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Montag, 22. Januar 2007, 22:04

News update


there are lots of news at!

Best regards,


Dienstag, 23. Januar 2007, 18:36

For those with problems viewing the site:
the most interesting news (for me) is:
"Eskil Simonsson's side project CEMENT made it's noisy debut as opening act at the Berlin-based Schlagstrom live event on Saturday January 20.
For future appearances keep an eye at:

and the cutting of the DVD is in progress, but no release date fixed ("ASAP")

Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von »subetha« (23. Januar 2007, 18:36)


Dienstag, 23. Januar 2007, 23:51


Originally posted by subetha
For those with problems viewing the site:
the most interesting news (for me) is:
"Eskil Simonsson's side project CEMENT made it's noisy debut as opening act at the Berlin-based Schlagstrom live event on Saturday January 20.
For future appearances keep an eye at:

and the cutting of the DVD is in progress, but no release date fixed ("ASAP")

Yeah, the myspace address I was able to make out, but that's it. Looks *really* interesting judging from the photos.

...and patiently we wait for the DVD... really looking forward to that.


Mittwoch, 24. Januar 2007, 10:26


Original von ilex011
[...and patiently we wait for the DVD... really looking forward to that.

Meanwhile we’re having fun with watching this slightly bombastic announcement “November 2006” at the end of the trailer. :D
All things considered, insanity is the only reasonable alternative.

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