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Samstag, 21. September 2024, 16:13 UTC+2

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Dienstag, 15. Juni 2004, 21:18

"Hz" side-project by Joakim Montelius and Ronan Harris…=article&sid=73
(unfortenately in German)

This article says that Ronan Harris (VNV) and Joakim Montelius started a side-project ("Hz") in which they want to do new electronic versions of historic music (Bach etc.).
I think this sounds VERY interesting!
Does someone know more about it? Will they release a CD?
I dive to drown


Mittwoch, 16. Juni 2004, 08:18

RE: "Hz" side-project by Joakim Montelius and Ronan Harris

Joakim told me that they eventually plan to release a CD. But there is nothing official. Perhaps you should ask the band in the Q+A Section. ;)


Mittwoch, 16. Juni 2004, 14:46

RE: "Hz" side-project by Joakim Montelius and Ronan Harris

No sooner said than done :)
I dive to drown

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