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Mittwoch, 7. Dezember 2005, 12:37

new album

the new album "skyshaper" will be released on the following dates: europe: 03.03.2006 north america: 07.03.2006



Freitag, 9. Dezember 2005, 01:00

and for those of us who are stupid about european ways of writing dates (yes, i actually thought it would be july before we'd get to hear the album) that would be march 7th! :lol:
"Together we are what we can't be alone" - Dropkick Murphy's, a punk bank from Boston, Massachusetts, USA
"What doesn't kill us only makes us stronger" - Resilience, a hardcore punk band from Santa Rosa, California, USA
"As our ashes turn to dust, we shine like stars" - Gee, I wonder who said this


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Freitag, 9. Dezember 2005, 14:50


Yeah, that's tricky! ;)


Freitag, 9. Dezember 2005, 16:20


Original von niki_6784
and for those of us who are stupid about european ways of writing dates (yes, i actually thought it would be july before we'd get to hear the album) that would be march 7th! :lol:

That would be a ling time to wait after hearing the songs on the tour. ;)


Mittwoch, 28. Dezember 2005, 15:58

Like I said the Ritual topic, I hope the album follow this way... Northern Light was a just perfect because is, in some ways, different from all that they did before.

But I´d like Sky to be powerfull!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von »ËK79« (28. Dezember 2005, 16:00)


Freitag, 20. Januar 2006, 23:36

skyshaper release date in the uk will be march 13th.



Montag, 27. Februar 2006, 06:59

I just noticed the limited edition is now available as a pre-order on Metropolis' website for the bargain price of 13.98! They also indicate that they will be shipping before the normal street day. I cancelled my Amazon pre-order and just placed an order. Last time I checked, they only had the normal edition for pre-order.

Amazon has the regular ($16) and LE American editions ($19), and also the import LE for pre-order ($37). has the import LE ($34) and the regular American edition ($13) also. Prices at Amazon should drop below list when they actually get them in stock.

Total from Metropolis is 17.98 with shipping.

(I usually go with Amazon cuz I have free 2 day shipping with Amazon prime).

I can't wait to see the booklet. .. although, I've already been naughty in regards to the music :sch:

*Amazon lists the release date of the LE as April 11th, and of the import LE as April something is screwed up over there.

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