Originally posted by design_femme
Originally posted by nachtwandler
the rotersand new album is out already... at least over here in germany
ah, I see a release date here (Metropolis Records' site) for July 26. Just a few days away!
Yep. It was out in Europe like a full month ahead. I usually pre-order from buy.com (no tax, cheap and sometimes free shipping) and the CDs show up before or right on the release date. I think they mail them as soon as they get them in, instead of waiting right for the release date to ship. That way I don't have to make time to go to the one decent CD store in NYC and pay more for the CDs and also pay tax... and $4 RT subway fare, it just arrives in my mailbox.
Although, I should support the local industrial cd store, but they do get enough of my $$ during impulse CD binges. Right now buy.com also has 10% off music.. and coconuts.com lets you pre-order too with 10% off and free shipping, but the 10% is killed with tax in NYS for me... but it's worth it when they run their 15% and 20% with free shipping promos and there's a good CD release coming up that you can preorder at the discounted rate.