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Samstag, 21. September 2024, 14:37 UTC+2

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Samstag, 20. Oktober 2007, 05:04

Thank you for your information.

I was thinking, you are talking about Regional code 1 and 2.

Sorry :sch:

In store where I bought the 3disk-version....there was only 2 copies left today.

It is really worth to buy the 3disk version.

Bytheway I have not seen any other version (maybe sold out).


Originally posted by michelem31


Originally posted by d_h
Are they different concerts on RC1-DVD/RC2-DVD ?


Originally posted by michelem31
I said I was going to be patient and wait until my R2 copy came, but the grasshopper in me insisted MUST HAVE IT NOW. So I've preordered the R1 copy, which should be here next week. I'm sure the boys won't mind me spending more money on them. :P

The R1 release is just the main road movie. The R2 has the movie and the bonus disc with the live German show and WGT clips and all that.


Samstag, 20. Oktober 2007, 05:22

I think in Europe there is only the 2DVD+1CD, where as Metropolis in North America are releasing a 1DVD version and also the live CD by itself.

Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von »Vorbedacht« (20. Oktober 2007, 05:23)


Samstag, 20. Oktober 2007, 11:22

Ooops....the 2 In-Transit-DVDs have RC 0 :tongue:

So,maybe it wouldn´t be a problem to play the "european version" in a standalone player if the player/TV supports "PAL"?
If so...Thank god, there is ebay ..... :D

My DM´s TTA-release has RC2-6 :rolleyes:


The american version of Covenants "In Transit" looks lil bit different.

If my eyes are good....american version has a plastic case and the european version has paper case…rksid=p3907.m29

here is my copy...


Originally posted by Vorbedacht
I think in Europe there is only the 2DVD+1CD, where as Metropolis in North America are releasing a 1DVD version and also the live CD by itself.

Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 6 mal editiert, zuletzt von »d_h« (20. Oktober 2007, 14:59)


Samstag, 20. Oktober 2007, 14:42


Originally posted by d_h
Ooops....the 2 In-Transit-DVDs have RC 0 :tongue:

So,maybe it wouldn´t be a problem to play the "european version" in a standalone player if the player/TV supports "PAL"?

Oh! I didn't know that! That's awesome. :-]



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Montag, 22. Oktober 2007, 00:29

regionkiller anyone?!
"I myself am pursueing the same instinctive course as the veriest human animal you can think of - I am however young, starring at particles of light in the midst of great darkness." (John Keats)


Montag, 22. Oktober 2007, 02:04

Damn....I am again off topic.... :tongue:

Not every standalone player is able to change the RC

but here you are....

an english speaking Homepage....

and a bavarian speaking Homepage for you Evolutz.... :P

p.s. the store takes 25 Euro for this service usualy :rolleyes:


Originally posted by Evolutz
regionkiller anyone?!


Montag, 22. Oktober 2007, 03:16

I have a few programs I use to make region free, NTSC friendly copies of my imported DVDs, so I can watch them on any TV in my house (most importantly, the huge widescreen in the living room), and to prevent any damage to the originals.

All are for those purposes only, of course. :-]



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Freitag, 26. Oktober 2007, 15:35

I have to admit that I was growing a bit bored lately until I fully listened to the live cd, and my love for Eskil's voice has sparked once more. :tongue:
Loneliness is a Slow Poison


Samstag, 27. Oktober 2007, 17:11

I recieved my DVDx2 and CD yesterday and it has to be one of the best live DVD's of a band I have ever seem in my life

It is friggin AWESOME.....

You have to listen to the live DVD through a proper sound system to get the bass kick.... you can even see the cameras vibrating from the power of the sound that Covenant are putting out..

Well done Covenant.. I saw you in London and laughed at forgetting the words to Call the Ships to Port that made made the gig special and great... :-)

This DVD is a fantastic representation of a live gig and I feel that I am there feeling the power and good time


Samstag, 27. Oktober 2007, 21:20

Which reminds me- LadyKomachi, have you seen the dvd yet? Hee.


Samstag, 27. Oktober 2007, 22:57

Sill waiting patiently for both of mine. I ordered the regular one through to keep me occupied until I get the big set from Germany, but it decides that it needs to take a week to three weeks to screw around before it even ships! :!: I guess I could watch the trailer 5 million more times.


Sonntag, 28. Oktober 2007, 06:56

I was really really surprised Metropolis shipped it out as quickly as they did. Very nice. I haven't ordered the Euro version yet. It's on the agenda.

And while the trailer is great, it really doesn't do the film justice. I was expecting it to be good, but it really surpassed what I thought it would be. Really captures the essence of how wonderful it feels to listen to music that resonates with you. And of course being in the company of others who feel the same way. :D

(I really need to find a synonym for "really"...)


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Sonntag, 28. Oktober 2007, 10:55

I bought In Transit finally, and so far I have watched it (and listened to it) in its entirety once, and parts of it occasionally.

Being the fault-finding Niggels I am, I love to niggle :D and I chewed over what could have been better about this DVD/CD package. I found two points after a long research:

- on the bonus DVD it feels a bit awkward that you watch Call the Ships To Port two times in a row...well, I could listen to the track ten times in a row ;) but I surely wouldn't mind if there would have been one (or even more!) tracks from the Wave Gotik Treffen footage. :D

- In the Skyshaper Tour live recordings, Eskil's voice sounds sometimes a bit strange, and surely not like it sounded at the actual concerts. I think that's because the echo and acoustics of the concert venue is missing, maybe they retrieved the vocals directly from the soundboard so that the vocals sound a bit too polished. The Wave Gotik Treffen footage is better in this regard, and has even more of a live feeling to it as it sounds "rougher".

Hmmmmmm....yeah, that's it! :cool:

These are my only two (minor!) complaints, and this will tell anyone who knows nagging Niggels that I f*cking love In Transit!!! :lol: :D :D :D :-]


Seriously, the visuals are just outstanding! The light show is captured perfectly on film, perhaps one of the most beautifully shot concert films I've seen so far!

And I *totally* love the road movie concept of the first DVD - and I love the way Covenant realized this concept even more! I love all the small interview bits inbetween in which Eskil and Joakim comment everything that's on the DVD, everything about Skyshaper and the accompanying tour. I love the way they challenge and inspire each other, rather like in an open discussion than in an interview with a fixed schedule or something. I love the way they allow their minds to wander and how they pick up a point the other one said to complete the thought or, in some cases, to disagree.
I also love all the on-the-road footage from all over the world. It gives you a good idea on what an amazing adventure these boys are.
If you wanna know what Covenant is all about, get this bloody DVD package! It's worthwhile for many reasons. And it's very entertaining!

Simply one of the best releases in Covenant's catalogue!



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Montag, 29. Oktober 2007, 17:34


Originally posted by ilex011
Which reminds me- LadyKomachi, have you seen the dvd yet? Hee.

Nope - I am climbing the walls here. I pre-ordered it on 25th September and it's still not arrived!!!!!

I am hoping that the nice postman has brought me something good in the post - if not, well all I can say is "duck and cover"!!!!!!!

As you may have guessed I am having a bit of a tantrum over here!!! :!:

Hugs petal

Falling out of cars and playing in traffic.


Montag, 29. Oktober 2007, 21:54

My copy just arrived, viewing for the first time, here goes nothing... 8).


Dienstag, 30. Oktober 2007, 07:36

Is there a certain place those in the US are able to order the euro version, or must I get a German friend to buy it and ship it over?


Dienstag, 30. Oktober 2007, 09:31


Originally posted by michelem31
Sill waiting patiently for both of mine. I ordered the regular one through to keep me occupied until I get the big set from Germany, but it decides that it needs to take a week to three weeks to screw around before it even ships! :!: I guess I could watch the trailer 5 million more times.

i can say the same for my part. ;-) still waiting patiently for my dvd which i have ordered through, but i start to think that the geographical distances between Germany and Russia are much more than between Earth and Moon. :rolleyes: hope, i can see "In Transit" until New Year. :-))
inter deum et diabolum semper musica est


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Dienstag, 30. Oktober 2007, 09:36


Original von scorche
Is there a certain place those in the US are able to order the euro version, or must I get a German friend to buy it and ship it over?

I'm not sure but I would advise you to check if German/European online retailers have an English version and ship to the US as well...voila! :)


Dienstag, 30. Oktober 2007, 13:19

I ordered from, they ship to the US. Helps if you understand German when navigating their site though.

The main DVD is quite fascinating to watch! The bonus disc live show again is stunning. Eskil and Jürgen Janssen did a very commendable job on the audio mixing. Listening to the live CD now, still overwhelmed.

Slightly dissappointed that the entire live DVD bonus disc was not included with the North American release. But it is what it is.

Btw, LadyKomachi, is that you there in the audience during Der Leiermann?


Dienstag, 30. Oktober 2007, 14:58


Originally posted by ilex011
I was really really surprised Metropolis shipped it out as quickly as they did. Very nice. I haven't ordered the Euro version yet. It's on the agenda.

Metropolis always ships things as soon as they get them. I flaked out and didn't preorder, but I ordered the Friday after all you guys were squeeing about getting your orders, and they shipped it on Monday and I had it on Tuesday (the 15th)!

When you can't possibly wait for something, preordering from Metropolis is the way to go.

My dvd case was a little smashed tho ;\ - but after asking them to replace my Skyshaper booklet bc it was creased, I don't want to be the girl who's always complaining about little tiny things. ;)

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