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Montag, 9. Oktober 2006, 03:59

Covenant DeviantArt

I set up a Covenant Art account on I have my own personal account, but I thought it would be cool for all of us to pool stuff together - anything inspired by Covenant. Currently, there is only my fanime in there.. but DeviantArt hosts all kinds of art.. winamp skins, songs, poetry and stuff too. Right now, you would have to email me ( the stuff, and I would post it.. but I would also give out the password to the account to people who are going to contribute substantially and frequently.

Also, for your enjoyment, I've collected got some links here of Covenant related stuff on DeviantArt. (it's hard to search for Covenant since there is lots of Shadow Hearts Covenant fan art out there too... I think we need a secret code designation to add to the keywords and descriptions.)

Nice photo of Eskil (I think) :D
Eskil @ NY '006
Eskil @ NY '006 (yes, he is wearing off white Chuck Taylor's
Eskil & Clas @ NY '006
Clas @ NY '006
Joakim @ Arvika '006
Joakim @ Arvika '006
Eskil & Clas @ Arvika '006
Eskil & Clas @ Arvika '006
Photomanipulation - Northern Light Band Promo Photo
Photomanipulation - Northern Light Band Promo Photo
Photomanipulation - Pulse Pop Art
Joakim @ moscow synthetic snow festival III - 10.12.2005
Clas @ moscow synthetic snow festival III - 10.12.2005
Clas @ moscow synthetic snow festival III - 10.12.2005
Joakim & Eskil @ moscow synthetic snow festival III - 10.12.2005
Eskil @ moscow synthetic snow festival III - 10.12.2005
Eskil @ moscow synthetic snow festival III - 10.12.2005
Eskil Riga '006
Nice Tech Wallpaper (old photo)
Nice Tech Abstract Wallpaper
Minimalistic Wallpaper
Monochrome Inspired
Eskil somewhere April '004
Covenant in Kanji
Ticket for the upcoming Mexico Show
Eskil & Clas @ Arvika '006
Eskil & Clas @ Arvika '006
Eskil @ Arvika '006
Joakim @ Edinburgh '006
Eskil @ Edinburgh '006
Joakim @ Sheffield '006
Clas @ Sheffield '006
Joakim @ Sheffield '006
Eskil @ Sheffield '006
Covenant @ Sheffield '006
Clas @ Sheffield '006
Eskil & Clas @ May '003
Eskil @ Seattle Dec. '003
Northern Light Tour Flyer Boston '003
Eskil @ moscow synthetic snow festival III - 10.12.2005
Collage of Melbourne Photos '004
Joakim & Eskil @ Ghent '005
Clas synth
Eskil mic
Eskil '004
Clas & Joakim Photomanipulation
Eskil April '004
Eskil April '004
Eskil April '004
Eskil April '004
Clas April '004
Clas April '004
Clas April '004
Eskil @ Stockholm University Allhuset 01.04.2006.
Eskil & Clas @ Stockholm University Allhuset 01.04.2006.
Clas @ Stockholm University Allhuset 01.04.2006.

I went through 35 pages of like 80 pages.. I will update later with the rest.

And yes, I gave it the cheesy name of artofthecovenant. :P

This isn't our Covenant, but it has a Skyshaper look.

Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 3 mal editiert, zuletzt von »erichazann« (9. Oktober 2006, 16:57)


Montag, 9. Oktober 2006, 09:10

OMG, that must have been a lot of work for you! Thanks for all that stuff! :)


Montag, 9. Oktober 2006, 10:08

wow! thank you, erichazann! :)


Montag, 9. Oktober 2006, 16:14

Oh My God - It must have taken you hours!!!!!!!!!!!
But BIG THANKS :perfekt: :perfekt:

Not being too picky or anything - honest!
BUT - you list the last 3 pics as being from Tinitus 06 - well not only are the guys not playing there - it isn't till the end of this month!!!

The three pics are actually from the gig at Stockholm University Allhuset 01.04.2006.

Have Fun!!! :D


Montag, 9. Oktober 2006, 16:41

Thanks guys. . yeah, it took a couple of hours, but I am sick (got sick on the way back from Trono :( ) and I was bored.

Sandra, nice to see you back :).

Seren-e-t, you are right.. I just copied what was on the deviant's description tho, and didn't really verify anything.

I also found some more pics from NYC '006 and encouraged the deviant to come over here and post them, but I don't know if she is, so here they are: 3rd Ward - Covenant

I'm sure flickr has tons of Covenant photos too. Maybe next time I have a cold, I'll make that list :)

I am dissapointed to not see much more artwork tho. A search for 'Covenant' returns 1930 results, out of 35 pages, 840 deviations, about 57 of those are our Covenant (ok, I left out a few bad concert shots). That's not even 7%. If that percentage holds, there are only 135 deviations on DeviantArt. Compare that to almost 900 results for "vnv nation" --- and I'm pretty sure all those listings are vnv related.


Montag, 9. Oktober 2006, 19:18


Original von erichazann
Sandra, nice to see you back :).

thank you! :)

and i hope you get well soon, mari!


Montag, 9. Oktober 2006, 21:10


Original von covenant_girl
and i hope you get well soon, mari!

dito, and THANK YOU!!!

storm @ myspace

"bin dann mal weg..Glückliche Paare im Park vergiften! "

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