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Samstag, 5. Oktober 2024, 03:27 UTC+2

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Freitag, 10. März 2006, 10:40

I think it was the Mera Luna festival 03. It was sunday, many guys were waiting in their cars in order to leave. The whole place was full of cars with music coming out of the opened windows (U know, it was that hot summer). I just wanted to say goodbye to a friend of mine, then I heard them the first time. I directly went to that car and asked for the band's name. Then I really nerved my best friend about that sound *IMUSTHAVEIT*
One Week later it was my birthday, and he gave me all the albums of Covenant. I was just a glad person. Northern Lights I liked best.
Then I saw them one year later on mera Luna 04 and was owerwhelmed...Great show, one can see that they are having fun, great wheather - just perfect.
Take my broken wings - teach me to fly again


Freitag, 10. März 2006, 10:42

We can discuss about the weather, but you're right with their show! :-] ;)


Dienstag, 6. Juni 2006, 01:18

2003. A friend of mine gave me a ride. We started listening to Invisible and Silent, and I liked it, and here I am 3 years later looking forward for the U.S. tour.


Dienstag, 6. Juni 2006, 13:34

It was January ’99, we went to Bremen- City (Tivoli) to see Project Pitchfork. Covenant was the First Band. It was amazing & unforgettable !!
After the show I went to the merchandise booth and bought the DOAC..

Sorry, for my bad english! ;)

storm @ myspace

"bin dann mal weg..Glückliche Paare im Park vergiften! "

Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 2 mal editiert, zuletzt von »storm« (9. August 2008, 11:20)


Freitag, 13. April 2007, 19:10

Was driving with my best friend and her boyfriend at the time. He said "Oh, Holley- I want you to hear this- you will *really* like it"; and put on Stalker. I instantly fell in love with how layered, complex, well-crafted (see a theme here, heh?), and *menacing* the music was.

Cheerfully demanded in my freakishly usual way to have him replay it over and over and over until they both finally said "ENOUGH!". ;)

I was so mesmerized there in the back seat, perfectly still and staring out the window, hearing it over and over, and I was certain that I wasn't yet noticing everything that was going on in the song. Went out and began to devour their music, cd by cd, the same way I did aeons ago with 242, Gary Numan, and Kraftwerk.

The rest is a happily continuing history. :)


Freitag, 13. April 2007, 20:20

First discovered Coil around 1998 --> Nine Inch Nails around 2000 --> Skinny Puppy in 2004 --> Decided to scope out other on edge electronic bands after seeing Skinny Puppy live --> started buying Covenant albums late 2004 (USoM + Synergy Box Set).

Covenant are probably the most straightforward band I listen to. Around 2004 I was also paying attention to bands like VNV Nation until I simply saw that things could be done better.

Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von »Vorbedacht« (13. April 2007, 20:21)


Samstag, 14. April 2007, 00:48


Originally posted by Vorbedacht
Covenant are probably the most straightforward band I listen to...

You also like Seabound and 242 too, and they're pretty straightforward as well... though come to think of it you do listen to Covenant more, probably...

...just occurred to me that this could possibly sound really creepy if one doesn't know that we are friends in real life... :tongue:

("Speaking of "Stalker", why the hell is Holley stalking Vorbedacht?!?")

Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von »ilex011« (14. April 2007, 00:48)


Samstag, 14. April 2007, 01:23

I always thought that Stalker related more to the Tarkovsky film, not the creepy fixation thing.

Either way, much of the earlier material interested me very much when I was an insane high school student working in two hospitals. Though, I am rather young so it makes sense that the more destructive Covenant albums appeal to me.

As far as Seabound and Front 242, true, they are both enjoyable. I feel bad for missing Seabound live when they played San Antonio in 2003(?). Also missed Covenant in 2002 apparently.

Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 2 mal editiert, zuletzt von »Vorbedacht« (14. April 2007, 01:31)


Samstag, 14. April 2007, 12:27


Originally posted by Vorbedacht
I always thought that Stalker related more to the Tarkovsky film, not the creepy fixation thing.

Of course I was kidding about stalking you! :P
Funny you should mention it- just two days ago I tried to find Tarkovsky's "Stalker" on Netflix but no luck.


Either way, much of the earlier material interested me very much when I was an insane high school student working in two hospitals. Though, I am rather young so it makes sense that the more destructive Covenant albums appeal to me.

Yeah you're young, but in many ways you're also light years ahead of some people I know who are twice your age. ;)


As far as Seabound and Front 242, true, they are both enjoyable. I feel bad for missing Seabound live when they played San Antonio in 2003(?). Also missed Covenant in 2002 apparently.

I had tickets for the Covenant show (it was the Northern Light tour), we were at the hotel in San Antonio, but due to extenuating circumstances at the last minute I was not able to attend. Grr. I hear it was a good show. X(

I did see Seabound in San Antonio- was an *incredible* performance. There's pictures of that show on their website, in fact. Frank has such a charismatic and engaging stage presence, in addition to coming across as a really gracious and *nice* guy. Everybody loved the show and loves Seabound and we're all waiting for them to come back!

Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 2 mal editiert, zuletzt von »ilex011« (14. April 2007, 12:28)



Beiträge: 135

Beruf: disposable office drone

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Montag, 16. April 2007, 17:55

I have heard Covenant played for many years at the club I go to. The only song that I knew the name of was "Dead Stars". I was so tired of that song. Little did I know that "We Stand Alone" and "We Want Revolution" was also by them. It was not until "Call the Ships to Port" played that I realized how good they really are. My favorite album is Sequencer. I am so mad that I did not see them in 2004!!
Loneliness is a Slow Poison


Montag, 30. April 2007, 20:23

I heard of Covenant on a 21st Circuitry compilation (that I still have) with Luxt back in 96. I didn't really start to listen to them until my girlfriend got me to listen to them again and I heard "Pulse". Now that I've started to listen to them again after many, many years, I can't stop!

Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von »niki_6784« (22. August 2007, 09:29)


Dienstag, 14. August 2007, 12:16

I saw Covenant at Summer Darkness last weekend and that's when I got impressed! I heared songs like Call The Ships To Port and One World One Sky on parties before and I liked it so that's why I went to see them at Summer Darkness. I'm happy I did, because it was a great show! Now I want to buy albums. :D


Mittwoch, 22. August 2007, 09:28


Originally posted by motormenace
I heard of Covenant on a 21st Circuitry compilation (that I still have) with Luxt back in 96. I didn't really start to listen to them until my girlfriend got me to listen to them again and I heard "Pulse". Now that I've started to listen to them again after many, many years, I can't stop!

Luxt is from my hometown Sacramento, CA - know them quite well actually!!!

ps I changed one word to compilation... instead of the other word you used :lol:
"Together we are what we can't be alone" - Dropkick Murphy's, a punk bank from Boston, Massachusetts, USA
"What doesn't kill us only makes us stronger" - Resilience, a hardcore punk band from Santa Rosa, California, USA
"As our ashes turn to dust, we shine like stars" - Gee, I wonder who said this

Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von »niki_6784« (22. August 2007, 09:30)


Mittwoch, 22. August 2007, 10:41


Original von Mieshka
I saw Covenant at Summer Darkness last weekend and that's when I got impressed! I heared songs like Call The Ships To Port and One World One Sky on parties before and I liked it so that's why I went to see them at Summer Darkness. I'm happy I did, because it was a great show! Now I want to buy albums. :D

Yes, buy them! :) You won't regret it for they are worth their money.
All things considered, insanity is the only reasonable alternative.

Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von »kleineRatte« (22. August 2007, 10:41)


Mittwoch, 22. August 2007, 21:36


Originally posted by kleineRatte
Yes, buy them! :) You won't regret it for they are worth their money.

The first one I ordered is Northern Light. I'm still waiting for it to arrive. If I like it as much as I think, next one will be Skyshaper. :)


Freitag, 14. September 2007, 11:38

I bought my first Covenant album in 2002. It was "United States Of Mind". After that I've been working my way backwards and also keeping an eye on the new releases. I have most of the albums now, although only the standard releases, no limited editions. I really loved Covenant for its Kraftwerk'esque sound mixed with lots of noise and good melodies. My favorite album remains "United States Of Mind" though since it was the album that got me into Covenant. I heard about Covenant on Apoptygma Berzerk's "Harmonizer" since Joakim Montelius had collaborated with Stephan Groth on the album's first track, "Suffer In Silence", Joakim programmed the ending.
"I will protect you from your visions, to save you from illusions. I will protect you from ideals to save you from defeats."
- Joakim Montelius


Samstag, 15. September 2007, 06:26

I liked Luxt a lot. I wish they where still around. The funny thing was running into our friend Steve (Ego Likeness) and thanking us for showing up, so that he was the only one there.:D

What was the word that I had up before???

Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von »motormenace« (16. Oktober 2007, 06:34)


Freitag, 21. September 2007, 04:43

the first time i remember hearing them was live in 2006 at the metro in chicago. at that time, i was dating a loser, who happened to like a good band, thanks to his good friend. well i really couldnt pay attention..however, later on, my friend played them for me, and i bought the northen lights album, fell madly in love with it...and then i got europa and sequencer....yummy. im slowly getting into the 'industrial' scene, but EBM is by far my favorite style.
other than this, funker vogt, i love as well. so good!
Come on spread your legs!


Montag, 18. Februar 2008, 10:23

It must have been the first time I saw them live, at the Arvika Festival in 1995. They had their "bin bag costumes" on and together with the music combined with the light show it made an very big impact on me. Since then I´ve bought EVERY cd by them.


Montag, 18. Februar 2008, 15:49

I found them on myspace while looking for other electronic bands.

Yeah. Lame. I know.
I've seen things you people wouldn't believe.
Attack ships on fire off the shoulder of Orion.
I watched C-beams glitter in the dark near the Tannhauser gate.
All those moments will be lost in time, like tears in rain.
Time to die.

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