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  • »Niggels« ist der Autor dieses Themas

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Freitag, 6. Februar 2004, 11:13

The Covenant Love List :)

Hi there!

So here we go - the Covenant Love List! :D

Here you can post the Covenant songs and why you love them.

And yes, this is the thread which is going to make Eskil, Clas & Joakim feel flattered and proud. ;)



Freitag, 6. Februar 2004, 18:13

Hey Niggels!!! I seriously doubt that you asked my manager if it´s ok to use the exact words.. "love list"... :!: :P just kidding...

hmm... "still life" equally love it as much as i hate it, just touches that depth within i guess, making me wonder about people special to me today or previously.

Just thought of someting..has anyone else actually come to the conclusion that Covenant is the perfect music to bring to the gym? Especially the more upbeat get a hell of a workout keeping that phase... Guess i have to thank the guys for keeping me fit then.. :rolleyes:

Eskil, Joakim, Clas.. Thanks for keeping me fit :D Tack, tack av hela mitt konditionstränade hjärta ;)


Freitag, 6. Februar 2004, 18:26

I love too many Covenant songs to name them all :D
I'm listening to Tour De Force from Synergy almost all day... It's a great song, one of my favourites - there's so much energy in it...
I really cannot explain this feeling with words :)

I'm just deep in love with the music of Covenant. :)


Samstag, 7. Februar 2004, 01:17

TOUR DE FORCE live off synergy or on united states of mind.... i love the little break in the middle (catches people off guard on the dance floor :lol: ) there has just always been something about that song that hit me hard.... "We broke the rules, we played the game, but it would never be the same" makes me think of the 1980's clubbing and having the time of our lives but somehow nothing was ever the same when it was over...
"Together we are what we can't be alone" - Dropkick Murphy's, a punk bank from Boston, Massachusetts, USA
"What doesn't kill us only makes us stronger" - Resilience, a hardcore punk band from Santa Rosa, California, USA
"As our ashes turn to dust, we shine like stars" - Gee, I wonder who said this

Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 2 mal editiert, zuletzt von »niki_6784« (7. Februar 2004, 01:18)


Samstag, 7. Februar 2004, 15:48

I am - ´cause of the beats
Invisible and Silent - ´cause of the feelings i have when listening to it


Sonntag, 8. Februar 2004, 17:30

there are so many covenant songs i love... to name a few of them:

'hardware requiem', 'figurehead', 'theremin' = great sounds, full of energy

'atom heart', 'invisible & silent', 'the island' = wonderful lyrics, beautiful melodies and i love eskil's voice in these songs very much... it's so emotional... ( although i love his voice in any case... ;) )

'no man's land' = like the lyrics very much... and it reminds me of a special situation and how much i feel for a certain person... :sch:


Dienstag, 10. Februar 2004, 08:09

I haven't got all of the albums yet, but my favourites from the songs known by me:
Shelter and Wasteland. In these songs the harmony of music and the lyrics is very touchy. I love them, particularly the Wasteland live at SAMA 2003. (thank you again, Sandra ;))
Call the ships to port, for it's every moment. Ok, exactly the harmony of stompy beats and the wonderful melodie and lyrics. But this is trivial, this sentence is truth for the most of the Covenant songs...
Some different cause: I like Atom heart very much, for Eskil vocals in it. I'm not a gay, but his voice is eerie good and touchy in this track.
My favourite lyric is the Humility's. I haven't heard that song yet, but I read it's lyric very often, it's wonderful, full with hope and positive energy. Also like Void, Figurehead, Tabula-Rasa very much.

...even if it hurts...


Dienstag, 10. Februar 2004, 18:27


Original von Otherwise
(thank you again, Sandra ;))

;) ;) ;)


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  • »Niggels« ist der Autor dieses Themas

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Freitag, 13. Februar 2004, 15:40


Original von Jenny
Hey Niggels!!! I seriously doubt that you asked my manager if it´s ok to use the exact words.. "love list"... :!: :P just kidding...

I sent him a paycheque but if he didn´t forward the money you should consider to get a new manager.... ;) :P



Samstag, 14. Februar 2004, 08:44


Originally posted by Niggels
I sent him a paycheque but if he didn´t forward the money you should consider to get a new manager.... ;) :P


Hehe.. i already have.. :perfekt:


Dienstag, 17. Februar 2004, 03:52

lately i have been really getting into tabula rasa and phoenix off of sequencer... i don't know why but they are striking a chord with me....
"Together we are what we can't be alone" - Dropkick Murphy's, a punk bank from Boston, Massachusetts, USA
"What doesn't kill us only makes us stronger" - Resilience, a hardcore punk band from Santa Rosa, California, USA
"As our ashes turn to dust, we shine like stars" - Gee, I wonder who said this


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  • »Niggels« ist der Autor dieses Themas

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Dienstag, 24. Februar 2004, 16:55

Did I really post NOT my own Covenant love list yet? 8o :lol:
Whoaaa, I within a minute I posted my hate list but no love list? I must hate this band! ;) :lol:

Perhaps there are simply too many songs to mention? :rolleyes: Sort of true, actually...

Okay, here we go:

Rising Sun
Winter Comes

Two gems off Northern Light that often are bashed by other fans but I absolutely love both songs! Because of their mellow yet electrifying atmosphere. Rising Sun is perfext for a summer morning when you wake up far too early. Take a cup of coffee, watch the rising sun through your window and listen to the Song Rising Sun on full volume! Gives me goosebumps! :) Winter Comes seems to be the sibling of RS for the darker and more winterly moments. Very beautiful song, too!
Atlas would fit both songs to make the grande trio of the slow tracks off Northern Light. Great track (which I would prefer to be placed before Scared instead being the final song of the album, btw).

Atom Heart
Seems to be in the same category as the songs above. Should have been on the album for sure! Instead it became an obscure b-side track on a single that wasn´t available at too many stores due to "label problems". Shame!

Just thought I should throw in an upbeat track, finally. ;-) Well, to be more serious, this song is definitely one of their best ever!

I should mention 10-15 further songs but I´m afraid I´m to busy at work at the moment. Maybe tomorrow! :)



Super Moderator

  • »Niggels« ist der Autor dieses Themas

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Samstag, 28. Februar 2004, 17:17


Voices (optocoded)
The is easily my favourite Covenant remix (and I like a whole bunch of them). Actually I´m not to keen on its album version but this remix really adds a new dimension to the song. This version reminds me a lot on Kraftwerk, by the way, and I really dig that! :)
The whole Figurehead MCD is brilliant anyway.

This is a hidden and very underrated gem off the Europa album! Brilliant track!

Somehow it´s a shame that this masterpiece gets somehow lost as the b-side of Final Man. Absolutely stunning song and, if I remember correctly, Covenant´s first attempt at a type of slower, more mellow, melidious and moody kind of song. The áncestor of songs like Rising Sun and Winter Comes?

more to come...


Montag, 1. März 2004, 17:13

-we want revolution-

i want revolution.
i feel often this way; sometimes i think i must be the reincarnation of mrs ensslin or etc. :cool: :lol: :lol: :lol:


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  • »Niggels« ist der Autor dieses Themas

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Dienstag, 2. März 2004, 10:37


Final Man
Another chapter in the "Niggels loves what other fans don´t" book. ;) I remember that most people were not to keen on the song when it came out, and at the Europa tour this song got only very little response from the crowd. At one show someone even saked me why I´d freak out to this song because it would suck. Because it doesn't! It´s a great catchy song with fine lyrics and brilliant chorus. At least to me. I prefer the album version to the single version btw, because the album version has a few nice sounds added which enhance the song even more.
I wonder how the audience would react if Covenant would give this song another try live....

Love it! Love it! Love it! :D
I especially love it when they play it live, when they play it as noisy as it can get and when the boys totally freak out. :perfekt: be continued...


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  • »Niggels« ist der Autor dieses Themas

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Mittwoch, 3. März 2004, 13:43


I just notice that I obviously have a soft spot for those hidden pearls and underrated gems. :rolleyes: This one of my faves off USOM but unfortunately Covenant played it afaik only once live - at the WGT in Leipzig *before* USOM was released! I remember Eskil telling me that Unforgiven was "too static" for a live presentation. Uhm...and why the heck is a tall, gawkish boy like me able to move to it, hm? :rolleyes: :cool: I think it´s quite dancy! One thing about it are the lyrics, especially in combination with this groovy, laid-back, poppy sound. :D

I Am
BOOOOOM BOOM BOOM BOOOOOOOM - I love this 'rolling' bass! 8) One of Covenant´s greatest dance tunes, that´s for sure! Over the last tours Covenant played a slightly different version with some extra punch added - right in ya face! :D If Covenant ever happens to open for Prodigy this should be their first song. Heh! :-]

Tour De Force
I have to admit that I wasn´t too impressed when the TDF single came out. It simply did nothing for me - but it´s been a definite grower!! :) Especially live it´s a great song that gets people moving. A very clever and effective song!
@Covenant: I think you used in TDF the same Sonar(?) sample as in 1 World 1 Sky - did you really think you would get away with it? :nein::lol: ;) Well, who cares anyway? :rolleyes: I don´t mind and take it as a nice reference... ;)
Oh, by the way, I re-listened to the MCD some time ago and I just have to say that the remixes of TDF are really, really cool! :cool: be continued...

Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von »Niggels« (3. März 2004, 13:44)


Freitag, 12. März 2004, 20:39


Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 2 mal editiert, zuletzt von »Lilith« (30. Oktober 2004, 15:32)


Dienstag, 16. März 2004, 11:33

Hi there.

Here is my lovelist:

Dead Stars
Call The Ships To Port
I Am
Theremin (Club)
Speed (Club)
Voices (optocoded remix)

In fact I love many Covenant songs. :)



Mittwoch, 21. April 2004, 18:32

Dreams of a cryotank
Sequencer [beta]
United States of Mind
Nothern light
&& All singles :) :) :)


Dienstag, 27. April 2004, 14:33


Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von »Lilith« (30. Oktober 2004, 15:32)

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