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Freitag, 19. Januar 2007, 15:30

Textile Fan Art

Perhaps “art” is a little bit exaggerated.
I just wanted to show you something self-made… hope you like it. :)

I love the artwork of the Shyshaper album and its singles. It’s predestinated to be (mis-)used for textile experiments. :D…6/devotionalien

First: A t-shirt with the Brave New World bird on its front. I made this with small glittering discs… I don’t know the English word. They are used to decorate dancers’ costumes or similar stuff. I made a second hole in each, sewed it on the already pre-drawn picture and shaped it with a pair of nail scissors.
Don’t try this at home. It’s most unnerving. I stayed at home for two Sundays to get this done and I nearly went mad. ;)

Then we have two pictures of a dress with the Skyshaper motive. I inserted the hands and the sun (made of a white, transparent fabric) at the back of the dress. The sunrays are embroidered with little pearls. In real life those pearls do look much better. :rolleyes:

And Skyshaper once again: As a “stencil” at the back of a cotton jacket. It’s made with a special color for fabrics, which is supposed to stay on when you have to wash the garment.

I’m trying to get some black color. Then I can mess around with the Ritual Noise jets. ;)

All things considered, insanity is the only reasonable alternative.


Samstag, 20. Januar 2007, 05:44

RE: Textile Fan Art

WOW. So amazing! The bird is gorgeous! The 'dots' are called sequins... (so many people think that you spell it 'sequence' tho--just see how many people on ebay are listing 'sequence' garments)

Did you do the stencil as a screen print?

I don't like working with screenprinting ink colors at home since it's annoying to clean up, but a really cool trick if you are screen printing at home is to use a thick foam bathroom cleaner that has bleach like.. here in the US we have Softscrub. The thick consistency makes it not run and the bleach will bleach out the color of the fabric in the shape of your screen/design. If you are doing multiples, you just have to wash the screen a lot cuz it can get clogged easily. The other plus is that you don't have to set/cure the dried ink... I supposed you could do it with an iron at a very high temperature.

My screenprinting instructor just published a book which is supposed it really good for DIY at home printing: they have it too (but it's in English) Home Screen Printing by Paul Thimou

The pearls are what we call "bugle beads'.. i like beading with those because they take up a lot of space and it goes quicker.

I screen printed the skyshaper covers (or variants) on to the cover of the tourbook I was making for Mika in silver, white and pearlescent orange. It came out nice, but so boring and technical compared to your creative work! I was going to do a light reflective iron-on's in orange and silver over, but never finished.

If you send the pictures to me, I will upload them to the Covenant fan art deviantart account. Or open up your own deviantart account and send me the links and I will link them from the Covenant one. my email is in my profile.

ps. i have tons of scraps of light reflective iron on material which would work great for doing silver sun rays if you want me to send you some. I keep trying to force them on people who are crafty cuz it's fun stuff towork with... and they are the 'margins' of what i cut out on my cadcutter, so they are pretty useless to me unless I want to cut
strips or small designs by hand. (it's what i used in this shoe-- when light hits it at 90 degrees, it reflects it back and looks white.. but otherwise it looks silver.


Montag, 22. Januar 2007, 08:29

Thanks for your answer and your compliments! :sch: :)

Your answer nearly brought me to my language limits – discussing crafts in English is not so easy… if you are using Langenscheidt’s pocket dictionary from 1980 and WinWord. :rolleyes:

Nice to hear I’m not the only one who has difficulties with sequins. ;)

No, but screen printing sounds very interesting.
I drew the motive on to… hm… those plastic sheets you use to separate papers in files, cut it out, put the sheet on the garment and applied the color with a small sponge.
I think using bleach might work well with this technique, too.

Is there any chance to see a picture of this tourbook you made?

Oh, would you upload my pictures? - That would be so very nice! I’ll send them to you. Many thanks! :perfekt:

This silver stuff sounds great! (Those shoes are pretty hot. I wish could wear such)
I’ve got no idea how much the postage would take or the fee for abroad remittance, but maybe I can offer you something in return? We can discuss this on email or PM too, I think. ;)
All things considered, insanity is the only reasonable alternative.


Montag, 22. Januar 2007, 12:09

oops. i meant to link the picture of the cover... i have some other kinda blury pictures of the first pages, but i didn't want to post them until it was finished. and i will finish it! i think everyone deserves to see how their pictures were used.


I printed it on sort of a twill fabric that had some stretch and then wrapped it around the cardboard cover.

I can send you some of the silver stuff no probs.. its basically scraps of paper.. very lightweight.

Does google work well for translations? I can usually make out what people are saying by using it.


Montag, 22. Januar 2007, 20:06


Does google work well for translations? I can usually make out what people are saying by using it.

try - everyone I know has always found that very helpful.

@ mods. sorry for going off-topic!!!!


Dienstag, 23. Januar 2007, 11:50


Original von seren-e-t


Does google work well for translations? I can usually make out what people are saying by using it.

try - everyone I know has always found that very helpful.

@ mods. sorry for going off-topic!!!!

Thanks a lot! :)
All things considered, insanity is the only reasonable alternative.


Dienstag, 23. Januar 2007, 11:56


Original von erichazann
oops. i meant to link the picture of the cover... i have some other kinda blury pictures of the first pages, but i didn't want to post them until it was finished. and i will finish it! i think everyone deserves to see how their pictures were used.


I printed it on sort of a twill fabric that had some stretch and then wrapped it around the cardboard cover.

I can send you some of the silver stuff no probs.. its basically scraps of paper.. very lightweight.

Does google work well for translations? I can usually make out what people are saying by using it.

This looks great!! :-]
It's so accurate and beautiful!
I'm looking forward to the following pages. :)

Did you get my email?

At home I'm using a modem and it's so awfully slow that I prefer looking up words in books. :sch:
All things considered, insanity is the only reasonable alternative.


Dienstag, 23. Januar 2007, 12:47

you can also try also a very helpful page, I think


Donnerstag, 29. März 2007, 08:29

I've added two pictures of a white t-shirt I’ve made lately.
The back is not very interesting, but it will be covered with hair anyway.
But I’m quite proud of the front. ;)
Because I haven't got a scanner (and simply using my camera didn't occur to me *sigh*) I copied the picture out of the Skyshaper booklet by hand to make it bigger. You shouldn't think how difficult it is to get people's faces right.
I'd like to thank Joakim personally for wearing dark glasses...!
But somehow I like my version of Clas even better than the original in the booklet. :)
All things considered, insanity is the only reasonable alternative.

Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von »kleineRatte« (29. März 2007, 08:30)

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