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Samstag, 21. September 2024, 12:49 UTC+2

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Donnerstag, 26. Juli 2007, 11:24


Original von Joakim
Another loooong session of editing... getting closer to the edge. ;)

The "In Transit" DVD is now a road movie/documentary rather than a typical live DVD. We like that a lot more than your everyday, run-of-the-mill live show+goofy stuff+"oh look at the fans go crazy for their heroes at the merch booth"+more silly self indulgence.

Sure, we talk a lot about ourselves. But I really think that this film is about all of us. You guys, us, the people working with us to make it all happen in Berlin, Brooklyn, Mexico City, Lima, Novosibirsk, Buenos Aires, London...

Skyshaper has taken us almost 5 times around the globe by now, distance-wise. I never thought I'd do that in 18 months, even in my wildest dreams. Or nightmares.

It's been a ride, my friends. And it will be evident in this film. Drama, honesty, music, exotic places, swimming, dancing, thinking, drinking, intellectual pondering and homesickness... A whole lot of blinking lights. Shouts and beats. Silence. Joy and disaster. Oh, and some songs too. After all that's what we do, right?

Pretty much all of it. I'm sure you'll find it worth your time.

That sounds really great! :-]
I am really looking forward to "In Transit" :)



Beiträge: 135

Beruf: disposable office drone

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Donnerstag, 26. Juli 2007, 18:43

Loneliness is a Slow Poison



Beiträge: 304

Beruf: professional elektro-cutie/barcode expert

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Donnerstag, 26. Juli 2007, 22:31


Originally posted by Joakim
Another loooong session of editing... getting closer to the edge. ;)

The "In Transit" DVD is now a road movie/documentary rather than a typical live DVD. We like that a lot more than your everyday, run-of-the-mill live show+goofy stuff+"oh look at the fans go crazy for their heroes at the merch booth"+more silly self indulgence..

Great to hear you're closer to the completion and that it's more documentary than live performance. I raise a big mug of iced latte to you in your efforts and look forward to seeing the results. :)
All you got is this moment
Twenty-first century's yesterday
You can care all you want


Donnerstag, 26. Juli 2007, 23:18


Originally posted by Joakim
Another loooong session of editing... getting closer to the edge. ;)

The "In Transit" DVD is now a road movie/documentary rather than a typical live DVD. We like that a lot more than your everyday, run-of-the-mill live show+goofy stuff+"oh look at the fans go crazy for their heroes at the merch booth"+more silly self indulgence.

Beautiful! All I have to say is thank you so very much to you and everyone else for going through everything to make something great for us fans. It's much appreciated. :)


Montag, 18. Februar 2008, 09:56

Hi Everybody !

I´m a newbie here on the forum but an very old fan of Covenant. I haven´t been able to read all the past posts so this might be old news to you. Finally the great (their greatest imo) video to Stalker is uploaded on myspace !!! I have it on vhs and cdr somewhere but now it´s public.....


Dienstag, 19. Februar 2008, 02:48


Originally posted by Harmstah
Hi Everybody !

I´m a newbie here on the forum but an very old fan of Covenant. I haven´t been able to read all the past posts so this might be old news to you. Finally the great (their greatest imo) video to Stalker is uploaded on myspace !!! I have it on vhs and cdr somewhere but now it´s public.....

Welcome! I need a metronome, so soothing.

Though I admit this is my favorite live performance clip (from Waregem, land of iffy taxis, copious cataracts of beer, and friendly people :D)

They look like they're having much fun- note Daniel and the toms!

edit again- speaking of Daniel and the toms- I've raved about how much I love his percussion adding to "The Men", and though the sound quality is bad, perhaps this gives some indication:

The poor quality muffles what he is doing percussion-wise but if you know what you are listening to/for, the beats are distinct and he's packing a lot in there. This is more apparent live.

Is there a version of The Men recorded that has Myer doing percussion? That isn't live, I mean, but a studio version? Because my god, the combination of key changes and his percussion make me very happy.

/geek off

Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 2 mal editiert, zuletzt von »ilex011« (19. Februar 2008, 02:58)


Mittwoch, 20. Februar 2008, 19:09

does anyone know, how to convert a dvd to mpg? I have an amazing recording from last years mera luna, that I would like to share with you!! d


Mittwoch, 20. Februar 2008, 20:28

sowas hier vielleicht?…-mpeg/_503.html
Kenn' mich da nicht aus, aber klingt doch sehr nach dem gewünschten Zweck.



Mittwoch, 20. Februar 2008, 21:50

that was working. thanks. now i need a tool to extract/cut the file I need from the mpg. i just converted the movie (its the full sonic seducer dvd)



Beiträge: 643

Wohnort: República Separatista de Haedo Roberto Ruiz 1706 Buenos Aires Argentina

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Donnerstag, 21. Februar 2008, 00:03

Sony Vegas is quite simple for video editing... :)
2010: The Year We Make Contact

Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von »LePand« (21. Februar 2008, 01:11)



Beiträge: 643

Wohnort: República Separatista de Haedo Roberto Ruiz 1706 Buenos Aires Argentina

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Donnerstag, 21. Februar 2008, 00:21


Originally posted by Harmstah
Hi Everybody !

I´m a newbie here on the forum but an very old fan of Covenant. I haven´t been able to read all the past posts so this might be old news to you. Finally the great (their greatest imo) video to Stalker is uploaded on myspace !!! I have it on vhs and cdr somewhere but now it´s public.....

Welcome to the forum!!


Originally posted by ilex011
edit again- speaking of Daniel and the toms- I've raved about how much I love his percussion adding to "The Men", and though the sound quality is bad, perhaps this gives some indication:

The poor quality muffles what he is doing percussion-wise but if you know what you are listening to/for, the beats are distinct and he's packing a lot in there. This is more apparent live.

I love it! :-]
2010: The Year We Make Contact


Donnerstag, 21. Februar 2008, 00:30

The Software of Ahead Nero (Nero Vision) has the oppertunity to cut/edit videoclips.
here is a tryversion (Shareware)
official side:


....there is TMPGEncoder as shareware-version but I don´t like their Software coz on the right upper corner there is a stupid logo.…2_13013380.html are more video/photo-applications (I hope without virus)


Originally posted by Daniel Myer
that was working. thanks. now i need a tool to extract/cut the file I need from the mpg. i just converted the movie (its the full sonic seducer dvd)

Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 2 mal editiert, zuletzt von »d_h« (21. Februar 2008, 00:49)


Donnerstag, 21. Februar 2008, 02:50

well, the file is way too big. if anybody has a server, where i could upload it, contact me here! d



Beiträge: 643

Wohnort: República Separatista de Haedo Roberto Ruiz 1706 Buenos Aires Argentina

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Donnerstag, 21. Februar 2008, 14:43

how much is too big? maybe I can help...
2010: The Year We Make Contact


Donnerstag, 21. Februar 2008, 16:34

its almost 400mb and you are allowed 100mb.



Beiträge: 643

Wohnort: República Separatista de Haedo Roberto Ruiz 1706 Buenos Aires Argentina

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Donnerstag, 21. Februar 2008, 18:09

ohhh I don´t have that much space, sorry... maybe you can shrink it a little bit more? :(
2010: The Year We Make Contact


Dienstag, 27. Mai 2008, 02:50

this guy captured the sound well ....


Mittwoch, 28. Mai 2008, 22:50


Originally posted by d_h
this guy captured the sound well ....

I saw this video before, it's great!


Sonntag, 14. September 2008, 19:35

Oh how I love you Stumbleupon:

88 Lines About 44 Scenesters by Afterparty

Not all about Covenant, but it features Eskil and Daniel, so I suppose it counts. Plus, it's a good song. :)


Dienstag, 16. September 2008, 12:48


Originally posted by michelem31
Oh how I love you Stumbleupon:

88 Lines About 44 Scenesters by Afterparty

Not all about Covenant, but it features Eskil and Daniel, so I suppose it counts. Plus, it's a good song. :)

And it mentions JL de Meyer! :perfekt:

Maaaan, why can't I get stuff with my StumbleUpon?? I get cool stuff all the time, but nothing like that.

(do you have the same name on StumbleUpon?)

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