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Samstag, 21. September 2024, 19:10 UTC+2

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Mittwoch, 21. April 2004, 18:39

we want revolution :/
alva myrdal
sample start (if the last two ARE songs?)
Invisible & Silent
Just not liked... Especially "we want revolution" ...


Samstag, 22. Mai 2004, 09:00

Ummmmm hmmm this is a really hard question, i just had listen to all the covenant songs i have again but i think i might have to see Dark Techno (club version) kinda gets to me and i dont like helicopter that much. My mates favorite song is helicopter so thats kinda strange.but i dont hate them they just dont send cold shivers sdown my spine like the other songs do.\

i love no mans land and we want revolution i was kinda shocked to see how many of you dont like them.
"Its not a revolution unless you can dance to it"
Eskil Simonsson


Samstag, 16. April 2005, 17:07

I can´t hate Covenant songs.They´re all too good for that,but,there is something about Invicible Silent wich give me some lovehate feeling.Good musik and so but there is too much ballad thingy over it for my taste, sorry. ;)

Otheriwse,rock solid.Consumer is one big favorite for me as many many more.(tv-shop music sale warning over the many many more words :P)

What do you think about #11 on USOM:You can make your own music?.....sooothing tune ,isn´t it....

Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 3 mal editiert, zuletzt von »Lars« (16. April 2005, 17:10)


Montag, 18. April 2005, 00:08

RE: Songs you hate...your least favourite song! ;-)

alva myrdal

Although, I just got an idea. I think I'm going to burn a CD of noisy music and put it in my CD Clock Radio to replace the buzzer in the morning. :cool:


Montag, 18. April 2005, 07:29

I don´t know what song I really hate at the moment.
But my favorite is Covenants "Wall of Sound" :)


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Donnerstag, 21. April 2005, 09:23


Original von Pagan_potatoDark Techno (club version)

Just noticed this in this old post and wonder which Covenant song this might be. :rolleyes:


Donnerstag, 21. April 2005, 10:37

hmmm sofar i cant find any songs of Covenant i hate.. like them all.. thats the beauty of them.. there al different so different yes and no`s

and about other music?? well simple.. i DONT LIKE... RnB, Trance, all stuff which goes behind 150BPM... like hardcore etc. etc... please... thats it whahahahaha
im just another mad keyboardist....


Montag, 25. April 2005, 00:21

I'm sorry to say Invisible and Silent. When Northern Light came out, there were a lot of comments in the guestbook about how wonderful that song was. Comments like, "That's my most favourite song on the whole album!!!" And when I read that stuff, I kept thinking, "Are these people mad???" Oh, well, to each his own.

So, why do I hate Invisible and Silent? I just can't stand that Theremin sounding instrument! It's cheesy sounding and I personally think it ruins what could have been the perfect melancholy song.

And it isn't all horrible. The lyrics are haunting, the strings are beautiful, and I actually like the song from about 1:48 to 2:50.

But after 2:50, I have to turn it off and chuck the CD across the room....

Hey, you asked, Mr. Niggels.
Four out of five Swedes agree: Covenant for your listening pleasure.


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Montag, 25. April 2005, 19:23


Original von MyFavourite1
Hey, you asked, Mr. Niggels.

And I don´t mind you answering. ;) After all, why should I?


Dienstag, 26. April 2005, 01:08


Originally posted by MyFavourite1
I'm sorry to say Invisible and Silent. When Northern Light came out, there were a lot of comments in the guestbook about how wonderful that song was. Comments like, "That's my most favourite song on the whole album!!!" And when I read that stuff, I kept thinking, "Are these people mad???" Oh, well, to each his own.

So, why do I hate Invisible and Silent? I just can't stand that Theremin sounding instrument! It's cheesy sounding and I personally think it ruins what could have been the perfect melancholy song.

And it isn't all horrible. The lyrics are haunting, the strings are beautiful, and I actually like the song from about 1:48 to 2:50.

But after 2:50, I have to turn it off and chuck the CD across the room....

Hey, you asked, Mr. Niggels.

OMG 8o Someone who agrees with me... my boyfriend LOVES that song and I have had to listen to it WAAAAY too many times!!!! By the way welcome to the forum!!!
"Together we are what we can't be alone" - Dropkick Murphy's, a punk bank from Boston, Massachusetts, USA
"What doesn't kill us only makes us stronger" - Resilience, a hardcore punk band from Santa Rosa, California, USA
"As our ashes turn to dust, we shine like stars" - Gee, I wonder who said this


Dienstag, 26. April 2005, 09:05

Thank you for the welcome Niki!!


Originally posted by Niggels


Original von MyFavourite1
Hey, you asked, Mr. Niggels.

And I don´t mind you answering. ;) After all, why should I?

Um, yes, I'm so used to people jumping down my throat for expressing my opinion, that comment was automatic.....ehh...silly me.... :sch: (Hey, you asked! :D )
Four out of five Swedes agree: Covenant for your listening pleasure.


Freitag, 6. Mai 2005, 15:16

Of course there are no songs written by COVENANT I really hate. I hate Soul and RnB-Music (I even do not really know why I still call this s*** music!!!)

But there is one song, I definetly do not like: One world one sky

The sound is too much "love parade", too happy, an easy message (every one can understand it...) and I do not like songs with only a few words in it...

Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von »timo_bile« (6. Mai 2005, 15:17)

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Freitag, 6. Mai 2005, 17:54

Well I think i tend to dislike some of the more recent stuff from "Northen Light" was too pop, too light, too easy and too mainstream!

"Call the ships to port" and "Bullet" are good, the rest is quite vague (as far as I am concerned). I am definitely fond of the Sequencer/Europa era....songs like feedback, luminal, babel, like tears in rain...that is pure Covenant in my opinion.

I think some "underground" bands try to make their music more approachable to the "mass lambda" because record "sharks" companies ask the client to provide with a potential source of revenue and forget about the rest.
Artistically it can be quite dull (And One people...!!!)

Hopefully after the sony fiasco and the anti-piracy system that wouldn't let the cd even play on some people hi-fi/cd player,etc...and the departure from that label, I am quite sure that Covenant will bite back with a vengeance.
I can only hope!
Try reaching the top before the fall...


Montag, 4. Juni 2007, 22:31

I just found this old thread and have to add here:

The song, that really annoys me is "happy man".... I know there ARE people, who love it, but I don't. That "Moog"(le?) sound reminds me of Super Mario World and I feel taken back to my elementary school times... maybe that's the reason ;)
To know your ruling passion, examine your castles in the air


Dienstag, 5. Juni 2007, 01:57

"Hate" is too strong of phrasing; and I'm of course happy that it's such an anthemic club staple because that is integral to a band's success in this genre, and it's a good song in of itself, but

Dead Stars.

See- it even makes one prone to run-on sentences!


Dienstag, 5. Juni 2007, 02:24


Originally posted by Ivory
I just found this old thread and have to add here:

The song, that really annoys me is "happy man".... I know there ARE people, who love it, but I don't. That "Moog"(le?) sound reminds me of Super Mario World and I feel taken back to my elementary school times... maybe that's the reason ;)

That's exactly what I was thinking when I heard it for the first time. :) I like it, but I feel that it's a track more suited to be an extra track on a single.

I'm also in the category of not hating but having a few that I don't listen to very often because they're not very appealing to me. Most of DOAC is part of that. And Invisible and Silent: Lyrically, I love it, but the music and the choir sounding chorus reminds me too much of the happy poppy crap that I've come to despise over the last couple of years. Which is funny, because a song by Fluke called Blue Sky is all happy and gospel and poppy sounding, and I love it to bits. Now there's an artist people should check out. And the solo project Syntax, which was made by Mike Tournier when he left Fluke.

Well, I was going to make some sort of witty remark regarding You Can Make Your Own Music :P, but it's escaped me. Probably wasn't all that witty anyways.


Dienstag, 5. Juni 2007, 02:29

"Norman Bates"




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Dienstag, 5. Juni 2007, 02:36

"We Break Down"

There's a whistle-like sound and a bell-like sound that give me awful flashbacks to Brazilian Carnivale music.
All you got is this moment
Twenty-first century's yesterday
You can care all you want


Dienstag, 5. Juni 2007, 03:04


Originally posted by michelem31
Which is funny, because a song by Fluke called Blue Sky is all happy and gospel and poppy sounding, and I love it to bits. Now there's an artist people should check out. And the solo project Syntax, which was made by Mike Tournier when he left Fluke.

Well, I was going to make some sort of witty remark regarding You Can Make Your Own Music :P, but it's escaped me. Probably wasn't all that witty anyways.


Folks, if you haven't done so already, do check out Fluke and Syntax. They are sort of hit&miss, but when they hit they do it properly. Fluke's "Atom Bomb" is still (a decade later) one of the coolest songs ever made. Thelyricsare pure genius.

Cheesy Wipeout video

And Syntax' "Meccano Mind" rotated heavily in my CD player when it came out a couple of years ago. Highly recommended as well.



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Dienstag, 5. Juni 2007, 03:32


Originally posted by Joakim


Originally posted by michelem31
Which is funny, because a song by Fluke called Blue Sky is all happy and gospel and poppy sounding, and I love it to bits. Now there's an artist people should check out. And the solo project Syntax, which was made by Mike Tournier when he left Fluke.

Well, I was going to make some sort of witty remark regarding You Can Make Your Own Music :P, but it's escaped me. Probably wasn't all that witty anyways.


Folks, if you haven't done so already, do check out Fluke and Syntax. They are sort of hit&miss, but when they hit they do it properly. Fluke's "Atom Bomb" is still (a decade later) one of the coolest songs ever made. Thelyricsare pure genius.

Cheesy Wipeout video

And Syntax' "Meccano Mind" rotated heavily in my CD player when it came out a couple of years ago. Highly recommended as well.

I third this opinion and a good variety of dance scenes really respond to Fluke's hits. Anyone who has seen the movie Sin City may remember Fluke's Absurd playing during Nancy's dance. ;)

Don't really know Syntax's work though. A quick search of my music library only shows a remix of Bliss by Felix Da Housecat, which ironically I bought earlier today on a compilation album.
All you got is this moment
Twenty-first century's yesterday
You can care all you want

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