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Samstag, 21. September 2024, 19:19 UTC+2

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Donnerstag, 19. April 2007, 23:17


Originally posted by lushmachine
I've never really cared what musicians look like, though. Some of the best I know are rather modest looking. :)

Physical good looks would initially seem like a static attribute. But suddenly the most beautiful man or woman in the world can seem terribly unattractive if they end up behaving like an uncouth asshat, for example. Which seems pretty elementary and goes without saying... well, you'd *think* it would, anyway!


Imagine this got me in trouble some years back when I got into an argument with a guy at a bar and then someone came up behind me and whispered, "You realize that's Liam from The Prodigy, right?"

Ha- well, for all you know he could have been secretly relieved that for once people weren't just agreeing with everything he said, lol!


Donnerstag, 19. April 2007, 23:23


Originally posted by kleineRatte


Original von ilex011


Originally posted by lushmachineAm I a bad "fan" for admitting I've never seen some of those photos before? :sch:

Frankly, Lush, I think you'd be a *scary* fan if you *have* seen all photos of Covenant there are to see! 8o :tongue:


Wow, nice work again, Holly! Thanks for sharing. :)

Unless you meant to give me a shout-out for:

1) Relieving Lush's touch of worry about being a "bad fan"; or

2) Inadvertantly insulting fans who obsessively collect all pictures there are to collect (which, c'mon, *is* kind of creepy... ever seen "One Hour Photo"? 8o )

...then perhaps you meant to compliment Michelle? 'Cos lord knows I didn't do the wallpaper! Photoshop programs gasp in horror and close themselves automatically if I even attempt that kind of stuff!


Montag, 23. April 2007, 09:52


Original von ilex011


Originally posted by kleineRatte


Original von ilex011


Originally posted by lushmachineAm I a bad "fan" for admitting I've never seen some of those photos before? :sch:

Frankly, Lush, I think you'd be a *scary* fan if you *have* seen all photos of Covenant there are to see! 8o :tongue:


Wow, nice work again, Holly! Thanks for sharing. :)

Unless you meant to give me a shout-out for:

1) Relieving Lush's touch of worry about being a "bad fan"; or

2) Inadvertantly insulting fans who obsessively collect all pictures there are to collect (which, c'mon, *is* kind of creepy... ever seen "One Hour Photo"? 8o )

...then perhaps you meant to compliment Michelle? 'Cos lord knows I didn't do the wallpaper! Photoshop programs gasp in horror and close themselves automatically if I even attempt that kind of stuff!

:sch: :sch: :sch:

Oh no... of course I meant to compliment Michele. How embarrassing! Somehow I mixed up the two of you. :mauer:

So I'll try again:

1. Michele, this wallpaper is great! :)

2. Holly, your reply to Lush was simply nice. :-]
And yes, if there was someone who owns all pictures of Covenant he or she would be creepy.

3. Girls, sorry for adressing the wrong person. No offense meant. :)
All things considered, insanity is the only reasonable alternative.

Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von »kleineRatte« (23. April 2007, 09:54)


Samstag, 12. Mai 2007, 02:39


A few days ago, my monitor died. It was pretty old, so instead of sending it in for repairs, I bought a new one. A 19" widescreen Samsung 931BW aka a BLOODY GORGEOUS SCREEN. The colors are so bright and clear and the detail is so sharp and just awesome! The best (and only resolution that didn't squish or blur anything on the screen) is 1440x900. Freakin' big, yeah. Which meant that the wallpapers I had or made before didn't fit. So, I made one that did (although the pic got resized to a smaller resolution when I uploaded it. Bah)

I had Final Man stuck in my head all day at work, and when I came home, I just planted myself in front of my computer and threw this together in about fifteen minutes.

This came from the mental images that came about when I first listen that song. I always imagined the man stumbling upon an album of old pictures in someones home and reminiscing about the days gone by. Perhaps the 'old' picture above was one he found. ;)


Samstag, 10. Mai 2008, 22:54

I just did this today.
Totally an experiment, really, but it was fun.
Y'know, since lately we've got less Clas, here's more. >.>

And I found a lot of good pics here.
Like, they're mostly ones I'd seen before, just a LOT bigger.
Long story as to how I got to that community, since I hate most of those pictures/that kind of thing, but there are some awesome things there occasionally.

You may have to join the community to see the pictures, but it's worth it.

Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von »vexation« (10. Mai 2008, 23:35)


Sonntag, 11. Mai 2008, 02:48


Originally posted by vexation

I just did this today.
Totally an experiment, really, but it was fun.
Y'know, since lately we've got less Clas, here's more. >.>

And I found a lot of good pics here.
Like, they're mostly ones I'd seen before, just a LOT bigger.
Long story as to how I got to that community, since I hate most of those pictures/that kind of thing, but there are some awesome things there occasionally.

You may have to join the community to see the pictures, but it's worth it.

Hey, that's actually pretty cool! Anything that involves lots of our boys (whether they're current members or not) is cool.

(And PS: that post on the LJ community was made by me. :) The original site that I got those pics from has long since died. Hope I won't get into any kind of trouble by posting them.)

(PPS Welcome to the forum!)


Sonntag, 11. Mai 2008, 03:05

I've kind of been neglecting this thread, haven't I?
I made a couple of simple wallpapers featuring Eskil, made from the Northern Light promo pics found in the forum gallery:

(Not the original size, since Flickr won't let me make them any bigger. :( But you get the idea.)


Sonntag, 11. Mai 2008, 16:04


Originally posted by michelem31

Hey, that's actually pretty cool! Anything that involves lots of our boys (whether they're current members or not) is cool.

(And PS: that post on the LJ community was made by me. :) The original site that I got those pics from has long since died. Hope I won't get into any kind of trouble by posting them.)

(PPS Welcome to the forum!)
Hehehe, thanks.
And lawl. In that case, you like made my life by posting them, so I thank you for that.

And the wallpapers above are really nice. (=
Watch out though, on the second one a corner is showing. ¬¬


Samstag, 14. Juni 2008, 00:31

I did this just for fun..... jej :cry:


Samstag, 14. Juni 2008, 01:02


Originally posted by cynthia lorenzon
I did this just for fun..... jej :cry:

8o I think I just died. :tongue:


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Samstag, 14. Juni 2008, 14:38

Holy cow! 8o

Hilarious!!! :lol: :tongue:

Now we know why Clas quit the band - he couldn`t do the daylight shows at festivals anymore! :D :cool:


Samstag, 14. Juni 2008, 17:26


Amazing! Clas will love it. I'll show it to him next week when we meet. :perfekt:


Samstag, 14. Juni 2008, 19:34

plz to be havin moar funnee fotoshoppin plz- cynthia, michelem, I'm looking at yoooooooou.... :tongue: :tongue:


Samstag, 14. Juni 2008, 23:28


Originally posted by ilex011
plz to be havin moar funnee fotoshoppin plz- cynthia, michelem, I'm looking at yoooooooou.... :tongue: :tongue:

I know! But I don't have photoshop on my computer at the moment. Tonight, I will though. Then i'll see how I can freak out Joakim and Co. :P


Dienstag, 17. Juni 2008, 14:49


A serious 'shop for the song 'Monochrome', featuring our favorite musical revolutionaries. :)

And I have now found someone much more difficult to work with than Eskil.

I used the Torn Edges to get the flat black and white effect, then erased the white to give it the graffiti stencil work. I had to use TWO LAYERS EACH for Eskil and Daniel. Using just one for Eskil got me an outline of his hair, but left his face looking like a really botched Michael Jackson (as if Michael isn't scary enough. Anyhow...) And I had to snag a pic of Daniel from his Myspace with his hoodie and cap on, because making stencils of a bald man is pretty damn difficult, I found out. Using one layer got his facial hair, but left a lot of crazy face details that made him looked like bin Ladens twin brother.

Joakim and Clas, you continue to be very cooperative. Thank you. :)

I tried to add rain, but I couldn't get one that would work with the monochromatic colors. I hope the spotlight gives the illusion of a back alley wall.

Anyhow, off to work. Tomorrow is a day off, and I have an idea for Tabula Rasa I want to tackle...


Dienstag, 17. Juni 2008, 23:05

looks pretty cool :)


Dienstag, 17. Juni 2008, 23:53

jep, i like it alot! i look cool, finally!


Dienstag, 17. Juni 2008, 23:59

fotoshawpin for the l0lz and teh winz!

Good job, M! I like you included Daniel- He should be on the forum header up there too!

My favorite though, is *still* the Dune one you did. Made me laugh out loud. Right-clicky, save. ;) Should find it again and link it so the newbies can enjoy it. ;)

-Holley, feeling the forum love and stoppin teh intarwebzspeak... and off to take an exam...

Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von »ilex011« (18. Juni 2008, 00:00)


Mittwoch, 18. Juni 2008, 05:03

Dudes! Thanks for all the likes! (@Daniel: You mean you didn't look cool before? LIAR! YOU SHOULD BE HONORED I USED YOUR MUG FOR MY WORK. :P)*

*The suggestion that this is my true opinion is completely false. I feel humbled and honored that you guys don't sue my ass off for using your faces and work for my own personal amusement.**

**The previous statement is not meant to be taken as any sort of kinky innuendo.***

***Asterisk's are fun****

8888 Shit, forgot to hold the shift key


ANYHOW, my take on Tabula Rasa.

No complaints about editing our boys, since their roles in this production have been reduced to "Sir(s) Not Appearing In This 'Shop" due to budget cuts. And a rampaging moose that decided that clamping down on my female sibling with their teeth is a great way to get top billing. And yes, that is my crappy attempt at making a Figurehead sand dollar. (Official currency of the forum? Ok, now I'm just spouting silly.)



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Mittwoch, 18. Juni 2008, 09:31

very nice work :perfekt:
god is the highest savorer, the possessor of everything and the best friend of everyone.

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