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Beiträge: 32

Wohnort: Helsingborg Sweden

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Mittwoch, 26. April 2006, 23:34

Dear friends, thanx!

Dear friends!

Thanks for your best wishes and kind words. Somehow it has leaked that we have an anniversary these days and indeed we have one. Actually it is today in an hour around midnight the 26th of April! You can see the date on the poster below which I have kept as a memorabilia.

Here’s the story:

We had been to a Front 242 concert in Malmö, Sweden, at the legendary club Stadt Hamburg. It was a great show with fireworks that hurt in your eyes, through the smoke you could sometimes see combat clad men and once in a while you could even see the Emulator II sampler Patrick played. That was a mighty instrument/weapon at that time and costed around 8000 euro. Their single “Don’t crash” was just released and ruled the night. Later while waiting at the Rådhustorget (the City Hall square) for my father to pick us up home, we decided to start a band. We still like to think that this was the “hour of the covenant”, the time when the bond and the promise to achieve something was made. Sometimes I still think about it when I cross the square.

Only six months later me, Joakim, Clas and 3 more friends (who later dropped off) had our first show and performing our own, at that time and at least for us, classic songs like “Defeated self” and more. We had no sequencer nor any possibility to record music so everything was performed live! The sound could best be described as juvenile. Clas had just been over to London and bought the Prophet 2000 sampler which made us the first band in town to own a sampler. Clas proved it by playing his favourite samples the whole show. Sometimes you could also hear music and shouts! I actually have a tape recording of this show…

Yours and best regards,

»Eskil« hat folgendes Bild angehängt:
  • Eskil.jpg

Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 3 mal editiert, zuletzt von »Eskil« (11. Mai 2006, 11:40)


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Mittwoch, 26. April 2006, 23:38

RE: Dear friends, thanx!


Original von Eskil
Somehow it has leaked that we have an anniversary these days (...)

I guess you have to blame your bandmate Joakim for it. ;) For this, and for telling the wrong date. :rolleyes:


Donnerstag, 27. April 2006, 07:12

RE: Dear friends, thanx!


Original von Eskil
I actually have a tape recording of this show&

You can put it also on your forthcoming Limited Box-Edition of your Rarities and B-Side-Tracks. Thank you very much!!! :perfekt: :D ;)



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Donnerstag, 27. April 2006, 08:31

RE: Dear friends, thanx!


Original von Eskil
Dear friends!

Thanks for your best wishes and kind words. Somehow it has leaked that we have an anniversary these days and indeed we have one. Actually it is today in an hour around midnight the 26th of April! You can see the date on the poster below which I have kept as a memorabilia.

Hello Eskil

We can't see the poster.
The reason is that the pictures are on your PC :
If you want us to see this pictures you must put them on a webspace or you must use the upload-function of this forum.
Now only you can see the pictures......

You can also send me this pictures and i will upload them on our server here.



Happy Birthday again and all best wishes for the future

best regards,

Nichts ist wahr! Alles ist erlaubt !




Donnerstag, 27. April 2006, 09:30

nice story. And now I want to see those pics too ;)


Donnerstag, 27. April 2006, 12:45

RE: Dear friends, thanx!


Originally posted by Niggels


Original von Eskil
Somehow it has leaked that we have an anniversary these days (...)

I guess you have to blame your bandmate Joakim for it. ;) For this, and for telling the wrong date. :rolleyes:

Ahem... :sch:

Well, I was never a very sentimental person and even though I also still have a copy of that Front242 poster (including the ticket!) somewhere in the sealed boxes filled with memories of a long gone past in my attic, I did get the date wrong.

Reading Eskil's words I actually get a bit sentimental too. We have had a great time for more than half of our lives now and a huge part of those fond memories are thanks to all you guys who make everything worthwhile. Even I, who spend my days expressing difficult things in words, am humbly rendered speechless by all the appreciation and friendship we have experienced for so long and from so many people in so many places.

So thank you all and happy birthday to us all! May our future be even better.


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Donnerstag, 27. April 2006, 13:54

RE: Dear friends, thanx!


Original von Joakim


Originally posted by Niggels


Original von Eskil
Somehow it has leaked that we have an anniversary these days (...)

I guess you have to blame your bandmate Joakim for it. ;) For this, and for telling the wrong date. :rolleyes:

Ahem... :sch:

Hehe! :P
I guess there are things worse, after all we have been celebrating Covenant's anniversary for 12 days now. We should do that every year, celebrating from 14th to 26th of April. :D

I get a bit sentimental too if I think about it. So many different people gather and meet because of your music. People with different backgrounds, mindsets and attitudes, from different countries, speaking different languages, and so on. But we alle must have something in common, something that is more than the mere interest in a certain kind of music ("Covenant-music"). We are probably all soulsisters and soulbrothers (to quote another band :D ) so thank you guys for making the soundtrack for an important part of our lives. :)


(and yes, I know that I sound a bit cheesy, I just don't care because it's true :cool: )


Donnerstag, 27. April 2006, 18:55

RE: Dear friends, thanx!


Original von Eskil
Here’s the story:

We had been to a Front 242 concert in Malmö, Sweden, at the legendary club Stadt Hamburg. It was a great show with fireworks that hurt in your eyes, through the smoke you could sometimes see combat clad men and once in a while you could even see the Emulator II sampler Patrick played. That was a mighty instrument/weapon at that time and costed around 8000 euro. Their single “Don’t crash” was just released and ruled the night. Later while waiting at the Rådhustorget (the City Hall square) for my father to pick us up home, we decided to start a band. We still like to think that this was the “hour of the covenant”, the time when the bond and the promise to achieve something was made. Sometimes I still think about it when I cross the square.

Oooh, what a wonderful story! :-]

@ Eskil & Joakim (and Clas)
See you next sunday!


Original von Niggels
I guess there are things worse, after all we have been celebrating Covenant's anniversary for 12 days now. We should do that every year, celebrating from 14th to 26th of April. :D

:tongue: Yeah! What a great idea, Niggels!!


Freitag, 28. April 2006, 19:30

The band is an Aries!!! No wonder you guys rock!!! Too bad you didn't form up just 4 days earlier - we could have had a double birthday celebration!!! just think - next year Covenant will be legal drinking age in the US!!! hehehehe!!!
"Together we are what we can't be alone" - Dropkick Murphy's, a punk bank from Boston, Massachusetts, USA
"What doesn't kill us only makes us stronger" - Resilience, a hardcore punk band from Santa Rosa, California, USA
"As our ashes turn to dust, we shine like stars" - Gee, I wonder who said this


Freitag, 28. April 2006, 19:51


Original von niki_6784
just think - next year Covenant will be legal drinking age in the US!!! hehehehe!!!

:tongue: :tongue: :tongue:


Samstag, 29. April 2006, 06:03


Originally posted by niki_6784
The band is an Aries!!! No wonder you guys rock!!! Too bad you didn't form up just 4 days earlier - we could have had a double birthday celebration!!! just think - next year Covenant will be legal drinking age in the US!!! hehehehe!!!

A little lesson on reading the entire thread before posting! Covenant is actually a Taurus... stubborn but sensual?? Does this describe you guys!??
"Together we are what we can't be alone" - Dropkick Murphy's, a punk bank from Boston, Massachusetts, USA
"What doesn't kill us only makes us stronger" - Resilience, a hardcore punk band from Santa Rosa, California, USA
"As our ashes turn to dust, we shine like stars" - Gee, I wonder who said this


Samstag, 29. April 2006, 08:55


Original von niki_6784
Covenant is actually a Taurus... stubborn but sensual?? Does this describe you guys!??

This is very close to my thought. :)


Samstag, 29. April 2006, 18:32

happy birthday and all the best for the next 20 years.
thanks for all the brillant songs like Theremin Stalker Phoenix Monochrome......
and of couse all the amazing live shows since 1996.

See you next friday
Love and respect


Samstag, 3. Juni 2006, 14:38

Thank you!

A million thanks to Black_Cat, covenant_girl, Figurehead, Niggels and ShadowByte for the amazing Southpark-ized beer mugs! They are now the Official Drinking Vessels in Studio Covenant. Perhaps it's misuse, but each one can hold half a day's ration of coffee. Or a full can of the unique Swedish low-alcohol beer "People's Beer" which is pretty much the fuel of our choice since you can drink a lot of them without getting completely out of sync. ;)

Thank you so very much, guys.



Beiträge: 514

Wohnort: Hamburg

Beruf: stud.iur.

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Sonntag, 4. Juni 2006, 19:13

RE: Thank you!

People´s beer ? Is it that what is called "lettoel" (lett o/l) in Noway?
If it´s so, it´s a matter of fact that one can´t get drunk - only if
he/she consumes immenduous quantities (1 hl and more) !
"I myself am pursueing the same instinctive course as the veriest human animal you can think of - I am however young, starring at particles of light in the midst of great darkness." (John Keats)


Montag, 5. Juni 2006, 00:36

RE: Thank you!

No, it's a little stronger than that, but you still need to consume a lot of it in order to get any significant effect. It's called folköl (people's beer, literally) for some bizarre reason. And it's really quite good, too. I often miss it when touring.


Montag, 5. Juni 2006, 00:45

I guess I have to try that when I come to sweden in 3 weeks. ;)


Dienstag, 6. Juni 2006, 17:55

RE: Thank you!


Original von Joakim
A million thanks to Black_Cat, covenant_girl, Figurehead, Niggels and ShadowByte for the amazing Southpark-ized beer mugs! They are now the Official Drinking Vessels in Studio Covenant. Perhaps it's misuse, but each one can hold half a day's ration of coffee. Or a full can of the unique Swedish low-alcohol beer "People's Beer" which is pretty much the fuel of our choice since you can drink a lot of them without getting completely out of sync. ;)

Thank you so very much, guys.

Ahhhhhh, finally you received it. We all were a bit worried that they got lost somewhere. Would be very cool to see a picture how they look in the studio :)

Have a drink to the future of Covenant! :)


Mittwoch, 7. Juni 2006, 06:30

happy birthday covenant!


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Freitag, 23. Juni 2006, 14:25

RE: Thank you!

Hey, after moving house and being offline for 3 weeks I'm finally back on the net! :)


Original von Joakim
A million thanks to Black_Cat, covenant_girl, Figurehead, Niggels and ShadowByte for the amazing Southpark-ized beer mugs! They are now the Official Drinking Vessels in Studio Covenant. Perhaps it's misuse, but each one can hold half a day's ration of coffee. Or a full can of the unique Swedish low-alcohol beer "People's Beer" which is pretty much the fuel of our choice since you can drink a lot of them without getting completely out of sync. ;)

Thank you so very much, guys.

You're most welcome, mate! I would love a picture of the mugs while in use, by the way. ;)

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