be writing that the people in Barcelona have "Gypsy eyes" - as the gypsy are quite a small minority in Spain (a land that seems to consist of minorities)

I think by writing "I could be one of them" he refers to "watching with Gypsy eyes"
and that could mean that he identifies himself with the people he sees...?

but it is clear why he uses the term "gypsy" : because it always refers to secrets (the secrets of the gypsies...gypsy women with these eyes that seem to tell you that the know about you and can tell you about the future, playing sometimes quite bad tricks on guys that don´t give them some money...) you see?
"I myself am pursueing the same instinctive course as the veriest human animal you can think of - I am however young, starring at particles of light in the midst of great darkness." (John Keats)

Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von »Evolutz« (17. März 2006, 16:22)


Dienstag, 14. März 2006, 21:39

I see, and I also know very well what Joakim is talking about.
I lived in Portual for a couple of years, and that's very much the same, ;)

I just wanted to clear up the lyrics to everyone who still doesn't know them
or isn't in the position to buy the skyshaper-album. :P



Beiträge: 514

Wohnort: Hamburg

Beruf: stud.iur.

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Dienstag, 14. März 2006, 21:45


You seem to habe a social personality :D
"I myself am pursueing the same instinctive course as the veriest human animal you can think of - I am however young, starring at particles of light in the midst of great darkness." (John Keats)


Dienstag, 14. März 2006, 21:47

RE: socialism


Original von Evolutz
You seem to habe a social personality :D

Sure. ;)


Mittwoch, 15. März 2006, 12:24

Oder so... :D


Mittwoch, 15. März 2006, 13:41

:lol: OMG!



Beiträge: 514

Wohnort: Hamburg

Beruf: stud.iur.

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Mittwoch, 15. März 2006, 14:59




"I myself am pursueing the same instinctive course as the veriest human animal you can think of - I am however young, starring at particles of light in the midst of great darkness." (John Keats)



Beiträge: 7

Beruf: Semi-retired Designer

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Mittwoch, 15. März 2006, 16:17

All lyrics copied from booklet

Here we are - copied from the booklet


The world is growing loud
It's time for us to fade
to gray
I wish they'll let us stay

The lights are going out
We knew we had to go
one day
I wish they'll take us in

The skies are falling down
To late for us to change
our minds
I wish they'll keep us safe

The times are changing fast
We knew we wouldn't last
this long
I hope they'll keep the pace

The world is growing loud
It's time for us to fade
I wish they'll let us stay


I don't know how I ended up here
On this frozen nameless shore
I remember nothing of the journey
And there's no one else around

I go down across the towering dunes
To watch the seagulls glide above
So graceful when they are silent
Like lonely white ghosts in the air

I notice they are all unique
With faces that are all their own
Born to kiss the turbulent sky
before they collapse and die

as I look and dream myself away
a sound grows loud enough to hear
like disembodied friendly voices
carried on by southbound winds

I wake up to the sound of silence
their words are faint and far away
like the finest spray of water
they still speak of things I know

I turned to fix my eyes on the horizon
and I face the freezing gale
I observe the magestic white waves
as they rise & break & fall

while they rise into the wild wind
it picks them up before it strikes
steals away their urgent faces
lifts their spirits to the sky

and their language's soft & broken
but I still understand it well
we talk about the ones we care for
and of all the things we lost


I ride the morning train
people come and go
so many different faces
as the city passes by

I watch their tired eyes
journeys never made
broken dreams of Living
fill the streets with dust

this is our final journey
it’s the end of the line
constantly in transit
we just want to go home

the rain that falls for weeks
painting pictures on the streets
twisted stars beneath my feet
I cruise the crowd

I could be one of them
going back and forth
between familiar places
as my blood turns cold

I watch with gypsy eyes
secrets never told
stolen years of yearning
turn their tears to dust

ladies & gentlemen lights are going out let's step outside & watch the city sleep
listen & remember wait another day we are explorers far away from home
stay for just a moment watch the natives dance be civilised & kiss the pretty bride
brothers & sisters the pain is gone for now let's burn our books and find a little peace
sooner or later we walk another day we are colliders everywhere we go
stay for just a car-crash know your heart is weak be primative & wave your love goodbye

ladies & gentlemen lights are going out let's step outside & watch the city sleep
preachers & sinners we are the same let's save ourselves & drink from deeper wells
hatred & compassion wail against the walls we are invaders trying to escape
fight for just a lifetime count the moments be so alive & cry as time goes by
ladies & gentlemen lights are going out let's step outside & watch the city sleep
greater than the sun
greater than the sun

sweet and salty
tears of joy
liquid lies
cheeks on fire

loud and noisy
girls and boys
ancient rites
late at night

counting every second
we refuse to go
counting every second
we will never die

we are the men
silent and cold
beautiful eyes
sheep among wolves
we are the men
silent and strong
beautiful eyes
sheep among wolves

The earth is shaking
down below our feet
we move in wonder
and we generate the beat
our blood is boiling
wonderful in heat
we glow like embers
dancing in the dark

where is the promise land
where is the brave new world
where do all dreams go when the y die
we can move the streets today

the lights are fading out
before our eyes
we lose each other
and we celebrate the peace
our lives are changing
faster than we think
we flow like dancers
crashing in the dark
another morning broken
shattered sheets of lead
clouds the size of oceans
inside & above our heads

I don't love anyone
No I just want my fun
I'm a happy man
Yes, I'm a happy man

I'm falling out of cars
Don't know when I hit the ground

Hold me when I fall
Headlights in my face

My body's full of scares
We're so lost and won't be found

Stay until I'm gone
Stumbling on my knees

I'm dancing in the dark
shrinking cities feel the sound

Hear the silent hum
Searchlights in the skies

I'm blinded by the stars
there is darkness all around

Hold me when I cry
Those were all my days

I'm falling out of cars
Hanging on the windscreen
Blinded by the headlights
I'm killing ground(we're covering ground)
I'm dancing in the dark
Stumbling on the highway
Guided by the city light
I'm lost and found

I'm falling out of cars
Don't know when I'll hit the ground

Hold me when I fall
Headlights in face

Dancing in the dark
shrinking cities feel the sound

Hear the distant hum
Searchlights in my eyes

I never took the time
I should have told you then
I never found the time

I'm falling out of cars
Hanging on the windscreen
Blinded by the headlights
I'm killing ground(we're covering ground)
I'm dancing in the dark
Stumbling on the highway
Guided by the city light
I'm lost and found

we make ritual noise
wired to the world
under our fingertips
we take special care
listen to the words
spoken in confidence
we make ritual noise
shouting to be heard
cooling our burning lips
we break down gates
open up our wounds
bleeding for innocence

we make ritual noise
we weave the fabric of dreams
we build cities of sound
we feel the rhythms of time
we live dangerous lives
we have the power of will
we twist logic around
we feed the engines of change




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Mittwoch, 15. März 2006, 19:14

Re: gypsy: The line says "I watch with gypsy eyes.." - so, the narrator (that is, Joakim) is the gypsy!

I think it's a reference to his life as a travelling musician, which is quite different to a "normal" life.


Donnerstag, 16. März 2006, 06:33


Originally posted by Niggels
Re: gypsy: The line says "I watch with gypsy eyes.." - so, the narrator (that is, Joakim) is the gypsy!

I think it's a reference to his life as a travelling musician, which is quite different to a "normal" life.

This is the only iterpretation that sounds reasonable to me. Furthermore, I can quite identify myself with it, as I claim to be living similar live myself by bouncing between Zürich - Barcelona once, each and every month. The poethic qualities of Covenant`s lyrics are astonishing powerful to me, esp. the energy they emmit on the backgroud and in perfect synergy with their dark elctronic rhythm. Beautiful.


Freitag, 17. März 2006, 02:15

Does anyone know the lyrics to XRds - I have worked out all the lines except one!!

'My ?????? isn't yours, this is not your crossroads'

can anyone fill in the blank - please!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D:D:D


Freitag, 17. März 2006, 10:00


Original von cyberdreamsgirl
Does anyone know the lyrics to XRds - I have worked out all the lines except one!!

'My ?????? isn't yours, this is not your crossroads'

can anyone fill in the blank - please!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D:D:D

What about "My way this isn't yours, this is not your XRDS"

Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von »Marishka« (17. März 2006, 12:32)


Freitag, 17. März 2006, 12:27

Yeah - could be

I thought it might be 'my way out isn't yours - this is not your xrds'

But your suggestion sounds better!!!!


Freitag, 17. März 2006, 12:33

Sometimes you have to try is like this:
listen to it VERY loud and VERY often. Maybe then you'll get your answer. ;)


Freitag, 17. März 2006, 12:40

That sounds like a great idea!!!!

Its weird but everytime I listen to that line I hear different words!!!

I will see if my player can stand it at full volume and let you know!!!!


Freitag, 17. März 2006, 12:41

But take care of your ears. ;)

btw, are you also at the Covenant-concert in London in the beginning of may?


Freitag, 17. März 2006, 12:43

I wouldn't miss it - I hope to make all four uk dates

But London is a must!!!!!!!

I already have my ticket!!!!!

Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von »cyberdreamsgirl« (17. März 2006, 12:43)


Freitag, 17. März 2006, 12:44

OK, I don't have my ticket yet, but I'll book the hotel and flight the next week. :)


Freitag, 17. März 2006, 12:47

Where do you usually stay?

Lots of us stay at the Hilton in Islington - its great for the venue, and pretty cheap for a good hotel!!!!

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