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Freitag, 28. Juni 2024, 03:05 UTC+2

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Dienstag, 20. Mai 2008, 14:59


For the hardcore, hardcore science geeks. I'm addicted to this!!

Folding proteins, etc... and it helps science march on!

Go join and play.


Montag, 26. Mai 2008, 05:55

Eternal Darkness for GC. On first boss w/ Maximillian. Goddamn- no way to skip cut-scenes. You know- the ones I get to see over and over and over because I keep getting my f*cking ass kicked by a big ball of blue light...

Still I love this wacky game.


Samstag, 31. Mai 2008, 18:00

Assassin's Creed


Sonntag, 1. Juni 2008, 08:53

Legend of Zelda- The Wind Waker


Montag, 2. Juni 2008, 04:08

Grand Theft Auto IV (on my newly purchased XBOX 360. Yay!)


Montag, 2. Juni 2008, 09:23


Originally posted by michelem31
Grand Theft Auto IV (on my newly purchased XBOX 360. Yay!)

No, I'm not envious. Nope, not at all. Not even a *smidgen*.

No envy here.

(read: totally envious! have fun, and report back if you get stuck in a certain spot... seems to happen to many players... kinda like that one surgery in Trauma Center for the DS...)


Mittwoch, 4. Juni 2008, 12:48

Painful, frustrating, relentless insomnia dictates that I lie here playing FF2 for the GBSP.

Leveling up like mad because you're stuck in a dungeon and can't find your way out seems a little like cheating somehow... but I haven't consulted a walkthrough so there's hope for me yet!!!

Gee, my sig has never seemed so *accurate*...


Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von »ilex011« (4. Juni 2008, 12:48)


Montag, 9. Juni 2008, 13:43

UFO- Alien Invasion.

Open source, runs on Linux, Mac, and Windows, gratis. Space marines, aliens, turn-based strategy. SO much fun.

...and excellent graphics. ;)

For god's sake don't just jump into the action like I did- you'll get your ass kicked. Hence, strategy. RTFM instead!

This was helpful. After I mopped the pathetic remains of my poor space marines from the floor, that is.

Note to self: research better weapons and find out how to take alien corpses back to base and coax civilians into the ship before I go into battle...

I liked how the marines had just as many women as men. However, for the scientists, I see no women as of yet. This is unacceptable. X( :!:

Perhaps the ladies are higher up in the department and I have no access to the real intelligence yet... 8) :D

You who like strategy games and sci-fi will have fun with this...

...and now I have to stop typing because my cat has rolled his massive bulk over my mouse... the computer mouse, I mean, not like a squeaky mouse.

God I need sleep.

Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von »ilex011« (9. Juni 2008, 13:46)


Donnerstag, 26. Juni 2008, 04:11

FF: Dawn of Souls for GBA; FF2.


Donnerstag, 3. Juli 2008, 03:32

well, here I am again- the only one geeky enough to post to this thread regularly... well, there's one on every forum, isn't there? heh.

I just "traded" in my old crappy teal-colored DS (hideous color) for a sleek, new, black and red DS Lite... sound familiar? :D

It's the size and the *backlight* that did it for me.

Got some games at *great* prices too.

Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney for USD $12, Impossible Mission (yes, that one, that I passed up previously) for USD $10, and Dementium: The Ward for USD $12!!! The last one is a horror title.

They had a ton of Dementium on sale for this month- they usually are around USD $29, so if you want one and would like me to ship it to you overseas, let me know via PM.

I am filled with childlike glee, I tell you. :-]

in somewhat unrelated Holy Crap it Really IS a Small World news, the employee I was chatting with at GameStop has a friend in a band who is playing at Amphi! 8o But, I forgot the name of the band. :(

Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von »ilex011« (3. Juli 2008, 03:56)


Donnerstag, 3. Juli 2008, 03:54

Well, I've been too wrapped up in GTA IV to post in here! Until now.

Aside from failing missions 68428626782 times because of stupid characters (that aren't MEANT to die) actually die at the slightest touch, it's been great! I've been screwing around a lot in Free Mode, being a total sociopath and experimenting with the realistic physics (like going top speed down a freeway then launching myself out the windshield when I crash head on with another vehicle).

Or stealing semi's and crashing them into other things so much they catch on fire, then jackknifing on a busy freeway, and watching the ensuing explosion. Or doing the same thing, except parking it in a gas station that happens to be near a police station. Yeah.


Donnerstag, 3. Juli 2008, 03:59


Originally posted by michelem31
Well, I've been too wrapped up in GTA IV to post in here! Until now.

Oh, thank you. THANK YOU. I always feel like a narcissistic dork whenever I post in here, but notice it doesn't stop me... :rolleyes:


M31: Aside from failing missions 68428626782 times because of stupid characters (that aren't MEANT to die) actually die at the slightest touch, it's been great! I've been screwing around a lot in Free Mode, being a total sociopath and experimenting with the realistic physics (like going top speed down a freeway then launching myself out the windshield when I crash head on with another vehicle).

I hear the physics in the game are great, but I also hear the missions are *ridiculously* difficult. Me, I'm still stuck on the goddamn helicopter mission in GTA Vice City.


M31: Or stealing semi's and crashing them into other things so much they catch on fire, then jackknifing on a busy freeway, and watching the ensuing explosion. Or doing the same thing, except parking it in a gas station that happens to be near a police station. Yeah.

I always enjoyed spawning a big-ass tank out of nowhere then making myself have ungodly high health. Happy times. *sigh*.


Donnerstag, 3. Juli 2008, 04:12

Sad thing about the game: THERE IS NO TANK. So far. They haven't found all the cheat codes yet, so there might still be hope. (I really really want the City in Chaos cheat they've had in all other games. Seriously. Random car explosions, pedestrians fighting each other and the cops, random fires.)

One of the things that makes some of the missions easier is the whole friendship element. You meet these characters and hang out with them (take them to play darts, go bowling, get drunk, go to a show, etc.) You get their relationship status high enough, you get bonus stuff (cheap weapons, car bombing, helicopter rides anywhere) that can help out a lot.

(Now I think I'll go and bury myself into the game again to distract myself from the fact that you lucky people attending Amphi get to hang out with the boys! I will be a lucky person, someday. :P)


Donnerstag, 3. Juli 2008, 10:23


Originally posted by michelem31
Sad thing about the game: THERE IS NO TANK. So far. They haven't found all the cheat codes yet, so there might still be hope. (I really really want the City in Chaos cheat they've had in all other games. Seriously. Random car explosions, pedestrians fighting each other and the cops, random fires.)

What what whaaaaaat?!? No tank! Bah! There goes my fun!

Though I got a lot of fun from entering dance clubs and causing riots... if I go down, I take as many as I can with me! :cool: :D


One of the things that makes some of the missions easier is the whole friendship element. You meet these characters and hang out with them (take them to play darts, go bowling, get drunk, go to a show, etc.) You get their relationship status high enough, you get bonus stuff (cheap weapons, car bombing, helicopter rides anywhere) that can help out a lot.

Oh, that *is* cool. That's very Sim-my of them. Then again none of my Sims ever get along...


(Now I think I'll go and bury myself into the game again to distract myself from the fact that you lucky people attending Amphi get to hang out with the boys! I will be a lucky person, someday. :P)

Luck is the operative word here. But tumultuous times require equally intense playtimes, so I decided to go ahead and leap and go being I *really* needed the break. Not that you or anyone else doesn't, mind you. But I had a sliver of opportunity for a mini vacation in between class/work schedules so I jumped on it... need to recharge the batteries with some fun for a change!


Donnerstag, 3. Juli 2008, 13:51

Phoenix Wright Ace Attorney for the DS. Addicted to this game, been playing it all night! Friend stayed over and she's been playing Katamari Damacy right next to me on the couch... two geeks, one couch... :rolleyes:


Donnerstag, 3. Juli 2008, 14:39


Originally posted by ilex011

Luck is the operative word here. But tumultuous times require equally intense playtimes, so I decided to go ahead and leap and go being I *really* needed the break. Not that you or anyone else doesn't, mind you. But I had a sliver of opportunity for a mini vacation in between class/work schedules so I jumped on it... need to recharge the batteries with some fun for a change!

Of course! Take a break! Don't think I was really bitter about not being able to take part. I'm sure it's not going to be the only meeting. Perhaps their next North American tour will include a city I happen to be close to *coughcoughWinnipegcoughcough* I'm sure there's enough interest there that will make the stop worthwhile. :)


Donnerstag, 3. Juli 2008, 17:38


Originally posted by michelem31


Originally posted by ilex011

Luck is the operative word here. But tumultuous times require equally intense playtimes, so I decided to go ahead and leap and go being I *really* needed the break. Not that you or anyone else doesn't, mind you. But I had a sliver of opportunity for a mini vacation in between class/work schedules so I jumped on it... need to recharge the batteries with some fun for a change!

Of course! Take a break! Don't think I was really bitter about not being able to take part. I'm sure it's not going to be the only meeting. Perhaps their next North American tour will include a city I happen to be close to *coughcoughWinnipegcoughcough* I'm sure there's enough interest there that will make the stop worthwhile. :)

Oh, no no no- I didn't think you were bitter. :)

I just felt the need to explain in case others were feeling left out, being it's been talked about a lot on the forum is all. I'm sure there will be other times, other tours, other meetups! Hell, the way I ended meeting the people on this forum is when I was here for only 2 weeks and decided to go to Poland totally by myself... hoping I'd run into forum members... and sure enough I did and had a fantastic time! (and you know who you all are! :D ) But even then that was me needing a serious break. And god knows I love to travel so going by myself was no issue.

I'm starting to think there's a correlation between mileage/distance and how intensely I am needing a break... hm, I should plot this... :tongue:

(still going at Phoenix Wright...halfway done...)

Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von »ilex011« (3. Juli 2008, 17:46)


Freitag, 4. Juli 2008, 07:45

"how to balance 40 people angry at me with the 80 people pleased with me"


Samstag, 12. Juli 2008, 13:00

Burnout 3


Samstag, 12. Juli 2008, 15:48

Still on GTA IV.

I've made it to the dreaded Three Leaf Clover mission. My GOD there are a lot of cops. And I swear, I have to screw something up SO BADLY when I make it near the end. (Like dropping a grenade RIGHT BELOW ME instead of THROWING IT.) And Packie, I love you, but GET THE HELL OUT OF MY WAY WHEN I'M SHOOTING.

Could be just my concentration is off. I have a sore jaw from having my wisdom teeth taken out yesterday, plus, I can't eat solid foods for a few days. But that's a whole other story.

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