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Samstag, 21. September 2024, 12:39 UTC+2

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Beiträge: 20

Wohnort: France 54000 Nancy France

Beruf: Swiss Army Knife

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Sonntag, 26. Dezember 2010, 21:28

Thx for your review Niggel, sounds good :)

Beiträge: 3

Wohnort: Toronto, Canada 2119 Lake Shore Blvd. W Toronto Canada

Beruf: Student

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Dienstag, 28. Dezember 2010, 03:16

That review of Modern Ruin sounds excellent, but I really cannot wait to hear more reviews and opinions.

Yeah, yeah, yeah, I have been listening to all the samples from the page for Modern Ruin, but still, if anyone knows places for live songs or more samples I'd be happy... :)

But then again, maybe I should stay away and just wait to be blown away ... again ... :D



Beiträge: 37

Wohnort: Canada Vancouver, BC Canada

Beruf: nomad

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Sonntag, 16. Januar 2011, 01:27

Sometimes someone will upload them to youtube ;) but I'm trying to hold out too and go for the delayed gratification. I like to have a physical cd in hand rather than mp3's. We'll see how long I last though.

As for being blown away, I'm confident it will be great. But in response to the discussion on the German side of the forum (since I won't even begin to try to respond in German), I know that I almost always enjoy Covenant more after listening a few times. Even if I don't particularly like a song right away, I find it gets better after it sinks in a bit and all the complexities are drawn out.

…the end of our exploring, Will be to arrive where we started, And know the place for the first time.


Montag, 17. Januar 2011, 02:58

My copy is arriving from Germany this week. From the sounds of it "The Beauty and the Grace", "Worlds Collide", and "The Road" will probably be some of my favorite songs ever done by Covenant.


Montag, 17. Januar 2011, 13:15

Got mine today. Listening to it at the moment.

For those who don't yet have it and want to listen, it's up on spotify.



Beiträge: 20

Wohnort: France 54000 Nancy France

Beruf: Swiss Army Knife

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Dienstag, 18. Januar 2011, 16:25

For those who don't yet have it and want to listen, it's up on spotify.
Wow, quite quickly done, it usually takes time for albums to be online, that's great ! :thumbup:

I've to wait until next week to get my copy here in France - i hope so, it would be nice ...

So, I listened to the album ... It's quite surprising and unexpected i think, another direction with new sounds, some other influences i guess (i thought sometimes about Plastikman, maybe i'm wrong, but it reminds me something like that), and maybe a darker and conceptual universe - it's not only additions of songs but we can feel something which links everything together, a coherence. It takes time to me for appreciating it.
I'm convinced that this album is less easy-listenning than Northern Light or Skyshaper, and maybe that's why some people are disappointed with this new material - moreover some really good live tracks aren't on it : as far as I'm concerned, i like it ! :)

I really felt in love with Judge Of My Domain, Dynamo Clock and the perfect The Beauty & The Grace :love: .

I'm waiting for my original copy to confirm what I said, and to talk more about what I "dislike" with the album.

One question : who did the mix and mastering ?


Dienstag, 18. Januar 2011, 16:59

I made a post wondering whether come and I close my eyes are gone, never to be seen again. Had to quote some people in the german forum so I left it there:
Modern Ruin

Maybe there will be a response. I know the guys are busy so I'm trying not to come across as militant about it, and I don't intend to bring it up again after this. But they're excellent songs so I had to ask.


Dienstag, 18. Januar 2011, 23:03

To all of you who wonder about the "missing songs". An album is not a collection of potential hits. An album is a personality and to be interesting a personality needs complexity and some surprising characteristics. That's why "Modern Ruin" is the way it is and for various reasons the tracks we played live didn't fit in. Believe me, it was not an easy task to decide what to keep and what to leave aside.

That doesn't mean that the songs you feel are missing are dead and buried. They will most likely be parts of future releases.


Mittwoch, 19. Januar 2011, 15:28

That doesn't mean that the songs you feel are missing are dead and buried. They will most likely be parts of future releases.
Thanks for the reply Joakim. I don't think I'll ever be disappointed in a Covenant album and I don't think artists such as painters, musicians, writers, etc. owe anything to "fans" such as fulfilling expectations (in which case they would be reduced to people who paint for money, people who sing for money, people who write for money) - I'm just glad to know we'll hear those songs at some point.



Beiträge: 1

Wohnort: Canberra, Aus

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Freitag, 21. Januar 2011, 01:57

My thoughts after listening to the album a few times is that it is definitely a different pill to swallow compared to other Covenant albums.
I have grown a great appreciation of the sound however, I find the more I listen to particular songs via different speaker systems will bring out more of the sound I believe the album is supposed to portray, so please listen to this in the dark with your headphones on, as well as in your car!
Please don't confine it to your iPod earphones!

My immediate observation was Eskil's tendancy to bring out his vocals to complete the song; not too different to other releases but I find in other albums he uses vocals to make the song immediately catchy and enjoyable, whereas in this album he utilises mood and expression more than ever, and often to build up the song into dance beat for a hit of classic Covenant.

The soundscape is incredibly diverse and crisp, evolving rather than deviating, growing and harmonising. One could quite easily listen to the end of Skyshaper and then have songs like "The Beauty and the Grace" follow it.

"Judge of my Domain" stands out quite well and probably my favorite album track, even after being preceded by "Lightbringer". "Get On" I feel will stick for anyone who loves nostalgic sound. "Beat the noise" fulfills your crunchy noise desires.

Everything in between feels its place to be necessary from where Covenant have come from, and where they are going. This album will not stick as some of the others have in the top of your playlists, but you can not write it off either.
Not listening to and appreciating this album would be like listening to "Sequencer" and then "United States of Mind" for the first time and wondering what happened in between!
I would like to thank Eskil, Joakim and Daniel for their release, and please do not make us wait as long for the next.
Please visit Australia again soon.



Beiträge: 37

Wohnort: Canada Vancouver, BC Canada

Beruf: nomad

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Samstag, 22. Januar 2011, 08:54

Crunchy noise desires is the greatest description :)

…the end of our exploring, Will be to arrive where we started, And know the place for the first time.


Samstag, 29. Januar 2011, 23:02

In my opinion the new album successful. There are some Covenant-typical elements of old albums contained and some parts experimental and further developed.

I like listen to the songs with GOOD Headphones. Some effects are lost listen by speaker. I think these songs/sounds are more technical l developed than the older ones. Covenant needed MUCH TIME and WORK certainly, finally get the album sound in such a way.

I am always listening to music very intensive (songwriting). I think “Beat the noise” is great. I LOVE NOISE (especially guitar-feedbacks were
my job in our old band…), so it´s nice too, to play with the noise-contol-knobs on synthis ;).

In this context it strikes me that there are some strings (guitar/bass) sounds. Well, well…

Open minded I listen since last week this album without knowing which musician had created
which song. I could not find out the influence of Daniel Myer concretely. I am no Haujobb-Expert.
The whole work piece is more important for me. And I think Modern Ruin is excellent at least.

PS: There is one thing that irritates me evertime I listen to "Lightbringer" (at time 4:02): The beginning of a new track. What about you?! Genius?!

Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von »cloudy« (30. Januar 2011, 10:04)



Beiträge: 20

Wohnort: France 54000 Nancy France

Beruf: Swiss Army Knife

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Sonntag, 30. Januar 2011, 21:49

Got finally my copy few days ago.

I confirm what I said before, and I have nothing to add :)

As cloudy said, I think it's really better to listen to this album with good headphones : an experience to do !

This album is great : unexpected and surprising that's what I waited for.

Can't wait to hear what will become the new songs on stage in Paris !


Dienstag, 1. Februar 2011, 13:10

I like the new album very much.
There is just a thing I wonder about: What's about the storm in "Beat The Noise"? It was on the demo version
on myspace and I think it's very cool, but I don't catch it anymore.
It's not gone with the wind, but the storm is gone :rolleyes:.

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