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Dienstag, 18. März 2025, 10:39 UTC+1

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Beiträge: 304

Beruf: professional elektro-cutie/barcode expert

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Montag, 23. April 2007, 01:07

Deep stuff, Megaprofit and ilex. ;)

I'm waiting to hear more Cement. Of course, I wouldn't mind a new release from Covenant first! Besides that, I too have greater respect for side projects that sound nothing lilke the main project an artist is associated with.

Then again, I find the avante garde very appealing. I'm all for taking the categorized boxes/labels people place on something and watching it very elegantly and tastefully ripped apart. Refined rebellion, as I call it. :-]
All you got is this moment
Twenty-first century's yesterday
You can care all you want


Montag, 4. Juni 2007, 12:41

Here is another photo gallery from [URL=,categories/cid,27/]Schlagstrom[/URL] in January.

Waiting patiently for the first release from Cement.


Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von »Vorbedacht« (4. Juni 2007, 18:13)


Montag, 4. Juni 2007, 19:21


Originally posted by Vorbedacht
Here is another photo gallery from [URL=,categories/cid,27/]Schlagstrom[/URL] in January.

Thanks for posting this! All looks so interesting...


Waiting patiently for the first release from Cement.


Waiting... hmmm... marginally patiently here.... :cool: ;)


Samstag, 25. August 2007, 02:14

CEMENT and his old pal SHIFT will be playing at the Thule Klub in Berlin 14/9.

More info on this soon.
Few things make me unhappier than unhappy people pretending they're happy. And, apparently, few things make me happier when they can no longer afford to pretend being happy.


Samstag, 25. August 2007, 20:37


Originally posted by BRUTALUS
CEMENT and his old pal SHIFT will be playing at the Thule Klub in Berlin 14/9.

More info on this soon.

It would be really nice if some sort of recording could be taken of that. For those of us who are, hm, geographically challenged...



Beiträge: 304

Beruf: professional elektro-cutie/barcode expert

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Samstag, 25. August 2007, 20:45


Originally posted by ilex011


Originally posted by BRUTALUS
CEMENT and his old pal SHIFT will be playing at the Thule Klub in Berlin 14/9.

More info on this soon.

It would be really nice if some sort of recording could be taken of that. For those of us who are, hm, geographically challenged...

I agree with ilex and I'm certain it would be appreciated by many more, too. :D
All you got is this moment
Twenty-first century's yesterday
You can care all you want


Sonntag, 26. August 2007, 04:20

I think all of us here in the states would love to hear what the new side project sounds like live!!
"Together we are what we can't be alone" - Dropkick Murphy's, a punk bank from Boston, Massachusetts, USA
"What doesn't kill us only makes us stronger" - Resilience, a hardcore punk band from Santa Rosa, California, USA
"As our ashes turn to dust, we shine like stars" - Gee, I wonder who said this


Montag, 27. August 2007, 08:03


Original von niki_6784
I think all of us here in the states would love to hear what the new side project sounds like live!!

.. and so do some of those at Germany who can't afford a trip to Berlin...
All things considered, insanity is the only reasonable alternative.


Montag, 27. August 2007, 23:29


Originally posted by niki_6784
I think all of us here in the states would love to hear what the new side project sounds like live!!

And Canada! Yes, we do exist! :P



Beiträge: 643

Wohnort: República Separatista de Haedo Roberto Ruiz 1706 Buenos Aires Argentina

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Montag, 27. August 2007, 23:33

South doesn´t want to be less!
2010: The Year We Make Contact


Dienstag, 28. August 2007, 05:29

Ok, frankly, all of us pan-continentally would like to be able to enjoy the performance too- how's that! (I think that about covers everyone...)

It would be an excellent and much appreciated donation to the Geographically Challenged Association...


Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von »ilex011« (28. August 2007, 05:30)


Dienstag, 28. August 2007, 14:15

Maybe I like to try to capture this Berlin gig but I don´t know if I am able to get vacation 14/9.

Even if I get vacation it is not easy to capture in Germany coz they have much more security than in other countries.


Original von niki_6784
I think all of us here in the states would love to hear what the new side project sounds like live!!


Dienstag, 28. August 2007, 14:54

Besides, a regular release of some Cement songs would also be nice...
All things considered, insanity is the only reasonable alternative.



Beiträge: 304

Beruf: professional elektro-cutie/barcode expert

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Dienstag, 28. August 2007, 18:04


Originally posted by d_h
Maybe I like to try to capture this Berlin gig but I don´t know if I am able to get vacation 14/9.

Even if I get vacation it is not easy to capture in Germany coz they have much more security than in other countries.

How very nice of you to offer! Better to be safe than sorry, though. I highly doubt anyone here would want you to be in trouble while trying to do us all such a treat. If you do go, just have a great time! :)
All you got is this moment
Twenty-first century's yesterday
You can care all you want



Beiträge: 304

Beruf: professional elektro-cutie/barcode expert

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Dienstag, 28. August 2007, 18:05


Originally posted by kleineRatte
Besides, a regular release of some Cement songs would also be nice...

Excellent suggestion! :-]
All you got is this moment
Twenty-first century's yesterday
You can care all you want


Mittwoch, 29. August 2007, 15:00


Keep your eyes peeled at for updates.
Few things make me unhappier than unhappy people pretending they're happy. And, apparently, few things make me happier when they can no longer afford to pretend being happy.

Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 3 mal editiert, zuletzt von »BRUTALUS« (6. September 2007, 18:51)


Freitag, 14. September 2007, 04:02

If someone from the forum attends this, kindly follow up for the rest of us curiously fidgeting souls and tell us how it was!

(god, I really need to mooooove...)


Freitag, 14. September 2007, 04:16


Originally posted by ilex011
If someone from the forum attends this, kindly follow up for the rest of us curiously fidgeting souls and tell us how it was!

And show us, too! ;)


Freitag, 14. September 2007, 18:28


CEMENT will be playing first tonight so those planning to attend make sure you get there early.
Few things make me unhappier than unhappy people pretending they're happy. And, apparently, few things make me happier when they can no longer afford to pretend being happy.


Freitag, 14. September 2007, 18:41

Eskil is one of my heroes. He's such a rebel.
"I will protect you from your visions, to save you from illusions. I will protect you from ideals to save you from defeats."
- Joakim Montelius

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