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Samstag, 21. September 2024, 14:51 UTC+2

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Donnerstag, 26. April 2007, 00:24

Happy 21st birthday!

Seems I'm the only one online right now, so i just feel free to open up this thread:

Happy birthday to the band!!!!

and congratulations for bearing with each other for such a long time ;-)

...and besides it's my parents' wedding anniversary (the 33rd)
To know your ruling passion, examine your castles in the air



Beiträge: 135

Beruf: disposable office drone

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Donnerstag, 26. April 2007, 16:44

I can not go for one day without listening to Covenant! Congratulations!! Here is to another 21 years!! GRATULERAR!! :cool: grattis på födelsedagen
Loneliness is a Slow Poison

Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von »Marci« (26. April 2007, 16:46)



Beiträge: 304

Beruf: professional elektro-cutie/barcode expert

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Freitag, 27. April 2007, 02:50

All you got is this moment
Twenty-first century's yesterday
You can care all you want


Freitag, 27. April 2007, 17:54


Keep up the good work!



Beiträge: 362

Beruf: Schülerin/Fetishmodel

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Sonntag, 29. April 2007, 04:01

Happy Birthday! Even though it feels like your 20st was only a few months ago, and you three guys are just cheating ;)


Sonntag, 29. April 2007, 13:53

Congratulations guys! Hope to see another 21 years in the making.

Thanks for the show couple months ago near my hometown, will never forget that live performance!
Fave bands (no particular order): Covenant, VNV Nation, Imperative Reaction, Funker Vogt, God Module, Backandtotheleft, Assemblage 23, more to be added once I get around to it. Oh and Covenant was put first since of course, this is the Covenant forum.


Mittwoch, 2. Mai 2007, 00:48

The band is finally legal to go to bars in America!!! Funny though, the guys have been going to bars for years!!! Congratulations!
"Together we are what we can't be alone" - Dropkick Murphy's, a punk bank from Boston, Massachusetts, USA
"What doesn't kill us only makes us stronger" - Resilience, a hardcore punk band from Santa Rosa, California, USA
"As our ashes turn to dust, we shine like stars" - Gee, I wonder who said this


Mittwoch, 2. Mai 2007, 01:55


Originally posted by niki_6784
The band is finally legal to go to bars in America!!!!

Hahahahahahaahaaaaaaa!!! :perfekt:

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