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Samstag, 21. September 2024, 14:48 UTC+2

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Samstag, 13. Oktober 2007, 06:38


Originally posted by michelem31


Originally posted by ilex011
So far, so good... though I absolutely *cringed* at the partaking of bull testicles... oh my god...

I remember reading about that on the Imperative Reaction blog. Glad to know someone else likes them. :)

If you ever get a chance, try them! They aren't as bad as you think.

NOnoNOnoNO! If it isn't from a major muscle group I can't do it...

...and I have texture issues...


Samstag, 13. Oktober 2007, 06:41

finished watching in transit

Will need a little more time to process my impressions, but I can say that I enjoyed it very much. Very well edited, well-shot, and I loved how candid it was.


:perfekt: :perfekt: :perfekt:



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Sonntag, 14. Oktober 2007, 05:52

RE: finished watching in transit


Originally posted by ilex011
Will need a little more time to process my impressions, but I can say that I enjoyed it very much. Very well edited, well-shot, and I loved how candid it was.


:perfekt: :perfekt: :perfekt:

I just finished watching In Transit too because somehow, I didn't even know that my UPS guy at work thinks I'm "totally freakin' awesome" and grabbed it for me at the central station when he recognized my name, which I spell for him every day. Oddly enough, my co-worker from Nebraska was the first one who saw this exchange and teased me that he's going to start getting things delivered in my name from now on so that he too can get his UPS shipments on time. :tongue:

Well, okay, I got emotional at the end. Not because it looks like Clas is not returning, which in all honesty I don't think he should if he's not at all feeling with the music direction anymore, but because it reaffirmed to me that these people are truly amazing and fun. I agree with ilex on the editing too. There were some cornball moments too but at least they were very pretty. :-]

Would love to do a full review for English speakers but will wait to do one after I've gotten the box set as well so that I can also do a compare/contrast on it as well. That way people can also figure out if owning both versions is worthwhile for them. Also, considering how few of us have seen it at this point, I'm happy not to tempt anyone with even more spoilers.

Have to say, snuggling on the couch watching this instead of going out was totally worthwhile. Also, to Covenant: I am mentally hugging all three of you right now! Thank you so much for this and hopefully I'll have time to do a good viewer review that does your hard work justice. :D
All you got is this moment
Twenty-first century's yesterday
You can care all you want


Sonntag, 14. Oktober 2007, 06:28


Well-said! I also tried to abstain from spoilers. Didn't think the bull testicle thing counted being IR posted about it on their blog, like Michelle mentioned.

But yeah, I've been thinking about how to formulate a proper review too. I bet ours would be very similar in tone though! :D

feeling the love,



Sonntag, 14. Oktober 2007, 16:57

About the Rocky Mountain Oysters:

Believe me, I cringed too when I ordered them. There is a little background story to it that may help explaining my taste for odd foods. I tried to be a vegetarian for a while (for ethical reasons) but in the end I decided that humans are omnivores by nature and made a rule for myself that a) if you eat meat you should morally be prepared and able to kill an animal by yourself and b) there is no part of an animal that should go to waste, unless it's dangerous or impossible to eat, just because it seems disgusting.

A juicy beef was once a kind, sweet cow with big eyes and a lovely smell of fresh milk. A piece of salmon sushi was once a sleek aquatic warrior fighting against incredible odds to reproduce. To be picky about what part of each fantastic creature we kill to eat is an insult to its spirit. The only morally sound approach is to appreciate everything it can give us.

Some 10 years ago I was travelling in the Middle East and in Syria the testicles of sheep are considered a local specialty. It was horrifying to walk through the food market in Damascus and see the complete "packages" hanging on meat hooks but I still wanted to try it at least once. Unfortunately I got food poisoned (from badly fermented beer, of all things) and had to give up on the idea. Over the years I've had most other weird things on my plate, but not this.

So when Sam (of Imperative Reaction) told me about this dish there was no excuse not to try it. It took a couple of shots of rye to build the courage but in the end it was nothing like it seemed to be. No texture at all (which in itself makes my own oysters run for cover); more like deep-fried paté actually. It does not taste like chicken. Like anything else that's been deep-fried it didn't taste like much at all.

And no, I will never eat it again. Been there, done that. ;)


Sonntag, 14. Oktober 2007, 17:22


Originally posted by Joakim

I tried to be a vegetarian for a while (for ethical reasons) but in the end I decided that humans are omnivores by nature and made a rule for myself that a) if you eat meat you should morally be prepared and able to kill an animal by yourself and b) there is no part of an animal that should go to waste, unless it's dangerous or impossible to eat, just because it seems disgusting.

Not to mention the fact that a good chunk of the world is starving at the moment. Wasting any food, not just the stuff that comes from an animal, is a disgusting act in itself; it's almost as if the rich minority of the world is shouting a big FUCK YOU to the poor. Very infuriating. X(


Over the years I've had most other weird things on my plate, but not this.

I'm curious now. Maybe all of us could compare. I've lived in a farming community most of my life, and I've eaten practically anything from a farm animal that can be eaten, and I've been fortunate to know people who were willing to share some not so common around Canada food items...


And no, I will never eat it again. Been there, done that. ;)

Heh. Another male thing I will never understand, I suppose. :tongue:


Sonntag, 14. Oktober 2007, 17:33


Originally posted by michelem31

I'm curious now. Maybe all of us could compare. I've lived in a farming community most of my life, and I've eaten practically anything from a farm animal that can be eaten, and I've been fortunate to know people who were willing to share some not so common around Canada food items...

:perfekt: Perhaps we should start a "dubious cuisine - not for the faint of heart!"-thread somewhere else?

Edit: you don't happen to be from the French part of Canada, do you? ;)

Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von »Joakim« (14. Oktober 2007, 17:37)


Sonntag, 14. Oktober 2007, 18:04


Originally posted by Joakim

Edit: you don't happen to be from the French part of Canada, do you? ;)

Nope. I'm right smack dab in the middle of Manitoba, which happens to have a high population of Scandinavian descendants. Hell, half the people I know have parents or grandparents from Sweden (a few of them even came from Helsingborg. Hmm. ;) )



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Sonntag, 14. Oktober 2007, 19:05

"I myself am pursueing the same instinctive course as the veriest human animal you can think of - I am however young, starring at particles of light in the midst of great darkness." (John Keats)



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Sonntag, 14. Oktober 2007, 21:30


Originally posted by Joakim

:perfekt: Perhaps we should start a "dubious cuisine - not for the faint of heart!"-thread somewhere else?

I'd have some stories there, too, but somehow brains and czarnina seem tame compared to deep fried testicles.
All you got is this moment
Twenty-first century's yesterday
You can care all you want


Montag, 15. Oktober 2007, 01:25


Originally posted by Joakim
About the Rocky Mountain Oysters:

Believe me, I cringed too when I ordered them. There is a little background story to it that may help explaining my taste for odd foods. I tried to be a vegetarian for a while (for ethical reasons) but in the end I decided that humans are omnivores by nature and made a rule for myself that a) if you eat meat you should morally be prepared and able to kill an animal by yourself and b) there is no part of an animal that should go to waste, unless it's dangerous or impossible to eat, just because it seems disgusting.

A juicy beef was once a kind, sweet cow with big eyes and a lovely smell of fresh milk. A piece of salmon sushi was once a sleek aquatic warrior fighting against incredible odds to reproduce. To be picky about what part of each fantastic creature we kill to eat is an insult to its spirit. The only morally sound approach is to appreciate everything it can give us.

I completely agree with you here in theory, pretty much word for word. I tried being both veggie and vegan at different points in my life and internally resolved that a long time ago. I've come to be at peace with it more or less.

And being picky when others around the world are starving *does* come across as insulting. I didn't mean to come off as snooty or entitled. But I can't lie- textures do bother me. It certainly isn't that I think only certain parts of an animal are *worth* eating- oh god no. That's a viewpoint that is completely contrary to my worldview and is offensive to me. But nope, unfortunately my state of personal enlightenment has not yet reached the point where I can get over texture issues, whether it's onions or okra or bull testicles. I say that in all seriousness because it's something I think about- I'm not being jocular.

However, having said that, I would hypothetically argue though that eating an animal as a *novelty* - or part of an animal as the case may be- could also be construed as insulting to its spirit. I think it's about attitude. Obviously your reasons for eating them are not about novelty but I think you're probably in the minority. I can easily visualize a bunch of drunk Nebraskans daring each other to eat them.

When traveling around to different places I've been served things that, hm, perhaps I'm not used to, shall we say. And of course in that context I eat what is given to me, and I am thankful for the opportunity that I'm able to share with someone how they live and experience part of their culture with them. I suck up texture issues and deal with it because it seems arrogant not to. Not "seems"- it IS arrogant not to.

And for that context, it's much easier for me to get over myself because the experience is so much larger than I. And I'm thankful for it. I travel to experience these things. If I am at someone's home abroad and they offered me brains or liver or tripe or whatever, I'd eat it and do so cheerfully. Because the larger picture is so much more important than my little self-centered Holley hangups.

But- *all things being equal*, no, I wouldn't partake of certain foods if I had the choice. Not because I think I'm better than that or some nonsense.

As an aside, I have issues with not just meat. Onions as I mentioned, and paprika (bell peppers in the States) are completely just as totally revolting to me. I'm not revolted by bull testicles because of what they are- I've eaten alligator, whale, jellyfish, and god knows what that was at a banquet in Israel... I imagined them to be a mix of slimy and crunchy and that's what I have a visceral response to.

So! My apologies if I offended anyone, and I hope I explained myself decently. :)

(now my mind is wandering to different cultural traditions globally of consuming an animal or specific parts of an animal to absorb or obtain the animal's spirit or traits... very beautiful. we've completely lost touch with that aspect of how we relate or do not relate as the case may be, to that which we share the planet with... but I'll stop before I go off on yet another tangent... though it looks like I already did...)


Montag, 15. Oktober 2007, 01:34

ilexx: Oh dear. I hope you didn't interpret my remark towards wasting food as me condemning you (or anyone else for that matter) for not wanting to partake in certain foods. That wasn't the point I was trying to make at all, and I'm sorry if you interpreted it as such.

That's one bad thing about the internet, though: you can never really tell what the meaning of a lot of things are by just a few general words. :(


Montag, 15. Oktober 2007, 04:04


Originally posted by michelem31
ilexx: Oh dear. I hope you didn't interpret my remark towards wasting food as me condemning you (or anyone else for that matter) for not wanting to partake in certain foods. That wasn't the point I was trying to make at all, and I'm sorry if you interpreted it as such.

That's one bad thing about the internet, though: you can never really tell what the meaning of a lot of things are by just a few general words. :(

No, no worries at all! Both your and Joakim's comments were perfectly legitimate and I didn't feel personally attacked. If anything, it was just an indication to me that I needed to make myself clearer, as my initial "EW GROSS!" response was less than elucidating and I take responsibility for that. ;)

But even if you had intended to directly challenge my viewpoints I wouldn't have been upset by that. As long as it's ad hominem (or feminem!) free, viewpoints are supposed to be challenged, broken down, made better, built back up, ad infinitem, I think. I actually appreciate reading your and J's input as it made me think deeper about what I was expressing and that is always welcome. I see how I was unclear and just felt the need to articulate that no, we're actually on the same page but just talking about different paragraphs. ;)


Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von »ilex011« (15. Oktober 2007, 04:05)



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Montag, 15. Oktober 2007, 15:19

Back to reviews:

I really liked the banter between E & J as well. I thought that the cleaning of the buses was quite amusing. I loved the Russian and South American bits. Did Eskil really get a degree in engineering physics? My favorite part was the end when E was talking about how his music came from a higher power. I wish that I could meet them someday because they seem so down to earth and very intelligent.
Loneliness is a Slow Poison


Donnerstag, 18. Oktober 2007, 16:05

My copy shipped from, it will probably be here within the week. Looking forward to seeing this!


Freitag, 19. Oktober 2007, 15:45

I am wathing right now the bonus DVD and I like it very much especial the close ups and the spliting screen.

I like the cutting/editing of "In Transit" much more than Synergy-Release.

A small notice....( Sorry that I have to mention this :sch: :sch: :sch: :sch: :sch: )
my booklet and the booklet of a friend has a bend/buckling/hiccup at the right side.


Originally posted by Vorbedacht
My copy shipped from, it will probably be here within the week. Looking forward to seeing this!


Samstag, 20. Oktober 2007, 02:05

I said I was going to be patient and wait until my R2 copy came, but the grasshopper in me insisted MUST HAVE IT NOW. So I've preordered the R1 copy, which should be here next week. I'm sure the boys won't mind me spending more money on them. :P


Samstag, 20. Oktober 2007, 03:23

Cover : :perfekt: :perfekt: (2/5)
Booklet: :perfekt: :perfekt: :perfekt: (3/5)
Disk#1 : :perfekt: :perfekt: :perfekt: :perfekt: :perfekt: (5/5)
Disk#2 : :perfekt: :perfekt: :perfekt: :perfekt: :perfekt: (5/5)
Disk#3 : :perfekt: :perfekt: :perfekt: :perfekt: :perfekt: (5/5)
Total : :perfekt: :perfekt: :perfekt: :perfekt: (4/5)

My Top 5:
1. Depeche Mode -TTA Live in Milan
2. Covenant -In Transit
3. MUSE -Hullabaloo
4. Motörhead -Stage fright
5. Diary Of Dreams -Nine In Numbers


Samstag, 20. Oktober 2007, 03:33

Are they different concerts on RC1-DVD/RC2-DVD ?


Originally posted by michelem31
I said I was going to be patient and wait until my R2 copy came, but the grasshopper in me insisted MUST HAVE IT NOW. So I've preordered the R1 copy, which should be here next week. I'm sure the boys won't mind me spending more money on them. :P


Samstag, 20. Oktober 2007, 04:25


Originally posted by d_h
Are they different concerts on RC1-DVD/RC2-DVD ?


Originally posted by michelem31
I said I was going to be patient and wait until my R2 copy came, but the grasshopper in me insisted MUST HAVE IT NOW. So I've preordered the R1 copy, which should be here next week. I'm sure the boys won't mind me spending more money on them. :P

The R1 release is just the main road movie. The R2 has the movie and the bonus disc with the live German show and WGT clips and all that.

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