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Samstag, 21. September 2024, 16:09 UTC+2

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Dienstag, 21. Oktober 2003, 03:41

Why do you like Covenant?


This is my first message and I would like to know the reasons you like covenant's music.

The reason I love their music is that it brings elements that I appreciated too much all my whole life, such as well written lyrics, synthesizers and mainly... that wonderful music!

I have known Covenant a little late, in 1998, when a friend showed me "Sequencer", since then I have been collecting all their albums.

I enjoy the kind of construction techniques behind the old albums which were more hardware based while most people prefer the most recent ones.

Please, tell me why do you like Covenant!



Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von »random« (21. Oktober 2003, 03:44)


Dienstag, 21. Oktober 2003, 12:42

RE: Why do you like Covenant?

hmm.... let me try to explain it in a few simple words...:

great music!!!!!!!
wonderful lyrics!!!!!!!!!!!
eskil`s beautiful voice!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
excellent musicians!!!!!!!
fantastic liveshows!!!!!!

and the guys are soooooooooo nice and wonderful!!!!! ;) ;) ;)

i love them very, very much!!!!!!!!!
covenant is my passion... ;)

Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 3 mal editiert, zuletzt von »covenant_girl« (3. Oktober 2004, 22:37)


Mittwoch, 22. Oktober 2003, 09:26

RE: Why do you like Covenant?

hey, there´s nothing more to say :D


Freitag, 24. Oktober 2003, 21:07

RE: Why do you like Covenant?

you asked why i like covenant and the answer is simple music that never gets boring to listen to no matter how many times i play the cd and lyrics that make me think even after hearing them again and again...

"Together we are what we can't be alone" - Dropkick Murphy's, a punk bank from Boston, Massachusetts, USA
"What doesn't kill us only makes us stronger" - Resilience, a hardcore punk band from Santa Rosa, California, USA
"As our ashes turn to dust, we shine like stars" - Gee, I wonder who said this


Freitag, 31. Oktober 2003, 04:45

I just had an argument with an old friend of mine the other night about this, and he was trying to say that Covenant was boring and poorly produced...blah blah blah. I took this personally and he regretted it dammit!!
I guess the main reasons why I love Covenant have already been posted above. They have evolved with every album and their music is a relief from many artists that are popular in electronic music today. Besides the fact that they have a wonderful show!! I love them!!!
~ In the beginning the universe was created. This has made a lot of people angry and been widely regarded as a bad move. ~

+Lady Shadoe+


Sonntag, 2. November 2003, 19:32

hi you all, i'm new .*waves* i usually post on weltfunk.

the reason why i love covenant is that they were the first band that i heard within the electro/industrial/ synthiepop/futurepop genre that i could really identify by sound. i feel that covenant does have a sound that is a little bit of a reference to kraftwerk but they still sound completely different than everyone else in the electronic genre; everything new sounds so refreshing. i find new meanings in the lyrics all the time. and the music is always great in clubs. i think that the first cov song i heard was 'go film' it really sets a certain mood in a club. wonderful.

and another reason i love covenant is that they played a show for me on my birthday. okay, not really me as for like 400 + other people in boston, but, it was on my birthday...i can look at it however i want!



Sonntag, 2. November 2003, 20:11


Original von midorigrrrl
hi you all, i'm new .*waves* i usually post on weltfunk.

and another reason i love covenant is that they played a show for me on my birthday. okay, not really me as for like 400 + other people in boston, but, it was on my birthday...i can look at it however i want!


hi midorigrrrl,

welcome to our forum!! :)

well... i think that was a very nice "birthday-present", wasn`t it!!?? ;)

have a great time here and a lot of fun!!

best regards,



Mittwoch, 5. November 2003, 09:21

Hi all !
I'm a new member, and a new fan of Covenant from Hungary. I don't want to boring you, but, I need to tell you my (maybe common) story.
I never heard anything about Covenant till spring of this year. I saw a Dance Chart in MTVpop, and when I was seeing the actual dance hits, I heard something strange, something special, something what I waited for till that time: that was the Call the ships to port video. My chin was somewhere at "the level of the grass"... I didn't imagined why is that fantastic music is just at the place of 33th. All in all, when I ask my friend to burn a CD, I wrote him to search some Covenant tracks, of course Call the ships to port, and some random choose from the latest album Northern light. He wrote me Bullet, Invisible&Silent, Winter comes, and also Atom heart. That was the last drop in the glass, I've fallen to the world of Covenant for ever. I order the first 2 album in an online shop. When I heard Dreams of a Cryotank first time, I was a little disappointed. But when I listened it more times, I started to love it, and now that is one of my favourite albums. The Sequencer sounded better at first time, but I think the Cryotank is better. Now I'm on the hunt to the other albums, unfortunately it is very difficult to find them here in Hungary.

So, why I like their sound: first of all, generally the fantastic electric music, what brought up to heavenly floor by Eskil's fantastic voice, and the best lyrics what I ever read.

Anyway my absolute favourite is Shelter.

Thank you for your time, ciao.
...even if it hurts...


Mittwoch, 5. November 2003, 13:47

hi otherwise,

welcome to our forum!! :)
nice to have you here!!

you don`t bore us with this story... i think it`s very interesting!! ;)
and i hope you`ll be successful in search of the other albums!!!!! i`ll keep my fingers crossed!!! ;)

so, have a great time here with us!!

best regards,



Donnerstag, 6. November 2003, 22:32

metropolis records

:)this is in reply to the person from hungary who is looking for covenant cds... try metropolis records in the US... they usually have a good selection of current techno and EBM and they put out a killer sampler cd each year in conjuction with hot topic retail stores... welcome to the forum... good to see more english speakers (writers)
"Together we are what we can't be alone" - Dropkick Murphy's, a punk bank from Boston, Massachusetts, USA
"What doesn't kill us only makes us stronger" - Resilience, a hardcore punk band from Santa Rosa, California, USA
"As our ashes turn to dust, we shine like stars" - Gee, I wonder who said this


Freitag, 7. November 2003, 11:18

RE: metropolis records

Seems that the forum goes international now :perfekt:


Dienstag, 11. November 2003, 08:17

Thank you all for the replies, you are great! :perfekt:
I have a -maybe dense- question to -rather- german members (mostly to Covenantgirl): the online german recordshops, for example, are only deliver only inside Germany, or they can deliver international ? And in other hand: VISA or other bank-card is needed, or the postal-addresse is enough ? Sorry for my poor knowledge about this.

Some other thoughts about Covenant, exactly the lyrics. (I'm encouraged :))
When I have heard the Call the ships to port first time, the vocal made the biggest impact in me. I didn't understand it clearly, my english wasn't/isn't good enought, but it was very interesting, it was unique among the meanless euro-trance hits, with their vokals about great nothings. So, I searched for the whole lyras of Call the ships, and of the other songs I mentioned in my last post. I found the official site, and all the lyrics. I started to read them, and a great deal of time later I had to realized that I haven't stopped the reading... They have got unbelievable value, as the greatest poets' poems. Moreover, better, because I feel that the things that Covenant try to tell us, is very close to me. The loneliness, feeling of being lost, the lack of purpose, the meanless existence... My soul is screaming for a meaning but the only answer I will ever get... So I found my deepest thoughts in Covenant's lyrics. The naked truth.
About a year ago my penfriend asked me: why is that everything what are serious, are sad ? I couldn't give her the answer. But now I think that the answer is in us: the human race is sad and lonely generally. We are the only evil animals, and we are born lost. Sorry for my dark thoughts, but I think that most of the cheerful happy stuffs what can be seen around us, are rotten inside. But we can always find a little glimmering light somewhere what helps us. Our northern light....

oh, it will better if I stop now, before this post went to a depressed kitsch philosophical essay... :)

thanx your time again
...even if it hurts...


Dienstag, 11. November 2003, 10:21


Try to order Music. They diliver not only in Germany:

Foreign Countries
Deliveries to foreign countries only by advance payment. For freightcharges we have to add 8,00 EUR (Europe) or ca. 20,00 EUR (Non-Europe). Please wait for your proforma-invoice and pay only by Eurocheque, International Money Order or wiretransfer to our account. If you are in hurry, send with your order a blank Eurocheque, so we can enter the right amount!

NEW! Deliveries inside Europe can also be send by Cash On Delivery (Nachnahme). The total costs are ca. 13,00 EUR + a "country own" fee. It's the fastest and easiest solution.

NEW! We accept now the following credit-cards: Eurocard/Mastercard and Visa. Please send us your credit-card number via email with the orderform (SSL-encoded transmission!) or seperate by fax (0049-511-734117). The freightcharges are 10,00 EUR inside Europe and 23,00 EUR for the rest of the world.

... Hope this helps ;)



Dienstag, 11. November 2003, 14:20


Original von Otherwise
Thank you all for the replies, you are great! :perfekt:
I have a -maybe dense- question to -rather- german members (mostly to Covenantgirl): the online german recordshops, for example, are only deliver only inside Germany, or they can deliver international ? And in other hand: VISA or other bank-card is needed, or the postal-addresse is enough ? Sorry for my poor knowledge about this.

hi otherwise,

hmm... i really don`t know if or other german online-shops deliver international... sorry... :(
but try what dani has suggested ( thanx sweety!! ;) ):
i haven`t thought about that...
i think it will be so much easier... also with the payment!! :-]


Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 2 mal editiert, zuletzt von »covenant_girl« (11. Dezember 2003, 22:02)


Freitag, 14. November 2003, 10:59

Thank you very much for your advices, this is the page what I have looking for!
One other question, maybe you can help me: are there any URL where I can download the Bullet and/or the Call the ships to port video ? I know that I can get them from the offical page, but they are just little .wmv files, the enjoyable playsize is like a stamp. Are they available anywhere in better quality ?

Thank you, best regards!
...even if it hurts...


Freitag, 14. November 2003, 12:38

hmm.... you can try it from thomas`s page:
but it is feared that you`ll have the same problems with the quality... :rolleyes:
( thomas, correct me if i`m wrong... )


Freitag, 14. November 2003, 13:03

I imagine that there is no direct link to download the videos. but I know the you can find them in the edonkey network or Soulseek (p2p) as mpg-files.



Dienstag, 18. November 2003, 08:38

Thanx your advices again!
I found an interview with Joakim:…erviewNummer=43

Perhaps you all know it, but I haven't seen any links to this one in the official page, or

...even if it hurts...


Dienstag, 18. November 2003, 21:32

Great music, great lyrics, original in their sound and true legends in the making or even right now in electronic music. 8)

Hi to everyone in this forum... I'm known as mike waters in the Weltfunk forum.

My german isn't so great ( Ich spreche ein bisschen... something like that :P), I took some lessons a couple years back so I'll try to catch up! ;)


Mittwoch, 19. November 2003, 08:26

Well i think you guys/gals has said it allready, it´s the music in combination with excellent lyrics, the variation between the more upbeat and mellow tunes... guess one could go on and on about this ;)

cheers Jen

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