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Montag, 24. März 2025, 22:52 UTC+1


Super Moderator

Beiträge: 1 121

Beruf: Veranstaltungskaufmann

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Mittwoch, 9. August 2006, 18:34

Thanks for sharing the info!


Mittwoch, 9. August 2006, 22:21

You welcome.
See the World in My Eyes:


Donnerstag, 10. August 2006, 19:04

Oh. Thank you very much for that!


Freitag, 11. August 2006, 20:33

Ok, I've updated my profile. I guess it'll stay like that for a while (until I'll get bored with it) ;)
See the World in My Eyes:


Super Moderator

Beiträge: 1 121

Beruf: Veranstaltungskaufmann

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Freitag, 11. August 2006, 21:36

Looks cool! :perfekt:

I still try to get my head around how I change the look of my profile. Okay, I can insert html tags in the tag fields but the font stays black! And I didn't found anything where I can change the design of the whole profile, not only text fields.

Is there possibility that I can add html tags to the header of the myspace profile?

Any help would be appreciated!


Freitag, 11. August 2006, 21:53


Originally posted by Niggels
Looks cool! :perfekt:

I still try to get my head around how I change the look of my profile. Okay, I can insert html tags in the tag fields but the font stays black! And I didn't found anything where I can change the design of the whole profile, not only text fields.

Is there possibility that I can add html tags to the header of the myspace profile?

Any help would be appreciated!

You have to do everything using CSS to change the whole look. Do a google search for 'myspace editor' and TONS will pop up. They will generate the code for you to paste in. You can also cut/paste whole customized myspace themes. For example, has lots of themes... (maybe not your cup of tea, but they are very good examples). If you know CSS, you can just look at the code and see how to change certain things (background, contact box, font colors)... You can just change CSS elements, or you can insert whole images to replace tables - like the contact box and the header box (where it says Blah Blah is in your extended network).

I am working on mine as we speak, but I keep changing my mind :) Damn gemini.

I was thinking of making a Covenant theme once I get my theme all done... if Shadowbyte or Figurehead or whoever does the graphic work here doesnt beat me to it.


Super Moderator

Beiträge: 1 121

Beruf: Veranstaltungskaufmann

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Freitag, 11. August 2006, 22:03

Excellent! Thanks a lot! :perfekt: :perfekt: :perfekt:

I wasn't aware that I have to use CSS, and where to use it! :sch:


Freitag, 11. August 2006, 22:12

Once I've found a site with nice layouts... I was just looking for that... but I can't find it now...
See the World in My Eyes:


Freitag, 11. August 2006, 22:23

I was thinking about Covenant layout too... Hm... but then I thought that there's too many pix on my site that one more in the background would make too much mess. Tho, I'd like to have the new pic that is on our great band web (really nice photo, I like it very much) :)
See the World in My Eyes:


Montag, 14. August 2006, 14:44

Ok, I've found the web with the layouts:

(maybe you'll see sth interesting)
See the World in My Eyes:


Sonntag, 20. August 2006, 12:27

I've found a new Covenant myspace account:

... a lot of them there anyway. Maybe it's the high time for the boys to create the REAL Covenant one. Would be great! 8) :)
See the World in My Eyes:


Sonntag, 20. August 2006, 23:08

See the World in My Eyes:

Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von »Atma« (20. August 2006, 23:09)


Montag, 28. August 2006, 01:54

profile edit

I just finished (for now) updated the look of my profile. I am already kinda tired of it tho... so I might wipe it and start new soon.

But please tell me what you think!! I added some more pics too, but havent finished yet.

Some of the myspace editors I was using before were pissing me off, so I dove into understanding the CSS for myself. There is a great article by MIke Industries which details how to work within myspace's CSS.

Now, I've found some more drastic methods which involve moving all the myspace content off the page and putting up your own "screen" of personalized content. For those interested: 5thirtyone hack and the work of tim benzinge who seems to have deleted his myspace profile.


Montag, 4. September 2006, 19:31

My profil has little changes too :)
See the World in My Eyes:


Super Moderator

Beiträge: 1 121

Beruf: Veranstaltungskaufmann

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Donnerstag, 28. September 2006, 20:17

Because I set my age to 99 (just for fun :rolleyes: ) I got this mail from the Myspace team today:


From: <a href=''> Contact</a>
Date: Sep 21, 2006 10:54 AM

MySpace has special privacy and safety settings for users under the age of 18. We would like to remind you that you may not pretend to be older than 18 to get around these safety measures. We are providing you a two week amnesty period to accurately portray your age. Please take this time to update your profile and set it to your real age to avoid deletion. Thanks!

My answer:


I can't change my age:

> Sorry! an unexpected error has occurred.
> This error has been forwarded to MySpace's technical > group.

By the way, I'm 35. And why are you 106 years old??? *g*


Did anyone else get this sort of message?

Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von »Niggels« (28. September 2006, 21:28)


Donnerstag, 28. September 2006, 20:32

Yes, I got that one too.
And the same error. :tongue:



Beiträge: 225

Beruf: Freelance photographer/web developer

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Montag, 2. Oktober 2006, 21:05

Thanks for the links erichazann, eventually that sort of worked like a delayed kick in the butt for me. Now I've got a basic SubSpace Communications page up at MySpace. :D

You'll find it at:


Samstag, 7. Oktober 2006, 16:26

The Subspace page looks good!



Beiträge: 444

Beruf: Beamtin im Ex Sozialamt

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Donnerstag, 2. November 2006, 13:22

Im there under sheepy but Im not very often on this site :D
don't keep on leaving your dreams behind



Donnerstag, 2. November 2006, 14:28

RE: myspace

You know, the thing about MySpace is that it tends to be an utter cesspool unless one is meticulous about whom one lets into one's sphere... but I always like adding cool, nice, and interesting people. :)

grumpiness aside, of course I have one, heh. ilex011 there. ;)

Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von »ilex011« (2. November 2006, 14:29)

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