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Original von Figurehead
Original von Rationalmind
How about that one?![]()
This is the second release of Sequencer!
Original von painpony
Dumb question: If there's a orange Sequencer, is it automatically a bit rare? Should I buy it?
Original von Figurehead
Be carefull there are two orange Sequencer!:
1. The first Sequencer Release, without the bonus tracks of the Stalker EP, there are only 250 copy's available!
2. The regular US-Release with the following bonus tracks (Stalker EP)
stalker [club version] 4:58
10 stalker [all shapes rmx] 5:07
11 liquid sky 4:40
12 babel
Original von Niggels
By the way, has a very good Covenant discography including different formats and sampler contributions in alphabetical order! The site is available in German and English!
Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von »painpony« (13. März 2006, 23:02)
Original von painpony
Thanks for the help
One last question: The first orange Sequencer ... is the CD also orange, or is it purple?
If it's purple, I've just bought the orange Sequencer für 7 EUR![]()
Originally posted by ShadowByte
Original von painpony
Thanks for the help
One last question: The first orange Sequencer ... is the CD also orange, or is it purple?
If it's purple, I've just bought the orange Sequencer für 7 EUR![]()
Booth CDs are purple inside.
The second orange Sequencer is a US-release.
On this US-release there is the Stalker-EP as Bonus.
On the first and rar orange Sequencer there is no Stalker-EP on it and there is a fault in the song 'tabula rasa' (at 1:45 / 1:50 min).
You can hear the fault here:
Original von Black_Cat
and THIS orange Sequencer with the fault is quite rare and a real collector´s item![]()