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Originally posted by Meriadoc
Maybe my opinion sounds intolerant, right! But making a Covenant fanatic out of me, who was expecting a solo show of Eskil in Covenant style, is quite unfair and untrue.
I was´nt expecting a thing. I´m open minded to many styles of music, but for me it should have at last a glimpse of melody and rhythm.
Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von »ilex011« (12. April 2007, 04:37)
Original von Joakim
It would be rather pointless for us to make side projects that sound like Covenant, wouldn't it? The idea of a side project is after all to explore things and ideas that don't fit under the "main" project.
Originally posted by Joakim
What I meant was that the type of music that Eskil makes with Cement is:...
b) music that doesn't give itself lightly. Good noise music is more than just noise, if it wasn't it wouldn't be music after all. It's a kind of riddle or a quest. It's up to you to find meaning and order in it. Or decide not to.
Original von Meriadoc
Now I think I have to add something to the translation of my SAMA review written down in the german section. My english is horrible, so I do appologize in advance.
Maybe my opinion sounds intolerant, right! But making a Covenant fanatic out of me, who was expecting a solo show of Eskil in Covenant style, is quite unfair and untrue.
I was´nt expecting a thing. I´m open minded to many styles of music, but for me it should have at last a glimpse of melody and rhythm. Maybe this is a oldfashioned attitude, but there was no melody at all, just noise.
It should be allowed to say that, or not? It was probably written to harsh, but after all this fancy ideas regarding my thoughts, I say "Quit pro quo".
Kindest regards,
Original von ilex011
So, I personally was thrilled when I discovered Eskil's side project was noise-oriented. I assumed that the name "Cement" possibly referred to Musique concrète, with its repetitive tape loops. Which alone gives a strong indication as to the tone of the project. I could be wrong- just my assumption. But I certainly didn't assume it was going to be traditionally melodic or even have elements of Covenant in it.
Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 2 mal editiert, zuletzt von »kleineRatte« (12. April 2007, 11:40)
Original von lushmachine I think perhaps part of the reaction at SAMA was that some of the audience saw their beloved duckling (Eskil) come on stage and found he was growling rather than quacking.
Originally posted by kleineRatte
Original von ilex011
So, I personally was thrilled when I discovered Eskil's side project was noise-oriented. I assumed that the name "Cement" possibly referred to Musique concrète, with its repetitive tape loops. Which alone gives a strong indication as to the tone of the project. I could be wrong- just my assumption. But I certainly didn't assume it was going to be traditionally melodic or even have elements of Covenant in it.
I assumed Eskil chose this name because cement is a liquid material that dries up quickly and becomes lasting, hard and motionless. Matches with my impression of Noise in general. I like it. Listening to Noise can be a very contemplative and meditative way to spend your time.
Originally posted by ilex011
Yeah, that's a really good way of putting it. I'd add also that good noise music requires active listening, rather than passive, which is what I think you were getting at. You have to meet it halfway, so to speak. But if you take the time to do that and give it a chance, you'll find layers, hidden textures, and subtle, meticulous syncopations that actually take a lot of intuition and skill to create. You have to pay very active attention as to what is going on in the piece.
But once you get into the mindframe of that, specifically *listening* and processing the many different layers of a good piece carefully, the piece does become more accessible as you begin to understand what's going on and why. There is a *lot* going on underneath the initial surface. But you have to make an effort to submerge yourself as well to meet it- that's just the nature of good noise/drone/experimental. It doesn't hand itself over to you like, say, your standard song does.
Originally posted by ilex011
I saw the Cement video clip and liked what I heard very much. I thought it was extremely well-crafted- the little I heard, mind you.
I'd suggest people listen to it again, *trying* to pay attention to the different layers and textures he's using and then see how you like it. You might still not, and that's fine too- at least you made a proper effort, ha ha... of course it isn't the same as being there live in the audience or listening to a recording, but I don't think he would have chosen/authorised/whatever the clip to be shown if he didn't think it was an accurate representation.
I found it helpful while listening to the clip to not *watch* the clip because the wobbly camera was distracting. I listened to it but didn't watch it. I found I could pay more attention to the layers of the piece that way. Your mileage may vary of course.
Originally posted by ilex011(sorry for dominating this thread tonight, by the way. :sch: )
Originally posted by michelem31
Originally posted by lushmachine
I think perhaps part of the reaction at SAMA was that some of the audience saw their beloved duckling (Eskil) come on stage and found he was growling rather than quacking.
:lol: The mental images! Sounds like something worthy of a Photoshop... (Oh noes!)
Originally posted by lushmachine
Glad my metaphor was effective!
I like metaphors ... it's the philospher within me. The monks of Eiheiji would be proud.![]()
Originally posted by lushmachine
I find that friends of mine who don't enjoy Noise express they feel like they get lost within the dominant elements of the sounds. Like missing the forest for the trees.![]()
It also helps to be exposed to a variety of Noise so that it doesn't all sound the same. For instance, I enjoy noise that sounds more mechanical and metallic, so my ears tend to be better at criticizing something I like and have heard lots of.
I'm odd in that I don't watch music videos regularly since about 1990. Since then, I've seen less than a dozen music videos. I prefer to have my own mental visual when it comes to audio. I'd much rather enjoy album artwork or see a live performance.
Thanks for sharing your thoughts! Although I do understand the feeling. Sometimes I feel impolite to keep writing, especially when I hope not to offend anyone with my opinions.
Originally posted by Evolutz
As Ronan Harris says: "Sweden, the home of aesthetics."
Minimal and Noise aren´t my favorites, but surely there can be big art,
even though there isn´t much to hear at all (a bit like <<l´art pour l´art>>).
Original von ilex011
I see much of the noise/experimental/drone I like more as abstract expressionism, an audio version of a Mark Rothko painting, for example. It seems simple on the surface, but there is a wealth of complex emotion and texture when you look closely and allow yourself to be encompassed by it.
Originally posted by kleineRatte
Original von ilex011
I see much of the noise/experimental/drone I like more as abstract expressionism, an audio version of a Mark Rothko painting, for example. It seems simple on the surface, but there is a wealth of complex emotion and texture when you look closely and allow yourself to be encompassed by it.
Originally posted by Megaprofit
Here are my impressions.
1. The first time I listed to it, I just did not know what was going on. It was like hearing white noise.
2. The second time I wondered why it was so different to Covenant.
3. Then I got to the third time, (3 days later). I think I actually found some tones and hints of rythm buried in the middle of the clip.
4. Now it seems to me that there is some pattern, and like a trumpet, whose sound is increasing.
That was sound wise. But I guess there is no point in using passive listening (thanks Ilex for the term!) for the music...
This raises other points: i.e. what is the artist trying to express? order in chaos? llowing the Ilex's comparison with Mark Rothko, is he expressing something real and existing in everyone of us?
I guess that the best way to approach this is to follow nietzsche's advice: " A higher kind of human being, if I may say so, does not like "callings," precisely because he knows himself to be called. He has time, he takes time, he does not even think of "finishing": at thirty one is, in the sense of high culture, a beginner, a child... "
Finally, when I the song, it make me feel like I was in front of a rugged white wall - waiting to be crossed, just like one of those movies were the hero you just does not know what's in the other side...(exciting !)
Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 3 mal editiert, zuletzt von »ilex011« (22. April 2007, 22:15)