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Dienstag, 18. März 2025, 10:39 UTC+1

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Samstag, 15. September 2007, 17:53

I wasn´t there.I asked before in some other forums if someone is able to go to capture this event but till now thre is no postings of this gig :(


Original von michelem31


Originally posted by ilex011
If someone from the forum attends this, kindly follow up for the rest of us curiously fidgeting souls and tell us how it was!

And show us, too! ;)


Mittwoch, 19. September 2007, 10:51


Original von d_h
I wasn´t there.I asked before in some other forums if someone is able to go to capture this event but till now thre is no postings of this gig :(


Original von michelem31


Originally posted by ilex011
If someone from the forum attends this, kindly follow up for the rest of us curiously fidgeting souls and tell us how it was!

And show us, too! ;)

It seems like nobody has been there. At least nobody who would write something about it. :(
Too sad. I would have loved to read something new about Cement.
Or about a party that was actually called "Dandy Noise". :D
All things considered, insanity is the only reasonable alternative.


Mittwoch, 19. September 2007, 13:24

Es gibt ein Update der Myspace Seite.

P.S.: macht die Lautsprecher an! ;) :)


Mittwoch, 19. September 2007, 14:59

It sounds mysterious.....whats that in the background?A breeze?


Original von restless
Es gibt ein Update der Myspace Seite.

P.S.: macht die Lautsprecher an! ;) :)


Mittwoch, 19. September 2007, 15:02

I am lil bit dissapointed and sad coz I was not able to go to Berlin but I hope there will be an other chance.


Original von kleineRatte


Original von d_h
I wasn´t there.I asked before in some other forums if someone is able to go to capture this event but till now thre is no postings of this gig :(


Original von michelem31


Originally posted by ilex011
If someone from the forum attends this, kindly follow up for the rest of us curiously fidgeting souls and tell us how it was!

And show us, too! ;)

It seems like nobody has been there. At least nobody who would write something about it. :(
Too sad. I would have loved to read something new about Cement.
Or about a party that was actually called "Dandy Noise". :D

Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von »d_h« (19. September 2007, 15:05)



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Mittwoch, 19. September 2007, 15:07


Originally posted by kleineRatte
It seems like nobody has been there. At least nobody who would write something about it. :(
Too sad. I would have loved to read something new about Cement.
Or about a party that was actually called "Dandy Noise". :D

Gah! Let's hope for the best on the next show. :-]
All you got is this moment
Twenty-first century's yesterday
You can care all you want


Mittwoch, 19. September 2007, 17:16


Originally posted by restless
Es gibt ein Update der Myspace Seite.

P.S.: macht die Lautsprecher an! ;) :)

Danke, danke, vielen danke! The clip is *wonderful* and I'm now looking forward even more to the demo. This is exactly the kind of noise music I like best.

And yeah, definitely turn the speakers up!


Mittwoch, 19. September 2007, 19:11

Wow! I love that sample. Seems like it would be the kind of soundtrack music for the parts of horror films involving flashes of scary and gross stuff. Or what a person sees when they're trippin' on some crazy drug. :perfekt:


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Montag, 3. November 2008, 17:46

Does any board member - Eskil for example!! :D ;) - know if there will be any further gigs or even releases by Cement? :rolleyes:


Donnerstag, 22. Januar 2009, 23:15

Cement Live in Berlin

DIENSTbar präsentiert
CD Kreisverband Friedrichshain (Berlin)
feat. Angie Yeowell & Fake Master & Ohmnoise & Sean Marquardt
apocalyptic noise

Cement (Schweden)
imperial noise

Semerssuaq (Italien)
aka Jd Zazie & WJM
technology noise

Dienstag - 27. Januar

Bar/Vokü 21:00
Konzerte 22:00

@ Ballast der Republik
Brunnenstr. 183



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Montag, 28. Dezember 2009, 15:40

Next performance is 06-03-2010 in Tivoli, Utrecht, Holland at the 15-year celebration of Cyberia.

Hope to be there and experience this, i'm very curious! At least I liked the excerpt on Cement's Myspace. =)

Anyone else going?

Btw, Eskil will give a DJ set too, that should be fun. 8)

Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von »Asteroid« (28. Dezember 2009, 15:41)

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